7 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Select a historical figure, someone you admire or are interested in learning more about. This should be someone well-known, so that a GenAI can locate information about them.

      How is AI going to be used in the future of our academics, as well as our professional careers?


      Going off the heading, this section will explain how AI writing has been used in different ways for years, it is just now more prevalent than ever.

    3. Ue

      Going off the heading, this section will talk about how Artificial Intelligence came into our education and the impact it had.

    4. Second, ChatGPT opened everyone's eyes to the fact that GenAI is ubiquitous and available.

      AI tools are prevalent and present everywhere.

    5. When ChatGPT brought the conversation about GenAI and education to the public, much of the media coverage focused on concerns that this new tool would launch a level of academic dishonesty never witnessed before, as students would use GenAI to cheat on their assignments and circum- vent their own learning.

      This paragraph stuck out to me because I remember when ChatGPT was getting popular around school, and all the teachers told us that if we used AI, it is cheating and it's prohibited.

    6. In a revealing survey published by Best Colleges, over half the college students surveyed in March of 2023 claimed that their instruc- tors had not spoken with them about GenAI tools like ChatGPT.?

      I thought this was interesting because in 2023 I think ChatGPT and many other AI tools were very prevalent, so I thought most, if not all, instructors would have already talked to their students about this.

    7. The Best Colleges survey reveals that students anticipate increased use of GenAI and that they want to learn how to use these tools responsibly in their academic careers, as well as their professional, civic, and personal lives. Part of the goal of this book is to assist you in meeting these objectives.

      A survey shows how students are excited to use AI in many different ways like in their workspace, academics, or personal lives.