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  1. Sep 2024
    1. When ChatGPT brought the conversation about GenAI and education to the public, much of the media coverage focused on concerns that this new tool would launch a level of academic dishonesty never witnessed before, as students would use GenAI to cheat on their assignments and circum- vent their own learning.

      This paragraph stuck out to me because I remember when ChatGPT was getting popular around school, and all the teachers told us that if we used AI, it is cheating and it's prohibited.

    2. In a revealing survey published by Best Colleges, over half the college students surveyed in March of 2023 claimed that their instruc- tors had not spoken with them about GenAI tools like ChatGPT.?

      I thought this was interesting because in 2023 I think ChatGPT and many other AI tools were very prevalent, so I thought most, if not all, instructors would have already talked to their students about this.

    3. The information they supply can be inaccurate or biased.

      This is completely true, I have heard stories of ChatGTP giving flat out incorrect information when students attempt to use it to cheat their research assignments. However, I doubt this will be a problem for long, people used the same arguments for why Wikipedia isn't a viable source for research. its likely that ChatGTP will continue getting better and better until this is no longer a problem.

    4. AI writers have been churningout content for at least a decade in places we might not even suspect.

      This is shocking to me because I had no idea that AI was being used for a full decade, and that it is being used by NEWS stations of all places.

  2. Mar 2021