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  1. Last 7 days
  2. documenta.jesuits.global documenta.jesuits.global
    1. 1All should take special care to guard with great diligence the gates of their senses (especially the eyes, ears, and tongue) from all disorder,2to preserve themselves in peace and true humility of their souls, and to show this by their silence when it should be kept and, when they must speak, by the discretion and edification of their words,3the modesty of their countenance, the maturity of their walk, and all their movements, without giving any sign of impatience or pride.4In all things they should try and desire to give the advantage to the others, esteeming them all in their hearts as if they were their superiors and showing outwardly, in an unassuming and simple religious manner, the respect and reverence appropriate to each one’s state,5so that by consideration of one another they may thus grow in devotion and praise God our Lord, whom each one should strive to recognize in the other as in his image.

      Great paragraph about relationship to things and to others

    2. 1It will be beneficial to have a faithful and competent person to instruct and teach the novices how to conduct themselves inwardly and outwardly, to encourage them to this, to remind them of it, and to give them loving admonition See C-264;2a person whom all those who are in probation may love and to whom they may have recourse in their temptations and open themselves with confidence, hoping to receive from him in our Lord counsel and aid in everything.3They should be advised, too, that they ought not to keep secret any temptation which they do not tell to him or to their confessor or to the superior, being happy to have their entire soul completely open to him.4Moreover, they will tell him not only their defects but also their penances or mortifications, or their devotions and all their virtues, with a pure desire to be directed if in anything they have gone astray,5and not wishing to be guided by their own judgment unless it is in agreement with the opinion of him whom they have in place of Christ our Lord.

      Description of Director of novices

  3. Jan 2025
  4. Dec 2024
    1. 1In the case of those who have not studied, it is good to strive that all normally follow a single doctrine, that selected in the Society as the best and most suitable for its members.2A person who has already finished his studies should also

      test 2

    2. 1On both sides, the chief bond to cement the union of the members among themselves and with their head is the love of God our Lord.

      Esto es un comentario muy importante

    1. With this thoroughly right and pure intention in the presence of God our Lord, and – should he think it advisable because of the difficulty or importance of the decision –7commending the matter to his Divine Majesty and causing it to be commended in the prayers and Masses of the house,8as well as discussing it with one or more members of the Society who happen to be present and whom he thinks suitable,

      Purity of intentions

    2. 4Now there are many who make requests more with a view to their own spiritual obligations to their flocks, or to other less immediate advantages, rather than to those that are common or universal. Hence, the superior general, or whoever holds this authority from him, ought to bestow much careful thought on missions of this kind,5so that, in sending subjects to one region rather than to another See C-622, or for one purpose rather than for another See C-623, or one particular person rather than another or several of them See C-624, in this manner or in that See C-625, or for a longer or shorter- time See C-626, that may always be done which is conducive to the greater service of God and the universal good.


  5. documenta.jesuits.global documenta.jesuits.global
    1. [263] # 1It will be beneficial to have a faithful and competent person to instruct and teach the novices how to conduct themselves inwardly and outwardly, to encourage them to this, to remind them of it, and to give them loving admonition See C-264;2a person whom all those who are in probation may love and to whom they may have recourse in their temptations and open themselves with confidence, hoping to receive from him in our Lord counsel and aid in everything.3They should be advised, too, that they ought not to keep secret any temptation which they do not tell to him or to their confessor or to the superior, being happy to have their entire soul completely open to him.4Moreover, they will tell him not only their defects but also their penances or mortifications, or their devotions and all their virtues, with a pure desire to be directed if in anything they have gone astray,5and not wishing to be guided by their own judgment unless it is in agreement with the opinion of him whom they have in place of Christ our Lord.

      Description of Director of novices

    2. [250] # 1All should take special care to guard with great diligence the gates of their senses (especially the eyes, ears, and tongue) from all disorder,2to preserve themselves in peace and true humility of their souls, and to show this by their silence when it should be kept and, when they must speak, by the discretion and edification of their words,3the modesty of their countenance, the maturity of their walk, and all their movements, without giving any sign of impatience or pride.4In all things they should try and desire to give the advantage to the others, esteeming them all in their hearts as if they were their superiors and showing outwardly, in an unassuming and simple religious manner, the respect and reverence appropriate to each one’s state,5so that by consideration of one another they may thus grow in devotion and praise God our Lord, whom each one should strive to recognize in the other as in his image.

      Very important

  6. Aug 2024
    1. Mauris at justo quis

      This passage is very interesting because we can see St Ignatius view on XYZ....