1,638 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2020
    1. Inertial Forces and Noninertial (Accelerated) Frames: The Coriolis Force

      Bypass. This section requires Calculus 3 concepts to be done properly, although the weather diagrams, Fig. 6.28 are instructive to view.

    2. Join the ladybug in an exploration of rotational motion. Rotate the merry-go-round to change its angle or choose a constant angular velocity or angular acceleration. Explore how circular motion relates to the bug’s xy-position, velocity, and acceleration using vectors or graphs.

      Not sure why this paragraph is here.

    3. the horizontal component of lift

      It also accelerates a tide of circulating blood into the pilot -- blackouts occur

    4. due to the force of the air on the wing

      "force of the air on the wing" ↔︎ Many scientists describe aerodynamic lift as the pressure differential \(\Delta p\) between the top and bottom of the wing, effecting every square inch of the wing.

  2. pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
    1. the increment of work dW

      Here is a mini-differential equation

    1. Often, an analytic solution is intractable or impossible, requiring lengthy numerical solutions or simulations to get approximate results.

      MANY scientific jobs require this skill, numerical solution of differential equations.

    1. This means a skydiver with a mass of 75 kg achieves a terminal velocity of about 350 km/h while traveling in a pike (head first) position, minimizing the area and his drag.

      about the same as a small 2" sphere

    2. Ferrari Testarossa 0.37 Dodge Ram Pickup 0.43

      Amazing comparison.

    3. wind tunnel

      Cf., also the NASA Langley Research Center's wind tunnel fact sheet.

    1. but →ww→\mathbf{\overset{\to }{w}} has components along both axes,

      The free body diagram on the right is a bit different than the sketches I used in Session 12.<br> The author's \(\vec{w}_y\) vector is attached at its tail to the mass point, whereas in my sketch, it is slid over and attaches at the tip of \(\vec{w}\). But both are acceptable and useful. As I have mentioned several times, how you diagram forces etc. can be different from the author's and from my way of diagramming, and still be fine.

    2. Consider the skier on the slope

      A good study problem

    1. Newton’s Third Law of Motion

      Our demonstration in Session 10, with the two skateboarders out in the hallway, is good to remember here.

    1. changes in motion

      By "changes in motion," Newton meant \(\Delta \vec{v}\) and therefore \(\vec{a}=\frac{\Delta \vec{v}}{\Delta t}\)

  3. pressbooks.online.ucf.edu pressbooks.online.ucf.edu
    1. without the necessity of physical contact between objects

      Or, once could redefine contact to mean an interaction "at a distance," as the author mentions here.

    2. A quantitative definition of force can be based on some standard force

      This is because force is a derived quantity, based on time, space and mass measurements.

    3. Isaac Newton

      Galileo's famous student!

    1. b

      Be careful checking your answers here, too.

    2. a

      It is not clear to me what this expression is supposed to be. Be careful when checking your answer for h. For example,

      $$\frac{24\frac{m}{s}}{9.8 \frac{m}{s^2}}=2.49\, s$$

    3. Olympus Mons

      Another planet? No problem. A walk in the park. : )

    4. solid volcanic rocks

      also known as "bombs" "Accretionary lava ball comes to rest on the grass after rolling off the top of an ‘a‘a flow in Royal Gardens subdivision. Accretionary lava balls form as viscous lava is molded around a core of already solidified lava (photo by J.D. Griggs, 7/2/83, JG2562) (picture #012)."

    5. Mt. Asama, Japan

      Another problem that does not come with solution. : )

    6. Mike Powell

      No solution offered for this problem, I see.

    7. A projectile

      Hmmm. Like the tennis ball classwork problem.

    8. A basketball player

      This is a brain burner

    9. A rock

      An excellent study problem.

    10. An athlete

      WIll be interesting to calculate.

    11. A fastball pitcher
  4. Jan 2020
    1. Projectile to satellite.

      Newton was the first one to work out this idea of projectile becoming a spacecraft in orbit, depending on initial conditions \(\left(x\left( 0\right),\, y\left( 0 \right)\right)\) and \(\vec{v}\left( 0 \right)\).

    2. If the two golf shots

      Would make a nice multiple choice item.

    3. Comparing Golf Shots

      I like this combo problem.

    4. Calculating Projectile Motion: Tennis Player

      Similar to HW 3, but would be simpler to check.

    5. A Fireworks Projectile Explodes High and Away

      I like this problem.

    6. Figure 4.12 (a) We analyze two-dimensional projectile motion by breaking it into two independent one-dimensional motions
    7. This trajectory equation

      However, the author does not complete the square, as we did!

    8. This is the time of flight

      Hang time

    9. the following equation

      I never use this equation. YUKK

    10. A rock is thrown horizontally off a cliff

      This example is like driving a car off a cliff, like in a movie.


      Do not try this at home.

    11. makes an angle θ with the horizontal

      This angle, upon which the author concentrates, is not so important to me.

    12. common variable between the motions is time t.

      INCORRECT! The entire curve can be parametrized by \(x\) as we discussed in Session 3 and 4

    13. two independent one-dimensional motions

      They are not really independent except mathematically. They are actually coupled. For instance, the horizontal range, \(x_{max}\), is controlled by the size of \(v_y\left(0\right)\)

    14. Vertical Motion

      In the fourth equation here,


      if you have eyes to see, you can see the remnants of potential energy and kinetic energy terms.

    15. very simple

      Note that the author uses a slightly different notation than I use:

      1. author, \(-g=-9.8\frac{m}{s^2}\)
      2. Dr. Brueckner, \(g=-9.8\frac{m}{s^2}\)

      Keep this in mind as you study.

    16. Let’s assume all forces except gravity (such as air resistance and friction, for example) are negligible

      standard assumption for basic physics like PHY2048

    17. motions along perpendicular axes are independent

      ...plus the fact that there is no such thing as horizontal gravity!

    1. derivative with respect to time →v(t),v→(t),\mathbf{\overset{\to }{v}}(t), we find

      We discussed this in session 7, concerning uniform circular motion. The direction of the acceleration vector \(\vec{a}\left( t\right)\) is the direction of the \(\Delta \vec{v}\left( t\right)\) vector.

    1. Analytical methods of vector addition are exact, contrary to graphical methods, which are approximate.

      I.e., draw the sketch then let the numbers do the talking

    2. In many physical situations, we often need to know the direction of a vector.

      Simply the vector itself, divided by the magnitude of the vector. $$\hat{u}=\frac{\vec{U}}{U}$$

    3. find components of a resultant of many vectors

      This will be a frequent task in PHY2048

    4. In an attempt to escape a desert island

      We will discuss this problem on Thursday, among other things.

    1. Figure 2.20 Using polar coordinates

      We will occasionally work in polar coordinates.

    2. Unit vectors of the axes

      Important geometric tool

    3. 50 km in the direction 37∘37∘37^\circ north of east.

      ...except this is what a pilot would use, a distance and a heading.

    1. Figure 2.13

      easy to calculate components from each subdiagram

    2. both vectors have their origins at the same point

      tail to tail

    3. unit vector.

      another important vocabulary term

    4. antiparallel

      Important vocabulary term.

    5. fishing hole 6 km from your tent

      Who does this? Measure distance to a fishing spot from your tent? Really!

    6. bold type with an arrow above it denotes a vector

      I just use an arrow, \(\vec{A}\), or boldface B, but not both.

    1. Check to see whether the answer tells you something interesting.


    2. Analytical skills and problem-solving abilities can be applied to new situations whereas a list of facts cannot be made long enough to contain every possible circumstance.

      This is why we do not emphasize formula sheets and memorization.

    1. particularly in optics, more accurate numbers are needed and we use more than three significant figures

      Cf., e.g, the index of refraction for BK-7 borosilicate crown glass at various wavelengths.

    1. so it would take roughly 109/10−10=1019109/10−10=1019{10}^{9}\text{/}{10}^{-10}={10}^{19} hydrogen atoms to stretch across the diameter of the Sun.

      This is news to me, but accurate. Note that this number of hydrogen atoms is much smaller than \(1.00\, mole\). Curious

    2. study of physics makes other sciences easier to understand

      This is a polite way of saying, "All science is either physics or stamp collecting," which Prof. Ernest Rutherford said way back in his days of discovering the nuclear structure of matter. (Ernest Rutherford)

    3. What is most useful is knowing the basic laws of physics and developing skills in the analytical methods for applying them.

      This is how most scientists work:

      • from easily remembered basic principles and examples,
      • then extending to new concepts and previously unseen problems.

      (Enrico Fermi)

      This mental process will be helpful

      1. during our exams, which, by definition, will have previously unseen problems,
      2. during future courses deeper into your UCF curriculum, and
      3. throughout all of your professional work as a professional user of physics knowledge.

      ...helpful IF you want to excel. (Albert Einstein)

  5. Dec 2019
    1. all natural phenomena

      Professor Galileo wrote, "Philosophy is written in this grand book — I mean the universe — which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it it written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one is wandering about in a dark labyrinth.” [(Assayer, VI)]

      That is our challenge, the mountain we climb: to understand the grand book of nature.


    1. The reflected rays seem to originate from behind the mirror, locating the virtual image.

      Good example of what makes an image virtual. I always describe it this way: if you place a photographic film at the image location (behind the mirror, in this case) and no light rays actually hit the film, which is true in this case, then it is a virtual image.

  6. Nov 2019
    1. The number of fringes depends on the wavelength and slit separation.

      We observed this with the green laser pointer.

    2. by half a wavelength

      $$\frac{\lambda}{2},\:\frac{3\lambda}{2},\text{ etc.}$$

    3. monochromatic

      Green laser pointer

    4. two slits provide two coherent light sources

      In our sketch, wavelet sources \(S_1\) and \(S_2\).

    5. Young’s double slit experiment.

      Sketched out in Session 37, https://youtu.be/BF5e89OmsQQ

    6. Solution

      We did this calculation during Session 37, at about 45:11. https://youtu.be/BF5e89OmsQQ

    7. Example 1: Finding a Wavelength from an Interference Pattern


    1. 1000 Hz

      Approximately the B one octave above middle C.

    2. wavelets


    3. Huygens’s principle applied to a straight wavefront.

      i.e., plane waves

    4. The view from above

      As we sketched plane waves in Session 37.

    1. finite thickness

      I.e., a real lens for which thin lens model is just an approximation

    2. Advanced computing techniques

      Also, adaptive optics, like the COSTAR optics placed in the Hubble Space Telescope to correct spherical aberration.

    3. The optical components determining the brightness are the diameter of the lens and the diameter of pupils, diaphragms or aperture stops placed in front of lenses.
    4. detect astigmatism

      Yup, I have astigmatism, which I noticed during my first year of college. (Test diagram)

    5. spherical aberration

      Interesting simulation of spherical aberration in a microscope system. Eyeglasses can have aspherical lenses to correct this aberation:

    6. This type of aberration is called a coma

      Here is a coma test panel, comparing stars imaged at the center of a Canon 24mm f/1.4L II lens, at intermediate distance and at the edge of the lens:

      At the edge, you get a lot more coma abberation, but at f2.8, it seems minimized.

    7. For example an achromatic doublet consisting of a converging lens made of crown glass and a diverging lens made of flint glass in contact can dramatically reduce chromatic aberration

      E,g., the Zeiss apochromat lens that focuses all colors nicely.

      "Achieving this level of correction is not simple. It requires the use of exceptional quality optical materials: long-crown glass (fluor crown glass and calcium fluoride) and special short flint glass."

    8. Chromatic aberration

      We have discussed chromatic aberration in class a few times.

    1. Eventually, if the Sun could shrink down to a diameter of about 6 kilometers, only light beams sent out perpendicular to the surface would escape. All others would fall back onto the star ([link]).

      Schwarzschild radius" of the Sun. We do not think it will ever get collapsed to this small of a size, because the Sun is not large enough to have a supernova detonation.

    2. If the speed you need to get away is faster than the fastest possible speed in the universe, then nothing, not even light, is able to escape.

      This is the classical way of thinking about black holes, and a century after Sir Isaac Newton wrote Principia, another scientist, John Michell, worked it out using non-relativity concepts.

    3. We want to know what speeds are required to escape from the gravitational pull of different objects.

      Escape velocity:

      1. from the surface of Earth, \(11,200\frac{m}{s}\)
      2. from event horizon of a black hole, \(c=3\times 10^8\frac{m}{s}\)
    1. object

      Diameter of DNA helix is about 2 nanometers. So wavelengths on the order of a nanometer are good to use. Rosalind Franklin probably used \(\lambda = 0.15\:nm\) for her xray diffraction images.

    2. Interference is the hallmark of a wave


    3. However, when it interacts with smaller objects, it displays its wave characteristics prominently.

      E.g., our handheld diffraction gratings,

      with 500 lines per millimeter. That is about one line every 2000 nm, so just a few times larger than the typical Roy G. Biv wavelengths.

    4. 380 to 760 nm


    1. cannot be explained fully by geometric optics

      This is like the difference between Newtonian physics and quantum physics.

    2. one of the many phenomena that can only be explained by the wave character of light


    1. 80 MHz to 2 GHz

      80 MHz is just below our FM radio band and 2 GHz is in the microwave region of the spectrum.

    2. they can be reflected when incident at small glancing angles

      Used to be very highly classified technology.

    3. A telescope can also be made with a concave mirror

      Isaac Newton developed this concept.

    4. But a more common arrangement is to use a third convex lens as an eyepiece, increasing the distance between the first two and inverting the image once again

      Second flip = nice!

    5. Telescopes gather far more light than the eye

      The best way to think of this idea is the concept of aperture: the pupil of your eye, a few millimeters, vs., e.g. the aperture of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), about 2.4 meters. HST is about 300 times wider, about 90,000 times more area than the human eye's pupil.

      The HST is about the size of a school bus.

      (Hubble being transferred from the Vertical Assembly Test Area (VATA) to the High Bay at the Lockheed assembly plant in preparation for transport to the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) after final testing and verification.)

    1. Microscope Magnification

      We will conclude Ch. 26.4 with this example, then bypass the remainder of Ch. 26.4

    2. The eyepiece forms a case 2 final image

      Notice that, in this diagram, the rays are almost parallel coming out of the eyepiece to the eyeball. If the rays are parallel, your eye does not have to strain to focus the image on your retina

    3. several lenses

      Or just one in a simple microscope

    4. If the device is composed of thin lenses

      Always a big proviso.

    5. the eye is marvelous in its ability to see

      An understatement. When we view a star in the night sky, our retina collects very small numbers of Roy G. Biv photons per second.

    1. An ideal thin lens has two refracting surfaces but the lens is thin enough to assume that light rays bend only once.

      One refractive interaction, an approximation to the two physical interactions.

    1. 23.12 RLC Series AC Circuits

      Most of this section is bypassed. However, we discussed LC circuits extensively in terms of oscillation, e.g., in Fig. 5.

    2. phase angle

      We discussed "phase" a little bit differently than this.

    1. 23.11 Reactance, Inductive and Capacitive

      Bypass or skim the diagrams. We talked about oscillating circuits from the standpoint of energy, but we did not get into any detail of this section, 23.11.

    1. Figure 1.

      Study this secrion, 23.10. We discussed inductance and RL circuits in Session 27 and other places.

    1. 23.8 Electrical Safety: Systems and Devices

      Bypass. It won't be on Exam 3, although Florida residents would do well to read about the GFI technology, which many major appliances and pool pumps have.

    1. 23.5 Electric Generators

      We mentioned generators and motors in general terms, but all of the materials in this section we bypassed.

    1. Figure 1.

      We discussed this briefly in Session 26 in the context of the navy's "rail gun."

      Other material in this chapter is bypassed.

    1. 8: (a) Using information in Figure 5, find the height of the instructor’s head above the water, noting that you will first have to calculate the angle of incidence. (b) Find the apparent depth of the diver’s head below water as seen by the instructor.

      Brain burner deluxe....

    2. Figure 5. A scuba diver in a pool and his trainer look at each other.

      Brain burner!! Attempt this diagram at your own risk!! :D

    3. In what substance in Table 1 is the speed of light ?

      Nice mental exercise.

    4. What is the speed of light in water? In glycerine?

      Basic calculations.

    5. 4: Will light change direction toward or away from the perpendicular when it goes from air to water? Water to glass? Glass to air?

      I like this question. You can work it out with typical values of indices of refraction, \(n_{air}=1.00,\, n_{water}=1.33,\, n_{glass}=1.5\)

    6. Medium n

      You will have a small table like this on the cover page of Exam 3

    7. Take-Home Experiment: A Broken Pencil

      Similar to the headless body situation.

    8. The paths are exactly reversible.

      VIP, very important principle.

    9. Figure 3.

      You can also use the marching band effect with a diagram like this.

    10. a lawn mower goes from grass to footpath.

      Here, the left wheels move more slowly on the thick grass, while the right wheels move more rapidly when they hit the sidewalk. Net result: lawn mower turns left, line of travel cuts away from the normal (dotted line).

    11. when a lawn mower goes from a footpath to grass

      Left wheels move more rapidly on the sidewalk, and right wheels move more slowly on the thick grass. Net result: lawn mower turns right, line of travel close to the normal (dotted line).

    12. greater than or equal to one.

      Example: for many types of glass, \(n=1.5\) or so.

    13. It is easy to notice some odd things when looking into a fish tank.


    1. reflected

      100% reflected

    2. PhET Explorations: Bending Light

      Very nice simulation of refraction. "More tools" can even produce total internal reflection. It is an HTML file. Download it then click it open -- runs good.

    3. Total internal reflection occurs when the incident angle is greater than the critical angle.

      "Not steep enough to permit transmission and refraction."

    1. Since the wavelength of light is less than a micron (a thousandth of a millimeter), it acts like a ray in the many common situations in which it encounters objects larger than a micron.

      Good rule of thumb.

    1. smaller objects

      Like molecules and crystals, with grid spacings on the order or nanometers.

    2. other

      E.g., using silicon, opaque to Roy G. Biv, but fairly transparent to 1200 - 7000 nm infrared.

    3. emotions

    4. Our lives are filled with light

      By far, our dominant sense, for which our brains are amazingly well developed to analyze and understand.

    5. Image seen as a result of reflection of light on a plane smooth surface.

      One of the mirrors on the James Webb Space Telescope, to be launched in 2021, we hope.

    1. Our image in a mirror is behind the mirror.

      Image is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of the mirror.

    1. An AM radio transmitter broadcasts 50.0 kW of power uniformly in all directions. (a) Assuming all of the radio waves that strike the ground are completely absorbed, and that there is no absorption by the atmosphere or other objects, what is the intensity 30.0 km away? (Hint: Half the power will be spread over the area of a hemisphere.) (b) What is the maximum electric field strength at this distance?

      I also like this problem: will the electrons in the antenna circuit of the typical radio oscillate enough to an electric field of this intensity? Enough to provide an audible, uninterrupted signal without having to compete with too much random noise in the background? Because I have noticed, while driving around Orlando, that some of our Orlando AM radio stations really fade out in various locations, especially at night.

    2. Assume the helium-neon lasers commonly used in student physics laboratories have power outputs of 0.250 mW. (a) If such a laser beam is projected onto a circular spot 1.00 mm in diameter, what is its intensity? (b) Find the peak magnetic field strength. (c) Find the peak electric field strength.

      I like this calculation because lasers are frequently used to move electrons and ions around, with the E field. So knowing, for example, the size of the molecule or metallic lattice, you can tune the laser intensity to get the molecule or ion or electron to dance exactly the way you want it to dance.

    3. As before, a relatively strong electric field is accompanied by a relatively weak magnetic field in an electromagnetic wave, since , and is a large number

      Deceptive statement, in my opinion, because saying one field is weak is completely relative to the two scales we have for \(E\) and \(B\). For the electric field the author uses \(\frac{V}{m}\) but for the magnetic field, Teslas. Perhaps a different scale should be used for magnetic field?

      It would be interesting to work out a system of constants and so forth so that E and B have the same unit and in radiation are the same size.

    4. yields

      Fairly simple plug-in, for the definition, \(I=\frac{P}{A}\)

    5. Calculate the peak electric field strength in these waves.

      I like this part of the calculation.

    6. What is the intensity in ?

      This reminds me of something that astronomers calculate: the "solar constant,", which, it turns out is not quite constant because the Sun's output varies on a daily time scale and slowly over its 11-year sunspot cycle. Currently, the observed value is about \(1360.66\frac{W}{m^2}\).

    7. A wave’s energy is proportional to its amplitude squared ( or ).

      Oscillation, like the square \(x^2\) in a spring system and the "kinetic term" with a \(v^2\) in it

  7. Oct 2019
    1. for all electromagnetic waves

      The electromagnetic wave equation: $$c=\lambda f$$ ...simple yet powerful.

    1. PhET Explorations: Radio Waves and Electromagnetic Fields

      One of the best Interactive Simulations. I completely recommend it. Download the java file, then open it. Try the "radiated field" option -- it is spectacular.

    2. result

      Another way to look at this quotient, \(\frac{E}{B}=c\) involves Newtons of force.

    3. A broadcast antenna is specially designed to enhance the rate of electromagnetic radiation


    4. Electromagnetic waves carry energy

      They carry energy \(E\) and momentum \(p\).

    5. charges radiate whenever they are accelerated

      Stated as an aside, but this is a critical concept. The source of electromagnetic radiation is accelerating charge, like the northern lights

    6. For clarity, the waves are shown only along one direction, but they propagate out in other directions too.

      In fact, the intensities of radiation in each direction is controlled primarily by the shape and dimensions of the antenna.

    7. The electric and magnetic fields (E and B) near the wire are perpendicular;

      Profound. Why should lightning and lodestones have this affinity, i.e., that the \(\vec{E} \perp\vec{B}\)? Lightning Magnetite

    1. Show that, when SI units for and are entered, the units given by the right-hand side of the equation in the problem above are m/s.

      One-time exercise, to get over the strangeness of \(\epsilon_0\) and \(\mu_0\).

    2. Hertz’s Observations

      Discussed in Session 28.

    3. When the values for and are entered into the equation for ,

      Now we can see where the mysterious constants, \(\epsilon_0\) and \(\mu_0\) come in and combine for the speed of light, $$c^2=\frac{1}{\mu_0 \epsilon_0}$$

    4. Maxwell’s equations are paraphrased here in words because their mathematical statement is beyond the level of this text.

      WAY beyond

    1. An LC circuit is analogous to a mass oscillating on a spring with no friction and no driving force.

      Oscillation analogy, similar to the diagram in Session 27. https://youtu.be/T_2R9JBu89E

    1. This expression is similar to that for the energy stored in a capacitor.


    2. This is difficult in most cases

      I.e., tons of trig and calculus

    3. damaging switching equipment


    4. The larger the self-inductance of a device, the greater its opposition to any change in current through it.

      Can lead to huge arcing of current

    5. The induced emf is related to the physical geometry of the device and the rate of change of current.

      ANother significant dependence

    6. We therefore concentrate on the rate of change of current, , as the cause of induction.

      Significant: \(\mathcal{emf}\, \propto \, \frac{\Delta I}{\Delta t}\) is going to lead to oscillation

    1. this is given, since the bar magnet’s field is complex

      A dodge. The average field value requires a ton of calculus and trig!

    2. (a) When this bar magnet is thrust into

      The coil gains RIGHTWARD field lines, do the coil's induced current produces leftward field lines, \(\vec{B}_{coil}\)

      Images (b) and (c) show induced fields \(\vec{B}_{coil}\) consistent with Lenz' Law.

    3. The minus sign in Faraday’s law of induction is very important.

      Another big understatement!

    1. product of the area and the component of the magnetic field perpendicular to it.

      If we were to make a full general definition, accounting for shapes of circuit and of the field, then there'd be

      • a ton of trig, and
      • a ton of calculus
    2. the magnetic flux, ,

      The flux must now be dealt with!

    3. most electric generators

      Like Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River.

    1. the star Mizar, in the middle of the Big Dipper’s handle, appeared through his telescope as two stars.

      Mentioned in Lecture 22. https://youtu.be/ZJOsVs0kzgw

    1. railroad car

      Nifty YouTube of sound waves Doppler shifting, about 0:40. https://youtu.be/w0AadZ1bs78

    2. If a star is moving toward or away from us, its lines will be in a slightly different place in the spectrum from where they would be in a star at rest

      "Complicating factor," yes, but this Doppler shifting is something we understand, and it gives us basic leverage to extract more information:

      1. "blue shift" meaning a λ wavelength shift to shorter than normal λ, and you can extract the speed at which the object approaches the observer;
      2. "red shift" in which the observed λ wavelength is shifted to a longer λ, plus you can extract the speed at which the object is moving away from the observer.

      Here is an interesting diagram of Doppler shift information uncovering currents underneath sunspots!:

    3. increased wavelength and decreased frequency

      Because the speed of light c is a constant, and because the electromagnetic wave equation is c = λf,

      • when the wavelength increases (redshift), the frequency decreases, but
      • when the wavelength decreases (blueshift), the frequency has to get bigger.
    4. Observer C sees the waves stretched out by the motion and sees a redshift

      The arrow of Observer C's wavelength is slightly off, too short. It should go from the top edge of the dark red circle to the top edge of the next circle in (reddish pink).

    1. one of Einstein’s motivations was to solve difficulties in knowing how different observers see magnetic and electric fields.

      As I always say, "What does the observer see?"

    1. Figure 3.

      Needs a third sub diagram that shows the reversed current.

    2. The torque reverses once the loop rotates past θ = 0.

      Would be a restoring force, leading to oscillation, if current continues in the initial direction.

    3. can be shown

      ...using tons of trig and calculus!

    4. Figure 2 shows views of the loop from above.

      Important diagram

    5. When current is passed through the loops, the magnetic field exerts torque on the loops, which rotates a shaft.

      We will try this demonstration in Friday's session 23.

    1. MHD propulsion for nuclear submarines has been proposed, because it could be considerably quieter than conventional propeller drives.

      Cf., The Hunt for Red October.


    2. Calculating Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire: A Strong Magnetic Field

      Will review this in Session 23.

    3. The magnetic field exerts a force on a current-carrying wire in a direction given by the right hand rule

      We viewed this force effect in Session 21, with the big horseshoe magnet and the thick copper strip between the poles of the magnet.

    1. Figure 2. A negatively charged particle moves

      We will work out an example from this set up in our Session 21.

    2. Example 1:


    3. The properties of charged particles in magnetic fields are related to such different things as the Aurora Australis or Aurora Borealis and particle accelerators.

      For Exam 2, we will bypass the aurora and other examples past this point.

    4. mass spectrometer

      Like in CSI

    5. in outer space

      Cosmic rays are protons and other particles blown out by supernova detonations and big galactic black holes.

    1. RHR-1 states that, to determine the direction of the magnetic force on a positive moving charge, you point the thumb of the right hand in the direction of , the fingers in the direction of , and a perpendicular to the palm points in the direction of .

      I severely hate this version of the right hand rule. However, other semingly normal people might like it, so I will include it in the textbook without mass crossouts.

    2. relatively simple

      "relatively simple" ← nice, but do not forget the appearance/disappearance of the magnetic field depending on the motion of the observer.

    1. Is the Earth’s magnetic field parallel to the ground at all locations? If not, where is it parallel to the surface? Is its strength the same at all locations? If not, where is it greatest?

      This is a good set of questions to ask of the magnetic field of Earth. Theoretical image of field lines:

      Actual field lines:

    2. Figure 2.

      Very important diagram.

    3. later

      As reviewed in Session 20.