22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
    1. Account MigrationMigrate your file system to get the latest features
      • for : fission migration

    1. It's like asking the road community if there is a way to prove the ownership of your car. The roads won't prove that.

      roads do not prove ownership of a car

    1. Empty Set SymbolEmpty set symbol.

      for : search mathematical symbols

    1. ∾8766223E INVERTED LAZY S

      lazy s

    2. ∴87562234∴THEREFORETry it ∵87572235 BECAUSE




    1. the simplest technologies often cost zero, and so they have zero marketing budget

      The question arises how can you make the development of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and Sane Software that endures and for Life sustainable

      that is the simplest and the

    2. end up not with the simplest, but with the most advanced technology

      not the simples but most advanced

    1. 13 Human technology: Text files rant boris-marinov.github.io authored by borismarinov 11 days ago | archive Archive.org Archive.today Ghostarchive | 66 comments
    1. One example that is very programming / technical focused is Lobsters. Here’s a mobile screenshot:

    2. harvest links from Discord servers and turn this into a bridge / archive / cross posting interface to be able to power server level and potentially also personal social bookmarking interfaces and archives.

      harvest links from discord



      • about : personal social bookmarking



    3. Vote Discord Link Harvesting

    1. Invitations are used as a mechanism for spam-contro

      invitation spam-control

    1. 50% of participants has less than 5 years of experience in the field

      50% Lless than 5 years of experience

    2. Computing turned into a pop-culture


      cargo cult

    3. "Systems programmers [were regarded as] the high priests of a low cult."

      hight priests of a low cult

    1. you (pron.)Old English eow, dative and accusative plural of þu (see thou),

      it also means you

    1. Individual views a person as standing alone, or persons as standing separately before the mind: as, the rights of the individual; the rights of individuals: it is incorrect to use individual for person unemphatically ; as, there were several individuals in the room. [Century Dictionary]

    1. Automerge: a new foundation for collaboration software


    2. Local-first software is an effort to make collaboration software less dependent on cloud services, and Automerge is an open-source library for realising local-first software. In this talk I explain our motivation for creating Automerge, and map out 7 years worth of research projects that are feeding into this project.

  2. indylab1.fission.app indylab1.fission.app
    1. Engelbart understood the uniqueness behind Bush’s memex machine, particularly the notion of duplicating a trail so that information could be shared with others. “Making it easy to establish and follow the associative trails makes practical a new symbol-structuring process whose use can make a significant difference in the concept structuring and b[a]sic methods of work. It is also probable that clever usage of associative-trail manipulation can augment the human’s process structuring and executing capa[b]ilities so that he could successfully make use of even more powerful symbol-

      associative trails

      new porofession of TrailNlazers

      Marking their trails with TrailMarks

      When these annotations form integral parts of your Mind'Graph they cam be llinked to and from any node in the gloabl giant interplanetary social graph of commons based mutual learnings

    1. The human mind does not work that way. It operates by association. With one item in its grasp, it snaps instantly to the next that is suggested by the association of ideas, in accordance with some intricate web of trails carried by the cells of the brain. The mind has other characteristics, of course: trails not frequently followed are apt to fade; few items are fully permanent; memory is transitory. Yet the speed of action, the intricacy of trails, the detail of mental pictures, is awe-inspiring beyond all else in nature. Man cannot hope fully to duplicate this mental process artificially. But he can certainly learn from it; in minor ways he may even improve on it, for his records have relative permanency. But the prime idea to be learned concerns selection. Selection by association, rather than by indexing, may yet be mechanized. Although we cannot hope to equal the speed and flexibility with which the mind follows an associative trail, it should be possible to beat the mind decisively in the per- manence and clarity of the items resurrected from storage.

      human mind works by association

      With one item in its grasp, it snaps instantly to the next that is suggested by the association of ideas, in accordance with some intricate web of trails carried by the cells of the brain.

      Web of Trails

      Trails that you can mark with the brain and of course TrailMarks



    1. I really appreciate your little emails as trail markers. Everything I snarf from the web, annotate, link to, notice in writing forms my Mind's Graph Mark the Trails I blaze with TailMarks

      human mind works by association

      With one item in its grasp, it snaps instantly to the next that is suggested by the association of ideas, in accordance with some intricate web of trails carried by the cells of the brain.

      Web of Trails

      Trails that you can mark with the brain and of course TrailMarks


    1. Why Information Grows January 15, 2018 by Eugene Wei It is hard for us humans to separate information from meaning because we cannot help interpreting messages. We infuse messages with meaning automatically, fooling ourselves to believe that the meaning of a message is carried in the message. But it is not. This is only an illusion. Meaning is derived from context and prior knowledge. Meaning is the interpretation that a knowledge agent, such as a human, gives to a message, but it is different from the physical order that carries the message, and different from the message itself. Meaning emerges when a message reaches a life-form or a machine with the ability to process information; it is not carried in the blots of ink, sound waves, beams of light, or electric pulses that transmit information.

    1. You can try hard, don't mean a thing

      try hard don't mean a thing

    2. 'Tain't what you do; it's the time that you do it That's what gets results

      time that you do it

    3. 'Tain't what you do; it's the way that you do it That's what gets results

      not what but the way

    1. You can try hard Don't mean a thing Take it easy, greasy Then your jive will swing

      try heard don't mean a thing

    2. 'T ain't what you do it's the time that you do it That's what gets results

      the time that you do it

    3. 'T ain't what you do it's the way that you do it That's what gets results

      the way that u do it

    1. Daniel Vila Suero@dvilasuero·Feb 9BOND: BERT-Assisted Open-Domain Named Entity Recognition with Distant Supervision Noisy labels using Wikidata and gazetteers (distant labels) Fine-tune Roberta for NER with distant labels Self-training https://github.com/cliang1453/BOND https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.15509 #python #NLProc

    1. There could be a trap there. Worse can lead to way of pain. Once you have users, you may never have the luxury of comming out of the corner you have coded yourself in. Been in the Personal Knowledge Graph business. there was that gaping gap, but there was no market in that gap.

      tech debt trap

    1. the three muses putting their fingers in a vortex of meaning, in whirling information currents.

    2. all that stems from the genuine desire to relate.

      relate connecting the dots

      understand to be understood

    3. absurd game of errant signifiers remain

      errant signifiers

    4. A Semantic Text Conversation — Teodora Petkova

    1. Next week is the February 2022 edition of Fission's #distsys reading group hosted by @expede. The paper being reviewed is "Metastable Failures in Distributed Systems”, presented at Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS ’21) last year

    1. Meet the RDF-native Knowledge Graph notebook! 00:00 Notebook paradigm 01:17 Login with Google 01:56 Access requests 02:57 Data-driven content 03:18 Chart from Wikipedia's SPARQL results 06:19 Forking RDF documents 08:27 RDF resource as content 09:09 Chart as content 10:11 Decentralized read-write access

    1. ‘imagination’ as the very force that shapes reality!

      do you have the imagination it takes to resonate with this idea?

    1. web3.storage in the browser A demo using the web3.storage client in the browser to pre-calculate the CID for an asset then store it on web3.storage. Content addressing, IPFS, Filecoin, web3.storage... it's all pretty rad! Here is gateway URL for the Content ID of this example, (stored via web3.storage of course!) so you can check it out in your browser! https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeic5r5yxjh5xpmeczfp34ysrjcoa66pllnjgffahopzrl5yhex7d7i

      in browser

      This is a perfect way to distibute this capability just add a script tag for it remove original submit event handler and provide your own


    2. web3.storage in the browser
  3. docs.web3.storage docs.web3.storage
    1. Checkout some example projects in the Web3.Storage GitHub repo

      example web3storage github

    1. History.pushState() In an HTML document, the history.pushState() method adds an entry to the browser's session history stack.

    1. MDN Web Docs Data and tools related to MDN Web Docs (formerly Mozilla Developer Network, formerly Mozilla Developer Center...)

    1. TeamPage combines the best aspects of social media, project management software and authoring tools to create a comprehensive business solution that helps teams of all sorts stay connected and accomplish their goals

      TemPage social media, project management, authoring


    2. intentionally flexible design

      intentionally flexible design

      design your own intentions

    1. Google reaffirms 15% of searches are new, never been searched before Google processes trillions of searches every year, and still, 15% of those queries have never been seen by Google before.
    1. Quantum Cryptanalysis: Hype and Reality By Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Simson Garfinkel Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 8:01 AM

    1. Outlier Ventures 11,356 followers 5h • 5 hours ago Filecoin Base Camp Accelerator Q&A | Metaverse Builders Wanted

    1. Replying to @TrailMarks and @codexeditorBy the same token (sorry!), I could leave a great deal unsaid about a name, making its reuse meaningful only when I reused it. Much like current name to name mapping in conversion tools. All the next party has are bare names.

      I'll be quoting that passage.

      I wish I had come up with that.

    1. Anything You Can Do, I Can Do MetaSpace tourist and billionaire programmer Charles Simonyi designed Microsoft Office. Now he wants to reprogram software.

    1. Is Crypto *Actually*Destroying the Planet? “Quantify the impact, reduce it as much as possible, and offset the rest”says Joseph Pallant - founder of the Blockchain for Climate Foundation

    1. P2P infrastructures are designed in such a way as to allow the autonomy and participation of many players

      P2P infrasturcture allow autonomy = and particiaption =

    2. value crisis for capital, since the value creators are not rewarded,

      value crises

      creators are not rewarded

    1. The Radical Left Has Hijacked American Institutions: Victor Davis Hanson #Interview

    1. The P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science. It asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified can also be solved quickly.
    1. Steve Cook introduced the P vs. NP problem to the world in his paper, "The Complexity of Theorem Proving Procedures."

      Formulating problems

    2. Fifty Years of P vs. NP and the Possibility of the Impossible

    1. (To be clear — there are a number of thoughtful thinkers in crypto who don't think decentralization is the be-all and end-all.)

      it can surely be 'Tain't what you do but the way that you do it that's what gets result'

    2. Crypto is not decentralizedBecause technical decentralization does not decentralize power — it only hides it

    1. April Rinne is equal parts global authority, advocate, ally and adventurer. She sees trends early, understands their potential, and helps others do the same. April helps individuals and organizations navigate a world in flux.

    1. Welcome to a life of flux! A changing world requires a new mindset that does not see constant change and uncertainty as something negative. "Flux" helps you turn conventional ideas of leadership, success and a good life on its head - and live well in a changing world. Listen to change navigator and Young Global Leader April Rinne talk about the book during :)
    1. RICHARD ROHR | Re-emergence of the Non-Dual Mind & Reflections of a Lesser BrotherDownload SubtitlesEnglish (auto-generated)

    1. A collaboratory, as defined by William Wulf in 1989, is a “center without walls, in which the nation’s researchers can perform their research without regard to physical location, interacting with colleagues, accessing instrumentation, sharing data and computational resources, [and] accessing information in digital libraries” (Wulf, 1989).

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    1. Author : myflixDate : 2004/6/25 18:33:21Version: 1.0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This font has been created using JavE's FIGlet font export assistant.Have a look at: http://www.jave.dePermission is hereby given to modify this font, as long as themodifier's name is placed on a comment line




    1. The main dilemma from a software (and data) perspective is that, unless we fix the ecosystem, we keep reinventing the wheel, creating code sprawl, unnecessary data siloing and error-ridden complexity in the process. An application-centric architecture traps logic in application code. Most of that logic, instead of being trapped, could be shared, in the form of data, as logic within a knowledge graph, for example, where that logic would be accessible and reusable.

      Voice of reason and understanding

      It will be a hardsell to people who's positions depend on not understanding what you say.

    2. https://events.eventzilla.net/e/the-enterprise-data-transformation–knowledge-graph-adoption-symposium-2138821542


    1. Denial is the main reason we keep waking up to AI winter every morning on Groundhog Day.

      AI winter Ground Hog Day

    1. ➼ WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW is a character in the Dingbats Unicode subset.

    1. ➧ SQUAT BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW SQUAT BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW is a character in the Dingbats Unicode subset.

      ➧ ➧

    1. ⥀ ANTICLOCKWISE CLOSED CIRCLE ARROW ANTICLOCKWISE CLOSED CIRCLE ARROW is a character in the Supplemental Arrows-B Unicode subset.

    1. ⟲ ANTICLOCKWISE GAPPED CIRCLE ARROW ANTICLOCKWISE GAPPED CIRCLE ARROW is a character in the Supplemental Arrows-A Unicode subset.

    1. ↺ ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW is a character in the Arrows Unicode subset.

    1. ↺ (ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW) utf-8 character icon ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW is one of the 112 characters in the Arrows Unicode subset.

    1. ⟱ DOWNWARDS QUADRUPLE ARROW DOWNWARDS QUADRUPLE ARROW is a character in the Supplemental Arrows-A Unicode subset.
      • for : arrows

    1. Circled Anticlockwise Arrow


    2. Cite the author's name, screen name, or user ID, etc. If the work is being published on the Internet, it is nice to link that name to the person's profile page, if such a page exists.

      permanent profile page for every publicaiton

    3. mnemonic "TASL": title -- author -- source [web link] -- [CC] licence.


    4. Attribution-ShareAlike BY-SA


    1. Stately Editor public betaBy David Khourshid on February 8, 2022. Edit this page on GitHub#editor#announcement#beta

    1. 📐 Triangular Ruler Emoji Meaning A triangle or set square, as used by engineers or architects to draw straight lines at angles. Variously depicted as a metal, wood, or plastic right triangle with length markings, its hypotenuse to the right.


    1. 🖺 Document with Text and Picture Emoji Meaning Document with Text and Picture was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014.

      Augmentation Research Commons Bootlab

    1. 🕸️ Spider Web Emoji Meaning

      Hyper Knwowledge federation

    1. ‍ Zero Width Joiner Emoji Meaning Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ) is a Unicode character that joins two or more other characters together in sequence to create a new emoji.

      foiun emojies

    1. 📖 Open Book Emoji Meaning An open, hardcover book, depicted with a blue cover on most platforms. Some platforms include a bookmark. Commonly used for various content concerning reading, writing, learning, and schooling.
      • for :OLC
    1. Eye in Speech Bubble was added to Emoji 2.0 in 2015. Copy and Paste Copy and paste this emoji: Copy
      • for : OLC
    1. ‘Woke capitalism’ is a new ideology for a digital economy

    2. conversion of “corporate form” to public benefit corporations should put it to a shareholder vote.

    1. Fucked Up – Hidden WorldLabel:Deranged Records – DY087, Deranged Records – DER 87, Deranged Records – Deranged - 87


    1. The File System Access API: simplifying access to local files
      • web tech - File System Access API
    1. browser.downloads.download({url: "https://example.org/image.png"})
      • web tech : download
    1. Blocks created using the Block Protocol can easily move between apps

      blocks move between apps

    2. The Block Protocol makes interoperable, block-based data possible

    1. To fix this, we’re going to create a protocol called the Block Protocol.
      • announce : Block Protocol


    2. I thought, wouldn’t it be cool if blocks were interchangeable and reusable across the web?

      blocks reusable across the web

      ♾①@IndyLab - FAIR Capabilities

    3. Everything else, though, is completely proprietary and non-standard.

      proprietary non standard

      ♾①@IndyLab - concept - PlugOut to Blocks

      IndyLab powered by @TrailMarks and @IndyHub provides a simple de-facto standard ways of expressing the intent for a block along with pluging out to means that realize that block idea interoperabley and interchangeably

    4. insert block” user interface concept is showing up in almost every blogging tool, web editor, note-taking app, and content management system. People like it and it makes sense.

      insert block

    5. Making the web better. With blocks! News You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m typing this in WordPress, which has a little + button that brings up a long list of potential blocks that you can insert into this page:

    1. Konsolidate is a team of passionate developers, architects, strategists and analysts with one shared belief: people should gain control over their own personal data.

  4. polypoly.coop polypoly.coop
    1. With the polyPod your data stays where it belongs. Under your control!

    1. 👀🚨How much do VCs and Founders make from initial token allocations when new Blockchains are launched? You might be surprised…Increasingly, Blockchain projects focus on win-win and creating value for the ecosystem and community, but there is usually an amount of tokens that are retained by the founders as their ‘compensation’ for creating novel platforms. And of course, if those tokens appreciate they can be worth a LOT!


    1. not a platform that users flock to; instead, when individual, autonomous users flock together like birds, they begin to weave their own Decentralized Autonomous Network of Networks.

      Not a platform

    1. JavaScript modules as NFT's

      JavaScript modules published on IPFS are! actually every bit of content on IPFS is!

    1. Ah yes, NFTs, which in my mind translates into uNdeniably F**king Tulips. At least with the tulip mania of the late 18th century, you had a garden full of tulips when everything fell apart. With NFTs, you end up with a badly pixelated 8-bit image.

    1. expanding our collective wisdom about the future more than it is about tapping the wisdom of the crowd for unexpected ideas.
  5. indylab1.fission.app indylab1.fission.app
    1. A task without a vision is drudgery. A Vision without a task is dreaming. A Task with a Vision is hope for the World

    2. Grant that the day's work of my hands, lofty Fortune, I may complete! Grant that they will not exhaust me! No, these are not empty dreams: now but mere poles, these trees will one day give fruit and shade. Hoffnung Hope
    1. Grant that the day's work of my hands, lofty Fortune, I may complete! Grant that they will not exhaust me! No, these are not empty dreams: now but mere poles, these trees will one day give fruit and shade.

      Hoffnung Hope

    1. “The better we get at getting better, the faster we will get better.”

    1. Google might be proudly saying, we are doing a lot to help people find things on the net frontier, Who is doing the job of maybe making better maps understanding the frontier"The IndieVerse will do the job of people-sourcing a better maps of understanding the Web frontier by combining a people-centered autonomous spontaneously emergent InterPlanetary InterPersonal network connecting people via shared interests to ideas true Symmathesy meta : and here is an example of annnotating the annotations for : The Endless Frontier of all Human endevour not just science but Life, the Universe and Everthing where Man IS the measure of Everthing

    1. permissions and identity are orthogonal in many cases

      permissions identity orthogonal

    2. Why can’t the tokens in a UCAN’s proof give access?

      - for : fission

    1. Imagine an unencloseable system where no one can gain influence by simply controlling the medium of communication.Could #ThePowerofPeertoPeer help us solve some of humanity’s most intractable problems?

    1. const style = {5. 'left': `${state.position.x}px`,6. 'top': `${state.position.y}px`,7. };8. return <div className='fab-btn' style={style}
      • know how : styling in apprun
  6. thelastdaysofmankind.org thelastdaysofmankind.org
    1. View the week numbers of 2022

      Week numbers 2022

    1. HASH HASH is an open-source, data-centric, all-in-one workspace. HASH combines a rich frontend editor with a powerful entity graph that makes it easy to capture and work with structured data. HASH is built atop the open Block Protocol allowing users to easily add new block types and functionality to their workspaces.

    1. With HASH you can create entities and relationships as easily as taking notes - it's no harder than typing.

    2. With HASH you can create entities and relationships as easily as taking notes - it's no harder than typing.

      quite right too

    1. develop blocks that can automatically be used in a wide variety of contexts across the web, and integrated with zero overhead into an ecosystem of embedding applications.

      integrated into apps with zero overhead

    2. deep simulation tech

      deep simulation tech

    3. Naturally structuring unstructured data

      naturally structuring

    4. Announcing the Block Protocol

    1. Learn about Computational EconomicsHASH is an open platform for agent-based modeling and simulation.
    1. A Penrose tiling is an example of an aperiodic tiling.

      aperiodic tiling

    2. Penrose tiling

    1. 👐 Open Hands Emoji Meaning Two open hands, representing openness. Sometimes used as a hug, or as a display of jazz hands.
      • for : value prop
    1. gives you “Google” like powers over your notes.

      google like poer over your notes

    2. Connecting one thought to another is at the core of learning and creativity.

      connecting learning

    3. Links will be first-class citizens

      links first class citizens

    4. Data will be local-first and plaintext

      local=first plain text

    5. confidence in Obsidian as your long-term writing partner.

      long term writing partner

    6. note-taking tools called “Tools for Thought.

      tools for thought

    7. Obsidian: Understanding its Core Design Principles

    1. MotivationWhat’s the point of the Block Protocol?