10,000 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. emphasise the personal is too subjective

      personal too subjective

    2. threewell worn paths
    3. Personal Knowledge

      third path

    4. Scepticismor Materialism

      second path

    5. Rationalism or Idealism

      first path

    6. Every journey starts with a first step

      Tao Te Ching

      Tao te King

    7. Oursituatedness does not cut us off from what is true


    8. can make claims which are true because we are part of thereality we seek to describe

      we are part of IT

    9. quantified


    10. Waste

      nice rummage-ining

    11. disbelief

      disbelief founded in belief in something else

    12. Securing Truth

      e disbelief in a thing is founded on a blind belief in something else’

      conscious meaning

    13. true description

      .suggest - truthful

    14. Seeking to ignore science

      or dictating to it the conclusions you wish it to reach, is not going to be a successful strategy.

    15. Knowing and Being

      must read


      Symbolic representations, in the form of Knowledge Graphs (KGs),

      sub-symbolic artificial intelligence mainstream area of research.

      discuss and foster collaborations on the intersection of these two areas

    2. CSSA'20: Workshop on Combining Symbolic and Sub-Symbolic Methods andtheir Applications
    1. discuss and foster collaborations on the intersection of these two areas.

      foster collaboration intersection

    2. sub-symbolic artificial intelligence

      for - sub0symbolic.artificail.intellgence

    3. Symbolic representations, in the form of Knowledge Graphs (KGs), constitute large networks of real-world entities and their relationships

      symbolic0representation Knowledge.Graphs GKs

    4. Sub-Symbolic Methods

      for - Sub-Symbolic.Methods

    1. show you how to add a admin user if you're using windows 10 professional

      add admin user using windows pro +

    2. Securing Windows 10 With A Separate Administrator Account


    1. Seeing a reputable company recognize the value of HubScience for their research needs was incredibly motivating


    2. Beyond Human Limits: HubScience is Halving Review Times and Revolutionizing Research Discoveries

  2. Jul 2024
    1. Symbolic Vs Sub-symbolic AI Methods: Friends orEnemies?

      Love tge phrase sub0symbolic AI methods


    1. Symbolic Vs Sub-symbolic AI Methods: Friends or Enemies?
    2. personal and domain knowledge graphs in educational applications.

    1. In many respects, AI is a throwback to the Command Line Interface, or CLI, which is still a staple of Linux systems, though it's faded somewhat within more traditional GUIs.

      AI is a throwback to CLI

    2. The Emergence of Markdown

    1. search that data on the client too

      For web applications with all their data already sitting in the client, it makes sense to be able to search that data on the client too. It saves adding extra, compacted services on the server. A local search index will be quicker, there is no network overhead, and will remain available and usable even without a network connection.

    2. A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright.

      like Solr not as bright


      for - lunar - inverted indices

  3. Jun 2024
    1. The web is in need of some reinvention right now.

      Need to reinvent the web Indeed

      4 - why ? IndyWeb - flipped web

  4. getdweb.net getdweb.net
    1. Names of other potential Node Stewards

      invitation for potential stewards

    1. Classical Chinese not only use nouns as verbs, they sometimes use adjectives and adverts as verbs as well.

      use noun as verbs in chinee

      in Hungarian verb can readily be identified because of agglutination

      bit in many cases the noun and the verb share a common root

    1. There are so many version of this book! Which one should I read first? https://www.bookdepository.com/search?searchTerm=+Tao+Te+Jing++Lao+Tsu&search=Find+book

    1. we are introducing new and extremely advanced means for externally manipulating symbols. We then want to determine the useful modifications in the language and in the way of thinking that could result.

      mutual arising

    2. (For identification, we will refer to this as the Neo-Whorfian hypothesis.)


    1. We assume that it is our H-LAM/T system (Human using Lauguage, Artifacts, Methodology, in which he is Trained)


      for "We shape tools and the tools shape us"

    1. Bun + Andale + SQLite + HTMXhesxenon/realworld-htmx
    2. The mother of all demo appsSee how the exact same application is built using different libraries and frameworks


    1. This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Laravel + HTMX that adheres to the RealWorld spec


    1. The mother of all demo appsSee how the exact same application is built using different libraries and frameworks.


    1. Termas are of two main kinds: earth treasures and intention, or mind, treasures. A teaching concealed as an intention treasure appears directly within the mind of the tertön in the form of sounds or letters to fulfill the enlightened intention of Padmakara.

      intention treasures

      for - - terton - tertön - out-tuition - holding a specific intent


    2. treasure revealers known as tertöns

      for outtentions

    1. as a result, one can situate the khôra and, if necessary, lend it a topology, but one can never give it axiomatic form."[12]

      khora can bemm mapped topology but not axions

      Yes where the map is the territory

    1. Khôra About this resultShareShareFacebookWhatsAppXEmailClick to copy linkShare linkLink copiedClaim this knowledge panelSend feedback (function(){var id='fld_gsJpZtDiHv6o9u8Pi7GJuAI_2';document.getElementById(id).setAttribute("lta",Date.now());})();window._setImagesSrc=function(f,c){function h(a){a.onerror=function(){a.style.display="none"};a.setAttribute("data-deferred","2");c.substring(0,5)!=="data:"&&a.setAttribute("data-defe","1");a.src=c;var g;((g=google.c)==null?0:g.di)&&a.decode()}for(var d=0;d<f.length;++d){var b=f[d],e=document.getElementById(b)||document.querySelector('img[data-iid="'+b+'"]');e?(b=void 0,((b=google.c)==null?0:b.setup)&&google.c.setup(e),h(e)):(google.iir=google.iir||{},google.iir[b]=c)}};typeof window.google==="undefined"&&(window.google={});(function(){var s='';var ii=['dimg_gsJpZtDiHv6o9u8Pi7GJuAI_1'];_setImagesSrc(ii,s);})();(function(){var eid='fld_gsJpZtDiHv6o9u8Pi7GJuAI_2';var a=Date.now(),b=document.getElementById(eid);if(b){var c=b.getAttribute("lta");google.c.maft(c?Number(c):a,b)};})();#rhs.N4Xssf .ss6qqb{width:455px}.ss6qqb .epKdHc{align-items:center;column-gap:16px;display:flex;flex-direction:row-reverse;justify-content:space-between;padding:0 0 16px;margin-top:16px;margin-left:20px}.ss6qqb .PKDVJd{color:var(--IXoxUe);display:inline-block;font-size:12px}.TzHB6b{font-size:14px}#rhs .ss6qqb .cLjAic{margin:20px 16px 0}#rhs .u7yw9 .cLjAic{border-bottom:1px solid var(--gS5jXb);margin:24px 0 0 20px;padding-bottom:20px}#rhs .ss6qqb .cLjAic.LMRCfc,.ss6qqb .cLjAic.LMRCfc{margin-top:0}#rhs .u7yw9 .cLjAic:last-child{border:0;padding-bottom:0}.IVvPP .JNkvid .HnYYW,.Jb0Zif .JNkvid .HnYYW{overflow:hidden;padding:0}.cLjAic{margin-bottom:44px}.ss6qqb .JNkvid .HnYYW{font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif-medium,sans-serif;font-size:22px;line-height:24px;padding-left:0}.Jb0Zif .cLjAic{margin:44px 0}.ss6qqb .cLjAic{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:0}.Jb0Zif.IVvPP .LMRCfc,.IVvPP .LMRCfc,.Hwkikb.LMRCfc{margin-top:6px}.Jb0Zif.IVvPP .jHARG,.IVvPP .jHARG,.Hwkikb.jHARG{margin-bottom:16px}.Jb0Zif .LMRCfc{margin-top:16px}.IVvPP .T9EeC,.ss6qqb .T9EeC{align-items:center}.ss6qqb .WeviRb,.IVvPP .WeviRb{top:0}.ss6qqb .PmPt7d{border-top:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12);padding:8px 16px}.kp-wholepage-osrp .j6mBxc a,.kp-wholepage-osrp .j6mBxc a:active,.kp-wholepage-osrp .j6mBxc a:link,.kp-wholepage-osrp .j6mBxc a:visited{color:var(--IXoxUe);text-decoration:underline}.ss6qqb .JlDOsc:not(:last-of-type){border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12)}.ss6qqb .LJqTIc .UgLoB,.ss6qqb .LJqTIc .FXMOpb{min-height:48px}.WFxqwc{font-size:14px}.ss6qqb .EA2Itc .HnYYW{font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:24px;padding:0 0 8px}.yTFeqb .BGdUVb{margin:0 16px 16px}.ss6qqb .yTFeqb .BGdUVb{margin-bottom:18px}.BGdUVb{padding-top:8px}#center_col .yTFeqb .BGdUVb{padding-top:0}#main .ss6qqb .BGdUVb{margin:0 0 16px}#main .ss6qqb.u7yw9 .BGdUVb{margin:0;padding-top:0}#center_col .ss6qqb .yTFeqb:not(.oJxARb){margin-top:16px}.IVvPP .WY0eLb .yTFeqb,.IVvPP .yTFeqb.WY0eLb{width:372px}.IVvPP .WY0eLb .Gv6QPb.yTFeqb,.IVvPP .Gv6QPb.yTFeqb.WY0eLb{width:457px}.IVvPP.k5T88b .WY0eLb .yTFeqb,.IVvPP.k5T88b .yTFeqb.WY0eLb{width:372px}.IVvPP.k5T88b .WY0eLb .Gv6QPb.yTFeqb,.IVvPP.k5T88b .Gv6QPb.yTFeqb.WY0eLb{width:457px}.IVvPP .yTFeqb:not(first-card).nBWfrd{border:none;border-top:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.12);border-radius:0}.xGj8Mb{display:flex;flex-direction:column}.wDYxhc{clear:both}.cUnQKe .wDYxhc,.related-question-pair .wDYxhc,.M8OgIe .fm06If .wDYxhc{clear:none}.Wnoohf .xpdclose .wDYxhc.xsZWvb,.Wnoohf .xpdopen .wDYxhc.EfDVh{padding-bottom:0}#rhs .dG2XIf .xpdclose .LKPcQc,#rhs .dG2XIf .xpdopen .viOShc{padding-top:0}#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdopen .yp1CPe,#rhs .OJXvsb .xpdclose .siXlze{padding-bottom:15px}#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdclose .wDYxhc.xsZWvb,#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdopen .wDYxhc.EfDVh{padding-bottom:0}#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdclose .wDYxhc.xsZWvb.ecRggb,#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdopen .wDYxhc.EfDVh.ecRggb,#rhs .dG2XIf .ecRggb{padding-bottom:15px}.hb8SAc{overflow:hidden;margin:13px 0 6px;}.Jb0Zif .hb8SAc,.IVvPP .hb8SAc{line-height:1.58}.ss6qqb .hb8SAc{margin:0}.hb8SAc{color:#4d5156}.NJLBac{white-space:nowrap} DescriptionIn semiotics, Khôra is the space that gives a place for being. The term has been used in philosophy by Plato to designate a receptacle, a space, a material substratum, or an interval. Wikipedia

    1. Terma (Tibetan: གཏེར་མ, Wylie: gter ma; "hidden treasure") are various forms of hidden teachings that are key to Vajrayana and Tibetan Buddhist and Bon spiritual traditions. In the Vajrayana Nyingma school tradition, two lineages occur: an oral kama lineage and a revealed terma lineage.

      hidden treasure

    1. exponentially

      ? Could do better

    2. factorization uh and that's a technique uh for kind kind of compressing your intermediate relations that you generate in the query plans when the joins are many to many

      Factorisation in the query plan

    3. do not deviate from that common wisdom of how to develop high level query languages

      Ooh wisdom?

    4. the only way we know of how to develop high level query languages is to base them on relational um algebra


    5. all boil down and compile down to relational operators like joints filters scans group byes and Aggregates


    6. columnar systems like olap systems like duct DB they do a lot more optimizations during ingestion


    7. the key is to know what joints will happen


    8. compressed Sparrow based join

      Sparse row

    9. predefining a join meaning that you tell the system a prior these are Edge records

      A priory

    10. adjacency list index

      Join index

    11. a Tre based index

      Tree based index

    12. there's a choice of what is a more natural data model for what I want to do

      Natural data model is intent driven

    13. fundamental trade of about what do you want to optimize for

      'Tain't necessarily so

    14. particular string in them maybe the word transfer


    15. being fast on many to many queries

      many to many queries

    16. thinking of these patterns as sort of graph forms

      Patterns graph forms

    17. you can ask questions about the properties of the path so whenever you are and that's usually a byproduct of asking recursive uh queries and incidentally the very first database in history was motivated by recursive queries like that this is a system called iids just for again people who are interested in the history of data

      Network model IMS

      Hierarchical model

    18. these are the two very natural data models logical data models

      the problem with databases is that they provide a model

      it is not data we want we want info-structure with implic(it|ate) order that is not imposed but as a by product of articulationt intentional com(munica|puta)tional affordances

    1. iLike was an online service that allowed users to download and share music.

      music sharing 2009

    2. Description

    1. Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web

    2. Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web

      storage layer for the decvntralized Web

    1. (infoset) for the data that flows across, services that deal with the data that flows

      info sets services data that flows

    2. The whole inheritance story is usually refactored away for very pragmatic reasons

      inheritance refactored away

    3. Why Objects Suck


    1. I think objects are overrated.

    2. database-as-model

      models concern with what there is

      what we need to focus on what we need to make of it

    3. Ted quickly posted a followup entry
    4. bridge the gap between "sets" and "objects"

      abandon Sets! as wholly inapropriate ideas to ground computing

      computability theory is totall bunk because it uses ideas from mathematics dealing with complete infinities

      see Cantor's diagonal argument

      where we all know that in real computational system we are dealing with strictly finite even if google sized structures and processes where

      there is a complete enumeration of all possible "sub collections" 2 to the Nth of them

    5. bring relational concepts (which, at heart, are set-based)

      its the old problem of mathemtaical concepts that rely in completed infinities and ignore the strict finiteness of computing devices

      which abstracts away from ordering itmes, which again are at the heart of computation

      the conditional in LISP is a great examaple

      or Prolog's way of sequenctially attempting to process claues

      A similar problem arises with the mathematical concept of a graph again baed on sets imposing a representation that is not appropriate for computational task

      an alternative representation that deals with

      association lists is what would be closer what can exist on a machine

      acepting, nay exploit that ordering, that's what matters!

      try to abstract away from it at 1's peril

      People do not seem to get it. The beaty of computers is that they are about construction not abstraction

      Abstractions are always embedded in a concrete substrate of info-communication0interaction-processing flows

    6. service gateway

      separation of services from the data is the original sin

    7. domain model

      Here lies the run. We are crasting reifying Object Models independent of intended processes which is impossible.

      The objects arise mutually with the necessary intentional processes that togehter afcomplish whea twe need intended!

      Since Information is intertwingled and by adding just one new entity and/or link/connection"relation" the gestalt itself can change totally invalidating earlier assumptions and openning up new possibilities

      what is needd is a way of keeping the co-evolution of inf-communication-processing structure in coherence as we go along

    8. much anticipated blog entry analyzing the ORM problem in minute detail.


    9. a battle-scarred veteran of the ORM wars

      yes I am

    10. there is no good solution to the object/relational mapping problem.

      we started out with a concept of relation that was not mathematical but conceptual associations with explicitly stated meaningful names and ways or traversing and interpreting the information in specific intended ways.

      Once you had associative complexes accessibale you can always provide alternative interpretations and in fact adjust the structure as needed, refactor and create new associative complexes that treated info structures in a situated whole together with the means of presenting, reasoning, processing interpreting etc

      Before COD's 'relational' model came information was processed and retrived via traversing meaningful associations We had NoSQL that is to say we did not just have constratints but the processes correspongind to situational intent could be invoked on the fly with the ability to check for constraine

      Imposing constratint at write were necessary so taht memory/storga locations can be resued

      No when data= infomrations/code can be stored immutably and retrieved by contant addresses and paths we can have true object model without trying to do the impossible and map the relational model into the object model. It is impossible because it imposes a separation of and enclusure of information from the means of presenting and morphing it whre these two should co-evolve

    1. Description

    2. • NaN / NaN • NaN / NaN Back HU Skip navigation Search Search Sign in HU {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"VideoObject","description":"Lecia Louise covers Jimi Hendrix's 'Angel' during lock down in her home studio space. \n\nDownload Lecia's songs for free at www.lecialouisemusic.com\n\nThank you :-D","duration":"PT416S","embedUrl":"https://www.youtube.com/embed/3sNQIScibXo","interactionCount":"78845","name":"Jimi Hendrix (cover) 'Angel' by Lecia Louise","thumbnailUrl":["https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3sNQIScibXo/maxresdefault.jpg"],"uploadDate":"2020-07-07T02:54:22-07:00","genre":"Music","author":"Lecia Louise"} Jimi Hendrix (cover) 'Angel' by Lecia LouiseSearchWatch LaterShareCopy linkInfoShoppingFree music downloads hereTap to unmute2xIf playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.Pull up for precise seekingMore from Lecia Louise•You're signed outVideos that you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.CancelConfirmUp nextLiveUpcomingCancelPlay nowShareInclude playlistAn error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later.0:001:15 / 6:55•Watch full videoLive••Scroll for details Jimi Hendrix (cover) 'Angel' by Lecia Louise


    1. REST: I don't Think it Means What You Think it Does


      Stefan Tilkov • GOTO 2014

      creating API's that use HTML as their exchange format


      PREentational State Transitions

      CAN programming be liberated from the Von Neuman Style

      PREST can liberate us from Programming Per Se

      and APIs become born interoperable co-evolvable

      named networked born interoperable exchangeable tinkerable Web Applications






    1. What is a CID?

      gloss - CID

      A content identifier, or CID, is a label used to point to material in IPFS. It doesn't indicate where the content is stored, but it forms a kind of address based on the content itself. CIDs are short, regardless of the size of their underlying content.

      • CIDs are based on the content’s cryptographic hash. That means:

      • Any difference in the content will produce a different CID. The same content added to two different IPFS nodes using the same settings will produce the same CID. IPFS uses the sh

    2. Content Identifiers (CIDs)

      gloss C~ID

      content identifier

    1. Description

    2. We did not want to sell out on our principles and more funding appeared a lot harder to find than expected.

    1. IPNS and IPFS: Everything You Need to Know

      IPNS and IPFS revolutionize internet data storage and management. This guide explores their functions and Filebase's integration, providing an affordable, user-friendly platform.


    1. https://www.crunchbase.com/person/jonathan-edwards


    2. document-oriented transactional replicated database in the 80’s.

      document-oriented transactional replicated database

      universal Hyperdocument Universal Users

      Universal info-communication-coomputationak permanent evergreen co-evolutionary infrastructure for

      co-evolving autopoietic integral metadesigned born mutliplayer collaboragtive personal first interpersonal networks



    3. He specializes in being tragically ahead of his time.

      tragically ahead of his time

    1. He specializes in being tragically ahead of his time.

      tragically ahead of his time


    2. Transcript takes the vision of end-user programming as in HyperCard and reimagines it on the phone, designed to do the things you want to do with a phone: mediate and structure conversations. The experience is more like editing a document than programming, but hidden inside this Trojan Horse is a highly distilled yet fully capable programming language. I will demo an early prototype of Transcript and discuss our vision of bringing programming to everyone.

      This is IndyWeb with TrilMarks

      with a DSL inside

    3. What you need is a tool as easy to learn as a spreadsheet or HyperCard, but one designed to build ad-hoc social applications.

      HyperCard or spreasheet to build ad hoc social applications

    4. Transcript: End-User Programming Of Social Apps

      IndyWeb yes

    5. Jonathan Edwards

    1. Subtext is an ongoing experiment in radically simplified programming. It is radical in that I am willing to throw away everything we know about programming and start from scratch

      Programming , the very idea considered harmful. Can software be liberated from programming per se.


    2. Who am I?

      I am a programmer.

      I have been programming since 1969.

      I was a cofounder of IntraNet.

      I am currently a Research Fellow at MIT with the software design group Researcher at HARC independent researcher. https://www.subtext-lang.org/AboutMe.htm

      My research project is subtext. My blog is Alarming Development.

      I seek to better understand the creative act of programming, and to help liberate it from the primitive state of our art.

    1. This erodes modularity

      models constraints modularity

      inherent conflict

      that's why things will never work

      models errode modularity

      models are trully intertwingled modules encapsulate

      separating models with cross cutting concerns and providing modules and layers that constrain limit cross cuting

      aspects orientation won't help either

      we need models and capabnlities needed to effect intents need to coevolve coevolve the three together intent model component

      That's why MVC is just a broken idea Period

      Model View Controller

      That's why Dijkstra's goto Considered Harmfull was the most harmful idea that ever influence thinking. tha nature of everything is interwinglularity spagetty code. Named Jumps. Yes imposing structure can seemingly create order but it bound to be a self limitting one. Need the ability to organic growth

    2. But coor-dination of side effects inherently cross-cuts modules, lead-ing to much complexity and fragility.

      problem is the brokennes of the MVC concept

      oh and modules

      cross-cutting is the norm

      spagetti flow

    1. ENRON –THE POWER TO DO IT ALL, CHS’ Indranet Journal, Vol 3, No 2-4,1994


    2. Herman Rodrigues, who produced the Indranet journal for many years


    3. the journal Indranet


    1. In the longer term, examplecentrism has implications for the design of future programminglanguages

      the logic of this leads to the death of programming languges

    1. Example-Based Live Programming for Everyone: Building Language-agnostic Tools for Live Programming with LSP and GraalVM

      Live Progranninbg for everyone

      for Lively Kernel for the Web

    2. Onward! is more radical, more visionary, and more open than other conferences to ideas that are well-argued but not yet proven. We welcome different ways of thinking about, approaching, and reporting on programming language and software engineering research

      Onward! Papers

      radical visionary open

      well-argued but not yet proven

      different ways of - thinking - approaching - reporting

      programming languages

      software entineering

    3. Analogy-Making as a Core Primitive in the Software Engineering Toolbox


    4. Intrepydd: Performance, Productivity and Portability for Data Science Application Kernels

      application kernels

    5. End-User Software Customization by Direct Manipulation of Tabular Data


    1. are we trying to add to human knowledge, or are we providing entertainment for jaded developers?

      add to human knowledge


      entertainment for jaded developers

    2. I and many people I know who are doing interesting work

      I and many people I know who are - doing interesting work

      have been repelled by the - bullshit parts of Academics: - the gatekeeping, - the compartmentalization, - the performative rigor.

      Many of us have chosen to - not play those games

      and instead make our own way = as independent researchers.

      I’ve been in this fight for 20+ years now and

      I’m going to give you some advice you probably neither expect nor want to hear:


    3. To: the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the ones who see things differently

      You meant the Mad ones


      “[...]the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”


    1. A Social Inbox for Decentralized Publishing and ActivityPub.

      complete it with a personal first interpersonal intercommunity trust networks of Your Own

    1. experience the web as it was meant to be.

      experience the web as it measnt to be

      an extension of Your Mind

      your own and all Others you connect with

    1. Welcome to the Internet of Peers

      Internet of Peers

    2. Build, share & extend unstoppable, zero-infrastructure P2P applications for Desktop, Terminal & Mobile.


    3. Description

    1. No arbitrary limits just better apps that can be shipped instantly

      apps shipped instantly

    2. The Peer-to-Peer Company


    1. HTML Web Components are Just JavaScript? I’m still getting used to this

    2. HTML Web Components are Just JavaScript? I’m still getting used to this

    1. Shareable Components

      <svg aria-hidden="true" part="svg"><use href="/images/home/components.svg#main"></use></svg>

    2. Lit 0 simple.Fast Web Components



    1. @lit-labs/ssr-client - A set of client-side support modules for rendering Lit components and templates on the server using @lit-labs/ssr.

      lit components templates rendered on the server

    2. At Lit's core is a boilerplate-killing component base class that provides reactive state, scoped styles, and a declarative template system that's tiny, fast and expressive.

      sounds interesting

    3. Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.


    1. all of our growth is purely organic and uh we got to almost 900 million users uh without uh having to spend anything on ads to promote teleg

      Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California

      organic growth

      900 million users

      word of mouth invite friends

      bot spending anything on ads

    2. Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California


    3. Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California


    4. Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California

      Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California

    1. Representational State Transfer (REST)

      contrast that with BigIdea Presentational State Transition with Human Actor in the Loop = not automation people centered interactions

      instead of transferring state

      transition state for the User By the User and communicate

      self-coherent, consitent complete states in a local first offline first Named Info Storage

      That is globally accessible