7 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. how GenAI will impact or change your college writingexperiences?

      Generally when I think about AI, My concerns focus more on people and corporations using it to replace writers and artists. That's the big concern that I still have with AI. Also, I personally have never used ChatGTP so I don't understand exactly how you can use it without cheating? I don't understand

    2. The information they supply can be inaccurate or biased.

      This is completely true, I have heard stories of ChatGTP giving flat out incorrect information when students attempt to use it to cheat their research assignments. However, I doubt this will be a problem for long, people used the same arguments for why Wikipedia isn't a viable source for research. its likely that ChatGTP will continue getting better and better until this is no longer a problem.

    3. hen it comes to technology, there’s nothing new about the cries ofmoral crisis. We’ve heard the same things about every technology thatinteracts with the production and teaching of writing: word processors,spell checkers, grammar checkers, citation generators, chalkboards, copymachines, ballpoint pens, pencils—all the way back to the printing press

      Fear mongering about a new technology making the writing process easier is nothing new. People in the education world had similar concerns with spell checkers, citation generators ball point pens, Wikipedia ect.

    4. AI writers have been churningout content for at least a decade in places we might not even suspect.

      This is shocking to me because I had no idea that AI was being used for a full decade, and that it is being used by NEWS stations of all places.

    5. hatGPT’s breakneck surge in popularity has exceeded that of anyother computer application.

      ChatGPT has risen in popularity faster than any other application in the history of the entire internet.


      This section will go into some history and explain how people have always used shortcuts to automate the writing process, and that AI is just its newest form.


      This section of the chapter will introduce the basic concepts that will be expanded upon in later sections of the chapter.