12 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
    1. The ethnogonic creation myth of Hayk has cosmogonic character.


    2. Basso: Willingly admits what he doesn’t understand about the culture he is studying Notes that he will never be able to full grasp the people’s cultural idioms  Does not assume that his idea of “common sense” will be applied by everyone; he knows that common sense is culturally specific


    3. Ask yourself how you define “wisdom”

      Wisdom is a reflection of how one might handle tough decisions or conversations. It is a mix of knowledge, eloquence, and communication skills. While some people are simply just born wiser, learning from mistakes, hard times, and/or memories from past lives can all influence a person's expression of wisdom

    4. God (the creator) creates man (in His own image). Therefore, man sees God as he sees himself (as a man). Women are created as helpers to Man. Man is assigned dominion and controller of nature. Woman (Eve) is foolish and listens to nature (i.e., the serpent). Then humans are punished and set to toil the earth. Work is seen as a punishment to man. What values do you see that differ between Native American creation myths and Judeo-Christian creation myths?

      Judeo-Christian creation myths are a lot more human centric, portraying our wrongdoings and focusing on the negatives of life. Native American creation myths tend to recognize our place on the Earth as part of actual ecosystems, seeking a balance with nature, and paying respect to the power it holds.

    5. “dominion”

      a very good documentary

    6. Myths among some Apache groups are a unique type of storytelling that we call, “placemaking.”
    7. “Narratives are necessarily emplotted in a way that life is not. Thus, they necessarily distort life whether or not the evidence upon which they are abased could be proved correct” (Trouillot 1995, 6).

      Few people have perfect memory, and everyone shares stories in different ways, so narratives are a unique individual's perspective.

    8. “Placemaking” whereby the story-telling connects their cultural stories to a physical location that can be visited.

      when a myth is grounded to a specific place

    9. A myth is a sacred story that reflects and reinforces a community’s worldview.

      This definition does not follow that of the general social connotation this word generally carries. The question is not whether or not it is true or false, but rather, what does a myth say about a society's history/beliefs/opinions/etc?

    10. attempting to write down these previously unwritten myths and stories. In so doing, Anthropologists coined the word ‘folklore’ – since these had been traditional oral traditions passed down from generation to generation.

      When a story gets written down it becomes folklore?

    11. The verbal arts include myths, folklore, narratives, dramas, poetry, incantations, proverbs riddles, word-games, even things like naming procedures, compliments and insults!

      Language itself is art in a way.

    12. Anthropologists define “art” as, “symbolic representations of thought, feeling and ideas.” Art is central to the foundation, establishment, and maintenance of all human societies.

      Art is an expression of things that often cannot be easily described by words. Art can be coping mechanisms, art can be part of a process itself. Art can simply be how or why we did something. There is no easy way to define it, so we have established a more contextual definition, but overall, "art" is a very loose term.