382 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. people in your life

      Underneath this sectin, I would add an icon bar that speaks to your unique points of difference: hand-painted, hand-stitched, 100% bespoke, recycled, carbon-offsetting, etc (and you can totally repurpose this icon bar on your product pages) It's an easy way for people to understand what you stand for and what to expect

    2. With your carefully chosen words typed by Dorothy my vintage typewriter

      Underneath your about section, I'd inclue a 'featured and trusted by' logo bar. It seems that you have worked with a number of recoginsable organisations and media outlets. I would let people know about the amazing brands you've worked with.

    3. About Blue Stiggy

      I would move this up towards the top of your page. Right underneath your bestsellers

    4. Give a Truly Thoughtful + Personal Gift

      I would lead in with a short blurb about your truly unique concept. Something that draws people in and intrigues them to learn more.

    5. Truly Thoughtful  +  Personal  +  Eco Conscious Stationery

      This line shows as the Title of your website. So I assume you have optimised your home page for the SEO keyword 'eco conscious stationery'. If that's the case, I would flip it around so you lead in with your keyword and follow it up with 'Truly Thoughtful + Personal'

    1. Join at the founding member price of $17 /month005Day(s):00Hour(s):50Minute(s):

      Move this further down underneath the Membership introduction

    2. Weekly journaling PromptsCommunity of like-minded People

      I would be a bit more specific here around the inclusions. List them out in both columns as bullet points as a handy recap.

    3. A membership for people who want more flow, connection, and intuition in their lives

      The month-to-month membership for people like you who want to introduce more flow, connection and intuition into your life through journaling.

      Also add this underneath: Only 12 spots available at the founding member price of $17/month

      JOIN NOW

    4. It is a choose-your-own-adventure.

      Choose your own adventure as soon as you join

      The weekly journaling prompts initiate the first step of your journey, but your heart will decide where it wants to take you from there.

      What you can expect from your experience inside Heart2Pen:

    5. Why should you join as a founding member?

      Love this section and how clearly you call out the benefits of joining now

      What I would do is move it up above the comparison table so it's an easier yes

    6. 14 days Money Back guarantee

      I would include the comparision table for monthly and yearly again right here for those people who read right to the end

    7. Eager to see a change in just 30 days? Make this membership yours.9 Ways to Make Yourself at homewith Heart2Pen

      I would remove this concept from the sales page and turn it into part of your pre-launch content as an education peace. Or you could even include it in your onboarding sequence to set people up for success as soon as they join.

    8. What you get when you join today

      I would move this section up right underneath where you first introduce the membership with tagline.

    9. But do you want to know why these efforts didn’t work?

      While you're trying to come up for fresh air and reconnect with parts of yourself on a regular basis, you simply don't seem to get there.

      But it's not for a lack of trying!

      What is missing is...

    10. You’re too much in your head. all the time.

      But your reality unfortunately looks very different.

      You're too much in your head...

    11. And You Want toEnjoy doing things for the sake of it without having to performBe in the momentExperience more flowThings to feel natural and simple, like a picnic on a sunny day with your loved ones next to a quiet riverReconnect with parts of yourself that are buried under all the to-dos and have-tos ultimately

      Turn this into an emotive 'dream future'opening paragraph.

      Imagine a day when you knew how to be in the moment.

      Where you...

      follow this up with a list of tangible benefits and wins people are going to see from joining your membership. That dream state they're working towards.

    12. heart2PenA membership for people who want to journey to their hearts through their pen

      Rather than start with your membership name and tagline, I would begin with taking the reader on a journey first.

      I would start with a super emotive opening question here:

      What if you gave yourself permission to take a break from thinking and doing, and spend some quality time for and with yourself instead?

    1. Get your priorities in order for the month ahead Become a consistent action-taker Navigate getting stuff done with ease Be productive AND prioritize yourself

      I would turn this into a super strong opening paragraph all about the dream future they want to achieve so badly. Imagine a day when...

      Also, do you have tangible results from clients that you could share here so the ideas become stickier and more relatable?

    2. No contract.  No minimum number of months.  Cancel any time.

      This is where you would stack up the monthly option against the 6-month option with a bullet point list of inclusions. The button underneath each can link to the same checkout page

    3. Here’s to managing your time like a pro! Now you can... Spend more time with the important people you care about. Pursue what matters most.   Be clear, focused, and in-control of how you spend your day. Feel calmer and more peaceful about your day-to-day life. Live in alignment with your priorities.   Have time to breathe and do something for yourself.

      I love the ideas here. What if you turned it into a mini timeline that helps people see the immediate, short-term and long-term transformation. Somethink like. As soon as you join... After a month inside... After 6 months inside

      And then create a clear picture of what's possible in that timeframe?

    4. Be more productive AND prioritize yourself!

      What if I told you that you can be more productive AND prioritize yourself?

    5. No contract.  No minimum number of months.  Cancel any time.

      I would link all the buttons up to a comparision table at the bottom of hte page where you list all the inclusions as a bullet point list. And only the button at the bottom of the page links to the checkout page

    6. In the More Than Productivity Membership, you'll learn The Productivity Success Method!


      More Than Productivity

      The month-to-month membership that gives you a productivity expert in your pocket so you can get laser-focused and take action on your most important business projects

      (while ALSO freeing up time for yourself and the things that are most important to you!)

      JOIN NOW

    7. Sort through the noise and watch a life that makes sense become clear when you follow The Productivity Success Method by signing up today!

      Move this one below the heading:

      Let's help you sort through the noise so you can create a life that makes perfect sense to you.

    8. Get the guided support you need through the 4 stages:

      Ready to be guided by my signature Productivity Success Method?

    9. It’s

      I get it!

      It's frustrating...

      I'm calling it: You deserve to feel clear...

    10. 🙄


    11. Does everything feel important but nothing is getting done?

      But right now you're getting noting done because everything feels equally important.

    12. The More Than Productivity Membership is the accessible solution that gives you a productivity expert in your pocket to help you get focused and take action while ALSO taking good care of yourself and spending time on what's most important to you!

      I'd leave this introduction for later so you can build the intrigue and take them on a journey first

    13. Take Charge of Your Time and To-Dos While Doing What Matters

      What if you could finally take charge of your time and To-Dos and focus on what really matters to you?

    1. Need help with your project?

      Consider moving the for women section up so it's the first that pops up if you want to make this your main focus

    2. policy submission


    3. Explore my workshops, short courses and resources

      Explore my audits, masterclasses, short courses and resources

    4. improve your own food literacy

      make the right nutritional shifts in your life?

    5. everyday Australians

      busy women

    6. nutrition consultant and food literacy expert

      As a nutrition consultant, food literacy expert and women's health nutritionist, ...

    1. Workshops. Short courses. Community.

      who want glowing skin, vitality, gut and hormone health

    1. want to give your own food literacy a gentle nudge

      are looking for someone to help you make the right nutritional shifts in your life

  2. Jun 2024
  3. jacqueline-sinfield.mykajabi.com jacqueline-sinfield.mykajabi.com
    1. this.

      Add a button to buy

    2. g.

      Add a button to buy

    3. Ready to Enroll in It's A Wrap!

      Can you move this underneath the FAQ section?

    4. Jacqueline Sinfield Jacqueline has worked in health care for over twenty years. In England, she trained and worked as a registered nurse and obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology before moving to Canada and setting up her practice as a coach for adults with ADHD. Her Untapped Brilliance blog has been named a “Top ADHD Blog of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018” by Healthline, “Best of the Web Blog” by Psych Central and “Top 20 ADHD Blog Winner” by ADDerworld. In addition she was a writer for the health website VeryWell.com for two years as their ADHD Expert. Her book Untapped Brilliance has helped thousands of adults with ADHD.  Education Jacqueline is a qualified nurse, bachelor’s degree in psychology (Hon.) and a certificate in counselling.  She is a Coach U (USA) graduate. She has also studied and read widely with international ADHD experts and continues to be attentive to emerging research.

      I fell that the about section further up on the page is enough. I'd remove this

    5. Not in a grin and bear it sort of way, but in an enjoyable and rewarding way. In this video you will learn the strategy!


    6. What do a timer, notebook, and index cards have in common? They are the three tools that help you to concentrate!


    7. Immediate Access After making the payment, check your inbox. There will be an email with your login information so you can start the first module right away!

      Is this a double up?

    8. When you do this, you feel proud of what you accomplished and the memories you created. Year planning doesn’t have to be done in December. You can do it any time, including right now! The printable worksheets are designed make the planning process easy and fun.

      remove this

    9. Feel centred, grounded and proactive rather than scattered and reactive. Create time in your day to do your important daily actions, so you feel confident they will get done. Eliminate worries that you are forgetting things… because you aren’t! Start each day with a clear direction and focus, so you always know what needs to be done and when. Reduce your stress levels. And much more!

      Can you reduce this to the top 3 ideas and the much more bullet point?

    10. It helps to break through that glass window pane of resistance you can have when you know what task you want to do and how to do it, but you can't seem to start. When you use this technique, you naturally feel enthusiastic and 'into' the task rather than dragging your feet and half-heartedly doing it.

      I'd remove this to make it more concise

    11. Coaching Notes After our call, I email you your coaching notes. These help you remember the key points we talked about. Plus, it means you don’t have to write anything down during the ‘It’s a Wrap’ coaching session… unless you want to.

      And combine this one with the private coaching session blurb

    12. A Private Coaching Session 1 75 minute private coaching session with Jacqueline      During our ‘It’s a Wrap’ coaching session we go through the steps together and personalize them to you and your unique life.

      I'd call this out as an option separately once you've explored all standard features

    13. Comments You can leave comments under the training videos to get feedback from Jacqueline as you go through the steps. Tech Support   The training videos are hosted on an intuitive and easy to use platform. However, if you have any tech questions, please email us at support@untappedbrilliance and we will take care of you right away.

      I'd remove these 2 because they're not really features

    14. Self Study Option

      Can you add a bar like this for the upgrade option as well? Something like 1:1 Option?

    15. Step 1 Pick

      Can you condense this section about the steps somehow to make it easier to read and make the sales page shorter overall? Possibly 2 columns or even 3?

    16. Know which ideas to focus on first, and which can happen later. Learn how to make realistic plans to avoid feeling overwhelmed or disappointed. Understand how to break big things down into ‘do-able’ actions. Learn how to feel motivated, even when you would rather spend the day on the sofa. Become consistent, so that you don’t get side tracked or forget your plans. Have a repeatable system, so you can trust yourself to follow through and finish things again and again. Plus! A positive side effect is you feel proud, accomplished and confident in your abilities.

      Can you reduce the number of points in this list and reduce them to the top 5? And call out the PLUS idea separately at the bottom so it stands out.

    17. The ‘It’s a Wrap’ 6 step process to go from idea to finished!

      Is this meant to read: This 6-step process will see you go from idea to finished!

    18. That is why I created ‘It’s a Wrap.’

      Can you start a new visual section here and introduce it with this line as a heading.

    19. In the last 1

      Lead in with something like: Hi, I'm Jacquline

    20. Do you...

      But currently your reality looks a little more like this... and then pick the top 5 tangible/common/relatable issues

    21. Imagine being able to start and FINISH all your important tasks and projects! (Without ever buying another productivity book.)

      I would add more context underneath this awesome opener. A short paragraph around the actual dream future. What that would look like and what it would feel like.

      And then... leading into a new section that speaks about their 'right now' they're trying to escape from.

    22. O

      I would set the scene around who Dan is first... something like: Meet your fellow ADHDer Dan.

    23. *

      I would slightly reword the tagline in the header image so it starts with the outcomes. Something like: Motivate yourself so you can successfully prioritize and follow through with your plan with this ADHD-friendly 6-step system.

    1. Success timelines are based on average client timelines.
We do not guarantee you a job in a certain timeframe.

      I'd slightly reword this. Something like: While 90% of past clients have secured interviews within 2 weeks, and landed their dream offer in less than 4 months, this program does not come with a guarantee that you'll secure a job within that timeframe.

    2. Learn from an industry insider

      I would move this entire about section further up on the page just underneath the first pricing tables.

    3. Lifetime access to the Course

      I would beef up these ideas more and move them down into the pricing table.

    4. The course. The feedback. The support.

      The perfect blend of feedback, support and guidance


      Love this section... what if you turned it into a mini timeline? As soon as you join... in 2 weeks... in 1 month ... in 2 months ... in 3-4 months

    6. PAY IN FULL

      I would break down here what exactly is included in the program. How many group calls? Which courses? Which templates? What does the 1:1 support look like? What is the format of each inclusion? Is there a private podcast? Make it super clear for people to see what they get.

    7. The program includes

      Can you somehow break down the program into or modules so people can picture how they're going to progress through your framework?

    8. We’ve helped tech industry leaders make big moves.

      I would move this section towards the top of the page because it includes brands your clients would be aspiring to land a role at, right?

    9. The job search strategy program with 1:1 support leveraging my proven Inevitable Edge Method to drive your search with clarity and confidence.

      The 16-week job search strategy program that will give you the clarity and confidence to not only land the RIGHT interviews but secure that DREAM role.

      90% of clients secured their dream offer in less than 4 months.

    10. Each of these phases on their own can seriously accelerate your resultsBut leverage all 3 and you'll take your big career goals fromeventual Inevitable.

      LOVE THIS!

    11. Follow a

      I would switch each of these ideas up so they don't sound like they're going to do all the work, but rather turn them into a partnership. Let's...

    12. You just have to find yourInevitable Edge

      What will land you that dream leadership role? Your Inevitable Edge

    13. But the state of the market has you second-guessing everything you know about how to get a job.

      This section is great because it speaks to the obstacles between them and that dream role. I'd just mix up the introduction... something like: But what stands between you and the leadership role that stretches you into your next level of growth is not only the state of the market, but the hamster wheel of every seemingly neverending job search. ...

    14. You're ready for your nextcareer-defining role

      Can you lead with that dream future here? And really paint a picture of what it would feel like to already have that dream role. Something like: Imagine waking up to the role you've been working towards for the past few years. And what expects you is... (tangible things they're aspiring to).

    15. The proven job search strategy program for anyone in tech who leads people, products, and projects.

      I feel like this offer promise could be punchier. Something like: The perfect blend of accountability, feedback and personalised support to land you the leadership role of your dreams quicksmart.

      Even in an unpredictable job market and if you're tried unsuccessfully for months.

    16. Land interviews in 2 weeks and an offer in 3-4 months*.

      Coming from a total outsider's perspective here... the person you're describing on the sales page seems pretty fed up with their current job and if I had to guess, I'd say they want to make a move quicker than in the next 4 months. I know that's a totally realistic timeline and you need to set the right expectations, but I'd start with your AMAZING tagline you introduce further down on the sales page: What if you could switch the status of your next leadership role from eventual to inevitable? This statement leads with hope rather than timelines people might not want to accept, and that put them off right away.

    1. Here's what's included!

      Can you add a summary underneath? Something like: 'the perfect blend of coaching, accountability and personalized guidance'

    2. How does Plan My Project work?

      Can you move this underneath the photo?

    3. Business A plan for a brand new business in Cryptocurrency (2 year later, it's going from strength to strength) Author A plan to complete a book that was 3/4 finished. Creating this plan also breathed life and enthusiasm into completing the manuscript. Work A plan to complete an important work project on a tight deadline. Student A plan to write your Master's Thesis or Ph.D. Dissertation Home A plan to declutter a whole house with a lifetime of memories.

      Can you design this section in a way that these ideas are next to each other with an icon against each? I feel that if they set next to each other in one row, it would make it easier to scan and digest

    4. 10 step process..the Plan My Project process

      I would add this as a stand-out idea underneath the heading in this section. Something like 'based on my signature 10 step process'

    5. It's project planning that worked for my brain.

      Not sure this works here. I would speak to the individual nature of the plan that's required. Something like: 'I needed a plan that worked for MY brain'

    6. Creating a plan and following that plan was how people went from having an idea, to completing their projects big and small. Planning helped me to  Get a degree in psychology,  Create and run my business (I have been an ADHD coach for the last 16 years),  Write the book ‘Untapped Brilliance: How to Reach your full potential with Adult ADHD’, (that both  Dr Hallowell and Dr Gabor Mate  endorsed) Move homes 11 times, including twice to different countries,  Run 3 marathons, 1 ultra marathon and 12 half marathons. And many small projects, from re-decorating a room in my home to planning vacations.

      Love the specific examples!

    7. So you'll know exactly what you will need to do, how you will do it, (and when), so you’ll  feel confident and motivated to take action and complete your project.

      I would make this somewhat more concise. Something like: 'After our session, you'll know exactly WHAT you'll need to do, HOW you will do it and WHEN you will do it, so you have the confidence and motivation to complete your project.'

    8. This planning service helps you go from...

      Make this more personal so it shows you will support them personally.

      'I'll help you go from...'

    9. .

      so it's a complete success.

    10. creating a

      see you create

    11. devoted to

      specifically designed to

    12. A


    13. Good news!

      Change this to 'what if I told you...'

    14. Let me know if this sounds familiar...

      Framing it this way sounds like you're guessing. But you have a pretty good idea of why they're on this page, right? So I'd tweak it somewhat to make it clear that you know how the ADHD brain (their brain works).

      "Finding you on this page tells me a few things about you. And it almost guarantees that you've had at least one of these toughts:'

    15. Enrollment closes in...

      I know this is a one-on-on offer, so it's not really enrolling, right? I would tweak this to 'Book your limited spot before the timer strikes zero'. This creates urgency scarcity.

    16. Plan your project so that you can implement and finish your project without letting your ADHD get in the way!

      I would change this up so it speaks to the end goal because your service name covers that 'what'.

      I'd change it to 'Set your next project up for success without letting your ADHD get in the way.'

  4. erika-klics.showit.site erika-klics.showit.site
    1. Define the career move that will meet your needs and match your skills. Then align that needs with the realities of the market.

      Can you add a short paragraph outlining why this is the oh-so-important first step?

    2. I’ve

      Can you come up with an impressive numbers section as a quick reference point for the achievements you've helped your clients secure? How many clients you've supported to their dream role? How many deals were above the original offer? What is the average percentage of increase? How long on avarage?


      Have you been featured in the media or on recognisable podcasts? If so, I'd include a log bar here similar to the one you have on your home page.

    4. .Possibility lies in asking the better questions. We'll ask you to get curious about your own assumptions—about the industry, about what you do, about what hiring teams want—and we'll encourage you to get curious about003.Ask for More.We work with leaders. We expect you to show up with the same level of leadership you bring into your role. We don't settle, and we'll never ask you too either.of yourself and those around you004.I sat on the other side of the table, hiring leaders as an agency recruiter, an in-house recruiter, a Head of Talent, and a hiring manager, for more than 10 years.

      Can you add an intro section above this section (which again I think is FAB!)?

      Something that hooks the reader and makes them feel seen. It would be talking about some of the situations they might have been facing to get them here, some of the common challenges that lead into your insider perspective as an agency recruiter and in-house recruiter.

      I'd speak to the frustration they're feeling, and then lead into the issues causing that frustration (which you cover in this section)

    5. Be Real.

      Including the values is a smart move, I would just move them to the bottom of your about page just above the services section.

    6. We help you find your<img src="//static.showit.co/400/x1dF2BzwTU-ad7LVMTgU3A/116337/419-img_2692.jpg" class="se-img" alt="" title="419-IMG_2692"/>Inevitable Edge

      Love the tagline!

      What I would include is a H1 reference to what you do/how people would Google you so you give yourself another chance to rank and get in front of people looking for your services

      Something like 'The Job Search Strategist to help you find your inevitable edge'

    1. "Get ready to be challenged. And even vulnerable"

      I feel like the final quote should speak to the incredible result and how happy he is with his offer. You could even add a section where you check in with him 3 months down the track to see how the job is serving him today. If it's still a great fit, and he's loving it, add it in as an quote.

    2. The company put forward a strong offer. Juraj was pumped, but he was hoping for more on the base. We pulled market data and leveraged the numbers from his previous salaries, as well as other roles he’d pursued in the search, to help him negotiate a 14% increase on the original base salary.

      Can you include here where that offer compares to the market data you pulled? Of course, only if it's above market average...

    3. Ultimately there was one clear fit for Juraj, and once he saw it was possible to land that job, he went all-in. He shared extra materials. He prepped testimonials and references from past employers. And together we worked through stories and experiences to address all the potential flags they might have about him head-on

      I feel like you could go into even more detail here, because it's such an important part of the process. I feel like I want to join Juraj behind the scenes as he lands this job. The questions I have here are: Which stories did he share? What were those extra materials? And, most importantly, what did he have to say when he received the YES, you're it?

    4. Strategic Moves:

      Potentially rename this section so it works with the renamed section above: 'The strategic moves that got us there'

    5. Juraj could do it all. But rather than position Juraj as a “Partnerships Generalist” because he could own integrations, business development, and partner marketing, we honed in on his specialization: Product Juraj is an incredibly talented and experienced partnerships leader who blends business development acumen with a strong product sense to build the next generation of SaaS software. He’d held both Partnerships and Product titles, and he’d led integrations with some of the biggest players in the industry (Google, Zoom, Microsoft, Slack, etc.) The Challenges:That meant he truly had to make the most of every opportunity he pursued. The fact is, there just weren’t a lot of Partnerships roles, especially not at the leadership level Juraj had previously operated as VP in his previous company. And the roles he did see were not necessarily perfect fits. Some had VP titles but no teams. Other focused primarily on Channel Partnerships (which he could do, but that was not his strongest skillset.) Once we leaned into this, he had a story to tell.

      could you rename this section somewhat and make it all about Juraj's Inevitable Edge? Possibly 'Juraj's Inevitable Edge'.

      You go into great details when it comes to identifying it in the section below, so why not make this a to-the-point snapshot of his 'point of difference'.

    6. The fact is, there just weren’t a lot of Partnerships roles, especially not at the leadership level Juraj had previously operated as VP in his previous company. And the roles he did see were not necessarily perfect fits. Some had VP titles but no teams. Other focused primarily on Channel Partnerships (which he could do, but that was not his strongest skillset.)

      This is where I would explore the trigger moment(s) that saw him seek support from you. What made this time around different to all the other job applications? What were some of the mindset struggles he was coming up against? What were some of the application hurdles he hadn't experienced previously?

    7. Juraj had been doing fractional and advisor work for the past year and a half. When he reached out to us, he’d recently landed at a very early-stage startup that turned out to be a bad culture fit. This time around? He knew he needed to leverage a more focused effort and intentional strategy to land his next full-time role.

      Can you go into a little more detail around Juraj's background? I'd love to learn more about him.... include a little more about his career background here rather than in the challenges section. If you can showcase that he had a solid career behind him when approaching you, that takes the stigma out of seeking help for others.

    8. Title

      His expertise


      The client

    10. How he secured a 14% increase on an original offer

      I'd totally reword this so it sounds like you were a team:

      How we helped Juraj secure a 14% increase on an original offer

    11. Partnerships Leader

      I'm tempted to get rid of this section because it distracts from the attention-grabbing opener right underneath...

  5. May 2024
    1. I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU...   What if all this does is help you confidently use one herb to help your kiddos stuffy nose, without making a late-night pharmacy run?    And what’s super cool to think about is that the money you might spend in one month buying over-the counter remedies could cover your membership for an entire year!    So, would it be worth it if this just helped you swap out a few drugstore remedies for natural, at-home solutions??? 🤔🤔🤔

      Love this idea but I'd structure it slightly differently because the most important aspect gets lost currently.

      What about?

      Making your own herb remedy to help your kiddo's stuffy nose (rather than making a late-night pharmacy run) could cover your membership for an entire year. (mind blown emoji)

      Let me guess... Taking this membership for a test-drive all of a sudden has become a no-brainer?

    2. Here is what you may have tried to do as you shift your family to a more naturally healthy life...

      Make this idea the sub-heading of this section. Something like:

      If I had to guess, I'd say any of these conundrums have sent you here:

    3. Look, you probably spend more on coffee in a day or two, than this costs. But unlike that daily latte, this has the potential to turn your family's health around. Soon you won't feel stuck relying on the broken western medical system for every little ailment, ultimately saving you oodles of time and money


    4. Kid Safe Herb Club Is Still Pretty New... But Here's What These Lovelies Have To Say About Learning Herbalism With Me /* flush setting */ /* margin settings */ #block-1697952557560_15, [data-slick-id="1697952557560_15"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697952557560_15 .block, [data-slick-id="1697952557560_15"] .block { /* border settings */ border: 1px solid #45b5e4; border-radius: 0px; /* background color */ /* default padding for mobile */ padding: 20px; /* mobile padding overrides */ padding: 0; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { /* desktop margin settings */ #block-1697952557560_15, [data-slick-id="1697952557560_15"] { margin-top: 30px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697952557560_15 .block, [data-slick-id="1697952557560_15"] .block { /* default padding for desktop */ /* desktop padding overrides */ padding: 0; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; 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margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697952557560_29 .block, [data-slick-id="1697952557560_29"] .block { /* default padding for desktop */ padding: 30px; /* desktop padding overrides */ padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } } /* mobile text align */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1697952557560_29, [data-slick-id="1697952557560_29"] { text-align: center; } } #block-1577982541036_0 .btn { margin-top: 1rem; } Just $7/Month - Cancel Any Time

      I would remove this screenshot testimonial section and pick your BEST ones to move into the section above

    5. I swear by everything we explore inside the Kid Safe Herb Club. It’s simplified the world of natural remedies, made my life easier, and seriously upped my family’s wellness game. I want you to get in on this herbal goodness too!

      Joining this $7 membership is a pretty powerful experience:

    6. JOIN THE KID SAFE HERB CLUB!   You don’t need to stress over every scratch and sniffle, spend hours scrolling Dr. Google, or break the bank on every fancy herb that's the latest Insta-craze to become a confident home healer with a happy healthy family.   /* flush setting */ #block-1697933476268_4, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_4"] { padding: 0; } /* margin settings */ #block-1697933476268_4, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_4"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: -150px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: -150px; } #block-1697933476268_4 .block, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_4"] .block { /* border settings */ border: 4px black; border-radius: 0px; /* background color */ /* default padding for mobile */ padding: 20px; /* mobile padding overrides */ padding: 0; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { /* desktop margin settings */ #block-1697933476268_4, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_4"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: -50px; 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padding: 20px; /* mobile padding overrides */ padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { /* desktop margin settings */ #block-1697933476268_6, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_6"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697933476268_6 .block, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_6"] .block { /* default padding for desktop */ padding: 30px; /* desktop padding overrides */ padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } } /* mobile text align */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1697933476268_6, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_6"] { text-align: center; } } #block-1697933476268_6 .btn, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_6"] .block .btn { color: #ffffff; border-color: #fdb61a; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #fdb61a; } #block-1697933476268_6 .btn--outline, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_6"] .block .btn--outline { background: transparent; color: #fdb61a; } YES! I'M READY TO SAVE $$$ ON MY FAMILY'S HEALTHCARE /* flush setting */ /* margin settings */ #block-1697933476268_7, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_7"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697933476268_7 .block, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_7"] .block { /* border settings */ border: 4px black; border-radius: 4px; /* background color */ /* default padding for mobile */ padding: 20px; padding: 20px; /* mobile padding overrides */ padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { /* desktop margin settings */ #block-1697933476268_7, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_7"] { margin-top: -20px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697933476268_7 .block, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_7"] .block { /* default padding for desktop */ padding: 30px; /* desktop padding overrides */ padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } } /* mobile text align */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1697933476268_7, [data-slick-id="1697933476268_7"] { text-align: center; } } #block-1577982541036_0 .btn { margin-top: 1rem; } Just $7/Month - Cancel Any Time #section-1697936279879 { background-image: url(https://kajabi-storefronts-production.kajabi-cdn.com/kajabi-storefronts-production/file-uploads/themes/2154051899/settings_images/b017a31-da8-7f4e-0f35-5a70c430b14_5257bf1-f7d8-bfb-3b40-cb3f4a53aed_d1634bbf-b5f0-43c3-a4ff-c417303cebc9.jpg); background-position: center; } #section-1697936279879 .section__overlay { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; top: 0; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); } #section-1697936279879 .sizer { padding-top: 40px; padding-bottom: 40px; } #section-1697936279879 .container { max-width: calc(1260px + 10px + 10px); padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 10px; } #section-1697936279879 .row { } #section-1697936279879 .container--full { width: 100%; max-width: calc(100% + 10px + 10px); } @media (min-width: 768px) { #section-1697936279879 { background-attachment: fixed; } #section-1697936279879 .sizer { padding-top: 50px; padding-bottom: 50px; } #section-1697936279879 .container { max-width: calc(1260px + 40px + 40px); padding-right: 40px; padding-left: 40px; } #section-1697936279879 .container--full { max-width: calc(100% + 40px + 40px); } } /* flush setting */ /* margin settings */ #block-1697936279879_5, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: -150px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: -150px; } #block-1697936279879_5 .block, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .block { /* border settings */ border: 4px black; border-radius: 0px; /* background color */ /* default padding for mobile */ padding: 20px; /* mobile padding overrides */ padding: 0; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { /* desktop margin settings */ #block-1697936279879_5, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697936279879_5 .block, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .block { /* default padding for desktop */ /* desktop padding overrides */ padding: 0; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; } } /* mobile text align */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1697936279879_5, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] { text-align: ; } } #block-1697936279879_5 .block, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .block { display: flex; justify-content: center; } #block-1697936279879_5 .image, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .image { width: 100%; overflow: hidden; border-radius: 4px; } #block-1697936279879_5 .image__image, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .image__image { width: 100%; } #block-1697936279879_5 .image__overlay, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .image__overlay { opacity: 0; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 4px; } #block-1697936279879_5 .image__overlay-text, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .image__overlay-text { color: !important; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1697936279879_5 .block, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .block { display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; } #block-1697936279879_5 .image__overlay, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_5"] .image__overlay { opacity: 0; } #block-1697936279879_5 .image__overlay:hover { opacity: 1; } } /* flush setting */ /* margin settings */ #block-1697936279879_1, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_1"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697936279879_1 .block, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_1"] .block { /* border settings */ border: 1px solid #01a2d9; border-radius: 4px; /* background color */ background-color: #ffffff; /* default padding for mobile */ padding: 20px; padding: 20px; padding: 20px; /* mobile padding overrides */ padding-top: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 15px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { /* desktop margin settings */ #block-1697936279879_1, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_1"] { margin-top: 25px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 30px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697936279879_1 .block, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_1"] .block { /* default padding for desktop */ padding: 30px; padding: 30px; /* desktop padding overrides */ padding-top: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 20px; } } /* mobile text align */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1697936279879_1, [data-slick-id="1697936279879_1"] { text-align: left; } } #block-1577982541036_0 .btn { margin-top: 1rem; } IF YOU'RE THINKING TO YOURSELF...   Man, I've already spent so much on stuff that didn't help, why would the Kid Safe Herb Club be any different?   —THEN HEAR ME OUT:   This ain't your usual one-and-done herbal course. This is an ongoing club that helps you switch from overwhelmed parent into an empowered herbalist Got questions or stuck on something? That's what the monthly live calls and herbal challenges are for—real, hands-on guidance, my friend We're not just throwing a bunch of info at you. We've got worksheets, herb journals, bite-sized lessons, and yeah, even fun challenges to get you applying what you learn, like, yesterday. You're not going solo. You're part of a club of like-minded families, all vibing on the same plant-powered wavelength Zero risk—seriously. Seven-day money-back guarantee and you can peace out anytime you want.


    7. I'm totally convinced that the lessons and resources in this club will be a game-changer for you, just like they were pivotal in transforming how I approach herbal remedies for my family. #block-1697431831604_0 .btn, [data-slick-id="1697431831604_0"] .block .btn { color: #ffffff; border-color: #fdb61a; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #fdb61a; } #block-1697431831604_0 .btn--outline, [data-slick-id="1697431831604_0"] .block .btn--outline { background: transparent; color: #fdb61a; } YES! I Want In The Club NOW! /* flush setting */ /* margin settings */ #block-1697431831604_1, [data-slick-id="1697431831604_1"] { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697431831604_1 .block, [data-slick-id="1697431831604_1"] .block { /* border settings */ border: 4px none black; border-radius: 4px; /* background color */ /* default padding for mobile */ /* mobile padding overrides */ } @media (min-width: 768px) { /* desktop margin settings */ #block-1697431831604_1, [data-slick-id="1697431831604_1"] { margin-top: -20px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1697431831604_1 .block, [data-slick-id="1697431831604_1"] .block { /* default padding for desktop */ /* desktop padding overrides */ } } /* mobile text align */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1697431831604_1, [data-slick-id="1697431831604_1"] { text-align: center; } } #block-1577982541036_0 .btn { margin-top: 1rem; } $7/month-cancel any time

      delete this entire section

    8. No more solo journeys through the costly & overwhelming herb forest!  As part of the club, you get exclusive discounts to the most sustainable herbs supplier. So you can stock up on herbs for less cash. You'll get my Herbal Tea Blending Station, so you can start whipping up tasty medicinal blends with your kiddos in no time! Plus you get to take advantage of our private herb loving community, where you can swap stories, ask questions, and make new herb friends. All these bonuses will keep you in the know so you never miss a beat on your path to natural wellness!

      delete this paragraph

    9. Plus You'll Get To...

      Delete this box

      And turn the paragraph in the box below into a bullet point list so it's easier to digest

    10. Section 1:

      Love how clearly this section is structured.

    11. YOU'LL GET INSTANT ACCESS TO 12 bite sized lessons that make herbalism approachable and doable The Herb Of The Month Deep Dive: Each month  get to know one herb inside and out from planting seeds to filling your medicine cabinet discover its growing tips, harvesting tricks and many medicinal uses for your family ​Worksheets, checklists, guides to keep you on track Tasty herbal recipes your kids will love ​An herb learning journal to document your plant journey Monthly Herbal Show & Tell  Plant identification & wildcrafting tips ​Science based herbal lessons, with a twist of woo and lore

      Can you get rid of the graphic here so the bullet point inclusion list sits centred in the middle of the page?

    12. , which meant   ✅ Deep healing with herbs that are easy to find and actually work ✅ Confidence in knowing one herb can have many uses ✅ No more wasting money on the latest trending herb ✅ Saving my clients big bucks on healthcare

      Delete this

    13. Hey there! I'm Mel, your go-to clinical herbalist who's all about teaching parents to feel empowered to become their family's healer!   I want the same & more for you too!   When I started getting into herbs, I was all in—like, yesterday. So I dove in deep and fast, making my own products, handwriting labels, and giving them out in my community. I was on a mission! But then... the overwhelm hit. Suddenly, people were counting on my herbal remedies, and I started to wonder: "Am I doing this right? Could I actuall

      Looooove your about section and your story!

    14. Gain in-depth knowledge of one herb per month, making it easy to remember and apply  ✅ Boost your family's overall health, reducing the likelihood of costly future medical issues ✅ Save time with ready-to-use herbal recipes tailored for your family's needs  ✅ Cut through the noise with vetted, science-backed information  ✅ Reduce stress by knowing exactly what natural remedies to use and when  ✅ Free up mental space, no more second-guessing your herbal choices  ✅ Make your own herbal remedies, often at a fraction of the cost of store-bought versions ✅ Enjoy peace of mind knowing you have a go-to, natural solution for common ailments  ✅ Learn plant identification and wildcrafting basics, empowering you to source your own herbs  ✅ Become part of a community of like-minded, natural-minded moms  ✅ Feel confident and empowered in your role as your family's natural healthcare provider

      Can you make these less text-heavy and cut them back to the 5 most important ones? Possibly add an icon to go with each top 5 idea.

      Something like...

      Boost your family's overall health safely Save time with ready-to use herbal recipes Make your own herbal remedies on a budget Know how to source or grow your own herbs Become your family's natural healthcare provider

    15. Here is what happens when you do that:

      All of a sudden you could...

    16. Or you could (like hundreds of smart parents) use a trusted source for straight forward herb info

      What if you could rely on a trusted source for straight forward herb info instead?

      And ...

    17. Spend hours searching online, only to find conflicting advice on herbal remedies  ❌ Buy expensive, pre-made natural medicine that you're not even sure is safe for your kids  ❌ Waste time and money on herbs that end up sitting in your pantry because you don't know how to use them  ❌ Stress over dosage and potential side effects, always questioning if you're doing it right  ❌ Feel guilty for not having a go-to, natural solution when your child feels under the weather ❌ Scroll through endless #HerbLife posts, try a trendy remedy, and end up disappointed when it doesn’t work ❌ Buy into all the expensive essential oil companies, but not know what to do with them

      Add You to these ideas so they fit in with the new format.

      You spend hours searching online... You buy expensive, pre-made natural medicine...

      And bold the main idea of each bullet point so it stands out

    18. But OMG... the mom struggle is no joke, am I right? Adding 'amateur herbalist' to the mix? Overwhelming.

      I love this idea and would turn it into the heading for this section. Something like:

      The mum struggle is no joke, am I right?

      Finding you here tells me you're considering adding the 'amateur herbalist' to your long list of job titles.

    19. Most herb schools charge anywhere from $27 to $197 per class for this kind of value.  But I decided to create something every family could afford for just $7/month

      I'd get rid of this and move the button up into the header section

    20. Start Using Herbs To Heal Your Family & Keep Your Kids Healthy

      The first herb club that helps you master herbs for your whole family without the overwhelm or hefty price tags, in less than an hour a month

  6. Apr 2024
    1. cuts, scrapes, bumps, stings, and all sorts of itchy skin things

      Can you add these as icons below this section so they stand out?

      Like a logo icon bar where you list them side by side with a matching icon.

    2. Lifetime Access To The Recordings & Recipes

      Can you possibly add a private podcast seeing that your students are busy mums? Just a thought. ;-)

    3. Downloadable Herbal First Aid Recipes

      Can you be more specific here around how many recipes and what type of recipes, as well as the benefits of having these?

    4. Will There Be Any Hands-On-Activities During The Class? Due to the online nature of the class, and the fact that we have so much information in the class, we didn't do the hands on stuff while live. However, you will be set up with all the recipes to take action immediately after the class and build your herbal first aid kit!

      This one also doesn't seem to apply

    5. I'm Busy, Do I Have To Show Up Live? Nope! This class already happened live, so all you have to do is tune in when you've got the time, or need the lessons

      Delete this one too

    6. Will There Be A Replay?

      This doesn't really apply because they get access to the replay, right? I'd just delete this and change it to something like... how long do I get access to the class for?

    7. Hear What Other Moms Say

      Change this to something like 'How the first aid skills you'll uncover have helped others'

    8. Grab This Herbal First Aid Skills Moms Must Know Class Now

      I'd also delete this to keep it short and sharp

    9. Immediate Access To The Class Video

      Change this to 'the xx-min medicinal first aid class video'

    10. When You Get Registered You'll Get

      Shorten this to 'Get instant access to...'

    11. if those inevitable ouchies could be

      delete this and change to 'Imagine solving those inevitable ouchies with the wisdom...'

    12. With Code FIRSTAID

      And remove the code because it should link to the discounted checkout cart, right?

    13. $27

      Cross out the $47 original price here

    14. This Class

      I'd delete the term 'the class' to keep it super concise

    15. But, before you do that, I've got a question for you...

      I would change the wording of the Deadline Funnel bar to 'Special One-Time Offer: SAVE $20 RIGHT NOW'

    1. Either way, this '5 Ways to Master Your ADHD Strengths Like a Pro' will help you +++

      The 5 Ways to Master your ADHD Strengths Like a Pro I'm going to share with you will help you look at yourself in a whole new light.

    2. You + 5 Ways to Master Your ADHD Strengths like a Pro = everything you need to get started!

      I'd move this entire section to the bottom of the page and add a DOWNLOAD free button as the final push.

    3. A Note From Jacqueline

      I would move this section up right underneath the inclusions.

    4. Ready to feel like you just discovered the operator's manual to yourself?

      What if you finally discovered the operator's manual to yourself?

    5. These three lifestyle activities will help your brain to focus and feel happy every day :)

      They'll help your brain to focus and feel happy every day.

    6. Have you noticed how sometimes a task can take forever, and sometimes you can finish exactly the same task in minutes? That's (in part) due to your body clock.

      I would delete these bits and stick with only the last sentence to make it short and sharp

    7. Your strengths are things you are naturally good at and feel so easy for you,  you presume everyone is good at them (they aren't!) Many things that are considered 'easy' like doing a load of laundry or unpacking a suitcase, are hard for people with ADHD.

      I'd morph these two ideas into one to make it clearer:

      While things considered 'easy' (think doing the laundry) are hard for people with ADHD, things others find incredibly hard come naturally to you.

    8. !

      In terms of the video, LOVE the video and the personal welcome... but is there a way to condense the content a little to make it short and sharp?

    9. FREE MUST HAVE RESOURCE FOR adults living with ADHD

      Now that we've moved the FREE into the button copy, I'd change this to The must-have resource for adults living with ADHD'

    10. P

      I would change the button copy to 'DOWNLOAD FREE NOW'

    1. My mini-course, ‘I’m All Pack! How to pack your suitcase the ADHD-friendly way 🙂 walks you through the 5 steps to packing your suitcase and includes valuable insights, tips, and techniques specifically tailored to help you streamline the packing process. Say goodbye to last-minute scrambles and hello to organized, stress-free trips. Click here to enroll  and embark on your journey of hassle-free packing!”

      How about something like this:

      What if you could take your suitcase-packing skills to the next level?

      With my ADHD-friend step-by-step guide to packing your suitcase, you can say goodbye to last-minute scrambles and hello to organized, stress-free trips today!


    1. Who Said You Can't Get Anything Good For Free?

      Mmmmhh... I know what you're trying to do with this statement, but I wonder whether it's actually planting a seed of doubt.

      How about something like...

      "Free resources so good I should charge for them."

    2. Wanna Dive A Bit Deeper?

      I'd slot in a short-and-sharp testimonial section here leading into your 'big ticket' offers.

    3. my main programs

      How about 'best-selling offers' to make it a bit more irresistible?

    4. lessons in th

      I would include the price point in the Button CTA because they're so well-priced and an easy YES.

    5. e so good your kids will BEG you for more!

      Wonder whether it's worth testing how embedding a sign-up form with each of these freebies impacts your list growth and conversion rates?

    6. You can jump to your preference through the buttons over there 👉🏼

      Love that you're giving them the option to jump to exactly what they're after right at the top of the page

  7. Mar 2024
    1. Featured In:

      Consider moving this up so it sits underneath your about section on the Home page. It complements your blurb nicely and builds instant trust. Or you could even move it right to the top underneath the header banner so people know they're in the right place right from the start.


      I'd move this above the testimonials so people don't have to scroll too far before they see how they can work with you

    3. Hi, I'm Mel

      Wonder whether you can display the text next to your photo so you can absorb your genius visually and verbally in one go?

    4. Don't Worry, We Hate Spam Too, & We Believe In The Golden Rule #section-1617688227652 { background-image: url(https://kajabi-storefronts-production.kajabi-cdn.com/kajabi-storefronts-production/file-uploads/themes/2149435096/settings_images/3b270f8-c141-af01-368-88b451e143f_Untitled_design_2_.png); background-position: center; } #section-1617688227652 .section { background-color: ; } #section-1617688227652 .sizer { padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; } #section-1617688227652 .container { max-width: calc(1260px + 10px + 10px); padding-right: 10px; padding-left: 10px; } #section-1617688227652 .row { } #section-1617688227652 .container--full { max-width: calc(100% + 10px + 10px); } @media (min-width: 768px) { #section-1617688227652 { } #section-1617688227652 .sizer { padding-top: 150px; padding-bottom: 50px; } #section-1617688227652 .container { max-width: calc(1260px + 40px + 40px); padding-right: 40px; padding-left: 40px; } #section-1617688227652 .container--full { max-width: calc(100% + 40px + 40px); } } #section-1617688227652 .row { -webkit-box-align: stretch !important; -ms-flex-align: stretch !important; align-items: stretch !important; } /* flush setting */ #block-1617688227652_1 { padding: 0; } /* margin settings */ #block-1617688227652_1 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1617688227652_1 .block { /* border settings */ border: 4px solid #ffffff; border-radius: 0px; /* background color */ /* default padding for mobile */ padding: 20px; /* mobile padding overrides */ padding: 0; } @media (min-width: 768px) { /* desktop margin settings */ #block-1617688227652_1 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: -70px; } #block-1617688227652_1 .block { /* default padding for desktop */ /* desktop padding overrides */ padding: 0; } } /* mobile text align */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1617688227652_1 { text-align: ; } } #block-1617688227652_1 .block { display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; } #block-1617688227652_1 .image { width: 100%; } #block-1617688227652_1 .image__image { width: 100%; } #block-1617688227652_1 .image__overlay { opacity: 0; background-color: #fff; } #block-1617688227652_1 .image__overlay-text { color: !important; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1617688227652_1 .block { display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; } #block-1617688227652_1 .image__overlay { opacity: 0; } #block-1617688227652_1 .image__overlay:hover { opacity: 1; } }

      What is the Golden Rule? If this is something other people possibly haven't heard of either, then maybe consider changing it to something like: "Don't worry, we hate spam too. Opt out any time with one click."

    5. It’s Better For You It’s Better For The Planet & It’s Better For Your Wallet

      Love this concept!

      Can you possibly turn it into 3 colums introduced by a heading "It's better for..." and then have an icon to go with each term (you, planet, wallet)? It makes it easier to digest when scrolling

    6. You’re Probably Here Because

      I'd turn this into a somewhat cheeky heading like...

      I have a sneaking suspicion you're here because.

      It sounds less salesy and more in line with your fun/cheeky personality.

    7. Moms

      I feel like this needs an adjective of some sort. Is there a term that applies to all moms inside your programs and membership? One term all of them can relate to?

    8. Without

      I'm not so sure about the first button they see on your website linking to a pop-up. Can you possibly turn the pop-up into a separate section on your home page underneath the above-the-fold header?

    1. Follow the Discerning Parenting Podcast.Join our students-only Facebook group.

      Can you turn this into 2 columns with an icon/photo for each and a button linking to the Facebook page and your podcast?

    2. Click the link below to access your course.

      I'd remove this and steer people to the emails they'll receive so they don't click the link below before having their login details

    3. Here's what to do next:

      I'd include something like this...

      "Keep an eye out for 2 emails: --> One with the subject line: "How to access your new courses" This email includes instructions to set your personal login details for your Learning Portal --> One with the subject line: "XYZ" This email is my official welcome to the course and runs you through everything you need to know


      Maybe something like: "Add this amazing toolkit to your free course for only $7!"

      I think that's clear enough.

    2. Don't miss this amazing offer!

      How about something like "Want even more strategies?"

    3. What's Included in this Course

      Can you have a short intro here that goes into the format of the course? Is it videos? workbooks? etc?

    4. Pull out an amazing

      Love the space for testimonials

    5. This course is for parents who may have experienced fear-based or authoritarian parenting - or who are surrounded by people who believe in these parenting strategies, and want to break free from the fear, stress, and guilt, so they can have a healthier and more positive relationship with their kids.

      I'd break this down into a separate section with heading "Who is this course designed for?"

    6. Dr. Victoria is a pediatrician specializing in child development and behavior, parent coach, author, speaker, podcast host, and mom. It's her mission to help loving parents like you release your parenting guilt and break free from from the fear-based parenting you may have experienced.

      Can you include a short mention here of how many parents and carers you have supported over the years as part of your programs and courses?

    7. This short course will help you uncover hidden trauma that may be getting in the way of your parenting. You'll break free from fear-based parenting practices and start your healing journey, so you can build a happier relationship with your child.

      Often it comes down to hidden trauma that's getting in the way of your parenting.

      This short course will help you break free from fear-based parenting practices and start your healing journey, so you can build a happier relationship with your child.

    8. It's NOT because you're a bad parent!

      Outbursts like these DON'T happen because you're a bad parent!

    9. Ever wonder why you lose it and yell at your kids when they misbehave, even if you don't mean to?

      Have you ever lost it and yelled at your kids when they played up even though you totally didn't mean to?

    10. GET THIS

      I'd change this to:

      "FREE with the Joyful Mamas, Joyful Kiddos Bundle - ONLY until 24 April"

  8. Feb 2024
    1. Are You Ready To Transform Your Family’s Health?

      Transform your family's health just like these clever mommas

    2. Ready To Feel Confident With  Your Natural Remedies

      This is a replica of the section above. I wonder whether you have another angle you could use here so you're not repeating yourself?

    3. Ready To

      Again, rephrase it so it's not about being ready:

      " Imagine being the Queen of Confidence when it comes to natural remedies and waving underwhelming and overpriced drug store visits goodbye."

    4. Peak Of  What’s On T

      Love this!

    5. Medicine Makin’ Mixology Formula so you can master herbal formulations that work! ($497 value)

      I'm tempted to move this inclusions list (because it's so detailed) further down on the sale page where people are ready to get into the nitty gritty.

    6. Are You Ready To

      Rephrase this to 'what if...'. Because hardly anyone is ready to take action. ;-)

    7. Who Am I To Share This With You?

      You could totally slot in a logo bar underneath 'featured by/trusted by' to reinforce that you know your stuff!

    8. But Only If You’re Ready To Make Medicine So Tasty Your Picky Kids Beg You For More!

      I'm tempted to get rid of this because it sounds super salesy. BUT... it's GOOD, which means you can totally repurpose this along the lines of 'If you're ready to make medicine so tasty your picky kids beg you for more...

      ...then join today and SAVE $100!'

      You could even slot this in as a CTA in the blue section underneath

    9. Start Building Your Own

      I would totally open the sales page with this super strong section and move this up above the mockup/inclusions part.

    10. Today

      I know you talk about the course in great detail in the webinar, but I'd slot in the program promise here together with the course name.

      Some people might not watch right to the end so a quick reminder of the promise doesn't go astray.

    11. for a limited time

      I know you said your countdown timer is playing up, but I'd be more specific here around how long this class is available to view.

    12. How To Make Her

      Loooove all this!!!

    1. Choose The Apothecary Momma Plan That Works For You

      Join month-to-month without lock-in contract

    2. e pla

      Insert logo bar for features