23,012 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. The current WikiEditor sort of has an iframe-crossing API already built into it, so that might be a place to start.


    2. Realtime collaborative editing of MediaWiki articles, with Hackpad

      mediawiki hackpad

    1. HARMONIZING THE UKRAINIAN CRISIS WITH DIVINE INTENTION Re-Thinking Democracy as Electromagnetic Harmony



    1. You can be horrified about Russia’s war on Ukraine and also recognize how the world reaction to it is profoundly informed by racism. I hadn’t seen these clips and they’re appalling.

    1. What's Really Going On Inside Your node_modules Folder?Examples of recent supply chain attacks and concrete steps you can take to protect your team from this emerging threat.

    1. “If programming WITHIN the system is important, the meta-programming OF the system itself is even more important.”

      Could not agree more. - about : going meta - for : winfinity "Why program something in 5 days, if you can spend 5 years automating it" Terrence Parr

      going meta, Charles Simonyi's motto: "Anything you can do I can do Meta" https://hypothes.is/a/PQOB1I94EeyGYQdhH8CFYQ Description To which I would add If you can solve the instance of a problem you get a better solutions if you go Meta and come up with a generalised solution that works for an entire class of which the original problem is an instance.

      This is the idea I resonnated with in your work when you say: ask the question what make this possible and get to the maximal possibility

    1. Postpone ideation to put relationships before ideasEncourage people to explore and play to their own brillianceExperience and practice deep listeningCollaborate around shared valuesBring learnings back into their personal and professional lives

      postpone ideation

      bring learning back

    1. Sense-making into the EdgesKeeping the inquiry open for as long as possible without looking for answers or solutions

    1. Tain't What You Do ✪ Shim Sham • • 2018 Plenty Hot • • Heart of Dixie

      but the way that you do it that'w what get result

  2. dylab0.fission.app dylab0.fission.app
    1. The sensemaking process


    1. Chris Dixon, lead crypto investor at Andreessen Horowitz talks to D3 about decentralization, free speech and moderation, and why he's so confident about web3, he "bet my career on it."

      bet carrier

    2. Chris Dixon talks to D3 about Web3

    1. Founded in 2009 by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz (known as "a16z") is a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley, California, that backs bold entrepreneurs building the future through technology.

    1. Web3 and the Future of Social Networks Tune in to @SuperLayerIO Sundays this Sun 3/6 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET to hear from: @mg @xmtp_ @dwr @farcaster_xyz @sriramk @a16z

    1. Chris Dixon Chris Dixon is a general partner at a16z, where he leads the crypto/ web3 funds. Previously, Chris was cofounder & CEO of startups SiteAdvisor and Hunch (acquired by eBay); and an early blogger at cdixon.org.

    1. Tokens help overcome the bootstrap problem by adding financial utility when application utility is low

    2. These open schemes required widespread coordination among standards bodies, server operators, app developers, and sponsoring organizations to mimic the functionality that proprietary services could provide all by themselves. As a result, proprietary services were able to create better user experiences and iterate much faster.

      required much coordination

    3. a way to link people and declare the nature of the relationship.

      link people

      declare the nature of the relationship

    4. Crypto Tokens: A Breakthrough in Open Network Design

    1. The catch: you were using their database and code, handing full control over to a centralized organization.

      the catch twitter

    1. But these protocols relied on outside parties to store data. For users who wanted to publish a social feed while controlling their data, this usually meant registering a domain name and signing up for a hosting provider.

      outside parties to store data domain name server

    1. Socket.io Server Server that receives the slideChanged events from the master presentation and broadcasts them out to the connected client presentations. This needs to be publicly accessible. You can run your own socket.io server with node node_modules/reveal-multiplex.

      Socket.io Server

    2. Multiplex Plugin The multiplex plugin allows your audience to view the slides of the reveal.js presentation you are controlling on their own phone, tablet or laptop. As the master presentation navigates the slides, all client presentations will update in real time.

      multiplex plugin

    1. Creating a Plugin 4.0.0We provide a lightweight specification and API for plugins.

      creating plugin

    1. postMessage CallbacksWhen you call any method via the postMessage API, reveal.js will dispatch a message with the return value. This is done so that you can call a getter method and see what the result is

      postmessage callbacks

    2. postMessage Events


    3. optionally bubble all of its events to the parent.

      bubble events to parent

    1. The most insightful guide for SQL vs NoSQL database needs!Whether your data is Structured, Semi-Structured and Unstructured, be sure to understand your use case.

    1. kind of like an ast an abstract syntax tree but it's kind of without the s

      Abstract Syntax Tree without S

      Actually an abstract Global Giant Content addressable Graph

      Ideal for building an Open Global Decent(ralized) Minds' Graph and Conceptipedia Organize All Knowledge weaved and co-created by emergent networks of Thoughts and Ideas and Thinking People externalizing their own and the Communities emergent Collective Intellect

    1. Every time I heard that the principles of data mesh are 'nothing new', it always reminds me of this part of the movie 'Flash of Genius':

      nothing new

    1. Nonmedical masks use materials that obstruct particles of the necessary size;

      obstruct particles of necessary size

    2. Overall, direct evidence of the efficacy of mask use is supportive, but inconclusive. Since there are no RCTs, only one observational trial, and unclear evidence from other respiratory illnesses, we will need to look at a wider body of evidence.


    1. Nagarjuna GTata Institute of Fundamental ResearchDepartment MemberSTEM Education, cognitive science, knowledge representation, network theory of meaning, semantic networks, semantic web, collaborative learning, conversation as a means of learning, multilingualism, software freedom, distributed and decentralized in ... more ▾

      Stem education

    1. Why Program by Hand in Five Days what You Can Spend Five Years of Your Life Automating?

      5 days program 4 years automate

    1. The initialize method returns a promise which will resolve as soon as the presentation is ready and can be interacted with via the API.

    1. yobiworks YobiWorks Birth is a Life Sentence on Death Row. How we accept or avoid this fact, determines how Our Collective will react. Don't front, just BE REAL with what YOU SHOW! San Leandro Joined on 11 October, 2020 https://www.linkedin.com/company/yobiworks

    1. This “document” is given two aliases: the document URL (http://example.com/desktop.html) and the canonical URL (in this case, also http://example.com/desktop.html).

      so the <link rel="canonical" href="https://tantek.com/2011/220/b1/web-actions-a-new-building-block" /> is added by hypothesis as in this example Description

    1. Kinopio helps people understand themselves and be understood by sharing thoughts and ideas. But an expressive tool is also one that can be used maliciously.

      understand to be understood

      visually whoa

    1. He started the boot. His face was calm and clear. Obviously he understood.They’re all like that, the eggheads, the most important thing for them is to find aname for things. Until he had come up with a name, he was too pathetic to lookat -- a real idiot. But now that he had some label like graviconcentrate, he thoughtthat he understood everything and life was a breeze.


      all like that find a name for things =

      now that he had some label understood everything life was a breeze =

    1. Twitter's "Web Intents" are perhaps the most exemplary of web action APIs created to date: they use well formed fairly minimal semantic markup (hyperlinks with class names) that work declaratively as-is on desktop and mobile browsers alike. They efficiently require only a single <script src="..."> to progressively enhance all Tweet actions and other Twitter buttons on the page.

      web intents

    2. Web actions are not "just" hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are nouns and they reference destinations (sometimes with an explicit relation) with an implied action of navigation. In contrast, web actions are verbs and are first and foremost about a specific action that often but not always does something with the current page or site.

      not just hyperlinks but words

    3. interstitial

      popup for authentication

    4. A web action is the interface and user experience of taking a specific discrete action, across the web, from one site to another site or application

    1. Web Actions are actions that a user takes from one web page across to another web page.


  3. bafybeidajmlh3uv3bdcatdci3y65xi6sh5s53vfmh6yhhhh2qdzu3rqpre.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidajmlh3uv3bdcatdci3y65xi6sh5s53vfmh6yhhhh2qdzu3rqpre.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. new, decentralized, independent “web” that will give users more control..

      Graphics does need updating Add Web 3 protocols based on DHTs protocols like IPFS, IPLD

      So much to say here, no time

      Web 3 brings Named Data Networks to the Web

      Content addressability means that the Network is the Database, and in fact is the InterNet of Autonomous Ambient InterPersonal Intentional Software (as a conversation) and Symmathesy Mutual Learning

      Actually Web 4 is that!


    2. web3 “interoperability” intermediaries

      web3 interoperability


    3. Connected, scaled out and contextualized business intelligence27

      contextualized BI

    4. Solve small, annoying problems first to demonstrate value

      demonstrate value

    5. Data is treated as inorganic and static, rather than organically

      data treated as inorganic

    6. Data, content and knowledge are all managed separately

      data content knolwedge managed separately

    7. How do we collaborate at scale?

      Collaborate at scale

      should mean cosmo-local

      (inter)personal first

    8. Surprise–Transformation requires transformative methods

      Transofrmative Methods

      'Tain't what you do nut the way that you do it, That's what get's result!

    9. interactive, contextualized data foundation

      contextualized data foundation

      Oh but with IPFS the Network IS the Context!

      Let models emerge!

    10. build more and buy less.

      build more

    11. business tech, is pervasive and parasitic.


    12. developing the next generation of skills,

      next gen skills

    13. perennial AI winters

      perennial AI winters

    1. Holochain vs the Internet Computer Protocol .t3_n9glca ._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; } Not sure if this has been addressed before. The Internet Computer Protocol claims to enable '...users to build and deploy open internet services that can “run on the network itself rather than on servers owned by Facebook, Google or Amazon.” ... without the need for legacy technologies such as cloud services ', thus similar to Holochain which allows creation of 'peer-to-peer applications that are secure, reliable, and fast ...that connect user devices directly to each other in secure networks instead of depending on servers'. To me, it appears what ICP is trying to solve has already been addressed by Holochain. Could someone who's more informed on the subject elaborate on the differences between the two. Thank you.

      Holochain vs Internet Computer Protocol


    2. Holochain: you run it on your devices and the transactions you create as a result are validated by peers. Good for defining social protocols, mutual credit, reputation, etc. Effectively, when the consensus around some event is really just between a handful of people, Holochain makes sense.

      Holochain: you run it on your devices and the transactions you create as a result are validated by peers. Good for defining social protocols, mutual credit, reputation, etc. Effectively, when the consensus around some event is really just between a handful of people, Holochain makes sense.

    1. PluginsPlugins can be used to extend reveal.js with additional functionality. To make use of a plugin, you'll need to do two things:

    1. Axelar is a decentralized interoperability network connecting all blockchains, assets and apps through a universal set of protocols and APIs.

    1. With Minerva, you will prepare your learners and your institution for future success. If you’re ready to connect with a partnership lead, let’s talk.


    1. when you try to replicate a broken system in an 00:20:54 analog world in a digital world the broken elements of it are exposed and fall apart when you look at a broken analog system 00:21:06 and say how can you use digital to fix what's broken now you elevate the experience and so what covett has demonstrated from many institutions that are actually serious 00:21:21 about fixing their learning process for their for their for their students their learners is that they have now gravitated to the only institution that was residential 00:21:34 before the pandemic and opted to use technology at the core of what we were doing not because our students weren't there not because it was hard to get them into a room but because we 00:21:47 understood that that modality of education is inferior and and that type of solution is really the only one in the market that existed before the 00:21:59 coronavirus and really all of the attempts at scrambling to use technology during the coronavirus were still ways to iterate off of a broken system as opposed to reforming 00:22:12 that system from the ground up

      iterate over a broken system


    2. too many learners are being left behind by the current one-size-fits-all model of education we here at eddup and our friends at the charles koch foundation see a better path forward the charles 00:22:28 cook foundation supports innovators in education who are building and scaling new pathways to allow all learners to discover their potential by changing the way we think about education we can unlock opportunities for millions more 00:22:40 americans

      charles koch foundation

    3. places like minerva that were residential universities where all the students lived in the same building yet 00:20:05 all of our classes before the pandemic were conducted not in a room not in by getting 20 students around a table to sit together and just you know talk 00:20:16 but designed to be delivered on a purpose-built digital learning environment right with a lesson plan coded into that digital learning environment to optimize every student's 00:20:29 learning even though it's a live seminar professor is live the students are live all the students live in the same building but all of the formal interactions are occurring via digital mediation

      rewidential but purpose built digital environment

    4. The EdUp Experience - 397: What is The Minerva Project? - with Ben Nelson, Chairman & CEO of The..

    1. "When you try to replicate a broken system in an analog world in a digital world, the broken elements of it are exposed and fall apart." Ben Nelson, Minerva Project on The EdUp Experience PodcastWe welcome YOU back to America's leading higher education podcast, The EdUp Experience ! It’s YOUR time to #EdUp NOTE: We had an audio challenge with thi…

    1. Life will knock us down, but we can choose, whether or not, to get back up.


    1. Roger Penrose - Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?

    1. About Esri The Science of Where We pioneer problem solving with GIS to help you see what others can’t Watch the video

    1. The mission of Esri Community is to provide a central online destination where members can gather to exchange ideas, solve problems, accelerate success and build relationships to create a better world through the use of geospatial technology.

      Esri community

    1. What is an Esri Community MVP? An Esri Community MVP is a community member who is an elite and valued contributor of the Community. They are an Esri user, customer or partner. They are not Esri staff or distributors; those audiences are referred to at Community Champions. They are highly active (logging in multiple times per month) and consistently contributing high-value content by answering questions, posting blogs, sharing their workflows and helping the Community team advance the community vision and strategy.  They are influencers and trusted advisers to both Esri users and staff and their support, time and contributions are critical to achieving the mission of the Esri Community. 

      what is MVP

    2. Criteria to Maintain MVP Status (annually) Required actions: profile, attendance, and group contributions Complete and keep your Community profiles current Attend at least 2 quarterly MVP meetings (can be a combination of virtual (hosted online) MVP meeting or an onsite MVP meeting (UC, DevSummit, FedGIS, or other Esri events where we are hosting an onsite MVP meeting) Provide feedback to Community Team on future developments, strategy, and content Continue valuable contributions in the community

      what is MVP

    3. Esri Community MVP Program - About & Requirements

      Community MVP

    1. ArcGIS Online Connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. Work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools. Share your insights with the world or specific groups. Learn more about ArcGIS Online

      • about : fileSaver, JSZip
    1. <script type="text/javascript"> var zip = new JSZip(); zip.file("Hello.txt", "Hello World\n"); zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}) .then(function(content) { // see FileSaver.js saveAs(content, "file.zip"); }); </script>

      JSzip and save

    2. <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.1.4/jszip.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://fastcdn.org/FileSaver.js/1.1.20151003/FileSaver.js" ></script>

      getting filesaved that works

    3. For people who want to load it in the console : var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/1.3.8/FileSaver.min.js'; document.body.appendChild(s);

      fileSaver magic

    4. https://fastcdn.org/FileSaver.js/1.1.20151003/FileSaver.js
      • for : filesaver
    1. Wikilinks Everywhere A [[web extension]] by [[vera]] and the [[flancia collective]]: https://anagora.org/flancia-collective.

      Been here

    1. Deep dive on policies for a commons-based technology

      commons based technology



  4. Feb 2022
    1. Second-Hand MarketplaceYou don't need money to go shopping

    1. ignore long-term costs to the planet

      externalize costs

    2. wants to destroy democracies seeking healthier energy systems

      democracies seeking healthier energy sysems

    3. A New Global Economic System

    1. changemakers to connect in a peer-to-peer way in order to pool resources through offers and requests across the globe

      peer-to-peer pool resources

    2. CoDo — Ecosystem for changemakers

    1. A public infrastructure must promote the pluralism of business models and not just the for-profit and hierarchical models. 

      for profit model

    1. Open technology allows the user to study it, use it, reproduce it, develop it and adapt it to their needs. Closed technology restricts these freedoms through strict copyright and patents. It does not allow the user to study, reproduce and modify it.
      • about : OPEN technology
  5. bafybeidycfq4x3d72ig677z7c6cjij6aww4b22nvc3brplc4cgvxyo5gqm.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidycfq4x3d72ig677z7c6cjij6aww4b22nvc3brplc4cgvxyo5gqm.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. shift from a substance paradigm to an extension paradigm (e.g. Descartes, 1637, 1644), along with which came a shift (in philosophical thinking) from attributes to logical classes and tuples

      shift substance to extensional

    2. current ‘solutions’ to the various issues identified and agreed upon in contemporary software modelling languages and, especially, metamodelling are more akin to the Ptolemaic model with its many ‘fixes’ and lead into our proposal that what is needed for this important topic in modern-day modelling is a brand-new approach i.e. a new approach that results from a conceptual deconstruction and reconstruction

      brand-new approach

      conceptual (de|re)consruction

      Be successful need to attain a suitable View Point

    3. 90Copyright © 2013, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.Chapter 4Ptolemaic Metamodelling?The Need for a Paradigm Shift
    4. Figure 69. Revision of Figure 68 to incorporate the ideas of Figure 24

    5. OMG, 2011a, 2011b)8.
    6. no general theory of modelling

      no general theory of modelling

    7. Indeed, Broy (2011) observes that “in the long run, software engineering cannot be established without a solid body of scientific theory.

      scientific theory of computing

      computing is not a science and it is not about computers per se either

      see SICP lecture 1

    8. search out that new orthodoxy (i.e. instigate a paradigm shift

      new orthodoxy paradigm shift

    9. Whether these new ideas, together, are sufficient to create a shift in mindset or whether they are simply the stimulus for others to create new and orthogonal ideas remains to be seen

      shift in mindset

    10. language use, philosophy, and ontology engineering)

      ontology engineering

    11. identified several inconsistencies and paradoxes in the current orthodoxy
      • inconsistencies
      • paradoxes
      • orthodoxy
    12. model language development for software engineering.

      language development

    13. metamodelling and modelling language construction

      language construction

    1. modelling language construction

      modelling language construction

    2. Ptolemaic Metamodelling? The Need for a Paradigm Shift

    1. 🗏 Page Emoji Meaning Page was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014.

      page 🗏

    1. 🗉 Note Page Emoji Meaning Note Page was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014.


    1. ♒ Aquarius Emoji Meaning The Aquarius astrological sign in the Zodiac. This Zodiac Symbol represents a Water-bearer.

      ♒ - for : Commons

    1. 🖼️ Framed Picture Emoji Meaning A framed picture of a painting or photograph, as displayed in a gallery or on a household wall. Vendors feature various scenes, though generally a lush, sunny landscape of hills and mountains, in a gold frame.


    1. 🖻 (DOCUMENT WITH PICTURE) utf-8 character icon DOCUMENT WITH PICTURE is one of the 768 characters in the Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs Unicode subset.
    1. Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs unicode subset Here is the list of 768 utf-8 characters in Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs subsets.


    1. he JavaScript API client for https://web3.storage

      ⁂ web3.storage

    1. This page in a nutshell: An article too short to provide more than rudimentary information about a subject should be marked as a stub by adding a stub template from the list here to the end of the article. Anyone can edit a stub article, or remove a stub template from an article which is no longer a stub.
      • about : stub
      • about : nutshell
    1. How to make data FAIR? Findable – assigning a globally unique and eternally persistent identifier (like a DOI or Handle), describing the data with rich metadata, and making sure it is findable through disciplinary discovery portals. Accessible – data and metadata should be retrievable in a variety of formats that are sensible to humans and machines using persistent identifiers. Interoperable – the description of metadata elements should follow community guidelines that use an open, well defined vocabulary. Reusable – the data should maintain its initial richness. The description of essential, recommended, and optional metadata elements should be machine processable and verifiable, use should be easy and data should be citable to sustain data sharing and recognize the value of data.


    2. FAIR Data Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable) support knowledge discovery and innovation as well as data and knowledge integration, and promote sharing and reuse of data. The principles help data and metadata to be ‘machine readable’, supporting new discoveries through the harvest and analysis of multiple datasets. 
      • about : FAIR Data Principles
    3. Open Access and Fair Principles

    1. few people would sell you a 10$ product that can solve your problem for ever

      That's exactly what we need though

    2. few people would sell you a 10$ product that can solve your problem for ever, when they can sell you a 1000$ product, with 10$ per month maintenance cost, that will become obsolete after 10 years. If you listen to the “experts” you would likely end up not with the simplest, but with the most advanced technology.

      full quote

    1. Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework by @Pavel_Ilin_AI https://link.medium.com/UecOmpG8Ynb "Actually what we are constructing is Artificial Intelligence and native human intellect is one of the subsystems of a synergic system of intelligence." That's the Transhumanist reading


    1. Actually what we are constructing is Artificial Intelligence and native human intellect is one of the subsystems of a synergic system of intelligence.

      Yes human intellect is rendered subservient to the drive of creating artificial intelligence

    2. Integrating Engelbart framework with modern technological capabilities still remains a complex problem yet to be solved.

      problem yet to be solved

    3. Thoughts should be exported into the exocortex so mental structures can be free to synthesise more thoughts. Exocortex should be organized in a way so it’s easy to recall thoughts. Exocortex system should not only store and represent knowledge, but also provide functionality to search and manipulate symbolic structures. One should be able to view specific notes/cards, add new ones, edit them, add or remove connections with other notes/cards and overview visual representation of the knowledge graph.


    4. Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework

    1. If you want to provoke emergence, design an alphabet.

      design a notation.

      a language with autopoietic power

    2. Alphabets Emergence springs from alphabets. An alphabet is a kit of parts, together with rules for combining them.
    1. subversion 00:04:08 is an activity which is a two-way traffic you cannot subvert an enemy which doesn't want to be subverted

      want to be subverted

    2. Understanding the Political Scenario of INDIA,CANADA,JAPAN,CHINA,USA, FRANCE etc
      • for : subversion

    1. #YuriBezmenov #SocialismSubversion of the Free World Press - Yuri Bezmenov

      Subversion of the Free World Press - Yuri Bezmenov

    1. Telegram is the most popular messenger in urban Ukraine. After a decade of misleading marketing and press, most ppl there believe it’s an “encrypted app” The reality is the opposite-TG is by default a cloud database w/ a plaintext copy of every msg everyone has ever sent/recvd.

    1. "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero,” can be translated as “pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one,” but carpe diem alone has come to be used as shorthand for this entire idea, which is more widely known as "seize the day."

      carpe diam

      seize the day

    1. hat am I to do?” if I can answer the prior question “Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?”

      story part

    1. Education Must Make History Again, with Zak Stein(1): What matters most in a pre-figurative culture?

    1. Education Must Make History Again(2) w' Zak Stein: What does it mean to be in a time between worlds?

  6. consilienceproject.org consilienceproject.org
    1. Our civilization has never been more vast, complicated, and fragile

      vast complicated and fragile

    1. Critical Conversations for the Future of Human Civilization

    1. Some of our most popular technologies are becoming a means of mass coercion that open societies cannot survive.

      means of mass coercion

    2. Social Media Enables Undue Influence

    1. Decent Tech,not the ones that is extractively lords over our lives.

      decent tech

    1. the limiting parameters of the game have not been defined and as a consequence of that they're stunned by their infinite freedom into complete immobility and 00:04:40 what that means in a sense is that the in the absence of serious constraint there can be no choice no freedom no existence and and i believe this to be fundamentally true just as the fact that 00:04:52 human being is vulnerable is fundamentally true

      combinatorial freedom leads to chaor

    2. it's a conscious attempt to violate the the conditions that make 00:12:28 life itself tolerable and it's aimed at dehumanization destruction of the ideal and at an even deeper level revenge against the conditions of existence itself

      revenge aginst the conditions of existence itself

    3. the jewish commentary what the f infinite locks is the finite

      the ininite lacks is the finite

    4. the first time that the man blamed the woman for his self-conscious misery i think that's the real fall and not the rise of self-consciousness itself

      the real fall

    5. adam says and this is comical too was the woman's fault which i think is really funny and which actually may have been the original sin and not the eating of the 00:20:48 apple right the first time that the man blamed the woman for his self-conscious misery i think that's the real fall and not the rise of self-consciousness itself

    6. without limitation there's no being

      being limitation

    1. social learning and building social capital as important conditions for increasing resilienceand sustainability

      social capital

    2. Facilitating Social Learning. The benefits of experimentation grow when governance knowl-edge and tools developed in one unit can spread to others via social learning

      social learning

    3. polycentricity

    1. Honing critical thinking is a key aspect of education. Social reading prompts students to dig deeper into a text & come away with a different point of view.

      honing critical thinking

      social reading and writing anchored on the margins in social web annotations prompts participants to dig deeper & come away with improved points of views.

    1. We don’t write things down to remember them. We write them down to forget.


      I write to think. work on the words to hone the feeling. So next time I can speak it more clearly. Never prepare the words, prepare the feeling. You may just end up with things worth sharing.

      But in the meantime, I do rely on retrieving everything I've ever written related to what I am writing to think about. To draaw inspiration, and reminders for the next level of articulation synthesis., Description

    2. “I don’t want to throw anything out. At least not yet,” wrote William Germano in On Rewriting of his early drafts. “I might change my mind, I tell myself.”

      might change your mind, you will as long you still have it.

  7. www.openlinksw.com www.openlinksw.com
    1. A Smart Agent solution for transforming threaded content into Knowledge Graph nuggets, for easy reuse and recall.


    1. One of the best ways to become familiar with MemoryWeb's features is to watch our introductory video collection and select the option to Play All.

      pkg wg

    1. The Enterprise Knowledge Graph Foundation (EKGF) was established to define best practice and mature the marketplace for EKG adoption, including:  ​ STANDARDS • METHOD • ARTIFACTS • COMMUNITY  • ADVOCACY



    1. Enterprise Knowledge Graph Foundation (EKGF) Releases First Draft of Maturity Model The  Maturity Model is the expert-driven definition of practical levels of progression of capabilities required for an enterprise knowledge graph 

    1. In 2015, I plotted the types of smart contracts that could be written and implemented along a continuum. On the left end of the continuum are the simplest smart contracts. On the right end are the DAOs, Decentralized Autonomous Governments (DAGs), and the Decentralized Autonomous Societies (DASes) that the idealists in the blockchain/”web3” community yearn for.

      from DAOs to DASes

    2. Gartner Hype Cycle’s Trough of Disillusionment

      Trough of disilusionment

    3. many decentralized finance (DeFi) startups are trying to run before they can walk, or even crawl.

      run before they even crawl


    4. first principles, I mean the data-centric architecture principles that Dave McComb has articulated in books such as Software Wasteland

      first principles


      Softwrae Wasteland

    5. $470,000 in funds the culprit absconded with

      asconded with