4 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. neural additive model (NAM) [15]. The NAM is a differentiable (gradient-based) additive model which can adapt as the estimated latent treatment benefits are updated during training.
    2. S-learner strategy

      What is S-learner strategy?

    3. GAMs [12]

      learn more about generalized additive models

    4. the inner product 〈g(X1,X2),X2〉<math><mrow is="true"><mo stretchy="false" is="true">〈</mo><mi is="true">g</mi><mo stretchy="false" is="true">(</mo><msub is="true"><mrow is="true"><mi is="true">X</mi></mrow><mrow is="true"><mn is="true">1</mn></mrow></msub><mo is="true">,</mo><msub is="true"><mrow is="true"><mi is="true">X</mi></mrow><mrow is="true"><mn is="true">2</mn></mrow></msub><mo stretchy="false" is="true">)</mo><mo is="true">,</mo><msub is="true"><mrow is="true"><mi is="true">X</mi></mrow><mrow is="true"><mn is="true">2</mn></mrow></msub><mo stretchy="false" is="true">〉</mo></mrow></math> converts this potential benefit into an estimated scalar benefit under the observed treatments X2<math><mrow is="true"><msub is="true"><mrow is="true"><mi is="true">X</mi></mrow><mrow is="true"><mn is="true">2</mn></mrow></msub></mrow></math>.

      linear combination that adds expected treatment benefits (based on combinations of treatments) for each treatment used, producing a scalar value summarizing the overall benefit to the patient