22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. Dr Nicolas Figay, HDR (He/Him) 2nd degree connection 2nd Let's prepare and build the continuous operational Interoperability supporting end to end digital collaboration Talks about #ontology, #interoperability, ##advanced_visualization_technics, #archimateabrdigitalabrbusinessabrecosystem, and #emergingabrlandscapeabrofabrgraphabrrelatedabrtechnologiesTalks about hashtag ontology, hashtag interoperability, hashtag hashtag advanced_visualization_technics, hashtag archimateabrdigitalabrbusinessabrecosystem, and hashtag emergingabrlandscapeabrofabrgraphabrrelatedabrtechnologies Airbus Defense and Space Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Suresnes, Île-de-France, France Contact info

    1. the universe knows that fact is there

      the youniverse perhaps the price of being is to be finite the universe does not is it is all and infinite

    1. creating an abstract layer

      abstract layer

      map siloed data to the model

      smooth integration

    1. Why I Use SHACL For Defining Ontology Models by Irene Polikoff | Jun 1, 2021 | Ontology Modeling, Blog

    1. Ability to deliver strong value – this means good support for common requirements
      • about : SHACL

      good support for common requirements =

    2. Why I Don’t Use OWL Anymore by Irene Polikoff | May 23, 2021 | Ontology Modeling, Blog

      for RDF

      • for : RDF


    1. Propagators, Brainy, and Spritely - MetaFox Talks
      • via : MA


      decentralized social network


      stronger source of truth extensible web

      free collaborate


      compatible with distributed object capability model

      rather take the car to court

      constraint based problem solvers

  2. developer.twitter.com developer.twitter.com
    1. include the Twitter for Websites JavaScript on any web page you wish to invoke an intent.

      include script invoke intent

    2. The Twitter for Websites JavaScript will automatically fire appropriate JavaScript events when included on a webpage.

      twitter for websites

      annote : https://hypothes.is/a/_gmS6qKUEey7bVv8HDA0PA

    3. Web Intents do not require setting up a Twitter application, storing app credentials, or prompting a viewer for app permissions before posting.

      not require setting up a twitter app or premissions

    4. If a viewer does not have a Twitter account they will have the opportunity to log in to Twitter or create an account before completing the originally-specified action.

      log in create account before completing the originally-specified action

    5. Twitter profile views

      profile viewers

    6. Tweet composers


    7. They make it possible for users to interact with Twitter content in the context of your site, without leaving the page or having to authorize a new app just for the interaction.
      • interact with twitter content
      • in context of your site
      • without leaving the page or
      • having to authorize a new app

    8. Web Intents

      for : web actions

    1. Assign a HTML element ID of twitter-wjs to easily identify if the JavaScript file already exists on the page. Exit early if the ID already exists. Asynchronously load the Twitter for Websites JavaScript. Initialize an asynchronous function queue to hold dependent functions until the script is available.

      assign html id

      exit early if the ID alrady exist

    2. https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js
    3. Twitter for Websites widget — a Tweet button, Follow button, embedded Tweet or timeline

      for : Web Intents

    1. Yuval Noah Harari is the historian and best-selling author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. He’s a professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

      Homo Deus

    1. We are experiencing some intermittent downtime in some areas. We are working with our CDN provider to diagnose. You can follow along for updates here

    1. Try SVGEdit V7 (latest published version)
    2. SVG-edit is a fast, web-based, JavaScript-driven SVG drawing editor that works in any modern browser.

    1. 📝 Memo Emoji Meaning A white piece of paper with text written on it by a yellow pencil, positioned over the sheet, tip down, at a 45° angle.…


    1. "Do away with 30 years of LAMP stack" , and more. SmallTalk is a Software Internet without siloed capabilities. Bootstrap the Web 3 in its image: a polycentric networks of Software Capability Networks with @IPFS , @orbitdb, @rustlang @apprunjs @TrailHub1 https://youtube.com/watch?v=AnrlSqtpOkw&feature=youtu.be&t=189…

      about software internet, class-free objects Description

    1. I now think it is class free object oriented programming. I think that is JavaScript’s gift to humanity.

      Class-free Objects

    1. Tree Animation A static JSON Tree structure is used as input for this animation. Clicking on a node should move the tree and center that node. The centered node's children are displayed in a relations list in the right column.


    1. Primarily focused on Enterprise, not Personal MarketFrequently expensive to license and/or operate.Requires specialized knowledge to populate and queryFocused on large-scale transactional dataDifficult to secure information at granular levelInteroperability Is not a

      not a priority



    1. ~group chats with goals ~generative game-spaces ~multitool for digital gardeners

      🌱 group chat goals generateiv game-spaces multitool for digital gardeners

    2. join us to learn & play



    1. In order to be relevant, software previously requires a deep conceptualization process ;-)

      deep conceptualization

    2. How to seamlessly integrate model-driven mode & model-discovery-mode in a fully distributed context ? #1

    1. Chief disambiguation officer and business information management specialist in localization strategies and faceted classification navigation and search. Chief bridge-builder for structured and unstructured digital asset

      Sounds like a nice gainful way of engaging

    2. I have a solid EQ and the ability to spot, explain and exploit patterns that create a better balance between the information an enterprise wants and the technology it uses to get it.

      better balance between what information an enterprise wants and the tech it uses to get it.

    1. luchonacho's solution above nearly works - it boots the X server with the Kubuntu splash, but never brings on the login screen. So I restored the text login, and found that if I correct the ownership of the files in my $HOME/.configure I can bring up my regular, non-root Kubuntu desktop with startx. Not a clean solution, but it works.

      how to - bring up kubunto desktop =

      not clean but works

      experiment - markdown 4 - TrailMarks

    1. Language lay at the epicenter of the eruption of the unresolved human paradox that now confronts us. We need a more holistic framework to address it, that goes beyond the symbolosphere, the world of human symbols. Godel hinted at it with his incompleteness theorem but we haven’t really moved beyond it. I think it’s time to integrate the ancient wisdom of philosophers like Nagarjuna and his Middle Way philosophy into modern knowledge frameworks.


    1. 🌱 Seedling Emoji Meaning A seedling, or a young plant, as a newly sprouted tree. Depicted as a tiny, light-green plant with a short stem and two leaves. Often shown freshly sprung from a small mound of brown earth.

    1. Data management (DM) discussions

      Data managment , the very idea is flawed. Data is created always in some intentional context. Narrow focusing on it renders the task of Management ultimately awry.

      Taking the narrow view was instrumental at the point of bootstrapping, getting IT off the ground. It is time we pay attention to Ted Description




    1. To win, you need a reasonably deep understanding of the entities in the game, and their abstract relationships to one another. Ultimately, players need to reason about what they can and cannot do in a complex world. Specific sequences of moves (“go left, then forward, then right”) are too superficial to be helpful, because every action inherently depends on freshly-generated context.

      freshly generated context

    2. humans and machines complement each other’s strengths.


    3. Deep Learning Is Hitting a Wall What would it take for artificial intelligence to make real progress?

    1. AI pioneer Geoff Hinton: “Deep learning is going to be able to do everything”Thirty years ago, Hinton’s belief in neural networks was contrarian. Now it’s hard to find anyone who disagrees, he says.

    1. assert just a bit of sacred mystery to the goings on in this dimensional neighborhood we call reality

      I see you hear you clearly.

      Simply put you have faith in our bein here to appreciate the dignity of being, and that not only our attention but every moment is sacred.

    2. "I’m not a man of faith as it’s commonly understood, but I am starting to wonder if we’re getting to a moment where we human beings need to assert just a bit of sacred mystery to the goings on in this dimensional neighborhood we call reality.

    1. 5-minute presentation for a live session with investors on May 4 or 5.

      5 minute presentation

    2. a short video introduction (90 seconds max) by March 18 11:59 pm EST.

      That would be quiet a challenge. Probaly not realistic.

    3. Investors will select one startup from the event to be given an opportunity to present to the entire conference on May 4-5

      I guess this slot will be taken by a post seed startup

    4. One complimentary conference ticket for each startup selected to join the event

      complimentary conference ticket

    5. Opportunity to pitch and network with investors and fellow startups working in knowledge graphs

      network with fellow startups

    6. March 18, 2022 — Application DeadlineApril 9, 2022 — Notification of AcceptanceApril 18-22, 2022 — Judges provide feedback on 90 second elevator pitchMay 2, 2022 — Startup Pitch EventMay 5, 2022 — Startup Pitch Event winners are announced


    7. March 18, 2022 — Application DeadlineApril 9, 2022 — Notification of AcceptanceApril 18-22, 2022 — Judges provide feedback on 90 second elevator pitchMay 2, 2022 — Startup Pitch EventMay 5, 2022 — Startup Pitch Event winners are announced


    1. Of Course Philosophy like language will loop back on itself

      Of Course Philosophy will loop back on itself

    1. Frequently Asked Questions What is Orion?

    1. Make your dataactually usable We empower organizations to understand and make use of their data. We do this by virtually combining data from different sources into an always up-to-date knowledge graph, which is easy to explore and allows for new insights and better business decisions.

    1. We make data usable Computer Software Bolzano, BZ 542 follower

    1. It has never been faster to unlock value stored in relational DBs. Ontopic delivers Virtual Knowledge Graphs while LinkedDataHub's low code platform is used to build apps without writing program code. The effort is orders of magnitude lower compared to building from scratch.

    1. Analysis of I40KG after the knowledge graph interlinking step ...https://www.researchgate.net › figurehttps://www.researchgate.net › figureYAGO and DBpedia are the most utilized knowledge graphs. As expected, two RDF-MTs, i.e., sto:Standard and sto:StandardOrganization are the source of most of the ...

    1. set of protocols and a biologically inspired meta-ontology, semantic data structure and perceptual-semantic coherence layer enabling an equivalent of applications (dApps), without dependence on singular networks (whether centralised or decentralised), and their associated infrastructure, culture, economic dynamics, etc.


      biologically inspired

      perceptual-semantic coherence layer =


    1. Web 3.0 — Read and write. People create, and people profit.

      Closer to truth

    1. The One Problem That Bill Gates Could Not SolveGates and Buffett spent their fortunes tackling world problems. But there was one that even men of their brains and wealth couldn’t overcome.

    1. Google Books search—which covers millions books, journals, and magazines—limited to 2000 to the present, impostor remains about three times more common than imposter.

      in books 3:1 for impostor

    2. And though the -or spelling has always been more common, imposter has always been present to some degree.

      clear sign of an explosion of imposters who can't even go as far as to see their folly.

    1. Designing better file organization around tags, not hierarchies

    2. tool offered by operating systems. But applying this standard hierarchical

    1. The Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) defines the sets of things that are of interest in financial business applications and the ways that those things can relate to one another. In this way, FIBO can give meaning to any data (e.g., spreadsheets, relational databases, XML documents) that describe the business of finance.


    2. capture business domain knowledge using sophisticated knowledge representation techniques and linked open data technologies.

      budiness domain knowledge

    3. FIBO in Context


      financial industry business ontology

    1. This webinar will take place on March 17, 2022, 8am PST | 11am EST | 4pm GMT | 5pm CET | 6pm EET

  3. antiplatform.dojo.fed.wiki antiplatform.dojo.fed.wiki
    1. The data extracted from every interaction conform to a metaverse, from which our reality is always already platformed. The platform is the diegetic interface that mediates the network and its effects. Personages shuffled into pages, pages shuffled into profiles: positioned as a service and financed like a product, the platform culminates in a network of associations where every user is ultimately the tool. The platform is an inversion of the social linking the spectre of relevance to the obsolescence of its trends.

    1. We wrote a mock data generator that was designed to push data into an aggregator, unlike El Dorado that used a pull model. This project never finished but we might reuse the data for other experiments.


    1. Vannevar Bush wrote in 1939! these hauntingly deep and brilliant words about how human mind works by association, and the T R A N S M A C H I N E power (my phrase)|of H U M A N selection:
    1. Replying to @TheodoraPetkova and @kvistgaardhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6NHZs_XMAUFU5i?format=jpg&name=small… My favourite part
      • for : inter(PKG) inter personal knowledge graph


    1. There is virtually no reuse at the business concept level across applications, despite huge potential benefit for doing so.


      We need to make Simonyi's Law operational



    1. The current WikiEditor sort of has an iframe-crossing API already built into it, so that might be a place to start.


    2. Realtime collaborative editing of MediaWiki articles, with Hackpad

      mediawiki hackpad

    1. HARMONIZING THE UKRAINIAN CRISIS WITH DIVINE INTENTION Re-Thinking Democracy as Electromagnetic Harmony



    1. You can be horrified about Russia’s war on Ukraine and also recognize how the world reaction to it is profoundly informed by racism. I hadn’t seen these clips and they’re appalling.

    1. What's Really Going On Inside Your node_modules Folder?Examples of recent supply chain attacks and concrete steps you can take to protect your team from this emerging threat.

    1. “If programming WITHIN the system is important, the meta-programming OF the system itself is even more important.”

      Could not agree more. - about : going meta - for : winfinity "Why program something in 5 days, if you can spend 5 years automating it" Terrence Parr

      going meta, Charles Simonyi's motto: "Anything you can do I can do Meta" https://hypothes.is/a/PQOB1I94EeyGYQdhH8CFYQ Description To which I would add If you can solve the instance of a problem you get a better solutions if you go Meta and come up with a generalised solution that works for an entire class of which the original problem is an instance.

      This is the idea I resonnated with in your work when you say: ask the question what make this possible and get to the maximal possibility

    1. Postpone ideation to put relationships before ideasEncourage people to explore and play to their own brillianceExperience and practice deep listeningCollaborate around shared valuesBring learnings back into their personal and professional lives

      postpone ideation

      bring learning back

    1. Sense-making into the EdgesKeeping the inquiry open for as long as possible without looking for answers or solutions

    1. Tain't What You Do ✪ Shim Sham • • 2018 Plenty Hot • • Heart of Dixie

      but the way that you do it that'w what get result

  4. dylab0.fission.app dylab0.fission.app
    1. The sensemaking process


    1. Chris Dixon, lead crypto investor at Andreessen Horowitz talks to D3 about decentralization, free speech and moderation, and why he's so confident about web3, he "bet my career on it."

      bet carrier

    2. Chris Dixon talks to D3 about Web3

    1. Founded in 2009 by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz (known as "a16z") is a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley, California, that backs bold entrepreneurs building the future through technology.

    1. Web3 and the Future of Social Networks Tune in to @SuperLayerIO Sundays this Sun 3/6 at 5pm PT / 8pm ET to hear from: @mg @xmtp_ @dwr @farcaster_xyz @sriramk @a16z

    1. Chris Dixon Chris Dixon is a general partner at a16z, where he leads the crypto/ web3 funds. Previously, Chris was cofounder & CEO of startups SiteAdvisor and Hunch (acquired by eBay); and an early blogger at cdixon.org.

    1. Tokens help overcome the bootstrap problem by adding financial utility when application utility is low

    2. These open schemes required widespread coordination among standards bodies, server operators, app developers, and sponsoring organizations to mimic the functionality that proprietary services could provide all by themselves. As a result, proprietary services were able to create better user experiences and iterate much faster.

      required much coordination

    3. a way to link people and declare the nature of the relationship.

      link people

      declare the nature of the relationship

    4. Crypto Tokens: A Breakthrough in Open Network Design

    1. The catch: you were using their database and code, handing full control over to a centralized organization.

      the catch twitter

    1. But these protocols relied on outside parties to store data. For users who wanted to publish a social feed while controlling their data, this usually meant registering a domain name and signing up for a hosting provider.

      outside parties to store data domain name server

    1. Socket.io Server Server that receives the slideChanged events from the master presentation and broadcasts them out to the connected client presentations. This needs to be publicly accessible. You can run your own socket.io server with node node_modules/reveal-multiplex.

      Socket.io Server

    2. Multiplex Plugin The multiplex plugin allows your audience to view the slides of the reveal.js presentation you are controlling on their own phone, tablet or laptop. As the master presentation navigates the slides, all client presentations will update in real time.

      multiplex plugin

    1. Creating a Plugin 4.0.0We provide a lightweight specification and API for plugins.

      creating plugin

    1. postMessage CallbacksWhen you call any method via the postMessage API, reveal.js will dispatch a message with the return value. This is done so that you can call a getter method and see what the result is

      postmessage callbacks

    2. postMessage Events


    3. optionally bubble all of its events to the parent.

      bubble events to parent

    1. The most insightful guide for SQL vs NoSQL database needs!Whether your data is Structured, Semi-Structured and Unstructured, be sure to understand your use case.

    1. kind of like an ast an abstract syntax tree but it's kind of without the s

      Abstract Syntax Tree without S

      Actually an abstract Global Giant Content addressable Graph

      Ideal for building an Open Global Decent(ralized) Minds' Graph and Conceptipedia Organize All Knowledge weaved and co-created by emergent networks of Thoughts and Ideas and Thinking People externalizing their own and the Communities emergent Collective Intellect

    1. Every time I heard that the principles of data mesh are 'nothing new', it always reminds me of this part of the movie 'Flash of Genius':

      nothing new

    1. Nonmedical masks use materials that obstruct particles of the necessary size;

      obstruct particles of necessary size

    2. Overall, direct evidence of the efficacy of mask use is supportive, but inconclusive. Since there are no RCTs, only one observational trial, and unclear evidence from other respiratory illnesses, we will need to look at a wider body of evidence.


    1. Nagarjuna GTata Institute of Fundamental ResearchDepartment MemberSTEM Education, cognitive science, knowledge representation, network theory of meaning, semantic networks, semantic web, collaborative learning, conversation as a means of learning, multilingualism, software freedom, distributed and decentralized in ... more ▾

      Stem education

    1. Why Program by Hand in Five Days what You Can Spend Five Years of Your Life Automating?

      5 days program 4 years automate

    1. The initialize method returns a promise which will resolve as soon as the presentation is ready and can be interacted with via the API.

    1. yobiworks YobiWorks Birth is a Life Sentence on Death Row. How we accept or avoid this fact, determines how Our Collective will react. Don't front, just BE REAL with what YOU SHOW! San Leandro Joined on 11 October, 2020 https://www.linkedin.com/company/yobiworks

    1. This “document” is given two aliases: the document URL (http://example.com/desktop.html) and the canonical URL (in this case, also http://example.com/desktop.html).

      so the <link rel="canonical" href="https://tantek.com/2011/220/b1/web-actions-a-new-building-block" /> is added by hypothesis as in this example Description

    1. Kinopio helps people understand themselves and be understood by sharing thoughts and ideas. But an expressive tool is also one that can be used maliciously.

      understand to be understood

      visually whoa

    1. He started the boot. His face was calm and clear. Obviously he understood.They’re all like that, the eggheads, the most important thing for them is to find aname for things. Until he had come up with a name, he was too pathetic to lookat -- a real idiot. But now that he had some label like graviconcentrate, he thoughtthat he understood everything and life was a breeze.


      all like that find a name for things =

      now that he had some label understood everything life was a breeze =

    1. Twitter's "Web Intents" are perhaps the most exemplary of web action APIs created to date: they use well formed fairly minimal semantic markup (hyperlinks with class names) that work declaratively as-is on desktop and mobile browsers alike. They efficiently require only a single <script src="..."> to progressively enhance all Tweet actions and other Twitter buttons on the page.

      web intents

    2. Web actions are not "just" hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are nouns and they reference destinations (sometimes with an explicit relation) with an implied action of navigation. In contrast, web actions are verbs and are first and foremost about a specific action that often but not always does something with the current page or site.

      not just hyperlinks but words

    3. interstitial

      popup for authentication

    4. A web action is the interface and user experience of taking a specific discrete action, across the web, from one site to another site or application

    1. Web Actions are actions that a user takes from one web page across to another web page.


  5. bafybeidajmlh3uv3bdcatdci3y65xi6sh5s53vfmh6yhhhh2qdzu3rqpre.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidajmlh3uv3bdcatdci3y65xi6sh5s53vfmh6yhhhh2qdzu3rqpre.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. new, decentralized, independent “web” that will give users more control..

      Graphics does need updating Add Web 3 protocols based on DHTs protocols like IPFS, IPLD

      So much to say here, no time

      Web 3 brings Named Data Networks to the Web

      Content addressability means that the Network is the Database, and in fact is the InterNet of Autonomous Ambient InterPersonal Intentional Software (as a conversation) and Symmathesy Mutual Learning

      Actually Web 4 is that!


    2. web3 “interoperability” intermediaries

      web3 interoperability


    3. Connected, scaled out and contextualized business intelligence27

      contextualized BI

    4. Solve small, annoying problems first to demonstrate value

      demonstrate value

    5. Data is treated as inorganic and static, rather than organically

      data treated as inorganic

    6. Data, content and knowledge are all managed separately

      data content knolwedge managed separately

    7. How do we collaborate at scale?

      Collaborate at scale

      should mean cosmo-local

      (inter)personal first

    8. Surprise–Transformation requires transformative methods

      Transofrmative Methods

      'Tain't what you do nut the way that you do it, That's what get's result!

    9. interactive, contextualized data foundation

      contextualized data foundation

      Oh but with IPFS the Network IS the Context!

      Let models emerge!

    10. build more and buy less.

      build more

    11. business tech, is pervasive and parasitic.


    12. developing the next generation of skills,

      next gen skills

    13. perennial AI winters

      perennial AI winters

    1. Holochain vs the Internet Computer Protocol .t3_n9glca ._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; } Not sure if this has been addressed before. The Internet Computer Protocol claims to enable '...users to build and deploy open internet services that can “run on the network itself rather than on servers owned by Facebook, Google or Amazon.” ... without the need for legacy technologies such as cloud services ', thus similar to Holochain which allows creation of 'peer-to-peer applications that are secure, reliable, and fast ...that connect user devices directly to each other in secure networks instead of depending on servers'. To me, it appears what ICP is trying to solve has already been addressed by Holochain. Could someone who's more informed on the subject elaborate on the differences between the two. Thank you.

      Holochain vs Internet Computer Protocol


    2. Holochain: you run it on your devices and the transactions you create as a result are validated by peers. Good for defining social protocols, mutual credit, reputation, etc. Effectively, when the consensus around some event is really just between a handful of people, Holochain makes sense.

      Holochain: you run it on your devices and the transactions you create as a result are validated by peers. Good for defining social protocols, mutual credit, reputation, etc. Effectively, when the consensus around some event is really just between a handful of people, Holochain makes sense.

    1. PluginsPlugins can be used to extend reveal.js with additional functionality. To make use of a plugin, you'll need to do two things:

    1. Axelar is a decentralized interoperability network connecting all blockchains, assets and apps through a universal set of protocols and APIs.

    1. With Minerva, you will prepare your learners and your institution for future success. If you’re ready to connect with a partnership lead, let’s talk.


    1. when you try to replicate a broken system in an 00:20:54 analog world in a digital world the broken elements of it are exposed and fall apart when you look at a broken analog system 00:21:06 and say how can you use digital to fix what's broken now you elevate the experience and so what covett has demonstrated from many institutions that are actually serious 00:21:21 about fixing their learning process for their for their for their students their learners is that they have now gravitated to the only institution that was residential 00:21:34 before the pandemic and opted to use technology at the core of what we were doing not because our students weren't there not because it was hard to get them into a room but because we 00:21:47 understood that that modality of education is inferior and and that type of solution is really the only one in the market that existed before the 00:21:59 coronavirus and really all of the attempts at scrambling to use technology during the coronavirus were still ways to iterate off of a broken system as opposed to reforming 00:22:12 that system from the ground up

      iterate over a broken system


    2. too many learners are being left behind by the current one-size-fits-all model of education we here at eddup and our friends at the charles koch foundation see a better path forward the charles 00:22:28 cook foundation supports innovators in education who are building and scaling new pathways to allow all learners to discover their potential by changing the way we think about education we can unlock opportunities for millions more 00:22:40 americans

      charles koch foundation

    3. places like minerva that were residential universities where all the students lived in the same building yet 00:20:05 all of our classes before the pandemic were conducted not in a room not in by getting 20 students around a table to sit together and just you know talk 00:20:16 but designed to be delivered on a purpose-built digital learning environment right with a lesson plan coded into that digital learning environment to optimize every student's 00:20:29 learning even though it's a live seminar professor is live the students are live all the students live in the same building but all of the formal interactions are occurring via digital mediation

      rewidential but purpose built digital environment

    4. The EdUp Experience - 397: What is The Minerva Project? - with Ben Nelson, Chairman & CEO of The..

    1. "When you try to replicate a broken system in an analog world in a digital world, the broken elements of it are exposed and fall apart." Ben Nelson, Minerva Project on The EdUp Experience PodcastWe welcome YOU back to America's leading higher education podcast, The EdUp Experience ! It’s YOUR time to #EdUp NOTE: We had an audio challenge with thi…

    1. Life will knock us down, but we can choose, whether or not, to get back up.


    1. Roger Penrose - Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered?

    1. About Esri The Science of Where We pioneer problem solving with GIS to help you see what others can’t Watch the video

    1. The mission of Esri Community is to provide a central online destination where members can gather to exchange ideas, solve problems, accelerate success and build relationships to create a better world through the use of geospatial technology.

      Esri community

    1. What is an Esri Community MVP? An Esri Community MVP is a community member who is an elite and valued contributor of the Community. They are an Esri user, customer or partner. They are not Esri staff or distributors; those audiences are referred to at Community Champions. They are highly active (logging in multiple times per month) and consistently contributing high-value content by answering questions, posting blogs, sharing their workflows and helping the Community team advance the community vision and strategy.  They are influencers and trusted advisers to both Esri users and staff and their support, time and contributions are critical to achieving the mission of the Esri Community. 

      what is MVP