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  1. Last 7 days
    1. individuals who display such behavior may find it difficult to meet the requirements of a regular work environment (Barkley and Murphy 2010). They generally seek activities that do not require close supervision and that allow them to work independently

      This is interesting to me because I feel like I sort of relate to this idea in a few ways. Like I don't like to do chores when my parents are home because I feel micromanaged even when I'm not.

    2. that adults with ADHD are easily distracted when fulfilling “boring, repetitive” tasks and tend to perform better when working in novel settings or engaging in activities that they are passionate about. Because they seem to be more creative and prefer to engage in non-repetitive, idea-generating tasks, adults who exhibit ADHD-like behavior are more likely to pursue occupational activities that will enable them to exploit their creativity. At the same time, creating something new is a common motive for having entrepreneurial intentions and pursuing an entrepreneurial career (Carter et al. 2003; Cassar 2007), and it also distinguishes entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs (Carland et al. 1984).

      Statement regarding what tasks those with ADHD excel at

    3. The relationship between ADHD-like behavior and entrepreneurial intentions is mediated by risk taking propensity.

      Hypothesis 4

    4. Risk taking propensity is positively related to entrepreneurial intentions.

      Hypothesis 3

    5. ADHD-like behavior is positively related to risk taking propensity.

      Hypothesis 2

    6. Individuals who experience ADHD-like behavior, such as restlessness and hyperactivity, tend to experience a chronic state of “under-arousal” (Shaw and Giambra 1993; White 1999). According to the optimal stimulation theory (Zentall and Zentall 1983), individuals who are exposed to ongoing low levels of incoming sensory stimulation have the habit to respond by showing “deviating” behavior aimed at increasing the level of sensory inputs. Loo et al. (2009) show that adults who exhibit ADHD are in need for continuously high levels of arousal (“cortical activation”) to sustain their attention. They may therefore seek self-stimulation by way of engaging in excessive activity or, alternatively, in activities that induce higher arousal levels.

      This whole section sounds super sexual to me lol

    7. ADHD-like behavior is positively related to entrepreneurial intentions.

      Hypothesis 1:

    8. Thus, it seems that one underlying factor explaining the preference for entrepreneurship among students with ADHD-like behavior is the tendency to search for, and engage in, stimulating activities to compensate for their experienced under-arousal. Because of their willingness to take risks in general, they are also more likely to prefer an entrepreneurial career instead of one in wage-employment.

      Reasons why this is true*

    9. Investigating the career intentions of over 10,000 university students, we find that ADHD-like behavior is positively related to entrepreneurial intentions. These findings convey two main messages. First, students with ADHD-like behavior seem to prefer an entrepreneurial career over one in wage-employment. Second, the preference for an entrepreneurial career of students who show ADHD-like behavior may be explained on the basis of the P–E fit theory. In other words, students base their career choices, at least to some extent, on their perceived fit with the work environment and the demands of entrepreneurship relative to wage-employment.

      Final results

    10. To summarize, a career in entrepreneurship appears to show a relative good fit with individuals who exhibit higher levels of ADHD-like behavior. We therefore assume that they are more likely to have entrepreneurial intentions.

      Summary of point

    11. adults who experience such behaviors tend to show substandard job performance (de Graaf et al. 2008; Halbesleben et al. 2013; Nadeau 2005) and have a higher chance of becoming unemployed (Barkley et al. 2006; Kessler et al. 2005). Even when equipped with higher levels of intelligence, few of them are found in higher-ranked occupational positions (de Graaf et al. 2008). At the same time, however, they may have specific talents. Recently, The Economist (2012) praised such “disorganization men” for their gift of breaking through business routines and inertia because of their ability to envision and create new realities. When they manage to develop “resilience” mechanisms to cope with their “weaknesses,” individuals who exhibit behavior associated with ADHD may even outperform others in particular work environments, for example, in jobs that require fast decision making or creativity (Bozionelos and Bozionelos 2013).

      When person with ADHD develops a specific skill, they can outperform non ADHD person

    12. Though the exact causes of clinical ADHD are not known, medical studies find consistent evidence that the disorder has a neurobiological origin (Mathis et al. 2014) and is genetically determined (Thapar et al. 1999; Mathis et al. 2014) with genetics contributing to about 60–75 % of cases

      the fact that it is genetic might be important.

    13. In this study, we examine the relation between individual behaviors associated with ADHD and the intention to pursue an entrepreneurial career. Our paper links the literature on the consequences of ADHD to research about the determinants of entrepreneurship (Block et al. 2013; Verheul et al. 2012). So far, this literature has remained largely silent on the effects of psychiatric symptoms on entrepreneurship. Prior research has taken a psychological perspective and investigated the effects of different personality characteristics on entrepreneurship intentions (Lee et al. 2011; Nyock Ilouga et al. 2014) as well as the decision to become and stay self-employed (Beugelsdijk and Noorderhaven 2005; Caliendo et al. 2014), but has not taken an explicit psychiatric symptom perspective, which we do in our study.

      Restatement of overall purpose and goal with more detail

    14. Entrepreneurs are commonly characterized as individuals who have high energy levels (Kets de Vries 1985), who dare to pursue risky activities and who show resilience in times of adversity (Markman et al. 2005). At the same time, there is anecdotal evidence of successful entrepreneurs with ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) such as David Neeleman (founder of JetBlue Airlines) and Paul Orfalea (founder of Kinko’s) (The Economist 2012).

      Definition and examples.

    15. Using a sample of 10,104 students enrolled in higher education, we can confirm our prediction that students with a higher level of ADHD-like behavior are more likely to have entrepreneurial intentions.

      Important statistic, perfectly summarized the overall purpose of the article.

  2. Dec 2024
    1. irst, directly, it affects our labor, as all unproducing classes detract from the prosperity of a community. Ohio is anagricultural State. Negroes will not farm. They prefer to laze or serve around towns and cities....But suppose they do work, or work a little, or a part of them work well; what then is the effect upon our mechanics andlaboring men? It is said that many of them make good blacksmiths, carpenters, &c., and especially good servants. If thatbe so, there are white laborers North whose sweat is to be coined into taxes to ransom these negroes; and the first effect of



  3. Nov 2024
    1. I asked it multiple questions about topics I’ve recently covered, so Iwasn’t shocked to see my article linked, as a footnote, way at the bottom of the box containingthe answer to my query. But I was caught off guard by how much the first paragraph of an AIOverview pulled directly from my writing.

      This connects back to the argument about AI plagiarizing the work of other writers

  4. Oct 2024
    1. the article will show that it is critical to a complexof interlinked innovations in technology, machines andinfrastructures. These material apparatuses and tech-nologies deplete scarce resources in their production,consumption and disposal, thus increasing the amountsof energy expended in their use and exacerbate prob-lems of waste and pollution. AI also relies on datacenters that demand impressive amounts of energy tocompute, analyze, and categorize with grave conse-quences for the Climate Emergency

      thesis restated!

    2. With this article, I’d like to open another black boxthat concerns the recent acceleration of AI develop-ments: data mining and computational evaluations ofpersons and corporations have far-reaching


    3. Artificial Intelligence- Brevini argues- runs on technology, machines, and infrastructures that deplete scarce resources intheir production, consumption, and disposal, thus increasing the amounts of energy in their use, and exacerbateproblems of waste and pollution.


    1. Gentlemen deceive themselves. It is not free trade that they are recommending to ouracceptance. It is in effect, the British colonial system that we are invited to adopt; and, iftheir policy prevail, it will lead substantially to the re-colonization of these States, underthe commercial dominion of Great Britain. . . .

      If the plan was adopted it would lead to the colonies practically being recolonized by england.

    2. When gentlemen have succeeded in their design of an immediate or gradual destructionof the American System, what is their substitute? Free trade? Free trade! The call for freetrade is as unavailing as the cry of a spoiled child, in its nurse's arms, for the moon, or thestars that glitter in the firmament of heaven.

      This is what critics want

    3. This transformation of the condition of the country from gloom and distress to brightnessand prosperity, has been mainly the work of American legislation, fostering Americanindustry, instead of allowing it to be controlled by foreign legislation, cherishing foreignindustry.

      This is the reason why


    1. Crimes can occur anywhere, affecting people of all races and social standing. But Black, Latino, and poor crime victims are more likely to report the incidents to police than White and wealthier victims, according to the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics.

      Interesting because I've heard the exact opposite statement

    1. t’s why works can be organized by genre and subgenre; academics can propose grand unified theories ofliterature; folklorists can systematically classify thousands of recurring motifs in myths, legends, andfables around the world; and friends and algorithms can curate playlists of songs and stories just for you.And when repetition tends toward the formulaic, it’s also why AI can be used by Hollywood to “predict”a film’s performance based on its screenplay, by writers to churn out novels, and by researchersto manifest scientific papers.

      author provided sources, is planned

    2. o claim that AI models like ChatGPT and DALL-E will replace art created bypeople is to ignore both the ineffable qualities of the human touch and the critical flaws of thesemodels—or so say the artists and writers.

      Testing ideas


    1. Recurrent Themes

      this section may be important for the writing

    2. Think of a conversation between yourself and a friend regarding buying expensivetickets for a concert.

      might be important

  5. Sep 2024
    1. how GenAI will impact or change your college writingexperiences?

      Generally when I think about AI, My concerns focus more on people and corporations using it to replace writers and artists. That's the big concern that I still have with AI. Also, I personally have never used ChatGTP so I don't understand exactly how you can use it without cheating? I don't understand

    2. The information they supply can be inaccurate or biased.

      This is completely true, I have heard stories of ChatGTP giving flat out incorrect information when students attempt to use it to cheat their research assignments. However, I doubt this will be a problem for long, people used the same arguments for why Wikipedia isn't a viable source for research. its likely that ChatGTP will continue getting better and better until this is no longer a problem.

    3. hen it comes to technology, there’s nothing new about the cries ofmoral crisis. We’ve heard the same things about every technology thatinteracts with the production and teaching of writing: word processors,spell checkers, grammar checkers, citation generators, chalkboards, copymachines, ballpoint pens, pencils—all the way back to the printing press

      Fear mongering about a new technology making the writing process easier is nothing new. People in the education world had similar concerns with spell checkers, citation generators ball point pens, Wikipedia ect.

    4. AI writers have been churningout content for at least a decade in places we might not even suspect.

      This is shocking to me because I had no idea that AI was being used for a full decade, and that it is being used by NEWS stations of all places.

    5. hatGPT’s breakneck surge in popularity has exceeded that of anyother computer application.

      ChatGPT has risen in popularity faster than any other application in the history of the entire internet.


      This section will go into some history and explain how people have always used shortcuts to automate the writing process, and that AI is just its newest form.


      This section of the chapter will introduce the basic concepts that will be expanded upon in later sections of the chapter.