8,270 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
    1. Aside from the article and interview, this peer reviewed source also explained the rising cost for higher education

      you might to tweak this topic sentence/transition?

    2. Business Insider

      italicize title of publication?

    3. financial aid which

      insert punctuation?

    4. The increase in demand proves college offers many advantages and that outweighs the cost

      move to later?

    5. The Department of Education expected 20.4 million students in 2017, 5.1 million more than in 2000.

      please cite source in text

    6. Insider discussed the same reasons for the rise in college education as Reis stated in her interview.

      good transition/good synthesis

    7. but either way there is no price tag on the value of education.

      shouldn't this be moved later when you discuss value for the money? Here you are just talking about the rise in cost, right?

    8. if you use

      why the shift to "you"?

    9. they need to pay the professors rising salaries and state funding being at a minimum.

      good hypothesis

    10. unaffordable and what if the degree isn’t worth the money.

      unaffordable and may not be worth the money

    11. all together


    12. The Rise on College Tuition and the Value of the Degree

      two distinct subjects--I will be eager to see how you connect them

    13. when you’re in high school and you question who you want to be and what do you want to do with your life?

      should you be using a question mark for an indirect question?

    14. Work Cited

      Excellent: goof MLA form and a full range of sources (good to see database used)

    15. Since it is the first draft I’


    1. Rainbow Six Siege

      underline or italicize titles?

    2. My big question is can video games have a social function

      Now, you will need to offer a transition here, no?

    3. “ Calm down John school

      edit for punctuation?

    4. Steinberg, Scott. “How Video Games Can Make You Smarter.” CNN, Cable News Network, 31 Jan. 2011,

      okay--just needs URL and date of access

    5. Adachi, P. J. C., & Willoughby, T. (2012). Do video games promote positive youth development? Journal of Adolescent Research. Doi

      seems to be in APA rather than MLA format. Please adjust and give title of database, too, okay? and date of acess Still, I'm pleased to see the peer reviewed source.

    6. I made the choice of referring to the audience as “you”.

      Why? Please explain your reasons for addressing the audience.

    7. It reminds me of my senior project with all the resources that I had to use/

      Can you say more?

    1. So now, we again ask ourselves, why do we laugh? After lengthy research on the matter, we are able to recognize that there is no simple way to answer this question. However, it seems as though laughter tends to have an immense social impact on our lives. Externally, laughter affects our mental health, social interaction in comfortable and uncomfortable situations, and contributes to the longevity of our desired relationships. As far as internally, laughter excites multiple sections of the brain simultaneously, creating a feeling of intense emotion that compels us to produce absurd noises involuntarily. Laughter, in turn, seems to be the key to our long-lasting personal integrity, and is the gateway to our healthy relationships

      good, strong closing paragraph

    2. Not only for communicating socially, but also for stress relief, mental health, etc.

      edit for fragment

    3. Producing it involves creating incongruity (e.g., McGhee, 1979; Shultz, 1976), which requires a cognitive understanding of norms and how those norms can be violated (e.g., putting a cup on one’s head).” (Hoicka, Akhtar ¶1). “Jokes are intended for an audience and need to be shared…”; “Observational studies suggest infants produce humor. Parents of 8-month-olds reported most infants deliberately repeated actions to re-elicit laughter from others.” (Reddy, 2001) (Hoicka, Akhtar),

      While i appreciate the way you synthesize these sources, I recommend not stringing together three quotations from three different sources. I'd like to see more commentary from you between these quotations.

    4. were often

      edit for punctuation

    5. orresponding with this claim, is an article published by NBC News and written by Robert Provine, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Maryland. I

      I like the attempt to synthesize here--good. But might you say more in the topic sentence?

    6. This claim suggests that laughter may be considered as an evolutionary trait.

      how interesting

    7. They noticed that electrical stimulation of a 2 cm square area on her left supplementary motor area…”, located at the top of the Frontal Lobes, “…consistently made the girl laugh spontaneously


    8. Taking this information into account, I decided to further my research by consulting some articles pertaining to the question.

      You might want to begin with a clear topic sentence.

    9. Mentioned in an excerpt from the Lancet Vol. 358, published by the Lancet Publishing group and written by

      put into list of Works Cited rather than in your in-text citation, okay?

    10. (Pilotte)

      I appreciate the citation. You might, for greater transparency, use signal phrases more frequently in the paragraph. Still--lots of useful context here.

    11. I went on to ask him, “What occurs in the brain during laughter?”

      I'd like you to move away from the Q/A format and to synthesize in a seamless way the data you got from the interview, focusing on a topic sentence that you devise.

    12. Obviously, people laugh because they find something funny. Others laugh to fit in socially, to express their attraction toward someone, to relieve stress, or as a nervous reaction.”

      quite useful insights

    13. our mouth’s as


    14. but also internally that contributes

      but also internally what. . . .

    15. So why do we laugh?

      note the shift from "you" to "we"

    16. Scott, Sophie. “Why we laugh.” TED Talk. 30 April 2015. Lecture. 1 March 2020. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxLRv0FEndM 

      same here date of access?

    17. Provine, Robert. “A Big Mystery: Why Do We Laugh?” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group, 14 Dec. 2003, www.nbcnews.com/id/3077386/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/big-mystery-why-do-we-laugh/#.XmBKhhdKh0t.

      good form date of access?

    18. Academic (peer reviewed) Journal.

      please include the title of the database and the DOI, if given

    1. Gana, the mother of the baby carried

      edit for punctuation

    2. morning


    3. Brain scan s

      why the capital?

    4. They scanned


    5. do dogs just see the person who feeds them or do they love us? 

      or do they love that person?

    6. hat cognitive ethology is the joining science for understanding the subjective emotional empathetic and moral lives of animals.

      give this definition earlier? See my comment above. I also wonder whether you could use a more meaningful topic sentence?

    7. Which brings about the special on CBS This Morning (How Dogs Love Us by Dr Burns) where an experiment that was done on a family dog named Katie

      edit for fragment

    8. Although individual beliefs are evident.

      edit for fragment

    9. Males were significantly less likely than females to believe that animals experience complex emotions (depression, anxiety, love and grief). Males were also less likely to believe animals showed changes in eating patterns when they experience grief.

      cite source?

    10. There is still a debate about whether or not animals feel emotions

      Can you spend some time describing the other side's point of view? This is really important.

    11. Anthrozoos. The Emotional Lives of Companion Animals: Attachment and Subjective Claims by Owners of Cats and Dogs).

      author's last name only in intext citation

    12. Cats

      why the capital?

    13. “Researchers spend decades observing animals and see individuals” (Sarafina, National Geographic)

      I would recommend not starting a paragraph with a quotation but rather with your own topic sentence.

      Btw: author's last name is sufficient in citation

    14. at some other concepts

      I appreciate the effort at transition

    15. For example, when a person is feeling sad and the dog comes and sits on the side of its human and puts its head on their lap.

      edit for fragment

    16. By matching a person’s personality traits with a dog who is similar.

      edit for fragment

    17. During the eighteen months John would train the puppy in

      indent for new paragraph? This paragraph is rather long, no?

    18. ethology

      correct word? if so, you might need to define for your reader?

    19. They’re behavior

      Their behavior

    20. he most likely explanation for the animal’s refusal to give up the corpse; grief (Watson)

      I appreciate the citation but note that this isn't quite a sentence

    21. six species of marine mammals have been seen clinging to the body of a dead fellow mammal, probably a mate or a relative?

      how interesting

    22. Did you know

      why the shift to "you"?

    23. (Article)

      no need for this in MLA format

    24. Watson, Traci. Whales Mourn Their Dead Just Like US National Geographic       https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2016/07/whales-death-grief-      animals-science.html

      date of publication, date of access

    25. Safina, Carl. Beyond Words What Animals Think and Feel July,2015 (book)  

      not quite MLA complete

    26. ScienceonNBCNews.Nbcnews.com/id/26316788/ns/technology-and science/mama-gorill

      date of broadcast, date of access, author or reporter?

    27. CBS This Morning Brain Scan Reveals Emotions of Dogs

      please include date of broadcast, URL, and date of access

    28. Bekoff, Marc. Animal passions and Beastly Virtues: Cognitive Ethology as The Unifying Science for Understanding the Subjective, Emotional, Empathy and Moral Lives of Animals. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science March 2006, Vol 41 Issue 1, p71-104.

      Good--glad to see a peer reviewed article. Please include title of database and, if you have it, the DOI.

    29. Anthrozoos. The Role of Gender in Public Perception of Whether Animals Can Experience Grief and Other Emotions. June 2014, Vol27 Issue 2, o251-266  (Article) ISSN0892-7936

      Is this a web source? If so, please follow MLA guidelines?

    30. Maybe animals do feel emotions.

      no post write?

    1. More interactive and absorbing than passive forms of entertainment like movies and TV, video games promote higher levels of engagement because observers are actively and enthusiastically involved with on-screen activity

      I'm stopping to read here because I see another instance of plagiarism: quoting without the appropriate punctuation--in other words offering paraphrase for quotation. I'm convinced you know how to do this right (see above). I'm guessing you are getting sloppy.

    2. In the article that I found, CNN “ How video games can make you Smarter” brings up a lot of good points to tell about


    3. It feels good when you accomplish something because we don’t get that kind of positive feedback in reality and makes people feel less of themselves.

      notice how you have lost the thread of this paragraph, which was supposed to focus on games making a better world?

    4. Feedback that can come in many ways like a “than you”, “awesome job”, or even a “ Nicely done”

      edit for fragment

    5. A very important thin touche


    6. A game developer named Jane Mcgonigal presented the idea to the world that gaming can make a better world.

      okay--but a transition might be needed?

    7. An example of games assess player performance

      please rephrase: "of games that assess. . . ."

    8. A lot of people think video games are time wasters but now there’s a growing amount of people who think that video games have educational purposes.

      I like this topic sentence--good

    9. Quote

      why the capital?

    10. According to Lougheed “one clear advantage associated with games is an enhanced ability to learn from failure. Just as being killed by the ogre repeatedly eventually allows a gamer to figure out how to solve that problem, losing a virtual patient to DKA can be an effective way of learning how not to lose a real patient” (Lougheed)

      okay--good. Here you punctuate a quote properly and cite source.

    11. Video games help provide brand new learning aspects of what our brain can do and other things like faster reflexes

      not quite sure i follow: but I am fairly certain you are not talking about communication abilities only, right?

    12. he goal of the presented study was to examine whether strategic video game play predicted self-reported problem solving skills among a sample of 1,492 adolescents (50.8 % female), over the four high school years

      We have a problem here. You seem to be quoting without using quotation marks--which would be plagiarism, right? Even though you rightly cite the source you seem to be paraphrasing when you are in fact quoting. Here is the original: "The goal of the presented study was to examine whether strategic video game play (i.e., role playing and strategy games) predicted self-reported problem solving skills among a sample of 1,492 adolescents (50.8 % female), over the four high school years."

      I will continue to read unless I see another instance of plagiarsm.

    13. In a study that Adachi conducted,

      good signal phrase and citation

    14. example you have to think of ways that can help you

      Why the shift to "you"? Are you really addressing the audience here or are you just informally referring to yourself?

    15. Rainbow Six Siege, Overwatch

      Please italicize or underline these titles

    16. There are many things video games are helpful with is to make people figuring out situations with solving different problems on their own.

      Please edit for clarity/grammar: Video games are helpful in many ways. They make people . . . .

      By the way, if this is your topic sentence (and it can be), just be mindful you are talking about problem solving rather than communication--or perhaps they are linked?

    17. I was five when I got my first ever gaming system. I

      I can see the value of telling a person anecdote here but I wonder whether this might be trimmed down and refocused on the matter of video games impacting communication?

    18. Does video games help with communication skills?

      Do video games help. . . .

    19. Lougheed, Tim. “Video games bring new aspects to medical education and training.” CMAJ:  Canadian Medical Association Journal, vol. 191, no. 37, 16 Sept. 2019, p. E1034+. Gale

      Glad to see evidence of peer review and use of database

    20. Steinberg, Scott. “How Video Games Can Make You Smarter.” CNN, Cable News Network, 31 Jan. 2011, 

      URL? Date of Access?

    21. McGonigal, Jane  “Gaming can Make a Better .” TED. Mar. 2010. Lecture.

      date of access? URL?

    22. Gee, Mary. “Educational video games.” The Science Teacher, vol. 77, no. 4, Apr.-May 2010, p. 18.

      peer reviewed? please include name of database used?

    23. Adachi, P. J. C., & Willoughby, T. (2012). Do video games promote positive youth development? Journal of Adolescent Research. Doi

      This is in APA rather than MLA format. Other items are closer to MLA

    24. made the choice of referring to the audience as “you.”

      please explain the reason for your choice. Did you continue to reference the audience this way throughout the paper? Why?

    25. It reminds me of my other years of schooling with all the resources that I had to use back then.

      please explain, describing the work?

  2. Mar 2020
    1. I decided to interview a former foster mother

      I'm glad that you were able to interview someone with inside knowledge of the subject. But please provide a more meaningful transition and avoid giving question and answer in this paragraph, okay? Select parts of the interview that are relevant and integrate them within the topic of the paragraph? This long paragraph needs a topic sentence or perhaps needs to be broken up into a couple of paragraphs, each with its own topic sentence?

    2. llegal Immigration and Legal Immigration would still have to overcome the same struggles to be able to be green card holders. Illegal Immigrantion  and Legal Immigrantion are looking for a fresh start in the United States for a chance to succeed. The United States is taking that from them and their loved ones with no hesitation. I believe A Re-evaluation should occur for Illegal Immigration. 

      see my earlier comment on sticking to your purpose, which is not to argue I don't see a list of Works Cited or Postwrite

    3. Donald J. Trump is doing this for various reasons, “no empirical study has looked at the direct connection between election outcomes and immigration in the U.S. Immigration plays a big role in society for years now All 15% of undocumented Immigrants who requested asylum were deported before getting an asylum hearing”.

      I don't see how the quote follows from what you've said. And please cite source of quotation

    4. security. Principally responsible for immigration with additions of in countering transnational crimes). 

      your words? seems to be from a source--please cite source. Note all the typos, errors in mechanics

    5. How is ICE

      Who is "ICE"? Try to use the full name BEFORE the abbrevation, okay?

    6. Legal Immigrantion are those who have been able to pass their test and now have the chance to be able to withhold a green card which grants them residency in the United States

      So far, this is your best, most focused paragraph. You stay focused until the last couple of sentences, where you veer off the paragraph topic.

    7. The United states is hurting the lives of others

      You are taking sides here. Remember not to argue to but inquire and go where the research takes you.

    8. Illegal Immigrants need to pass a test that often contains information that many native U.S citizens don’t even know.

      to be honest, this long paragraph seems to lack a clear, unifying point for me. Use a topic sentence as a focusing tool?

    9. What is Immigration, I

      edit for punctuation, here and elsewhere: What is Immigration?

    10. larger Illegal Immigration

      I might have mentioned this earlier: take care to capitalize words/letters only where appropriate. Why capitalize here? Note also that you want to use the word "problem" rather than population, no? See my earlier comments about the proper use of the word "illegal" in this context.

    11. What is Immigration? How is ICE treating Illegal Immigrantion? 

      okay: I see your two Big Questions here. Remember to let your reader know what "ICE" stands for.

    12. home land which

      edit for punctuation: homeland, which

    13. 2017 Radford, Jynna and Luis noe-Bustamante facts on u.s immigrants, https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2019/06/03/facts-on-u-s-immigrants/)

      I appreciate the in-text citation. However, for MLA format, all you need is the author's last name here). Please put the rest of the information into a Works Cited list at the end, okay?

    14. Illegal. Immigrants

      I wonder if you could be more precise in your wording, Jessica: "illegal" refers to immigration rather than people. "Undocumented" refers to people or immigrants.

    1. That being said, she had a somewhat broader audience. Not only does she cover the oppression of both Spanish and English cultures, but the oppression of women. She is speaking to the woman who shames Spanish people for speaking their language in the United States, a country which was built by immigrants. She is speaking to the mother who shames her daughter for speaking Spanglish or traditional Spanish, because she should only speak pure Chicana Spanish. Her own culture did not give women the proper pronoun, letting men dominate once again. The intangible border affects all humans alike. 

      note how brief the section on Anzaldua is compared to the others: and have you fully analyzed the piece using the terms genre, audience, and purpose? seems to end too soon

    2. her piece as a memoir.


    3. english and spanish

      English and Spanish

    4. n boca cerrada no entran moscas. “Flies don’t enter a closed mouth” is a saying I kept hearing when I was a child. Ser !tabla- dora was to be a gossip and a liar, to talk too much. Muchachitas bien criadas, well-bred girls don’t answer back. Es una (alta de respeto to talk back to one’s mother or father. I remember one of the sins I’d recite to the priest in the confession box the few times I went to confession: talking back to my mother, hablar pa’ ‘tras, repelar. Hocicona, repelona, chismosa, having a big mouth, questioning, carrying tales are all signs of being mal criada. In my culture they are all words that are derogatory if applied to women – I’ve never heard them applied to men” (Anzaldua

      see my earlier comment about quoting at length

    5. On the other hand, there are a few white moderates, not nearly enough

      shouldn't you be focusing this entire paragraph on 1)identifying King's immediate audience and b)discussing how King appeals to that audience?

    6. Quoting what another Christian man wrote to him in a letter, essentially not to rush the process in which the rights of black people can be accomplished. This man’s justification is that it has taken Christianity almost 2000 years to achieve the great power it now has, great things take a great deal of time in his opinion

      I sense a loss of focus in your draft right now.

    7. “I had also hoped that the white moderate would reject the myth of time. I received a letter this morning from a white brother in Texas which said, “All Christians know that the colored people will receive equal rights eventually, but is it possible that you are in too great of a religious hurry? It has taken Christianity almost 2000 years to accomplish what it has. The teachings of Christ take time to come to earth.” All that is said here grows out of a tragic misconception of time. It is the strangely irrational notion that there is something in the very flow of time that will inevitably cure all ills. Actually, time is neutral. It can be used either destructively or constructively. I am coming to feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than the people of good will. We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people. We must come to see that human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts and persistent work of men willing to be coworkers with God, and without this hard work time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation” (King).

      as powerful as this passage is, quoting at length probably doesn't serve your paper well; in fact, it is likely to overwhelm your own writing. Remember: we quote because the source says or writes something in a distinctive way. And if we quote something it is significant enough to merit our sustained reflection/comment.

    8. Getting his purpose across to

      see my earlier comment about distinguishing purpose from message

    9. purpose directly because a letter is supposed to be direct to it’s usually small audience.

      good point

    10. The genre of Martin Luther King’s writing, in its simplest form, is a letter

      I sense the need for a transition, don't you?

    11. purpose of his message is emphasizing the importance of time in our lives, specifically the present. H

      try to separate purpose from message, although they are linked: purpose goes to what the writing is doing (e.g. inspiring, teaching).

    12. He explains the pragmatic view and the poetic view,

      should you explain, or why mention it all?

    13. how he identifies and relates to his audience. All great public speakers are able to pertain to what they are trying to say to their intended audience. 


    14. “So much attention to time, very odd, especially for people freshly graduated from college who justifiably feel they have all the time in the world. Maybe today we should take another look at the subject. From my experience, there are two basic ways to regard time, or anything else: The Pragmatic and the poetic” (Collins). Although time starts to melt into the purpose of his speech after this, it is a writing strategy writers use in speech writing when figuring out the structure of their writing

      I'm not sure I understand your point or how the quotation supports your analysis: engage the passage directly and more deeply?

    15. urate insight of his audience’s feeling towards these types of speeches.

      not a sentence

    16. This is an untraditional way of starting a speech and was effective in catching their attention. He is able to use a relevant shared experience, by both him and most of his audience, to draw them in.

      good point

    17. under speech

      and more precisely a commencement speech, right?

    18. Without these three major components a writer cannot clearly convey his message to his readers. 

      good--I see the beginning of a Theory of Writing

    19. Lastly you

      why the shift to "you"?

    20. Thinking of writing as a form of conversation a writer has to identify: the genre they chose to write about, the targeted audience of their piece, and the purpose behind their writing.

      helpful but not quite a sentence

    21. In every strong writer there is a writing process that must contain these three things in order to thrive. 

      I don't see a list of Works Cited

    22. Changes I made: I tweaked the formatting of the essay (double spaced = MLA FORMAT) Correct a few minor grammar issues I had not spotted during my first few reads Added more to MLK and Anzaldua’s piece, which included some of my own thoughts

      helpful but please follow postwrite template

    1. the bible


    2.  “Los Chicanos, how patient we seem, how very patient. There is the quiet of the Indian about us. We know how to survive. When other races have given up their tongue, we’ve kept ours. We know what it is to live under the hammer blow of the dominant norteamericano culture. But more than we count the blows, we count the days the weeks the years the centuries the eons until the white laws and commerce and customs will rot in the deserts they’ve created, lie bleached. Humildes yet proud, quietos yet wild, nosotros losmexicanos-Chicanos will walk by the crumbling ashes as we go about our business. Stubborn, persevering, impenetrable as stone, yet possessing a malleability that renders us unbreakable, we, the mestizas and mestizos, will remain.” (Anzaldua 44

      a wonderful passage but why quote at length

    3. “Chicana feminists often skirt around each other with suspicion and hesitation. For the longest time I couldn’t figure it out. Then it dawned on me. To be close to another Chicana is like looking into the mirror. We are afraid of what we’ll see there. Pena. Shame. Low estimation of self. In childhood we are told that our language is wrong. Repeated attacks on our native tongue diminish our sense of self. The attacks continue throughout our lives. Chicanas feel uncomfortable talking in Spanish to Latinas, afraid of their censure. Their language was not outlawed in their countries. They had a whole lifetime of being immersed in their native tongue; generations, centuries in which Spanish was a first language, taught in school, heard on radio and TV, and read in the newspaper.” (Anzaldua 38-39)

      why quote at length?

    4. uch as we

      such s "we"

    5. her audience which would be other Chicanas such as herself or others who suffer from being outcasted based on their native language.


    6. The genre of her writing is a memoir she talks about herself

      edit for fused sentences?

    7.  “There was a time when the church was very powerful. It was during that period that the early Christians rejoiced when they were deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was the thermostat that transformed the mores of society. Wherever the early Christians entered a town the power structure got disturbed and immediately sought to convict them for being ‘disturbers of the peace’ and ‘outside agitators.’ But they went on with the conviction that they were ‘a colony of heaven’ and had to obey God rather than man. They were small in number but big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be ‘astronomically intimidated.’ They brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contest.” (King 5)

      why quote at length? do you have a reason for doing so?

    8. ings purpose is getting these religious

      yes but note the appeal to his religious audience

    9. The genre King used to incorporate his writing into was a letter. A letter is very direct and personal that usually involves two-way communication.


    10. which is how they all seem to speak of the future and what you are going to do now that you have graduated from college.

      yes: good

    11.  Now that I have gone through the importance of audience and purpose I can move to the last element of the rhetorical situation, the genre.

      I appreciate the effort at setting up transitions for your reader, although I wonder if the connections among your sources might be clearer

    12. Collin’s purpose is to inspire his audience.

      yes: good

    13. Now moving back to Collins and determining his purpose.

      do you want to stay with this structure of defining each term and then applying it? Might you define the terms early on in total and then get into analysis? seems more efficient and reader-friendly to me

    14. Purpose is the reason for communication, the reason for deciding your topic of discussion

      more precisely: what the writing is doing

    15. Take Collins commencement address for example, what is immediately thought of when hearing commencement speech?

      indent for new paragraph?

    16. explain how these three key terms are crucial to have in ones writing.

      This is a helpful opening paragraph one's

    17. with Audience

      why capitalize?

    18. Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliant and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, http://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. 2/18/2020

      not quite in MLA format but the other items are closer You will need dates of publication

    1. is to inspire his audience.


    2. tional speech and  partly poetry

      yes: good

    3. He makes an instant connection to his current audience.


    4. Billy Collins once gave a Commencement Address in 2008 that demonstrates  his understanding of knowing your audience and how to connect to them.


    5. Her purpose is clear. S

      please define that purpose

    6. Anzaldua knows how her audienc

      and the other audience you reference?

    7. Anzaldua connects with her fellow “Chicanas” (


    8. Gloria Anzaldua was another writer who knew and understood the importance of knowing the intended audience

      a pretty good transition

    9. King used his letter to target his audience of the eight clergymen,

      because a letter allows writers to personalize their work?

    10. genre focused on  inspirational prose.

      identify the genre as a letter, okay? why did he choose to write in that genre?

    11. able to connect with  his readers through his letter.

      still not seeing evidence

    12. Martin Luther King Jr., by knowing his audience, i

      can you show evidence?

    13. will captivate the reader.

      you will show King actually connects to his audience of eight, white, moderate clergymen?

    14. he reason could be  to provide information, entertainment, persuade or explain a point of view. T

      exactly: good

    15. if you

      why the shift to "you"?

    16. Focusing and adapting writing to a certain genre will facilitate the writer to connect and resonate with their reader and hopefully accomplish the writer’s purpose.

      This is a helpful opening paragraph

    17. Works Cited Anzaldua, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue.The New Mestiza,  Borderlands/La Frontera,1987,https://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf Accessed 9 Feb. 2020   Collins, Billy. Commencement Address Colorado College, 2008, 2 Oct. 2013, www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. Accessed 9 Feb. 2020   King, Martin Luther, Jr.  “Letter from Birmingham Jail” King Research and Education Institute. 16 April 1963. https://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/documents/Letter_Birmingham_Jail.pdf   Accessed 9 Feb. 2020  

      good MLA form

    1. Taking an audience-centered approach is important because a speaker’s effectiveness will be improved if the presentation is created and delivered in an appropriate manner. When determining the purpose, each author had to ask themselves the question, “what am I trying to accomplish with this piece of writing?”. Whether it is to inform, persuade, or entertain, the key to effectively getting across the intended message is that it communicates the writer’s purpose to the audience for whom it is intended. When these three work together, a writer is able to complete a “successful” writing piece. 

      This is a nicely formulated Theory of Writing: you're on your way!

    2. The intended audience of this piece was most likely towards those who speak english and don’t understand spanish culture.

      edit for capitalizaiton Might another audience be Chicanas, like her?

    3. in the form of a memoir

      good, but also essay and a bit of poetry

    4. he aims his audience more towards the educators

      actually: they will become educators, right?

    5. ike Billy Collins commencement address, Donovan Livingston’s commencement address was also very powerful and inspirational to his graduating class as well as other students

      a pretty good transition, perhaps need only our key terms to assist?

    6. that he is not better than any of those before him, therefore making his advice seem more fitting for those listening

      good point

    7. s audience, intended purpose, and genre to accomplish his goal of preparing his graduating class for their quickly approaching future

      good, clear and inclusive topic sentence

    8. n Billy Collins commencement address, he

      In his Commencement Address, Billy Collins. . .

    9. ntends on reaching towards.

      intends to reach.

    10. . It is more broadly defined by Blau and Burak as a “category of artistic composition, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter” (3). A writing’s purpose is the message that is trying to be portrayed, or the goal of which the audience

      good use of source

    11. Writing in the Works

      underline title

    12. your targeted audienc

      why the shift to "your'?

    13. in which it would be presented to

      for which it is intended

    14. Collins, Billy. “Commencement Speech Transcript.” Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliand and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, http://www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. February 16, 2020.   Livingston, Donovan. Harvard Graduate School of Education. “Donovan Livingston’s Student Speech.” Facebook Watch, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 26 May 2016, http://www.facebook.com/HarvardEducation/videos/10153893399331387. February 16, 2020.

      good form

    15. Anzaldua, Gloria. “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” Everettsd.org, http://www.everettsd.org/cms/lib07/WA01920133/Centricity/Domain/965/Anzaldua-Wild-Tongue.pdf. Feb 16, 2020.

      date of publication? and link doesn't work. Please use the source on our course page

    16. February 16, 2020

      no need for date of access for non web sources

    1. The audience is children of different ethnicity

      okay but can you be more precise? Dive deeper into the reading?

    2. Anzaldua reaches her audience by talking about childhood struggles

      see my earlier comments about a transition and topic sentence

    3. One reason such addresses are quickly forgotten is that the focus of them tends to be The Future. You have gone to college and managed to graduate. That’s all well and good, the speaker will tell you, but now you must face…. the Future” (Collins, 6). Collins talks about the importance of the future and the stereotypical style of writing a speech focusing on the future. Feeling that people graduating think that the hard part of life is over when getting out of school but really it has just begun.

      you seem to focus on message rather than genre, audience and purpose

    4. Billy Collins speaks to his audience of fellow graduating classmates

      transition? topic sentence?

    5. Using this as his purpose of asking the Clergymen for rights and his genre falls under a nonfiction letter, because it is talking about current times and struggles.

      please define his purpose: to justify, to teach? to scold? all the above? I'd like to see more precision

    6. elt the stinging darts of segregation to say “wait.” But when you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sisters with impunity; when you see the vast majority of your twenty million Negro brothers smothering in an airtight cage of poverty in the midst of an affluent society; when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she cannot go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her little eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children, and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people; when you have to concoct an answer for a five-year-old son asking in agonizing pathos, “Daddy, why do white people treat colored people so mean?”; when you take a cross-country drive and find it necessary to sleep night after night in the uncomfortable corners of your automobile because no motel will accept you; when you are humiliated day in and day out by nagging signs reading “white” and “colored”; when your first name becomes “nigger” and your middle name becomes “boy” (however old you are) and your last name becomes “John,” and when your wife and mother are never given the respected title “Mrs.”; when you are harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro, living constantly at tiptoe stance, never knowing what to expect next, and plagued with inner fears and outer resentments; when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense of “nobodyness” (King Jr.,

      I would not quote at length, despite the passage's beautiful style--it takes over your paper

    7. This means he will be using higher intellectual sentence structure, words, scenarios, and subliminal messages

      actually, since they people of faith he will treat them respectfully and draw upon material they know well: from the Bible.

    8. Martin Luther King Jr. and his “Letter for Birmingham Jail” main audience are the clergymen, who are people of higher intellect.

      perhaps you can back up a bit and insert a topic sentence here that includes all three terms?

    9. Now do Martin Luther King, Billy Collins, and Gloria Anzaldua  use these three concepts to the fullest potential to reach and grip their readers. 

      This introductory paragraph is clear and helpful.

    10. Poet Laureate Billy Collins Gives Brilliand and Witty Commencement Address at Colorado College, 2008, www.graduationwisdom.com/speeches/0135-Billy-Collins-Gives-Brilliant-Witty-Commencement-Speech-Address-At-Colorado-College-2008.htm. King, Martin Luther, and Jr. “Letter From Birmingham City Jail.” CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE in Focus, doi:10.4324/9780203003657_chapter_4. 

      not in MLA format

    11.   Anzaldua, Gloria. How to Tame a Wild Tongue.

      not in MLA format

    1. have shown the three topics of genre, purpose, and audience to create a well established piece of literature


    2. Due to the fact that this writing was meant to be read aloud to college graduate students.


    3. Collins Purpose

      Collins' purpose

    4. he Audience are young adults

      yes--good. How does Collins appeal to that young audience?

    5. Billy Collins Commencement Address

      transition? topic sentence?

    6. the genre of this piec

      partly but more importantly a spoken word poem and commencement address