1,638 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
    1. This means that the sum of the Sun’s mass and a planet’s mass, (M1 + M2), is very, very close to 1.

      Here are the two masses:

      • \(M_{sun}=1.9885\times 10^30 \,kg =1M_{\odot}\)
      • \(M_{earth}=5.9723\times 10^24 \,kg = 0.0000030035 M_{\odot}\)

      So in terms of \(M_{\odot}\), the terms \(M_1 + M_2=1.0000030035\) which is really close to 1.

    1. By the end of this section

      Skim this section except carefully read the paragraphs about

      • Newton's Third Law and
      • the ice skater effect
    2. When a spinning figure skater

      Important for the entire semester, because angular momentum of galaxies, supernova detonations and black holes are important.

    3. on a well-oiled swivel stool by starting yourself spinning slowly with your arms extended and then pulling your arms in.

      We have 8 videos in YouTube from lecture hall demonstrations on a lab stool, as described. Have a look.

    4. Kepler’s second law is a consequence of the conservation of angular momentum.

      I.e., Kepler's equal areas law is a consequence of the same principle you observe while watching ice skaters at the Olympics: they spin WAY faster when they bring their arms in, but their spin slows down when they bring their arms in.

    5. Mass, Volume, and Density

      Skip this for now

    6. This is the principle behind jet engines and rockets

      ...as I mentioned above!

    7. This means that forces in nature do not occur alone

      Good description. This is one way to say that gravitation is universal.

    8. mass times its velocity

      Momentum p, $$p=mv$$

    9. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

      Newton's third law is

      • how every rocket launched at Kennedy works: rocket fuel exhausts downward out the nozzle, rocket accelerates upward
      • the reason why we can detect exoplanets, because a planet exerts the same size pull force on its star as the star exerts on the planet on its orbit. The Kepler space telescope detects the star's tiny acceleration. Our planet Earth also cause our star, the Sun, to accelerate slightly. There might even be some space aliens looking for US by this method!! :D

    10. In the original Latin, the three laws contain only 59 words

      59 words that changed the world!

    11. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.

      Extremely influential even in this our day.

    12. his friend Edmund Halley

      What a fruitful friendship!

    13. born in Lincolnshire, England, in the year after Galileo’s death

      Another indication of the slowness of scientific development in that era.

    1. beyond the orbit of Pluto.

      Pluto the dwarf planet has a semimajor axis about 39.482 AU. Its orbital period is about 248 years

    2. Kepler’s third law

      A huge topic for us this entire semester.

    3. Note that the eccentricities of the planets’ orbits in our solar system are substantially less than shown here.

      Correct. Comets and asteroids, however, do commonly have ellipticity of this level or more.

    4. The universe could be a bit more complex than the Greek philosophers had wanted it to be.

      The scientific end of the celestial spheres, although celestial sphere is still a lovely image outside of science. : )

    5. Kepler found that Mars has an elliptical orbit, with the Sun at one focus (the other focus is empty). The eccentricity of the orbit of Mars is only about 0.1; its orbit, drawn to scale, would be practically indistinguishable from a circle, but the difference turned out to be critical for understanding planetary motions.

      Because even Mars is so close to a perfect circle, it has always amazed me that Kepler spotted it.

    6. If the foci (or tacks) are moved to the same location, then the distance between the foci would be zero. This means that the eccentricity is zero and the ellipse is just a circle; thus, a circle can be called an ellipse of zero eccentricity. In a circle, the semimajor axis would be the radius.

      Good to keep in mind: a circle is just a specially symmetric case of an ellipse, \(e=0\)

    7. The ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the major axis is called the eccentricity of the ellipse.


    8. We wrap the ends of a loop of string
    9. sum of the distance from two special points inside the ellipse to any point on the ellipse is always the same

      Technical definition of ellipse, sounds rough... HOWEVER, it is the reason that the string method in Fig. 3 works. The length of the string is "always the same," if you are careful.

    10. observations

      Observations can be refined but not ignored or contradicted!

    11. behavior of planets based on their paths through space.

      "...based on their paths." This is bass ackward relative to, e.g., Ptolemy. For Ptolemy, he based everything on circles and forced everything into a complex system involving epicycles, deferents, equants etc. To some degree, Copernicus and Galileo were also stuck thinking "circles." Kepler, however, took the path that Nature showed him in Tycho's measurements -- especially Mars' ellipse -- and then figured out a pattern from that. And he figured out three patterns, actually.

    12. occupied most of Kepler’s time for more than 20 years

      What a career-length project!

    13. Tubingen

      Still a great university in Germany!!

    14. Brahe didn’t have the ability to analyze them

      ...but Kepler did!!!

    15. exploding star

      A supernova, 1572. Cf., APOD 03/17/09

    16. Three years after the publication of Copernicus’ De Revolutionibus, Tycho Brahe was born

      This shows the slowness of scientific development in those days.

    17. The square of a planet’s orbital period is directly proportional to the cube of the semimajor axis of its orbit.

      We now leverage Kepler's Third Law to use in any star system for which we can measure orbital distance, e.g., by parallax, and orbital periods. Black holes, which we cannot see, can reveal themselves in this way.

    1. This animation (http://tiny.cc/88cyqy) shows the phases of Venus. You can also see its distance from Earth as it orbits the Sun. The Astronomy Picture of the Day has an animation of Venus  https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap060110.html (http://tiny.cc/vadyqy) and a  set of images of Venus as viewed from Earth.  https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap170317.html (http://tiny.cc/ebdyqy)

      Cool animations!

    2. in those days, before the telescope, no one imagined testing these predictions.

      Galileo observed the phases of Venus in the century after Copernicus.

    3. predictions

      YES! This is what scientists want to do: predict the position of a previously unseen planet like Neptune, predict the landing place of a spacecraft sent to Mars, etc.

    4. still taught at Harvard University

      but not at UCF, of course!! ;)

    5. simple experiment dropping two balls of different weights

      I.e., Galileo's famous experiment at the leaning tower of Pisa! .JPG)

    6. philosophical tradition, going back to the Greeks and defended by the Catholic Church, held that pure human thought combined with divine revelation represented the path to truth

      Galileo broke out of this tradition by his emphasis on

      • observation of the physical universe and
      • his insight that the physical universe was like a book written in a mathematical language.

    7. clumsy and lacking the beauty and symmetry of its successor.

      Symmetry is a powerful tool, because it is not subjective -- it can be expressed mathematically. E.g., the symmetry of positive and negative numbers relative to zero, whereby \(\left( -2 \right)^2 = \left( 2\right)^2\) and both \(=4\)

    8. the nearer a planet is to the Sun, the greater its orbital speed.

      Sir Isaac Newton figured out why this is true, in his theory of universal gravitation -- which is a few chapters ahead.

    9. We have all experienced seeing an adjacent train, bus, or ship appear to move, only to discover that it is we who are moving.

      This is called Galilean relativity. Galileo studied relative motion. Einstein's relativity was a refinement on Galileo, but with enormous implications like black holes.

    10. heavenly bodies must be made up of combinations of uniform circular motions.

      It was left to Johannes Kepler to break this concept.

    11. His great contribution to science was a critical reappraisal of the existing theories of planetary motion and the development of a new Sun-centered, or heliocentric, model of the solar system.

      Good description, in a nutshell, for Copernicus' contribution

    1. In this simplified model of a hydrogen atom

      A very important diagram to keep in mind for most topics this semester, because most of the information about the stars and galaxies of the universe comes to us from starlight and its spectral lines!

    1. We can use Kepler’s law (see Orbits and Gravity) and our knowledge of the visible star to measure the mass of the invisible member of the pair.

      One short sentence, but powerful. Thank you, Professor Kepler!

  2. Apr 2019
    1. Laminar flow is characterized by the smooth flow of the fluid in layers that do not mix. Turbulent flow, or turbulence, is characterized by eddies and swirls that mix layers of fluid together.

      Good comparison of idealized laminar flow with turbulent flow. Planes spew wake turbulence, very dangerous for following aircraft.

    1. If we follow a small volume of fluid along its path,

      Typical strategy for understanding fluid dynamics.

    2. This equation tells us that, in static fluids, pressure increases with depth

      We already knew this.

    3. pressure has units of energy per unit volume, too.

      Interesting to think of pressure prepresenting energy independent of bulk motion or position of the center of mass of a pixel of fluid.

    4. Bernoulli’s equation is a form of the conservation of energy principle.

      Good concept to remember.

    5. The net work done increases the fluid’s kinetic energy. As a result, the pressure will drop in a rapidly-moving fluid, whether or not the fluid is confined to a tube.

      Informal way of stating the Bernoulli principle.

    6. When a fluid flows into a narrower channel, its speed increases.

    1. Sound in solids can be both longitudinal and transverse.

      E.g., the s and p waves from earthquakes, although the liquid outer core of Earth does not permit s waves to propagate, because s waves are transverse.

    2. In equation form

      Generic wave equation. For electromagnetic radiation, the wave equation is \(c=\lambda f\), where the speed of light \(c=3\times 10^8 \frac{m}{s}\).

    3. and energy

      Also momentum. Because electromagnetic radiation propagates momentum and energy across spacetime, we have an opportunity to harness sunlight in outer space and use it in a solar sail, to navigate here and there in the solar system.

    4. For earthquakes, there are several types of disturbances, including disturbance of Earth’s surface and pressure disturbances under the surface.

      Another seismic wave phenomenon is a seiche Cf., What is a seiche?

    1. The displacement as a function of time t in any simple harmonic motion

      We discussed this in Lecture 32


      We worked on this in Lecture 33.

  3. Mar 2019
    1. most fishermen feel no obligation to truthfully report the mass

      Good one.

    2. potential energy stored in a spring

      Huge concept. It applies from the Big Bang Theory origin of the universe down to the quantum world of electrons and photons and nuclei.

    3. elastic potential energy

      I usually call is SPE, spring potential energy, to distinguish from EPE, electrostatic potential energy. But I will try to use EPE in our lectures! : )

    4. solve

      It is interesting to look up various spring constants for springs one can purchase. E.g., this website for Century Springs shows the spring constant as a "rate," in pounds per inch instead of N/m.

    5. Here, is the restoring force, is the displacement from equilibrium or deformation, and is a constant related to the difficulty in deforming the system. The minus sign indicates the restoring force is in the direction opposite to the displacement.

      See previous note.

    6. The simplest oscillations occur when the restoring force is directly proportional to displacement.

      Concise definition:

      1. "restoring" \(F=\color{red}-\color{black}kx\)
      2. "directly proportional to displacement" \(F=-\color{red}kx\)


    7. dissipative forces

      e.g., friction, aerodynamic drag etc.

    1. superposition and interference

      Critical for understanding the periodic table, electronegativity, covalent bonding and may more topics in PHY2054 and beyond.

    2. Many systems oscillate, and they have certain characteristics in common.

      True. And this is why physicists spend so much time thinking about spring/mass systems.<br> That is, what is simple to learn about spring/mass systems becomes widely applicable in other oscillatory systems like a beating heart, a particle inside an atom's nucleus, a light wave, a tsunami etc.

    3. beating of hearts

      IMPORTANT. Electrocardiologists make a "phase space reconstruction" (PSR) of a patient's electrocardiogram, knowing that a regular sinus rhythm is a very specific oscillatory system, whereas fibrillation, tachycardia etc. are NOT oscillatory. Cf., G.Koulaouzidis, S. Das et al. "Prompt and accurate diagnosis of ventricular arrhythmias with a novel index based on phase space reconstruction of ECG" International Journal of Cardiology, 2015-03-01, Volume 182, Pages 38-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.12.067

    4. guitar, atoms

      Atoms and guitars ← ← you will savvy this analogy in PHY2054C!!

    5. four types of waves in this picture


    1. 10.4

      Ready to work on this topic starting 03/27

    2. Rotational Kinetic Energy

      Very cool topic to complete the rotational analogies, but I will reserve this for after Exam 3.

    1. Three children are riding on the edge of a merry-go-round that is 100 kg, has a 1.60-m radius, and is spinning at 20.0 rpm. The children have masses of 22.0, 28.0, and 33.0 kg. If the child who has a mass of 28.0 kg moves to the center of the merry-go-round, what is the new angular velocity in rpm?

      Brain burner calculation. I will do a talking PDF for this one.

    2. Compare this angular momentum with the angular momentum of Earth on its axis.

      Spin angular momentum calculation, using the table of moments of inertia.

    3. Calculate the angular momentum of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun.

      Planetary angular momentum calculation

    4. Conceptual Questions

      Notice how many conceptual questions there are? That is significant.

    5. Suppose a child walks from the outer edge of a rotating merry-go round to the inside. Does the angular veloc

      Good conceptual question

    6. Calculating the Angular Momentum

      It is enough for us to predict "larger \(\omega\)" or "smaller \(\omega\)" etc., and not necessarily calculate L to the nearest \(0.001 \,kg\,m^2\). After Exam 3, we will do some full calculations, however.

    7. In the next image, her rate of spin increases greatly when she pulls in her arms, decreasing her moment of inertia.

      As a student observed, \(I\) and \(\omega\) vary inversely when angular momentum is conserved.

    8. These expressions are the law of conservation of angular momentum. Conservation laws are as scarce as they are important.

      Our demonstrations with the hand weights and rotating lab stool on Friday were to demonstrate conservation of angular momentum, a huge concept from astrophysics all the way down to quantum mechanics.

    9. The equation is very fundamental and broadly applicable.

      target for lecture, 03/22/19

    1. Starting with the formula for the moment of inertia of a rod rotated around an axis through one end perpendicular to its length prove that the moment of inertia of a rod rotated about an axis through its center perpendicular to its length is You will find the graphics in Figure 3 useful in visualizing these rotations.

      This would be easy to figure out as a lecture exercise, but not on Exam 3.

    2. Calculate the moment of inertia of a skater given the following information. (a) The 60.0-kg skater is approximated as a cylinder that has a 0.110-m radius. (b) The skater with arms extended is approximately a cylinder that is 52.5 kg, has a 0.110-m radius, and has two 0.900-m-long arms which are 3.75 kg each and extend straight out from the cylinder like rods rotated about their ends.

      This would not be a brain burner, to make you think, but a rotational torture device. I will not put ANYTHING like this on Exam 3.

    3. Why is the moment of inertia of a hoop that has a mass and a radius greater than the moment of inertia of a disk that has the same mass and radius?

      We actually discussed the answer to this question in Friday lecture.


      Extensive discussion about this Figure 3 in Friday's lecture.

    5. torque is analogous to force, angular acceleration is analogous to translational acceleration, and is analogous to mass (or inertia). The quantity is called the rotational inertia or moment of inertia of a point mass a distance from the center of rotation.

      Big topic during most recent lectures

    6. Example 1: Calculating the Effect of Mass Distribution on a Merry-Go-Round

      We will be demonstrating this stuff in lecture, 03/22/19

    7. Some rotational inertias.

      All of these moments of inertia are the result of counting up the quantity \(mr^2\) for each pixel of mass, \(I=\sum_{\text{pixels}} \left(mr^2\right)\) To do this task, you usually need calculus, although the hoop can be done with straight trig, no calc.

      Notice that each moment of inertia is a fraction or multiple of total mass \(M\) multiplied by the square or sum of squares of the overall dimension \(R^2\) or \(a^2+b^2\) etc. That is because each object in the table has some symmetry which simplifies the calculus and therefore simplifies the formula.

    8. the sum of for all the point masses of which it is composed. That is,

      Critical definition

    1. Kinematics of Rotational Motion

      Not a total bypass but we did not talk too much about this information in lecture.

    2. four rotational kinematic equations (presented together with their translational counterparts):


    1. At its peak, a tornado is 60.0 m in diameter and carries 500 km/h winds. What is its angular velocity in revolutions per second?

      Basic calculation of \(\omega\)

    2. Explain why centripetal acceleration changes the direction of velocity in circular motion but not its magnitude. 3: In circular motion, a tangential acceleration can change the magnitude of the velocity but not its direction. Explain your answer.

      I discussed these two questions at length in lecture

    3. Analogies exist between rotational and translational physical quantities. Identify the rotational term analogous to each of the following: acceleration, force, mass, work, translational kinetic energy, linear momentum, impulse.

      Would make a good matching set. : )

    4. Centripetal acceleration ac occurs as the direction of velocity changes; it is perpendicular to the circular motion. Centripetal and tangential acceleration are thus perpendicular to each other.

      We discussed this in lecture.

    1. Forces and Torques in Muscles and Joints

      Bypass until you are ready to take MCAT or are already in med school, PT school etc.

    1. Simple Machines

      Bypass, although it is an interesting section to read if you are interested.

    1. Two children of mass 20.0 kg and 30.0 kg sit balanced on a seesaw with the pivot point located at the center of the seesaw. If the children are separated by a distance of 3.00 m, at what distance from the pivot point is the small child sitting in order to maintain the balance?

      Basic calculation

    2. chickens

      Forget about the chicken

    3. A system is said to be in stable equilibrium if, when displaced from equilibrium, it experiences a net force or torque in a direction opposite to the direction of the displacement.

      Very important. Most machines have vibrations about an equilibrium configuration, like a car that is traveling really fast on the turnpike, so fast that the car starts to shake.

    1. Two children push on opposite sides of a door during play.

      Good calculation of medium difficulty.

    2. When opening a door, you push on it perpendicularly with a force of 55.0 N at a distance of 0.850m from the hinges. What torque are you exerting relative to the hinges?

      Basic calculation

    3. The torque is always calculated with reference to some chosen pivot point. For the same applied force, a different choice for the location of the pivot will give you a different value for the torque, since both and depend on the location of the pivot. Any point in any object can be chosen to calculate the torque about that point. The object may not actually pivot about the chosen “pivot point.”

      This is important later when we consider angular momentum in an astronomical setting, where the axis of rotation is not necessarily the center of the orbit. In fact, an astronomical object like 'Oumuamua might not even be on a bound orbit, but an unbound orbit -- it enters the solar system, interacts gravitationally with the Sun and then exits the solar system.

    4. newtons times meters

      Same as a Joule of energy, rather mysterious!

    5. The perpendicular lever arm is the shortest distance from the pivot point to the line along which acts;

      Good definition.

    6. perpendicular lever arm

      This is a vocabulary term, "lever arm."

    1. Introduction to Rocket Propulsion

      We have talked about rocket motors and their effects, but consider this section is a bypass.

    2. It can be shown that

      Biggest lie in physics. "It can be shown that..." is usually the place where the author is thinking about calculus but does not want to actually show it.

    1. A bullet is accelerated down the barrel of a gun by hot gases produced in the combustion of gun powder. What is the average force exerted on a 0.0300-kg bullet to accelerate it to a speed of 600 m/s in a time of 2.00 ms (milliseconds)?

      Basic impulse calculation

    1. A runaway train car that has a mass of 15,000 kg travels at a speed of down a track. Compute the time required for a force of 1500 N to bring the car to rest

      Classic stopping time problem. Use the impulse equation, though: \(F_{net} \Delta t = \Delta p\)

    2. What is the mass of a large ship that has a momentum of when the ship is moving at a speed of (b) Compare the ship’s momentum to the momentum of a 1100-kg artillery shell fired at a speed of 3

      Battleship recoil problem. I like it.

    3. Calculate the momentum of a 2000-kg elephant charging a hunter at a speed of (b) Compare the elephant’s momentum with the momentum of a 0.0400-kg tranquilizer dart fired at a speed of (c) What is the momentum of the 90.0-kg hunter running at after missing the elephant?

      Basic momentum calculations.

    4. An object that has a small mass and an object that has a large mass have the same momentum. Which object has the largest kinetic energy? 2: An object that has a small mass and an object that has a large mass have the same kinetic energy. Which mass has the largest momentum?

      Two good study questions.

    5. Example 2: Calculating Force: Venus Williams’ Racquet


    1. Conservation of Energy

      Bypass, although it is interesting. Our main concern, the conservation of total mechanical energy, \(E=GPE+KE\) was developed in a previous section of Ch. 7

    1. Potential Energy of a Spring

      Bypass until after Exam 3.

    2. This equation means that the total kinetic and potential energy is constant for any process involving only conservative forces.

      Conservation of total mechanical energy $$E = GPE+KE$$ which we used on Written HW 07.

    1. A 100-g toy car is propelled

      A good brain burner. I will try to do a talking PDF of this one.

    2. Suppose a 350-g kookaburra

      Good basic problem.

    3. 9-megaton fusion bomb


    4. What is the final speed of the roller coaster

      Very similar to Written HW 07 calculation of escape velocity

    5. this point is arbitrary;

      Correct. You can set the zero of any potential energy wherever you like, as long as you stay consistent all the way through your calculations. The reason for this is that work is done when there is a \(\Delta \left(GPE \right)\)

    6. Because gravitational potential energy depends on relative position, we need a reference level at which to set the potential energy equal to 0.

      Note: in the geospatial mini-lecture, the zero of GPE was at infinity.

    7. An object’s gravitational potential is due to its position relative to the surroundings within the Earth-object system.

      The reason for this is that GPE exists because of an interaction of two bodies: Earth and the other object under consideration

    8. we refer to this as the

      Dr. Brueckner refers to it as GPE

    1. A car’s bumper is designed to withstand a 4.0-km/h (1.1-m/s) collision with an immovable object without damage to the body of the car. The bumper cushions the shock by absorbing the force over a distance. Calculate the magnitude of the average force on a bumper that collapses 0.200 m while bringing a 900-kg car to rest from an initial speed of 1.1 m/s.

      A good brain burner. I will make this one into a talking PDF.

    2. How fast must a 3000-kg elephant move to have the same kinetic energy as a 65.0-kg sprinter running at 10.0 m/s?

      Another good basic comparison of KE.

    3. Compare the kinetic energy of a 20,000-kg truck moving at 110 km/h with that of an 80.0-kg astronaut in orbit moving at 27,500 km/h.

      Basic comparison. Good.

    4. lawn mower.

      I detest the lawn mower example. YUKKKK

    5. On the whole, solutions involving energy are generally shorter and easier than those using kinematics and dynamics alone.

      This is why scientists work most of quantum mechanics and relativity in terms of energies, not F = ma forces.

    6. Example 4: Work and Energy Can Reveal Distance, Too

      Stopping distance problem, a classic exercise

    7. rotational kinetic energy

      Rotational KE is simple to handle, but we will tackle it after Exam 3.

    8. This expression

      Work and change in kinetic energy, \(W=\Delta \left( KE \right)\)

    9. Figure 1. (a) A graph

      Discussed this in lecture.

    1. How much work is done by the boy pulling his sister 30.0 m in a wagon as shown in Figure 3? Assume no friction acts on the wagon

      A good basic work calculation in two dimensions.

    2. 2: A 75.0-kg person climbs stairs, gaining 2.50 meters in height. Find the work done to accomplish this task.

      Reminiscent of the concepts in Written HW 07

    3. 2: Give an example of a situation in which there is a force and a displacement, but the force does no work. Explain why it does no work.

      Good question. Under what conditions will an applied force do zero work? It is a geometric question, really.

    4. work done on a system by a constant force is defined to be the product of the component of the force in the direction of motion times the distance through which the force acts.

      $$F_{||} \Delta s$$

    1. 2: Calculate the mass of the Sun based on data for Earth’s orbit and compare the value obtained with the Sun’s actual mass.

      Good mini-workout

    2. a small set of rules and a single underlying force

      This is why Halley's successful prediction was so important.

    3. find the masses of heavenly bodies

      E.g., black holes like Cygnus X-1 and Sagittarius A*, the enormous black hole \(\approx 4\times 10^6 M_{\odot}\) at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

    4. Solving for yields

      Modern version of Kepler's third law, although notation is slightly different than I used in lecture.

    1. Astrology, that unlikely and vague pseudoscience, makes much of the position of the planets at the moment of one’s birth. The only known force a planet exerts on Earth is gravitational. (a) Calculate the magnitude of the gravitational force exerted on a 4.20 kg baby by a 100 kg father 0.200 m away at birth (he is assisting, so he is close to the child). (b) Calculate the magnitude of the force on the baby due to Jupiter if it is at its closest distance to Earth, some away. How does the force of Jupiter on the baby compare to the force of the father on the baby? Other objects in the room and the hospital building also exert similar gravitational forces. (Of course, there could be an unknown force acting, but scientists first need to be convinced that there is even an effect, much less that an unknown force causes it.)

      Another good calculation for study.

    2. 2: (a) Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Earth due to the Moon. (b) Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity at Earth due to the Sun. (c) Take the ratio of the Moon’s acceleration to the Sun’s and comment on why the tides are predominantly due to the Moon in spite of this number.

      A nice study workout, similar to HW 07.

    3. 3: Draw a free body diagram for a satellite

      nice study task

    4. The Cavendish Experiment: Then and Now

      Did not discuss in lecture, although it will definitely come up in PHY2054C when the topic is the Coulomb interaction between electrical charges

    5. ”Weightlessness” and Microgravity

      Did not discuss in lecture

    6. Tides

      Did not talk too much about tides in lecture -- a few minutes

    7. Recall that the acceleration due to gravity is about on Earth.

      We reviewed a bunch of this section in the Geospatial energy levels mini-lecture in YouTube.

    8. Figure 2.

      Good concise diagram

  4. Feb 2019
    1. Example 1:

      Skip this example. It is basically a trig workout

    2. equivalent effective force

      Idealized force structure

    3. the force (to bring the occupant to a stop) will be much less if it acts over a larger time.

      Perfect description

    1. Tidal friction exerts torque that is slowing Earth’s rotation

      Yes, tidal friction exists, tides due to our moon and to the Sun, but this skips over the main question: can gravity exert a torque on a planet? Take Venus, a planet nearly the size of Earth but no moon to cause significant tidal friction. Answer: no. The gravitational field of the Sun is spherically symmetric, no angular dependence, no vorticity.

    2. It seems quite reasonable, then, to define angular momentum as

      I do not consider this so reasonable. It is better to say that, in general, for every spatial dimension u, there is a corresponding momentum \(p_u\). In spherical coordinates that could be latitude \(\theta\) and longitude \(\phi\) angles as well as distance from the center of coordinates, \(r\). If the energy states are not dependent on coordinate u, then \(p_u\) is a conserved quantity. For an ice skater, her spin angle can be seen as a longitude angle \(\phi\); he angular momentum, \(p_{\phi}\) is conserved if the ice is smooth enough.

      But the author's use of analogy here is OK.

    1. We can loosely define energy as the ability to do work

      Decent "loose" definition

    2. There is no simple, yet accurate, scientific definition for energy.

      In fact, energy is a deep mystery, like entropy and time. There is no standard Joule on display inside a glass case in Paris at the famous Rotonde du Assiette de Crevettes or anything like that. Prof. Richard Feynman taught that energy can be calculated in various ways but he was stumped as to what it is.

      It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. ...there are formulas for calculating some numerical quantity, and when we add it all together it [is] always the same number. [Feynman Lectures]

    3. almost


    1. This quantity was the average force

      57 gram tennis ball. That is a ton of g's of acceleration.

      $$a=\frac{F}{m}=\frac{661\,N}{0.057 \, kg}=11596 \frac{m}{s^2}=1183 \times g$$

      So about 1200 g's!!!

    2. most broadly applicable form

      They say that half the Ph.D.s on the planet are at NASA working out spaceflight trajectories using this most general form, $$\vec{F}_{net}=\frac{\Delta \vec{p}}{\Delta t}$$ because, e.g., a rocket boosting a spacecraft into orbit is always losing mass through the rocket motor -- the "flames" blazing out of the rocket, hundreds of kg per sec of fuel oxidized and violently expelled. So \(\frac{\Delta m}{\Delta t}\) is not negligible and must be included in calculations... not easy

    3. The net external force equals the change in momentum


      $$F_{net}=m \frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t}$$

      $$F_{net}=\frac{m \Delta v}{\Delta t}$$

      and for objects with constant mass, $$m \Delta v = \Delta \left(mv\right)$$ so $$F_{net}=\frac{\Delta p}{\Delta t}$$

    4. Linear momentum is defined as

      Sir Isaac Newton used the term "quantity of motion," and it is his second definition on page 1 of the Principia.

    5. Compare the player’s momentum with the momentum of a hard-thrown 0.410-kg football

      Poor comparison. A better comparison is with another player of similar though different mass and with velocity \(v=8.00 \frac{m}{s}\) and antiparallel to the first player's velocity.

    1. an equation for


    2. The gravitational force is relatively simple. It is always attractive, and it depends only on the masses involved and the distance between them. Stated in modern language, Newton’s universal law of gravitation states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force along a line joining them. The force is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

      A lovely paragraph, right on the money

    3. to show that the motion of heavenly bodies should be conic sections

      Kepler's first law of planetary motion, before Newton, had discovered this conic section idea, but Newton SHOWED or PROVED as in geometric analysis that conic sections were required, no coincidence.

    4. both

      terrestrial and celestial, which at the time of Newton, were not universally considered as a unified system with universal laws governing both realms. In fact, the verification of Newton's law of universal gravitation simplified our view of the physical universe: one book to describe them all, as Galileo foretold.

    5. gravity is able to supply the necessary centripetal force
      1. "gravity"
      2. "is able to supply"
      3. "the necessary centripetal force."

      $$1 \longrightarrow 2 \longrightarrow 3$$

      $$F \left[ 1 \right] \,= \left[ 2 \right] \frac{mv^2}{r} \left[ 3 \right]$$

    6. aching feet


    1. 6.4 Fictitious Forces and Non-inertial Frames: The Coriolis Force

      We will bypass this section, but it is interesting to read about Coriolis force in regard to hurricanes and weather systems. Cf., Fig. 5

    1. What is the ideal banking angle for a gentle turn of 1.20 km radius on a highway with a 105 km/h speed limit (about 65 mi/h), assuming everyone travels at the limit?


    2. 1: (a) A 22.0 kg child is riding a playground merry-go-round that is rotating at 40.0 rev/min. What centripetal force must she exert to stay on if she is 1.25 m from its center?


    3. As a skater forms a circle, what force is responsible for making her turn? Use a free body diagram in your answer

      Good free body diagram to work out.

    4. frictionless banked curve


    5. In cases in which forces are not parallel, it is most convenient to consider components along perpendicular axes—in this case, the vertical and horizontal directions.

      Similar to the Bumblebee tilt test.

    6. Any force or combination of forces can cause a centripetal or radial acceleration. Just a few examples are the tension in the rope on a tether ball, the force of Earth’s gravity on the Moon, friction between roller skates and a rink floor, a banked roadway’s force on a car, and forces on the tube of a spinning centrifuge

      This is an important concept in how we use F = ma. The m and the a are measurable quantities (m) or derived from measurable quantities (a).

      The F, however, is a slot that can be filled with tension from a rope or gravitational attraction, electrical repulsion or electrical attraction, a strong nuclear attraction or a week nuclear interaction.

    1. The directions of the velocity of an object at two different points are shown, and the change in velocity Δv is seen to point directly toward the center of curvature. (See small inset.) Because ac = Δv/Δt, the acceleration is also toward the center; ac is called centripetal acceleration. (Because Δθ is very small, the arc length Δs is equal to the chord length Δr for small time differences.)

      Similar to my derivation, 2/15

    2. Example 2: How Big Is The Centripetal Acceleration in an Ultracentrifuge?

      Another good example.

    3. Example 1: How Does the Centripetal Acceleration of a Car Around a Curve Compare with That Due to Gravity?

      Good example.

    1. Problems & Exercises

      No calculations from this section! But plenty of conceptual questions are possible.

    2. To the mouse and any smaller animal, [gravity] presents practically no dangers. You can drop a mouse down a thousand-yard mine shaft; and, on arriving at the bottom, it gets a slight shock and walks away, provided that the ground is fairly soft. A rat is killed, a man is broken, and a horse splashes. For the resistance presented to movement by the air is proportional to the surface of the moving object. Divide an animal’s length, breadth, and height each by ten; its weight is reduced to a thousandth, but its surface only to a hundredth. So the resistance to falling in the case of the small animal is relatively ten times greater than the driving force.

      An object with basic dimension D has surface area proportional to \(D^2\) but mass proportional to \(D^3\). So quadrupling the size, like mouse size to rat size, the area presented to the wind of \(\times 16\) but it has mass \(\times 64\). Mouse is safe but the rat gets greased by higher terminal velocity.


      I might actually try this. : )

    4. This means a skydiver with a mass of 75 kg achieves a maximum terminal velocity of about 350 km/h while traveling in a pike (head first) position, minimizing the area and his drag. In a spread-eagle position, that terminal velocity may decrease to about 200 km/h as the area increases. This terminal velocity becomes much smaller after the parachute opens.

      Discussed 2/13. Of course, the parachute lends an enormous effective area to the skydiver, so that the new terminal speed -- the landing speed -- is slow enough to survive.

    5. “Aerodynamic” shaping

      The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), where Hidden Figures' Katherine Johnson rose, was originated during WW I, was an intensive research facility focused on airframe optimization -- aerodynamic shaping. One famous airframe became the P51 Mustang, a prime fighter against the German Luftwaffe.

      Katherine Johnson at NASA Langley

    6. more generalized fashion as

      Good to remember, in a nutshell. We will not use the complicated version involving density, area etc.

    7. For most large objects such as bicyclists, cars, and baseballs not moving too slowly, the magnitude of the drag force is found to be proportional to the square of the speed of the object.

      This is why a concept like terminal velocity arises: the upward drag force depends on the speed, \(\propto v^2\)

    1. Extended Topic:

      We will bypass this subtopic

    2. Calculate the tension in the wire

      I have used diagrams like this on MANY PHY2053 midterms, frequently with different lengths left and right, so that the dip angles are different. Here the dip angle is 5º left and right, and the ropes form an isosceles triangle. So if I make the ropes different lengths, the angles might be 4º and 8º.