15 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2022
    1. Tertullian associated the divine power of Christ, manifested at the Wedding Feast at Cana, as the same power that is responsible for "washing away the sins,"

      This fits nicely with the idea of using the "six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of purification"

    2. Mary's presence and action at the Wedding Feast at Cana are profound in John's Gospel. Mary contributed in a significant way in the beginning of the signs, which revealed Jesus' divine powers. Through her intercession, Jesus changed water into wine and, as the evangelist John reported, "so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him" (John 2:11).

      The first reference to Mary in the Gospel According to St. John points to Mary's intercession to Jesus on behalf of others. It provides a Biblical justification for asking Mary to pray for us.

  2. Dec 2018
  3. Jan 2018
    1. They protect the workers, not the jobs.

      "Protect the workers, not the jobs." I can see it on signs held up at protests already.

    2. The owners of the platform giants consider themselves the masters of the universe, but in fact they are slaves to preserving their dominant position.

      Last night, I had a discussion of Jeff Bezos wealth compared to John D. Rockefeller. Wikipedia lists Rockefeller's net worth in 1913 as being the equivalent of "US$392 billion (in 2016 dollars; inflation-adjusted)".

    3. This may well result in a web of totalitarian control the likes of which not even Aldous Huxley or George Orwell could have imagined.

      As I was writing my previous thoughts, I had to wonder, were they just scribbling like the notes of Winston Smith in his diary? (Ref. Orwell's 1984)

    4. Something very harmful and maybe irreversible is happening to human attention in our digital age. Not just distraction or addiction; social media companies are inducing people to give up their autonomy.

      The loss of autonomy or "the freedom of mind" (ref J.S. Mill). Is sharing material like this, with annotations, an attempt to resist this loss of freedom of the mind? Can it be meaningful or effective? Is it already a lost battle? (I found this article via Google!)

    5. They claim they are merely distributing information. But the fact that they are near- monopoly distributors makes them public utilities and should subject them to more stringent regulations, aimed at preserving competition, innovation, and fair and open universal access.

      The case for regulation of information distribution companies like Facebook and Google.

      I wonder what my free market friends would say. Given the limits to growth described above, will they necessarily fail?

    6. The network effect is truly unprecedented and transformative, but it is also unsustainable. It took Facebook eight and a half years to reach a billion users and half that time to reach the second billion. At this rate, Facebook will run out of people to convert in less than 3 years.

      Limits to growth of social media companies, such as Facebook.

    7. My foundations used to focus on the so-called developing world, but now that the open society is also endangered in the United States and Europe, we are spending more than half our budget closer to home because what is happening here is having a negative impact on the whole world

      Focusing on threats to open society in Europe and the United States.

    8. Companies earn their profits by exploiting their environment. Mining and oil companies exploit the physical environment; social media companies exploit the social environment.

      Interesting idea to explore: Exploiting the social environment.

  4. Jul 2017
    1. In response to his removal as chief of Grouville, Luthuli issued "The Road to Freedom is via the Cross", perhaps the most famous statement of his principles a belief in non-violence: a conviction that apartheid degrades all who are party to it,

      Another place to think about postcolonialism, as well as to explore an important resource in non-violence.

    2. Luthuli and the Mabalanes expressed a “profound cultural ambivalence” about their identity, which straddled traditionalist and modern experiences.

      How does this relate to postcolonialism? How does this relate to identity in cultures in transition?

  5. Jun 2017
    1. Currently, we are looking at setting up an online learning site for NIMAA using the Moodle learning management system.  It is a widely accepted platform that does much of what we need.  We are starting to use it as part of the IT committee so that we can get a better sense of its capabilities and limitation.

      This is my first attempt at annotating in Moodle

  6. Apr 2017