22,035 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2024
    1. img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64,"+btoa(xml);

      img.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64,"+btoa(xml);

    2. set img.src to dynamic svg element
    1. This is a lazy encryption system

      .for: lazy encyption

      in that it's not designed to - securely obscure data,

      but rather that it is designed to - prevent people from reading data - without first taking steps to decrypt it.

      This makes this system useful for - hiding clues in games,

      where people can use a deciphering tool within the game itself if they really want to spoil the answer. Other uses are left to the imagination.

    2. .for: lazy encryption

    1. 160IPFS

      IPFS is a - global, - versioned, - peer-to-peer - filesystem.

      It combines ideas from - Git, - BitTorrent, - Kademlia, - SFS, and the - web.

      It is like - a single bittorrent swarm, - exchanging git objects.

      IPFS provides - an interface - as simple as the HTTP web,

      but with - permanence - built in.

    2. 0Spot-On Encryption Suite

      Spot-On is Encryption software that securely connects two friends for chat, group chat, email, file sharing and file transfers with magnet links and P2P web search. Description

    3. .from: "android peergos - Google Searc…" (www.google.co.uk)

      Peergos Alternatives

      Cloud Storage Services and other similar apps like Peergos

    4. Peergos is a secure and private online space where you can store, share and view your photos, videos, music and documents.
    1. Nov 29, 2023 — Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 10 apps similar to Peergos for Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and more ... Android and Self-Hosted apps ...

      self-hosted apps alternatives .to: "Peergos Alternatives: Top 10 C…" (alternativeto.net)

    2. .google.search: android peergoss

    3. .google.search: android+peergos

    1. PeergosPeergos is a secure and private online space where you can store, share and view your photos, videos, music and documents.

    1. This allows you to store "deep bookmarks"

      deep bookmarks

      to things in Peergos which don't reveal anything to someone who get's access you your bookmarks!

    1. All you need is your username and your password

      Can do away with that too

    2. It is not tied to any other data like your phone number or email address.

      .for - No Account

    1. Dec 21, 2023 — Consider a lazy encryption scheme that does not encrypt a message at all:

      does not encrypt at all

    1. lazy re-encryption.

      .to.do-search - lazy enciption

    1. secret link mechanism for sharing files with people who do not have peergos accounts.

      secret link fpr

      .for - Indy.Web.Mesh.Net/Hub/One/Dialog/Linminal

      sharing files with people who do not have peergos account!

    2. Following can be revoked

      following allows sharing between peers

    3. Following is a one-way mechanism

      following one way

    1. The web interface can be accessed from a public server over https or from your machine if you run Peergos locally.

      same for the IndyWeb

      location independence!

    2. You even load it directly from ipfs and log in!

      Entirely client side load it from IPFS and log in!

    3. aim to be as convenient to use as existing centralised services,

      as convenient and usable as centralised services

    1. Hashes and signatures are all verified client side

      client side verification

    1. Because the server only ever sees encrypted data you can also tell it to directly store your data in a standard cloud storage provider like Backblaze or Amazon

      .query - or IPFS?

    2. Peergos is fully self hostable

      .to.do : must try it out for self osting

    1. no central surveillance point that an attacker could monitor all file transfers

      no central suveilance point

    1. Free and Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

      entrprise Resource Plannig FOSS

      .from: .search: custom app update

    1. The most agile ERP on the planet ERPNext is the world's best free and open source ERP

      Open source ERP

      .for - custom app - peergos

    1. Powerful rich text editor framework with a modular architecture, modern integrations, and features like collaborative editing

      available via Peergos,net

    1. Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network w3c/webrtc-pc#2553)

      WebRTC as a backend

    2. Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network w3c/ServiceWorker#1522

      pretty much what we do for indyweb

    3. WebRTC can be used for exfiltration w3c/webappsec-csp#92,

      This is where we came from

    4. "The fetch event lets us intercept every network request made by the PWA in the service worker's scope, for both same-origin and cross-origin requests"


    5. Publish app to well known location: halo.dxos.org
    6. Using the app, users can:

      from: https://hyp.is/9c5qEuHxEe6Ulo-hzKcczg/github.com/w3c/webappsec-csp/issues/92

      HALO application

      • self-identify
      • recover their halo / absorb it from another device
      • discover and inspect the network
      • join parties (spaces)
      • send simple messages to each other once in a space create and collaborate on a list of strings in a space. join HALO across multiple devices (including the CLI)


    1. a peer-to-peer network is no good if nobody can seed data back after downloading it

      p2p seed back data

    2. Make WebRTC usable as a backend for Service Workers to fulfill requests from a peer-to-peer network

      Problems define their own solutions

      for indy,web.mesh.net.work

    1. SigmaOShttps://sigmaos.com › tips › browsers › how-to-change-...SigmaOShttps://sigmaos.com › tips › browsers › how-to-change-...About featured snipp
    1. zhenyasav mentioned this issue Oct 10, 2022 HALO application dxos/dxos#1630
    2. amark mentioned this issue Feb 15, 2022 Add support for WebRTC Data Channel in Workers w3c/webrtc-pc#230
    3. some implementations send media without requiring the other party to have learned the sender's password (the focus of ICE consent is to make sure the other party wants to receive your data, not on whether you want to send it to him).

      ICE consent

      ensure that the other party wants to receive your data

    4. Oh, and in answer to @martinthomson 's prescient post from 3 years ago, (link above) it would be pretty simple to exfiltrate data over DTMF (which was added in the meanwhile). It would be only slightly harder to do it over G711. So I don't believe this is a data-channel issue. In my view it is an ICE issue - ICE is supposed to be the webRTC consent mechanism. Ice-lite breaks that.


      ice-lite braks that

    5. connect-src already supports urls: Content-Security-Policy: connect-src https://example.com/ So it would be trivial to add stun: and/or turn: urls to it, like: Content-Security-Policy: connect-src https://example.com/ stun:stun.services.mozilla.com

      connect-src supports urls

    6. More and more sites are (ab)using WebRTC to pull data from remote servers through browsers with no obvious way for users to be informed about such connections to remote servers, and no mean to prevent these connections from happening on a per-site basis. I observe that such use is spreading fast. Example:

      pull data from remote servers without users knowledge

    7. WebRTC can be used for exfiltration



  2. github.com github.com
    1. DXOS The Decentralized Operating System

    1. Aug 2, 2022 — We have an application sandbox to run custom apps. How does it work? An app in Peergos is basically just a folder of HTML5 assets. The

      to: "A better web" (peergos.org) let people own their - identity and - data - grant web app access to these

    2. An app in Peergos is basically just a folder of HTML5 assets. The ...

      to: "A better web" (peergos.org)

      instead of the current


    3. We run a server at https://peergos.net/. There are a limited number of free accounts available. You can upgrade to a paid account to get more storage. Tech
    1. Peergos Custom Apps

      Peergos Apps are a way to extend the Peergos platform to add custom functionality

    2. it cannot make any external requests which could be used to exfilrate data [0].

      exfiltrate data with webrt to - "WebRTC can be used for exfiltr…" (github.com)

    1. A better architecture for users would

      let people own their - identity and - data - grant web app access to these

    2. from:

    1. "Control your data, control your destiny."


    2. privacy is a fundamental human right

      privacy right

    3. Imagine never having to log in to an app ever again.

      Never having to log into an app ever!

    1. The immersive programming experience Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback (think IDE and OS rolled into one).



    1. Pharo Smalltalk stores every method in a separate files

      to to

    2. Julia REPL

      = Beyond REPL

    3. Julia is wonderful because it can integrate with other languages and the Unix shell so well.

      julia inyegrate

    4. pure functional programming and static typing

      pure functional static typing

    5. prefer dynamically typed languages such as Lua and Julia

      dynamically typed language - Lua - Julia

    6. study the history

      recapitulable replayable history with provenance is key indeed entire context

    7. no code for you to forget to change or update to reflect the new change


    8. based around manipulating plain text files

      absurd indeed

    9. one true way of doing things

      no one true way but all ways worthy of using must be amenable to be morphed into any otther

    10. Unison doesn’t store source code; it stores ASTs


    11. able to track the history of each function.

      track history of each function

    12. tracks changes at the level of individual functions and type definitions instead of at the level of files

      track changes individual functions

      that's not enough

    13. Tighter Integration Between Tools and Language


    14. have to add enough qualifiers to uniquely identify the function you are calling

      add enough qualifiers

    15. typically avoid all the long package import ceremony found in Java

      package import ceremony

    16. it will never fail to build.

      too bad

    17. duplicating the old hierarchy with new hashes

    18. Writing Code Without Plain Text FilesThe Unison programming language doesn’t store code in files, but in a database. What is that like?
    19. Writing Code Without Plain Text Files

      The Unison programming language doesn’t store code in files, but in a database. What is that like?

      personal.archived - https://ipfs.indy0.net/ipfs/QmQz4CcH6Buwb48hi4skRuXbwf5wVvMPpDqJDbKcBbb4uB?p=QmaZHodquC4dhjn8Ct6GG9zFvJjfYD6j4AoAmAakeTygdG - in: https://hypothes.is/a/UY8YsuBMEe6Jnkt8qYLGRA - from: https://hypothes.is/a/UY8YsuBMEe6Jnkt8qYLGRA - by: gyuri

    1. What Makes Smalltalk Unique?Exploring the implication of software development without files
    1. ParaChat Chat Replacement


      <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 201 34" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2"><path d="m.441-.163-.009.012a.247.247 0 0 1-.138.055C.249-.096.213-.13.19-.166a.362.362 0 0 1-.024-.146c0-.064.01-.128.037-.187.024-.055.062-.12.131-.14a.345.345 0 0 1 .064-.005l.008.001a.034.034 0 0 1 .023.031c0 .018-.02.081-.03.099l-.023.035a.077.077 0 0 0-.014.039c0 . 0 .105-.131.105-.187 0-.053-.016-.08-.061-.117a.043.043 0 0 0-.007-.006L.432-.719A.147.147 0 0 0 .35-.741a.227.227 0 0 0-.142.052L.17-.66c-.113.088-.151.231-.151.353 0 . 0 .174-.058.236-.132a.039.039 0 0 0 .009-.023c0-.01-.007-.03-.029-.03-.009 0-.018.006-.025.011Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero" transform="translate(-.132 28.947) scale(38.95234)"/><path d="m.071-.073.01.007a.044.044 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .04-.016c.006-.005.009-.012.012-.017l.007-.017c.006-.011.007-.021.008-.029s0-.017.003-.026a.78.78 0 0 1 .108-.206c. 0 .056-.025.066-.047a.156.156 0 0 0 .01-.059c0-.07-.007-.205-.028-.274C.411-.46.38-.519.328-.519a.065.065 0 0 0-. 0 0 0-.02.018 1.029 1.029 0 0 0-.087.121c.002-.05.005-.1.005-.15L.186-.596C.183-.636.173-.678.124-.678a.066.066 0 0 0-.051.025c-.038.044-.046.39-.046.446 0 . 0 0 0 .027.04l.009.008Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero" transform="translate(19.616 28.947) scale(38.95234)"/><path d="M.158-.129C.155-.131.155-.133.155-.133c0-.041.095-.1.146-.129a.761.761 0 0 0 .008.094l-.023.009-.048.024a1.508 1.508 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.025-.005L.158-.129Zm.173.044C.346-.049.377 0 .434 0A.065.065 0 0 0 .5-.063a.091.091 0 0 0-.009-.036.296.296 0 0 1-.028-.075C.455-.21.454-.247.452-.283.45-.323.45-.364.447-.404.443-.48.426-.553.334-.553c-.059 0-.128.036-.149.081a.065.065 0 0 0-.004.02c0 . 0 0 1 .043-.004c. 0-.263.119-.263.238 0 . 0 .118-.041.162-.097Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero" transform="translate(37.34 28.947) scale(38.95234)"/><path d="M.093.096C. 0 0 0 .174.123C. 0 0 0 .118-.03.03.03 0 0 0 .013-.025.031.031 0 0 0-.018-.028.338.338 0 0 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0-.217.235-.217.362 0 . 0 .163-.103.163-.189 0-.013-.009-.026-.029-.026l-.007.002a.019.019 0 0 0-.007.002l-.01.005a.248.248 0 0 0-. 0 0 1-.01.009Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero" transform="translate(86.73 28.947) scale(38.95234)"/><path d="M.174-.136a.694.694 0 0 1-.005-.091c0-.042.003-.082.003-.123a.188.188 0 0 0-.007-.058C.158-.429.143-.448.112-.448c-.084 0-.093.187-.093.247 0 . 0 0 0 .023.003c.07 0 .12-.089.15-. 0 .073-.035.073-.08A1.099 1.099 0 0 1 .443-.21l.001-.068C.444-.33.442-.407.37-.407c-.01 0-.02.002-.028.006C.32-.392.299-.36.295-.342l-.002.013-.02.038c-.03.054-.062.106-.099.155Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero" transform="translate(100.988 28.947) scale(38.95234)"/><path d="M.151-.026.16-.041c.003-.006.006-.012.006-.018a.023.023 0 0 0-.009-.018l.001-.024c0-.024.003-.047.005-.071a4.34 4.34 0 0 1 .01-.108c.006-.055.009-.111.013-.166.002-.033.005-.068.005-.102a.477.477 0 0 0-.012-.113C.174-.674.161-.696.135-.696c-.028 0-.039.023-.043.036a.688.688 0 0 0-.03.131c-.017.13-.039.258-.039.389 0 . 0 0 0 .048-.028Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero" transform="translate(118.594 28.947) scale(38.95234)"/><path d="M.158-.129C.155-.131.155-.133.155-.133c0-.041.095-.1.146-.129a.761.761 0 0 0 .008.094l-.023.009-.048.024a1.508 1.508 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.025-.005L.158-.129Zm.173.044C.346-.049.377 0 .434 0A.065.065 0 0 0 .5-.063a.091.091 0 0 0-.009-.036.296.296 0 0 1-.028-.075C.455-.21.454-.247.452-.283.45-.323.45-.364.447-.404.443-.48.426-.553.334-.553c-.059 0-.128.036-.149.081a.065.065 0 0 0-.004.02c0 . 0 0 1 .043-.004c. 0-.263.119-.263.238 0 . 0 .118-.041.162-.097Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero" transform="translate(126.345 28.947) scale(38.95234)"/><path d="M.171-.243C.175-.285.18-.325.183-.367v-.017c0-.037-.013-.08-.057-.08-.03 0-.05.029-.058.045a.89.89 0 0 0-.05.294c0 . 0 .05-.018.056-.041C.19-.132.227-.261.3-.387c. 0 0 0 .07-.07c0-.032-.04-.108-.085-.118a.083.083 0 0 0-.022-.003c-.024 0-.045.022-.051.036l-.016.042c-.016.035-.033.067-.048.102-.016.038-.03.075-.042.114Z" style="fill-rule:nonzero" transform="translate(145.666 28.947) scale(38.95234)"/><ellipse cx="2729.05" cy="1066.99" rx="51.426" ry="37.826" style="fill:#fff" transform="matrix(.16337 0 0 .16337 -267.184 -158.735)"/><path d="M180.72 32.719c-8.29 0-15.018-6.73-15.018-15.019S172.43 2.682 180.72 2.682c8.289 0 15.018 6.73 15.018 15.018a15 15 0 0 1-.17 2.265 24.428 24.428 0 0 0 3.434-.812 1.234 1.234 0 0 1 1.57 1.465c-1.838 6.866-9.972 12.06-19.738 12.1h-.114Zm-6.066-19.771c.985 0 1.784 1.08 1.784 2.411 0 1.332-.799 2.413-1.784 2.413-.983 0-1.784-1.081-1.784-2.413 0-1.331.8-2.411 1.784-2.411Zm6.899 0c.985 0 1.784 1.08 1.784 2.411 0 1.332-.799 2.413-1.784 2.413-.983 0-1.782-1.081-1.782-2.413 0-1.331.799-2.411 1.782-2.411Z"/></svg>

    1. ParaChat Replacement


    2. Chatacular can be directly connected to your app's authentication system.

      authentication system

    3. add stunning embeddable chatrooms to their website. No coding, just chatting. Click and go!
      • embeddable chatrooms
      • click and go
    4. Stunning group chats for your websiteUse Chatacular to create chatrooms that your users will love using!
    1. <svg width="128" height="128" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" enable-background="new 0 0 128 128" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><linearGradient id="a"><stop offset="0" stop-color="#ff5252"/><stop offset=".2061" stop-color="#fd4d4d"/><stop offset=".4365" stop-color="#f64040"/><stop offset=".6787" stop-color="#ea2a2a"/><stop offset=".9274" stop-color="#da0b0b"/><stop offset="1" stop-color="#d50000"/></linearGradient><linearGradient id="b" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="77.996" x2="77.996" xlink:href="#a" y1="3.708" y2="122.64"/><linearGradient id="c" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="79.45" x2="79.45" xlink:href="#a" y1="3.708" y2="122.64"/><linearGradient id="d" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="26.013" x2="26.013" xlink:href="#a" y1="4.4313" y2="123.33"/><circle cx="78" cy="112" fill="url(#b)" r="12"/><path d="m72.14 88.57c-2.3 0-4.12-1.94-4-4.23.29-5.21 1.14-9.5 2.55-12.88 1.77-4.25 5.28-8.92 10.52-14s8.56-8.7 9.96-10.85c2.15-3.27 3.22-6.81 3.22-10.63 0-5.04-1.25-8.89-3.75-11.55s-6.17-3.98-11-3.98c-4.62 0-8.34 1.3-11.17 3.9-2.11 1.95-3.44 4.41-3.97 7.39-.33 1.86-2.02 3.17-3.91 3.17h-11.67c-2.38 0-4.27-2.07-3.98-4.43.93-7.46 4.07-13.51 9.42-18.16 6.38-5.55 14.8-8.32 25.28-8.32 10.8 0 19.23 2.74 25.27 8.23 6.05 5.49 9.07 13.15 9.07 23 0 8.77-4.09 17.4-12.25 25.9l-9.77 9.62c-.1.1-.2.2-.29.31-2.89 3.37-4.61 8.01-5.16 13.92-.19 2.04-1.92 3.6-3.97 3.6h-10.4z" fill="url(#c)"/><g fill="#424242" opacity=".2"><path d="m78 103.01c4.96 0 9 4.04 9 9s-4.04 9-9 9-9-4.04-9-9c0-4.97 4.04-9 9-9m0-3c-6.63 0-12 5.37-12 12s5.37 12 12 12 12-5.37 12-12-5.38-12-12-12z"/><path d="m79.64 7c9.98 0 17.81 2.51 23.26 7.45 5.44 4.94 8.09 11.73 8.09 20.78 0 7.92-3.83 15.92-11.39 23.79l-9.74 9.59c-.16.16-.31.32-.46.49-3.29 3.84-5.27 9.08-5.87 15.59-.05.49-.48.88-.99.88h-10.4c-.37 0-.62-.2-.73-.31-.11-.12-.3-.37-.28-.75.27-4.84 1.05-8.84 2.32-11.89 1.61-3.85 4.92-8.23 9.84-13 5.45-5.29 8.85-9.01 10.37-11.36 2.47-3.76 3.72-7.88 3.72-12.27 0-5.81-1.54-10.39-4.56-13.61-3.08-3.27-7.51-4.93-13.19-4.93-5.38 0-9.82 1.58-13.2 4.69-2.6 2.39-4.24 5.44-4.89 9.07-.07.39-.49.7-.96.7h-11.66c-.4 0-.66-.22-.77-.35-.13-.14-.27-.38-.23-.71.85-6.76 3.6-12.08 8.41-16.27 5.78-5.03 13.62-7.58 23.31-7.58m0-3c-10.48 0-18.9 2.77-25.27 8.31-5.35 4.65-8.49 10.71-9.42 18.16-.3 2.36 1.6 4.43 3.98 4.43h11.67c1.89 0 3.58-1.31 3.91-3.17.53-2.98 1.85-5.44 3.97-7.39 2.82-2.6 6.54-3.9 11.17-3.9 4.84 0 8.5 1.33 11 3.98 2.5 2.66 3.75 6.51 3.75 11.55 0 3.81-1.07 7.35-3.22 10.63-1.4 2.15-4.72 5.77-9.96 10.85s-8.75 9.75-10.52 14c-1.41 3.38-2.26 7.67-2.55 12.88-.13 2.29 1.7 4.23 4 4.23h10.4c2.05 0 3.78-1.56 3.97-3.6.55-5.9 2.27-10.54 5.16-13.92.09-.11.19-.21.29-.31l9.77-9.62c8.17-8.5 12.25-17.13 12.25-25.9 0-9.85-3.02-17.51-9.07-23-6.05-5.47-14.48-8.21-25.28-8.21z"/></g><g fill="url(#d)"><ellipse cx="26.01" cy="112" rx="12" ry="11.99"/><path d="m32.15 92.01h-12.27c-2.19 0-3.98-1.74-4.03-3.91l-1.83-79.97c-.05-2.24 1.77-4.09 4.03-4.09h15.93c2.26 0 4.08 1.85 4.03 4.09l-1.83 79.97c-.05 2.17-1.84 3.91-4.03 3.91z"/></g><g fill="#424242" opacity=".2"><path d="m26.01 103c4.96 0 9 4.03 9 8.99s-4.04 8.99-9 8.99-9-4.03-9-8.99 4.04-8.99 9-8.99m0-2.99c-6.63 0-12 5.37-12 11.99s5.37 11.99 12 11.99 12-5.37 12-11.99c0-6.63-5.37-11.99-12-11.99z"/><path d="m33.98 7.04c.39 0 . 79.97c-.01.54-.47.98-1.03.98h-12.27c-.56 0-1.02-.44-1.03-.98l-1.83-79.97c-.01-.34.15-.57.28-.71.11-.12.36-.31.75-.31zm0-3h-15.93c-2.26 0-4.08 1.85-4.03 4.09l1.83 79.97c.05 2.17 1.84 3.91 4.03 3.91h12.27c2.19 0 3.98-1.74 4.03-3.91l1.83-79.97c.05-2.24-1.77-4.09-4.03-4.09z"/></g></svg>

    2. called an “interrobang,”


      The exclamation question mark emoji shows two punctation marks right next to each other: an exclamation point and a question mark. It is also called an “interrobang,” and can be used to truly convey a feeling of dramatic confusion or shock. It is a bold emoji that can add flavor to any text about a bizarre situation.

    3. Exclamation question mark
    1. This emoji can be used to express curiosity, confusion, or interest. ‼️ double exclamation mark. The double exclamation mark emoji is two bold, red exclamation ...

      to [⁉️ Exclamation question mark emoji]

      for - interrobang - inquiry


    2. google.search - utf8icon red exclamation question mark

    1. Writing Code Without Plain Text Files

      The Unison programming language doesn’t store code in files, but in a database. What is that like?

      personal.archived - from: https://itnext.io/writing-code-without-plain-text-files-cb8f1ed2c0ad - by: gyuri

    1. "maker, author, poet," variant of poiētēs, from poein, poiein "to make, create, compose."

      "maker, author, poet," variant of poiētēs, from poein, poiein "to make, create, compose."

    2. "one endowed with the gift and power of imaginative invention and creation, attended by corresponding eloquence of expression, commonly but not necessarily in a metrical form"

      gift and power of imaginative invention

    3. poet (n.)


    1. Apple’s design displays text from its 1997–2002 Think Different ad campaign

      Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is…


    1. A lélek mértéke a nosztalgiák és a lelkifurdalások, a tiszta vágyak és a tiszta megbánások.

      The soul's measure are the nostalgies and remorse, the pure desires and true regrets.

    2. Hiszen igaz: a művész azért művész, hogy az illúziót valóra váltsa, a költő azért költő, hogy a lehetetlent letesse.

      Since true:

      the artist is artist to realise the illusion.

      the poet is poet, to let the impossible be

    1. The proxy server must not be placed in a network where sensitive resources are accessible via an intranet

      must not

    2. others may use your server to hide actual IP from the destination server.

      hide originating ip

    3. Adding a security section in the documentation? #152

      for Cors Anywhere

    1. Note: as of February 2021, access to the demo server requires an opt-in, see: https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere/issues/301



    2. Requesting user credentials is disallowed.


    3. for - Indy Web Kernel

    4. CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
    1. How to Execute After Page Load in JavaScript ?

      called after entire page loaded window.onload = function() { ... };

    1. Repository


    2. Friendly emoji lookups and parsing utilities for Node.js


      for - tech.mix

    1. 💖 simple emoji support for node.js projects

      ```import * as emoji from 'node-emoji'

      emoji.emojify('I :heart: :coffee:!') // 'I ❤️ ☕️!'

      emoji.find('heart') // { emoji: '❤', name: 'heart' } emoji.find('❤️') // { emoji: '❤', name: 'heart' }

      emoji.get('unicorn') // 🦄 emoji.get(':unicorn:') // 🦄

      emoji.has(':pizza:') // true emoji.has('🍕') // true emoji.has('unknown') // false

      emoji.random() // { name: 'house', emoji: '🏠' }

      emoji.replace('I ❤️ coffee!', 'love', { preserveSpaces: true }) // 'I love coffee!'

      emoji.search(':uni:') // [ { emoji: '🦄', name: 'unicorn' }, ... ]

      emoji.strip('I ❤️ coffee!') // 'I coffee!'

      emoji.unemojify('🍕 for 💃') // ':pizza: for :dancer:'

      emoji.which('🦄') // 'unicorn'


    1. Nov 20, 2023 — Friendly emoji lookups and parsing utilities for Node.js. 💖. Latest version: 2.1.3, last published: 3 months ago. Start using node-emoji in ...(function(){var eid='z9PoV';var a=google.c.mcar;var b=a?0:Date.now(),c=document.getElementById(eid);google.c.mfrvt(b,c);google.c.ub();c&&!a&&google.c.maft(b,c);})();


    1. Package


      emoji.for - node.package

      A package (parcel), as contains items ordered online. Depicted at various angles as a light-brown, cardboard box, with a shipping label and its top taped shut.

      Commonly used for content concerning shipping, delivery, and moving as well as for boxes more generally.

    1. We can start by displaying title and favicon. Because of CORS limitation on frontend we'll need a backend server. An easy way is to use CORS Anywhere. Its demo ...
    2. google.search - get favicon browser only

    1. Oct 6, 2021 — This phrase suggests that an organism's development will take it through each of the adult stages of its evolutionary history, or its phylogeny.


    2. New York Botanical Gardenhttps://www.nybg.org › blogs › science-talk › 2017/02New York Botanical Gardenhttps://www.nybg.org › blogs › science-talk › 2017/02



    3. “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”


    1. your content will be publicly accessible, and may be used and re-shared by others on Linktree and across the internet.

      will be reshared accross the internet

    1. import { name as circleName } from "https://example.com/shapes/circle.js";

      import https

    1. Load optimized npm packages with no install and no build tools.


      • install
      • build tools

      for - htmx - browser native indy applets

      <svg class="hero-logo mt6 mb2 svelte-194ivpm" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 111 24"><title>Skypack </title><path fill="currentColor" d="M38.63 8.71v.36H35.8v-.36c0-1.74-1.09-2.43-2.82-2.43-1.74 0-2.53.69-2.53 1.81s.8 1.67 2.68 2.06l.51.11c3.26.69 5.32 1.81 5.32 4.6 0 2.79-2.24 4.71-5.76 4.71-3.51 0-6.01-1.95-6.01-5.25v-.22h2.82v.22c0 1.81 1.19 2.75 3.15 2.75 1.95 0 2.93-.87 2.93-2.1 0-1.27-1.01-1.7-2.97-2.14l-.51-.11c-3.19-.69-5-1.77-5-4.53 0-2.75 2.1-4.45 5.36-4.45 3.27.01 5.66 1.68 5.66 4.97zM46.45 12.84l5 6.44h-3.37L44.5 14.5l-1.48 1.27v3.51h-2.79V4.04h2.75v8.4l4.49-3.95h4.05l-5.07 4.35z"></path><path fill="currentColor" d="M63.06 8.49l-5.9 15.13h-2.97l1.52-3.66-4.49-11.47h2.97l2.86 7.78h.22l2.86-7.78h2.93zM63.89 8.49h2.68v1.45h.22c.65-.94 1.7-1.77 3.58-1.77 2.57 0 4.89 2.17 4.89 5.68s-2.32 5.68-4.89 5.68c-1.88 0-2.93-.83-3.51-1.7h-.22v5.76h-2.75V8.49zm8.62 5.4c0-2.14-1.27-3.37-2.97-3.37-1.7 0-2.97 1.23-2.97 3.37s1.27 3.37 2.97 3.37c1.7-.01 2.97-1.24 2.97-3.37zM81.27 8.2c2.82 0 4.6 1.45 4.6 4.16v6.95h-2.61v-1.27h-.33c-.18.47-.9 1.56-2.9 1.56-2.21 0-3.95-1.23-3.95-3.48 0-2.21 1.74-3.37 4.16-3.37h2.97v-.62c0-1.01-.62-1.77-1.99-1.77-1.38 0-2.03.72-2.21 1.7l-2.53-.83C77 9.61 78.44 8.2 81.27 8.2zm-.69 9.16c1.52 0 2.61-.94 2.61-2.39v-.18h-2.75c-1.01 0-1.63.51-1.63 1.27s.61 1.3 1.77 1.3zM92.71 8.2c3 0 4.81 1.77 5.32 4.16l-2.64.58c-.14-1.3-.94-2.35-2.61-2.35s-2.9 1.23-2.9 3.29c0 2.1 1.27 3.29 2.9 3.29 1.67 0 2.46-.98 2.68-2.35l2.64.62c-.62 2.35-2.35 4.13-5.39 4.13-3.15 0-5.61-2.35-5.61-5.68 0-3.37 2.46-5.69 5.61-5.69zM105.56 12.84l5 6.44h-3.37l-3.62-4.78-1.48 1.27v3.51h-2.75V4.04h2.75v8.4l4.49-3.95h4.05l-5.07 4.35zM16.06 11.5l-4.09-2.04 4.09-2.04c.19-.1.31-.29.31-.5 0-.21-.12-.41-.31-.5l-5.09-2.54a.55.55 0 00-.5 0L5.39 6.42c-.19.09-.31.28-.31.5V12c0 . 2.04-4.09 2.04c-.19.1-.31.29-.31.5 0 . 2.54c. 0 .17-.02.25-.06l5.09-2.54c.19-.1.31-.29.31-.5V12a.596.596 0 00-.32-.5zm-5.33-6.51l3.84 1.92-3.84 1.92-3.84-1.91 3.84-1.93zM6.2 7.81l3.28 1.64L6.2 11.1V7.81zM6.89 12l3.84-1.92L14.56 12l-3.84 1.92L6.89 12zm3.28 3.44v3.28l-3.28-1.64 3.28-1.64zm5.09 1.31l-3.97 1.99V14.9l3.97-1.99v3.84z"></path><path fill="currentColor" d="M10.73 24c-.09 0-.17-.02-.25-.06L.31 18.86a.567.567 0 01-.31-.5V5.65c0-.21.12-.41.31-.5L10.48.06a.55.55 0 01.5 0l10.17 5.09c. .21-.12.41-.31.5l-10.17 5.09c-.09.03-.17.05-.25.05zm-9.62-5.98l9.61 4.81 9.61-4.81V6l-9.61-4.81L1.11 6v12.02z"></path></svg>

    1. tempt us to grant them absolute power with utopian promises of superhuman autonomy and dystopian threats of subhuman servitude


      • superhuman autonomy
      • subhuman servitude
    2. Human, ForeverThe Digital Politics of Spiritual War


  3. Feb 2024
    1. Man Technologist

      emoji 👨‍💻 =

      for - tech - tech.mix - Indy0.Net - dream.code - dreaming in code

    1. Thought Balloon


      emoji.for - thought - dreaming - dreaming in code

      A large cloud-like shape more commonly known as a thought bubble.

      Used to represent thinking, or thoughts, and commonly used in comics to display the thoughts of a drawn character. May also be used to represent a dream, or daydream.

    1. Nut and Bolt


      for - object

      A metal bolt with a nut threaded around it, as by a wrench. Often positioned at a 45° angle, the head of the bolt at the upper left. Commonly used for various content concerning tools, building, and construction. May also be used for other hardware, including screws.

    1. Construction

      🚧 for - development - dev - emoji - work - make

    1. Heart Exclamation


      emoji.for - Clue 💡❣️

      A decorative exclamation mark, where a heart forms the top part of the symbol, and a circle the lower part. Similar to the way to the man in business suit levitating also creates a similar shape.

    1. Fake Server is a bridge between Jasmine and Sinon which provides a simplified interface for creating and mocking ajax requests when writing tests with Jasmine.

      bridge Jasmine Sinon

    1. more connected than ever, but not with each other
      • more connected
      • but not with each other

      for - interpersonal networks - browselet - manifesto

    1. it does not incorporate a transport protocol

      and it is intended to use different transport protocols as appropriate, including the - Session Announcement Protocol [14], - Session Initiation Protocol [15], - Real Time Streaming Protocol [16], - electronic mail using the MIME extensions, and - the Hypertext Transport Protocol.

    2. SDP provides a standard representation for such information
      • media details,
      • transport addresses, and
      • other session description metadata

      to the participants.

    3. SDP: Session Description Protocol

      RFC 4566