- Sep 2018
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
view this week in a way that raised questions about the president’s capacity to govern and the responsibilities and duties of the people who work for him.
Expert sources
Highlight expert source
Types of sources
Which of the following are cited?
<div>[ "1.08.01:Experts", "1.08.02:Studies", "1.08.03:Organizations" ]</div> -
Types of sources
Does the article cite sources?
<div>[ "1.08a.01:Yes", "1.08a.02:No" ]</div> -
Single study?
Is the article primarily about a single scientific study?
<div>[ "1.07.01:Yes", "1.07.02:No" ]</div> -
Trump Lashes Out After Reports of ‘Quiet Resistance’ by Staff
Is the headline clickbaity
<div>[ "1.04.01:Very much clickbaity", "1.04.02:Somewhat clickbaity", "1.04.03:A little bit clickbaity", "1.04.04:Not at all clickbaity" ]</div> -
Trump Lashes Out After Reports of ‘Quiet Resistance’ by Staff
Title Representativeness
Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
<div>[ "1.02.01:Completely Unrepresentative", "1.02.02:Somewhat Unrepresentative", "1.02.03:Somewhat Representative", "1.02.04:Completely Representative" ]</div> -
Overall Credibility
Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
<div>[ "1.01.01:Very low credibility", "1.01.02:Somewhat low credibility", "1.01.03:Medium credibility", "1.01.04:Somewhat high credibility", "1.01.05:High credibility" ]</div>
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Types of sources
Which of the following are cited?
<div>[ "1.08.01:Experts", "1.08.02:Studies", "1.08.03:Organizations" ]</div> -
Types of sources
Does the article cite sources?
<div>[ "1.08a.01:Yes", "1.08a.02:No" ]</div> -
Single study?
Is the article primarily about a single scientific study?
<div>[ "1.07.01:Yes", "1.07.02:No" ]</div> -
Trump Lashes Out After Reports of ‘Quiet Resistance’ by Staff
Is the headline clickbaity
<div>[ "1.04.01:Very much clickbaity", "1.04.02:Somewhat clickbaity", "1.04.03:A little bit clickbaity", "1.04.04:Not at all clickbaity" ]</div> -
Trump Lashes Out After Reports of ‘Quiet Resistance’ by Staff
Title Representativeness
Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
<div>[ "1.02.01:Completely Unrepresentative", "1.02.02:Somewhat Unrepresentative", "1.02.03:Somewhat Representative", "1.02.04:Completely Representative" ]</div> -
Overall Credibility
Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
<div>[ "1.01.01:Very low credibility", "1.01.02:Somewhat low credibility", "1.01.03:Medium credibility", "1.01.04:Somewhat high credibility", "1.01.05:High credibility" ]</div>
- Aug 2018
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Evidence for primary claim
What evidence is given for the primary claim?
<div>[ "1.23.01:Correlation", "1.23.02:Cause precedes effect", "1.23.03:The correlation appears across multiple independent contexts", "1.23.04:A plausible mechanism is proposed", "1.23.05:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)", "1.23.06:Experts are cited", "1.23.07:Other kind of evidence", "1.23.08:No evidence given" ]</div> -
Evidence for primary claim
What evidence is given for the primary claim?
<div>[ "1.23.01:Correlation", "1.23.02:Cause precedes effect", "1.23.03:The correlation appears across multiple independent contexts", "1.23.04:A plausible mechanism is proposed", "1.23.05:An experimental study was conducted (natural experiments OK)", "1.23.06:Experts are cited", "1.23.07:Other kind of evidence", "1.23.08:No evidence given" ]</div> -
Causal claims
Is a general or singular causal claim made?
<div>[ "1.22.01:General causal claim", "1.22.02:Singular causal claim", "1.22.03:No causal claim" ]</div> -
Exaggerated claims
Does the author exaggerate claims?
<div>[ "1.21.01:Yes", "1.21.02:Sort of", "1.21.03:No" ]</div> -
Emotionally charged tone
Does the author use outrage, snark, celebration, horror, etc?
<div>[ "1.20.01:Yes", "1.20.02:Sort of", "1.20.03:No" ]</div> -
Naturalistic fallacy
Does the author suggest something is good because it is natural, or bad because it is not natural?
<div>[ "1.19.01:Yes", "1.19.02:Sort of", "1.19.03:No" ]</div> -
Scare tactics
Does the author exaggerate the dangers of a situation (the appeal to fear fallacy)?
<div>[ "1.18.01:Yes", "1.18.02:Sort of", "1.18.03:No" ]</div> -
Slippery slope
Does the author say that one small change will lead to a major change?
<div>[ "1.17.01:Yes", "1.17.02:Sort of", "1.17.03:No" ]</div> -
False dilemma
Does the author present a complicated choice as if it were binary?
<div>[ "1.16.01:Yes", "1.16.02:Sort of", "1.16.03:No" ]</div> -
Straw man argument
Highlight straw man example #2
ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio
Straw man argument
Highlight straw man example #1
Straw man argument
Does the author present a counterargument as a weaker, more foolish version of the real counterargument?
<div>[ "1.15.01:Yes", "1.15.02:Sort of", "1.15.03:No" ]</div> -
Confidence in claims made by sources
To what extent does the author's confidence in claims made by sources seem justified?
<div>[ "1.13.01:Completely justified", "1.13.02:Mostly justified", "1.13.03:Somewhat justified", "1.13.04:Slightly justified", "1.13.05:Not at all justified" ]</div> -
ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio
Other types of sources
Other source #1
ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio
Other types of sources
Other source #1
Other types of sources
Are any experts, organizations, or studies separate from the central study quoted in the article?
<div>[ "1.12.01:Yes", "1.12.02:No" ]</div> -
Expert sources
Highlight expert source #3
Expert sources
Highlight expert source #2
ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio
Expert sources
Highlight expert source #1
ion-and-answer session. “There are no charges against him. There is no collusion.”Grim-faced as she fielded a variety of questio
Expert sources
Highlight expert source #1
Types of sources
Which of the following are cited?
<div>[ "1.08.02:Experts", "1.08.03:Studies", "1.08.04:Organizations" ]</div> -
Types of sources
Does the article cite sources?
<div>[ "1.08a.01:Yes", "1.08a.02:No" ]</div> -
Single study?
Is the article primarily about a single scientific study?
<div>[ "1.07.01:Yes", "1.07.02:No" ]</div> -
Trump Praises Manafort, Saying ‘Unlike Michael Cohen’ He ‘Refused to Break’
Please describe other ways in which the title is clickbaity
Answer: [[alksjd]]
Trump Praises Manafort, Saying ‘Unlike Michael Cohen’ He ‘Refused to Break’
What clickbait techniques does this headline employ?
<div>[ "1.05.01:Listicle (\"6 Tips on ...\")", "1.05.02:Cliffhanger to a story (\"You Won't Believe What Happens Next\")", "1.05.03:Provoking emotions, such as shock or surprise (\"...Shocking Result\", \"...Leave You in Tears\")", "1.05.04:Hidden secret or trick (\"Fitness Companies Hate Him...\", \"Experts are Dying to Know Their Secret\")", "1.05.05:Challenges to the ego (\"Only People with IQ Above 160 Can Solve This\")", "1.05.06:Defying convention (\"Think Orange Juice is Good for you? Think Again!\", \"Here are 5 Foods You Never Thought Would Kill You\")", "1.05.07:Inducing fear (\"Is Your Boyfriend Cheating on You?\")", "1.05.08:Other" ]</div> -
Trump Praises Manafort, Saying ‘Unlike Michael Cohen’ He ‘Refused to Break’
Is the headline clickbaity
<div>[ "1.04.01:Very much clickbaity", "1.04.02:Somewhat clickbaity", "1.04.03:A little bit clickbaity", "1.04.04:Not at all clickbaity" ]</div> -
Trump Praises Manafort, Saying ‘Unlike Michael Cohen’ He ‘Refused to Break’
Title Representativeness
Does the title of the article accurately reflect the content of the article?
<div>[ "1.02.01:Completely Unrepresentative", "1.02.02:Somewhat Unrepresentative", "1.02.03:Somewhat Representative", "1.02.04:Completely Representative" ]</div> -
Overall Credibility
Rate your impression of the credibility of this article
<div>[ "1.01.01:Very low credibility", "1.01.02:Somewhat low credibility", "1.01.03:Medium credibility", "1.01.04:Somewhat high credibility", "1.01.05:High credibility" ]</div>
- Q12
- answer:annotation
- Q22
- Q12_02
- Q15_01
- answer:1.08.02
- answer:1.22.03
- answer:1.12.01
- Q09_02
- Q20
- Q01
- answer:1.04.03
- Q02
- Q15
- Q15_02
- answer:1.05.02, 1.05.08
- Q09_01
- Q17
- Q13
- Q18
- answer:1.13.04
- answer:1.23.08
- CredCoContentAnnotation
- Q04
- answer:1.02.04
- answer:1.15.01
- answer:1.01.05
- answer:1.19.03
- answer:1.16.03
- Q23
- answer:1.18.03
- answer:skipped
- Q07
- Q16
- Q12_01
- Q06
- Q05
- Q09_03
- Q21
- answer:1.17.03
- answer:1.07.01
- answer:1.20.03
- answer:1.08a.01
- answer:text
- answer:1.21.03
- Q08b
- Q08a
- Q19
- Jul 2018
jonudell.info jonudell.info
: Demonstration of a sim
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
President Donald Trump said Thursday he is "looking forward" to meeting again with Russian President Vladimir Putin to "begin implementing" issues they discussed during their summit earlier this week.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“I let him know we can’t have this,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with “CBS Evening News.” “We’re not going to have it, and that’s the way it’s going to be.”
The White House claimed Mr. Trump had yet again been misunderstood. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the press secretary, said the president had said “no” only to whether he would take questions during a cabinet meeting, not to whether Russia was still interfering.