66 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. I spent a lot of time hunting for a villain.

      This is a narrow type of rhetoric - Good vs evil.

    2. “In the 19th century,” when municipal governments were trying to institutionalize collection procedures, “civic clubs would have women walk around and talk to householders about how to separate their trash and what kinds of bins to use. There was a lot of education, modeling, and praise.” Today, we have a bulk mailer, “How to Get Rid of Your Stuff.” It goes out with the paper and cardboard in a clear plastic bag.

      Why the change?

    3. but reluctance to comply is baked into the history of waste.

      This should be a banner!

    4. We know how to reform garbage: Discard less, recycle more, separate better, compost plenty, burn whatever’s left, and dump in landfills as a last resort. (We also need to overhaul the plastics and packaging industries, but that’s a whole other story.) If we don’t do all that, it’s partly because every step of every procedure is fraught, and even the easy parts can be tricky.

      This is a critical statement and focus of the article.

    5. Yet a system that depends on individuals conscientiously sorting their dregs is a fragile apparatus.

      Systems analysis.

    6. “This country has no national waste policy,” laments Michael Van Brunt, a Covanta executive in charge of environmental issues. “It’s left to local jurisdictions.

      Local vs federal. Like election laws? How do we balance the local, regional, and global?

    7. That’s not likely to happen.

      And why is that?

    8. One resident designed a High Acres stink-reporting app that has logged 26,000 complaints.

      This is an interesting, community-focused solution and use of technology.

    9. A landfill is a construction project

      I love this.

    10. The word biodegradable is supposed to be benign, suggesting that a slightly more expensive version of a previously indestructible item — a drinking straw, a dog-poop bag, a detergent jug — will harmlessly break down, leaving nothing but some nitrogen-rich dust and a smear of moisture. What the term really refers to is anything that, once dumped in a landfill and sealed into an oxygen-free mound beneath more tons of refuse, undergoes a slow and messy kind of digestion.

      I love this description of the basic science and our misconceptions of it.

    11. they bake and stew.

      More science.

    12. a huge landfill, typically in a place where the nearest residents are either too far away or too lacking in clout to complain.

      Is this a statement about the connection between socioeconomic status and political power/interest?

    13. By Covanta’s calculations, every ton of refuse that’s processed in a waste-to-energy plant instead of slopped onto a landfill saves one ton of carbon-dioxide emissions.

      How is that calculated, exactly?

    14. ceaseless machine

      Huge, complex system.

    15. sensors

      What other sensors are there?

    16. Bianco points to an arsenal of pollution-control features: negative air pressure, which keeps odors within the walls, carbon-dioxide monitors, a ventilation system that flushes out all the air in the main pit at a hospital-worthy clip of 12 times an hour.


    17. About 65 percent of everything city workers pick up goes into a hole, and for commercial waste the proportion is probably higher.

      Where does this figure come from?

  2. Jan 2022
    1. Indicators should therefore not only aim at measuring absolute wealth, but also relative wealth and the subjective wellbeing it produces.

      "subjective well being."

    2. The U.S. spends more on healthcare and gets less; the healthcare system is inefficient. Any good system of national accounts would reveal this inefficiency, but GDP does not because the more people spend the higher the metric.


    3. Indicators reveal particular information about society. They thus embody values that people care about, or at least they should if indicators are to drive policies and thus society in a genuine direction of progress.

      We can compare this to indicators of learning, which typically also exclude happiness, satisfaction, etc..

    1. The 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Science was awarded to Amartya Sen, whodefines economic development in terms of freedom of basic necessities such as edu-cation and healthcare.

      Cf Paulsen's cooperative freedoms.

    2. Thus, the theory of market equilibrium needs to be replaced by a viewof markets as a dynamic, evolutionary process that is both shaped by our choicesand shaping our choices, mostly on an unconscious basis

      From linearality to complexity.

    3. Every time we produce and consume something, some sort of wasteis created, but these costs are usually overlooked.

      The costs of waste.

    4. The majority has been locked in acompetitive cycle for scarce capital ever since.

      Everything is a "net-sum" game.

    5. In fact, over the last two centuries these principles of competition and expansionhave been firmly enshrined in our capitalist legal systems, first domestically andmore recently also internationally.

      Compare this to the reciprocity and mutualism described in Braiding Sweetgrass.

    6. ightLivelihood

      "Right Livelihood."

    7. Happiness is an experience derived from a state of mind,and mind/consciousness is distinct from matter.

      In what other ways do measures of success include or exclude this type of philosophy?

    8. The search for alternative indicators of economic progress is critically importantat the time that contemporary world faces a growing threat of ecological collapsedue to climate change, and ecosystem loss, and rapidly depleting natural resources.

      The search for alternative measures of growth in the face of inequity.

  3. Sep 2021
    1. This is Dron's core idea. What do you think about it? What implications does it have for us as teachers?

    1. Also new technology rarely completely replaces an older technology. Usually the old technology remains, operating within a more specialised ‘niche’, such as radio, or integrated as part of a richer technology environment, such as video in the Internet.

      How have you seen this trend of newer technologies being "remixes" of older ones?

    2. The courses were open to anyone and had no formal assessment.

      What do you think about this structure? By the way, Downes is offering an open MOOC this Fall. You should check it out here.

    3. Arpanet in the U.S.A was the first network to use the Internet protocol in 1982

      Think about just how long ago that was.

    4. PLATO was a highly successful system, lasting almost 40 years, and incorporated key on-line concepts: forums, message boards, online testing, e-mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, remote screen sharing, and multi-player games.

      There is a great history of PLATO, which I highly recommend. It's The Friendly Orange Glow by Brian Dear. And here is a link to a talk Dear gave about PLATO.

    5. Until lecture capture arrived, learning management systems had integrated basic educational design features, but this required instructors to redesign their classroom-based teaching to fit the LMS environment.

      Think about Blackboard and Moodle, which are probably the LMSs with which you have the most familiarity. Do you agree with Bates here? Why or why not?

    6. Although the radio programs involved mainly oral communication, the television programs did not use lectures as such, but focused more on the common formats of general television, such as documentaries, demonstration of processes, and cases/case studies (see Bates, 1984).

      How did this contribute to the broader discussion of orality vs literacy above? In what ways is this media rich environment the same and/or different than the narrower band text or oral environment?

    7. The invention of the printing press in Europe in the 15th century was a truly disruptive technology, making written knowledge much more freely available, very much in the same way as the Internet has done today.

      What do you think of this connection between different technologies for literacy?

    8. This may be the place to point out that most technologies used in education were not developed specifically for education but for other purposes (mainly for the military or business.)

      What do you think this says about the specificity or uniqueness of educational technologies?

    9. recitation, not by writing.

      Orality vs literacy as educational technologies.

    10. To be learned, they had to be memorized by listening,

      What do you think this says about the influence of an oral tradition on our current educational settings?

  4. May 2021
    1. The same year that the military canceled Project Pigeon, Skinner came up with the idea for his teaching machine.

      I find it hard not to see a connection between these two events.

    2. One cannot talk about education technology without talking about pigeons.

      A clear summation of the last few paragraphs.

    3. And to be clear, it wasn’t simply stealing computers; his intention was all about power.

      This is central to her argument (and Papert's).

  5. Apr 2021
  6. Mar 2021
    1. These kinds of questions are designed to challenge students’ thinking and encourage them to think about things in different ways.

      Hopefully, they do just that.

    2. Fewer teacher questions requires deep thinking by the learner

      In my terms, these teachers weren't using questions to engage or deepen student learning.

    3. Teachers often answered their own questions

      This is both understanding and shocking.

    4. For teachers, questioning is a key skill that anyone can learn to use well. Similarly, ways of helping students develop their own ability to raise and formulate questions can also be learned. Raising questions and knowing the right question to ask is an important learning skill that students need to be taught.

      Questioning - asking powerful questions can be learned by both teachers and students.

  7. Feb 2021
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aircAruvnKk

      Is it possible to embed this link like I did below?

    1. And I think it’s really important that we include transfer in the equation.

      Strategies - cycles of practice, cycles of rehearsal.

    2. Professor Hattie suggests that around 90% of classroom teaching and learning focuses on surface knowledge and learning. Do you think this is true of your own classroom? How could you find out? What strategies could teachers use to determine which phase of the surface-to-deep learning cycle a student is in? (clue, Bloom’s taxonomy, coming up soon)

      Good questions

    3. Before you do the next problem, if you stop and ask the question, what are the similarities and differences between these two contexts, then transfer can happen.

      Managing/facilitating "Transfer."

    4. Students are very smart. They don’t do what you ask them to do. They don’t do what you tell them to do. They do what they think, you think, is valuable. And what is valuable is using your assessments.

      It's hard NOT to love this.

    5. deep learning

      Can we think of deep learning as involving more/deeper levels of abstractions? Is this fair?

    6. In fact, one of the big mistakes we make is we go to deep learning sometimes far too quickly.

      Do we agree with this? What kinds of strategies/activities allow for this?

    7. Surface learning is very much about the idea, the content, the knowledge and the information.

      Is it fair to say, surface learning is about "coverage?"

    8. Deep learning means we add neural connections so that we can see the consequences, the benefits, applied in different environments, et cetera. That’s more of an extensive neural network, rather than a simple neural network.

      Deep learning result sin a larger and more robust neural network.

    9. My understanding of deep learning is that it’s a process of integrating new facts about the world into our existing semantic framework.

      Learnning (deep learning) ONLY happens when something old is connected to something new.

    10. surface learning as immediate

      Surface learning > Immediate/short term

    11. deep learning as a consolidation process

      Deep learning > Consolidation

    12. consider the implications of how teachers plan lessons for diverse learners.

      And consider how they orchestrate "surface" vs "deep" learning activities.

  8. Oct 2020
    1. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have undergone a revolution, catalyzed by better supervised learning algorithms.

      What is the nature of the revolution? And what makes it revolutionary?

  9. Apr 2020
    1. Key Takeaways

      A question for the project - what are/can the students learning besides whatever is being overtly taught?

    2. Teach Like This 

      Ouch. The way it should be done?

    3. teaching students how

      This seems very important .

    4. Explicit Instruction

      So my question here is the tact and unexamined assumptions that students need this type of "authority" to determine what is important ,what to think,and how to think.

    5. In other words, teachers rarely use either direct instruction or some other teaching approach—in actual practice, diverse strategies are frequently blended together.

      This says nothing about the learning environment itself. For example, what are the implicit and explicit power dynamics established and/reinforced by this -or any-type of instruction?