12 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. Daily Digest * Add diary for today. Working conditions: Hot day. several workersare out on sick leave. Notes: "We are on track to complete the project according to schedule. Daily progress is good. Morale seems positive overall, but monitor for any crew conflicts or emerging issues." Required: foreman, job, date selection * What's the weather today in the afternoon? * What were the diary entries yesterday? * what were the diary entries for Bellaire Blvd for the last week?

    1. Dashboard What are my jobs? Show my jobs with budgets and actuals. What's the code for westheimer? How much budget is left on Glen Haven?

  2. Feb 2023
    1. I managed to have such a mediocre time at a place that is pretty much custom designed for delivering the best years of your life. I’d like to say that I wasn’t the same person back then that I later became and now am. But the truth is that I was the exact same person. I was more myself then than at any other time in my life. I was an extreme version of myself. Everything I’ve always felt I felt more intensely. Everything I’ve always wanted, I wanted more. Everything I currently dislike, I downright hated back then. People who think I’m judgmental, impatient, and obsessed with real estate now should have seen me in college. I was bored by many of my classmates and irked by the contrived mischief and floundering sexual intrigues of dormitory life. I couldn’t wait to get out and rent my own apartment, preferably one in a grand Edwardian building on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. In that sense, I guess my college experience was just as intense as my husband’s. I just view that intensity negatively rather than nostalgically, which perhaps is its own form of nostalgia.

      My college experience was incessant yearning and unconscious desire. I was moving as fast as I could in search of (1) crazy pleasure filled social events, (2) wealth and a successful career, (3) being smart. I remain in pursuit of those things to this day, but I've calmed down a lot. College was frequently unpleasant. I was WIRED during the week and constantly on my way to do something. On weekends I'd get shitfaced and SEARCH for the BEST party and HOTTEST girl and ALWAYS fail. I never felt satisified.

  3. Jan 2023
    1. This is the first website I've seen any public hypothesis notes. I like hypothesis but I'm almost always the only one annotating a webpage :shrug:

    1. You can create and manage an IAM OIDC identity provider using the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface, the Tools for Windows PowerShell, or the IAM API.
    1. To align with the Amazon IAM best practice of granting least privilege, the assume role policy document should contain a Condition that specifies a subject allowed to assume the role. Without a subject condition, any GitHub user or repository could potentially assume the role. The subject can be scoped to a GitHub organization and repository as shown in the CloudFormation template.

      Set a Condition to scope the assumed role to a Github repository or organization.

  4. Sep 2022
    1. A decorator is an easier way to pass in a function to another function. In this case, we create a variable with our function uppercase_decorator and pass in another function say_hi. Then we call the variable. A decorator does this all.

    1. ingest -> split -> transform -> train -> evaluate -> register

      I don't think it allows you to add steps other than the ones defined here.

    1. Many of the molecules in a cell are polymers of various smaller molecules.

      Polymers are combinations of smaller molecules. This is impressive.

    2. nucleotide has 3 basic components

      This is helpful information. Phosphate is critical.

    1. histones are positively charged molecules

      Ah ha! Histones are molecules. And proteins.

    2. Histones are positively charged proteins that wrap up DNA through interactions between their positive charges and the negative charges of DNA.

      Are histones molcules?