15 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2021
    1. valuing mātauranga Māori

      3 Things - critical conversations, valuing mātauranga Māori, the role of te Tiriti

    2. structures and systems

      What would this look like?

    3. hese resources will be made available on a website

      When will these be available?

    4. including consideration of physical spaces

      Should include virtual spaces too

  2. Nov 2019
    1. .

      Drop the stop

    2. Why can't I/my students see the grades/see participants?

      Maybe split into 2 answers 'Why can't my students see grades"; "Why can't I see all my students?"

    3. e-learning

      eLearning - it's the house style we use

    4. will


    5. Mahara: app sign on.

      Mahara: Mobile App sign in I initially missed that it was for the app.

  3. Jan 2019
  4. Apr 2018
    1. a liminal space where lurkers, novice learners, are looking to make sense of the MOOC by observing and practicing skills and behaviours that are associated with active participation

      Another important point and highlights that there are many different reasons or rationales for being a lurker.

    2. Gourlay’s argument that in what we know today as engagement, in Gourlay’s case ‘student engagement,’ there is a “reification of the notion of ‘participation’ which – although appearing to support a ‘student-centred’ ethos – may serve to underscore restrictive, culturally specific and normative notions of what constitutes ‘acceptable’ student practice” (2015; p.403). It is interesting to look at lurking from this angle because of othering effects toward lurkers.

      Yes, totally. This is a very important argument as we must struggle to not impose our own values on others.

    3. and in any specific instance there might be many reasons for lurking; reasons that community organizers can’t foresee in advance.

      There is often an assumption that legitimate peripheral participation (LPP or lurking) is a negative status. I have been in situations where LPP is a positive approach to engaging with a particular community. Often the LPP is because of factors described such as importance or other commitments. However, active listening while in that community means that LPP is not necessarily a negative approach wrt learning. We must be careful to not be judgemental and assume stances which deny learners ways of learning that are not our own. #lida102

  5. Mar 2018
    1. Teaching digital literacy does not mean teaching digital skills in a vacuum, but doing so in an authentic context that makes sense to students

      Context is a critical element for developing digital literacy. Learning by doing is an age old adage and learning in meaningful contexts ensures that the doing part is something that the learner would be doing anyway. Using online referencing tools like Zotero allows a learner to read, make a record of that reading and refer to that in an essay. At the same time they can learn about online and offline tools and synchronisation, sharing, commenting, co-operation, cultural norms of accrediting ideas, licensing, browser extensions, and confidence in setting up and utilising digital applications. The learner wants to ensure they have references for their essay. They get this and develop their digital skills and literacies at the same time without being 'taught'.

  6. Feb 2016
    1. A coalition of some of the world’s key scholarly publishers, platforms, libraries, and technology organizations

      Important that academia is in this space. It's also important that annotations and connections can be open as this is how knowledge spreads and grows.