22,718 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. Criteria to Maintain MVP Status (annually) Required actions: profile, attendance, and group contributions Complete and keep your Community profiles current Attend at least 2 quarterly MVP meetings (can be a combination of virtual (hosted online) MVP meeting or an onsite MVP meeting (UC, DevSummit, FedGIS, or other Esri events where we are hosting an onsite MVP meeting) Provide feedback to Community Team on future developments, strategy, and content Continue valuable contributions in the community

      what is MVP

    2. Esri Community MVP Program - About & Requirements

      Community MVP

    1. ArcGIS Online Connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. Work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools. Share your insights with the world or specific groups. Learn more about ArcGIS Online

      • about : fileSaver, JSZip
    1. <script type="text/javascript"> var zip = new JSZip(); zip.file("Hello.txt", "Hello World\n"); zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}) .then(function(content) { // see FileSaver.js saveAs(content, "file.zip"); }); </script>

      JSzip and save

    2. <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.1.4/jszip.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://fastcdn.org/FileSaver.js/1.1.20151003/FileSaver.js" ></script>

      getting filesaved that works

    3. For people who want to load it in the console : var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/1.3.8/FileSaver.min.js'; document.body.appendChild(s);

      fileSaver magic

    4. https://fastcdn.org/FileSaver.js/1.1.20151003/FileSaver.js
      • for : filesaver
    1. Wikilinks Everywhere A [[web extension]] by [[vera]] and the [[flancia collective]]: https://anagora.org/flancia-collective.

      Been here

    1. Deep dive on policies for a commons-based technology

      commons based technology



  2. Feb 2022
    1. Second-Hand MarketplaceYou don't need money to go shopping

    1. ignore long-term costs to the planet

      externalize costs

    2. wants to destroy democracies seeking healthier energy systems

      democracies seeking healthier energy sysems

    3. A New Global Economic System

    1. changemakers to connect in a peer-to-peer way in order to pool resources through offers and requests across the globe

      peer-to-peer pool resources

    2. CoDo — Ecosystem for changemakers

    1. A public infrastructure must promote the pluralism of business models and not just the for-profit and hierarchical models. 

      for profit model

    1. Open technology allows the user to study it, use it, reproduce it, develop it and adapt it to their needs. Closed technology restricts these freedoms through strict copyright and patents. It does not allow the user to study, reproduce and modify it.
      • about : OPEN technology
  3. bafybeidycfq4x3d72ig677z7c6cjij6aww4b22nvc3brplc4cgvxyo5gqm.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidycfq4x3d72ig677z7c6cjij6aww4b22nvc3brplc4cgvxyo5gqm.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. shift from a substance paradigm to an extension paradigm (e.g. Descartes, 1637, 1644), along with which came a shift (in philosophical thinking) from attributes to logical classes and tuples

      shift substance to extensional

    2. current ‘solutions’ to the various issues identified and agreed upon in contemporary software modelling languages and, especially, metamodelling are more akin to the Ptolemaic model with its many ‘fixes’ and lead into our proposal that what is needed for this important topic in modern-day modelling is a brand-new approach i.e. a new approach that results from a conceptual deconstruction and reconstruction

      brand-new approach

      conceptual (de|re)consruction

      Be successful need to attain a suitable View Point

    3. 90Copyright © 2013, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.Chapter 4Ptolemaic Metamodelling?The Need for a Paradigm Shift
    4. Figure 69. Revision of Figure 68 to incorporate the ideas of Figure 24

    5. OMG, 2011a, 2011b)8.
    6. no general theory of modelling

      no general theory of modelling

    7. Indeed, Broy (2011) observes that “in the long run, software engineering cannot be established without a solid body of scientific theory.

      scientific theory of computing

      computing is not a science and it is not about computers per se either

      see SICP lecture 1

    8. search out that new orthodoxy (i.e. instigate a paradigm shift

      new orthodoxy paradigm shift

    9. Whether these new ideas, together, are sufficient to create a shift in mindset or whether they are simply the stimulus for others to create new and orthogonal ideas remains to be seen

      shift in mindset

    10. language use, philosophy, and ontology engineering)

      ontology engineering

    11. identified several inconsistencies and paradoxes in the current orthodoxy
      • inconsistencies
      • paradoxes
      • orthodoxy
    12. model language development for software engineering.

      language development

    13. metamodelling and modelling language construction

      language construction

    1. modelling language construction

      modelling language construction

    2. Ptolemaic Metamodelling? The Need for a Paradigm Shift

    1. 🗏 Page Emoji Meaning Page was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014.

      page 🗏

    1. 🗉 Note Page Emoji Meaning Note Page was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014.


    1. ♒ Aquarius Emoji Meaning The Aquarius astrological sign in the Zodiac. This Zodiac Symbol represents a Water-bearer.

      ♒ - for : Commons

    1. 🖼️ Framed Picture Emoji Meaning A framed picture of a painting or photograph, as displayed in a gallery or on a household wall. Vendors feature various scenes, though generally a lush, sunny landscape of hills and mountains, in a gold frame.


    1. 🖻 (DOCUMENT WITH PICTURE) utf-8 character icon DOCUMENT WITH PICTURE is one of the 768 characters in the Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs Unicode subset.
    1. Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs unicode subset Here is the list of 768 utf-8 characters in Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs subsets.


    1. he JavaScript API client for https://web3.storage

      ⁂ web3.storage

    1. This page in a nutshell: An article too short to provide more than rudimentary information about a subject should be marked as a stub by adding a stub template from the list here to the end of the article. Anyone can edit a stub article, or remove a stub template from an article which is no longer a stub.
      • about : stub
      • about : nutshell
    1. How to make data FAIR? Findable – assigning a globally unique and eternally persistent identifier (like a DOI or Handle), describing the data with rich metadata, and making sure it is findable through disciplinary discovery portals. Accessible – data and metadata should be retrievable in a variety of formats that are sensible to humans and machines using persistent identifiers. Interoperable – the description of metadata elements should follow community guidelines that use an open, well defined vocabulary. Reusable – the data should maintain its initial richness. The description of essential, recommended, and optional metadata elements should be machine processable and verifiable, use should be easy and data should be citable to sustain data sharing and recognize the value of data.


    2. FAIR Data Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable) support knowledge discovery and innovation as well as data and knowledge integration, and promote sharing and reuse of data. The principles help data and metadata to be ‘machine readable’, supporting new discoveries through the harvest and analysis of multiple datasets. 
      • about : FAIR Data Principles
    3. Open Access and Fair Principles

    1. few people would sell you a 10$ product that can solve your problem for ever

      That's exactly what we need though

    2. few people would sell you a 10$ product that can solve your problem for ever, when they can sell you a 1000$ product, with 10$ per month maintenance cost, that will become obsolete after 10 years. If you listen to the “experts” you would likely end up not with the simplest, but with the most advanced technology.

      full quote

    3. Plain text


    4. when they can sell you a 1000$ product, with 10$ per month maintenance cost, that will become obsolete after 10 years. If you listen to the “experts” you would likely end up not with the simplest, but with the most advanced technology.

      experts most advanced


    1. Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework by @Pavel_Ilin_AI https://link.medium.com/UecOmpG8Ynb "Actually what we are constructing is Artificial Intelligence and native human intellect is one of the subsystems of a synergic system of intelligence." That's the Transhumanist reading


    1. Actually what we are constructing is Artificial Intelligence and native human intellect is one of the subsystems of a synergic system of intelligence.

      Yes human intellect is rendered subservient to the drive of creating artificial intelligence

    2. Integrating Engelbart framework with modern technological capabilities still remains a complex problem yet to be solved.

      problem yet to be solved

    3. Thoughts should be exported into the exocortex so mental structures can be free to synthesise more thoughts. Exocortex should be organized in a way so it’s easy to recall thoughts. Exocortex system should not only store and represent knowledge, but also provide functionality to search and manipulate symbolic structures. One should be able to view specific notes/cards, add new ones, edit them, add or remove connections with other notes/cards and overview visual representation of the knowledge graph.


    4. Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework

    1. If you want to provoke emergence, design an alphabet.

      design a notation.

      a language with autopoietic power

    2. Alphabets Emergence springs from alphabets. An alphabet is a kit of parts, together with rules for combining them.
    1. subversion 00:04:08 is an activity which is a two-way traffic you cannot subvert an enemy which doesn't want to be subverted

      want to be subverted

    2. Understanding the Political Scenario of INDIA,CANADA,JAPAN,CHINA,USA, FRANCE etc
      • for : subversion

    1. #YuriBezmenov #SocialismSubversion of the Free World Press - Yuri Bezmenov

      Subversion of the Free World Press - Yuri Bezmenov

    1. Telegram is the most popular messenger in urban Ukraine. After a decade of misleading marketing and press, most ppl there believe it’s an “encrypted app” The reality is the opposite-TG is by default a cloud database w/ a plaintext copy of every msg everyone has ever sent/recvd.

    1. "carpe diem quam minimum credula postero,” can be translated as “pluck the day, trusting as little as possible in the next one,” but carpe diem alone has come to be used as shorthand for this entire idea, which is more widely known as "seize the day."

      carpe diam

      seize the day

    1. hat am I to do?” if I can answer the prior question “Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?”

      story part

    1. Education Must Make History Again, with Zak Stein(1): What matters most in a pre-figurative culture?

    1. Education Must Make History Again(2) w' Zak Stein: What does it mean to be in a time between worlds?

  4. consilienceproject.org consilienceproject.org
    1. Our civilization has never been more vast, complicated, and fragile

      vast complicated and fragile

    1. Critical Conversations for the Future of Human Civilization

    1. Some of our most popular technologies are becoming a means of mass coercion that open societies cannot survive.

      means of mass coercion

    2. Social Media Enables Undue Influence

    1. Decent Tech,not the ones that is extractively lords over our lives.

      decent tech

    1. the limiting parameters of the game have not been defined and as a consequence of that they're stunned by their infinite freedom into complete immobility and 00:04:40 what that means in a sense is that the in the absence of serious constraint there can be no choice no freedom no existence and and i believe this to be fundamentally true just as the fact that 00:04:52 human being is vulnerable is fundamentally true

      combinatorial freedom leads to chaor

    2. it's a conscious attempt to violate the the conditions that make 00:12:28 life itself tolerable and it's aimed at dehumanization destruction of the ideal and at an even deeper level revenge against the conditions of existence itself

      revenge aginst the conditions of existence itself

    3. the jewish commentary what the f infinite locks is the finite

      the ininite lacks is the finite

    4. the first time that the man blamed the woman for his self-conscious misery i think that's the real fall and not the rise of self-consciousness itself

      the real fall

    5. adam says and this is comical too was the woman's fault which i think is really funny and which actually may have been the original sin and not the eating of the 00:20:48 apple right the first time that the man blamed the woman for his self-conscious misery i think that's the real fall and not the rise of self-consciousness itself

    6. without limitation there's no being

      being limitation

    1. social learning and building social capital as important conditions for increasing resilienceand sustainability

      social capital

    2. Facilitating Social Learning. The benefits of experimentation grow when governance knowl-edge and tools developed in one unit can spread to others via social learning

      social learning

    3. polycentricity

    1. Honing critical thinking is a key aspect of education. Social reading prompts students to dig deeper into a text & come away with a different point of view.

      honing critical thinking

      social reading and writing anchored on the margins in social web annotations prompts participants to dig deeper & come away with improved points of views.

    1. We don’t write things down to remember them. We write them down to forget.


      I write to think. work on the words to hone the feeling. So next time I can speak it more clearly. Never prepare the words, prepare the feeling. You may just end up with things worth sharing.

      But in the meantime, I do rely on retrieving everything I've ever written related to what I am writing to think about. To draaw inspiration, and reminders for the next level of articulation synthesis., Description

    2. “I don’t want to throw anything out. At least not yet,” wrote William Germano in On Rewriting of his early drafts. “I might change my mind, I tell myself.”

      might change your mind, you will as long you still have it.

  5. www.openlinksw.com www.openlinksw.com
    1. A Smart Agent solution for transforming threaded content into Knowledge Graph nuggets, for easy reuse and recall.


    1. One of the best ways to become familiar with MemoryWeb's features is to watch our introductory video collection and select the option to Play All.

      pkg wg

    1. The Enterprise Knowledge Graph Foundation (EKGF) was established to define best practice and mature the marketplace for EKG adoption, including:  ​ STANDARDS • METHOD • ARTIFACTS • COMMUNITY  • ADVOCACY



    1. Enterprise Knowledge Graph Foundation (EKGF) Releases First Draft of Maturity Model The  Maturity Model is the expert-driven definition of practical levels of progression of capabilities required for an enterprise knowledge graph 

    1. In 2015, I plotted the types of smart contracts that could be written and implemented along a continuum. On the left end of the continuum are the simplest smart contracts. On the right end are the DAOs, Decentralized Autonomous Governments (DAGs), and the Decentralized Autonomous Societies (DASes) that the idealists in the blockchain/”web3” community yearn for.

      from DAOs to DASes

    2. Gartner Hype Cycle’s Trough of Disillusionment

      Trough of disilusionment

    3. many decentralized finance (DeFi) startups are trying to run before they can walk, or even crawl.

      run before they even crawl


    4. first principles, I mean the data-centric architecture principles that Dave McComb has articulated in books such as Software Wasteland

      first principles


      Softwrae Wasteland

    5. $470,000 in funds the culprit absconded with

      asconded with

    6. DeFi platforms: What dumb data and dumb code have in common<img class="photo" alt="Alan Morrison" src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/6279134e2cc034e370b56f822d415aa2?s=20&#038;d=mm&#038;r=g" /> Alan MorrisonFebruary 22, 2022 at 5:41 pm
    1. The FAIR principles emphasize machine-actionability (i.e., the capacity of computational systems to find, access, interoperate, and reuse data with none or minimal human intervention) because humans increasingly rely on computational support to deal with data as a result of the increase in volume, complexity, and creation speed of data.[2]


      contrast with human-actionability =

    2. FAIR data are data which meet principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability.[1] The acronym and principles were defined in a March 2016 paper in the journal Scientific Data by a consortium of scientists and organizations.
      • stub : FAIR data
    3. FAIR data

    1. Humane technologies are timeless

      Say not to Worse is Better

      look for Jewell like Diamond simple solution that like mathematical concepts, endure

    2. Humane technologies leave the user in control

      and do not treat them as equivalent to machine agents

    1. The TrustGraph lens is always Agent-Centric. Agent: an individual person, organization, application, or other identity.

    1. Basically, you get lo-fi version of the functionality of social media.

      interesting I consider dominant social media platforms lo-fi Low Fidelity, low on trust and quality.

      In comparison with decent(ralized) Autonomous interpersonal intercommunity alternatives build from trust for trust, trust but verify where not only sharing of content but asynchronous real comv4ersations and co-laboration is possible

    2. Blogrolls also help you verify your identity in a decentralized manner e.g. my mom has my website on her blogroll this lets everyone know that I (I as the author of the website) am indeed her son (nevermind, perhaps that’s not that important.)

      blogroll verify identity

    3. blogrolls - lists of the people that the website author “followed” or was friends with. Today, I decided to put one on my website too and with this article, encourage you to do the same.
      • about - blogroll
    1. ruling class

      Guardians facilitators (enforcers) of co-operation required to sustain civilization

    2. mythos, an origin story a purpose-giving narrative

      mythos purpose giving narrative

    3. qualified to do anything with nothing

      EveryThing comes from NoThing

    1. Register now for my @AccessAlerts #FairTechForum panel on June 18 w/ @RepYvetteClarke, @MicrosoftIPC's @Fredhum, @taaforg's @SonalRShah, & @BrookingsInst @drturnerlee. Online: https://lnkd.in/gpDtHZR #fairtech #socialimpact #techpolicy #ESG #diversity #equality #inclusion #CSR



    2. Register now for my @AccessAlerts #FairTechForum panel on June 18 w/ @RepYvetteClarke, @MicrosoftIPC's @Fredhum, @taaforg's @SonalRShah, & @BrookingsInst @drturnerlee. Online: https://lnkd.in/gpDtHZR #fairtech #socialimpact #techpolicy #ESG #diversity #equality #inclusion #CSR


    1. The Technology Partner you can rely on Our Guarantee to you is to work with you, as well as for you. Building a secure and evolving technology infrastructure is a team game and we believe it is imperative to understand your requirements, help you deliver outcomes and ensure we become a crucial part of achieving your goals.
    1. improving the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human being.

      the goal of building personal knowledge augmentation engine Description

    1. the weakest technology is likely the cheapest, easiest to maintain, extend or replace and there are no sane arguments for using anything else.

      easy to maintan, extend or replace


      like Culture Description

    1. Holochain vs. Hashgraph…and when is consensus needed in distributed computing

    1. HTML a name Attribute | Jump The name attribute specifies the name of an anchor tag in html. Syntax: <a name=”value”> The name attribute is used in Anchor Tag to “jump” to a specific point on a web page. It is very useful and specially used in large pages or subdivisions.

      a name attribute Description

    2. Link to anchor on same page

      anchor on same page

    1. Often abbreviated as NB, n.b., or with the ligature N B {\displaystyle \mathrm {N} \!\!\mathrm {B} } , the phrase is Latin for "note well".

      note well

      • form :
    2. Nota bene

    1. Backcasting refers to generating a desirable future, and then looking backwards from that future to the present in order to strategize and to plan how it could be achieved (Quist and Vergragt 2006; Vergragt and Quist 2011).
    1. form into smaller Pods and partake in peer to peer process groups (coaching, circling, co-therapy etc.).

      form into smaller Pods


      for p2p process groups

    2. Especially if there were paid administrators actively cultivating a more intimate and conscious experience that went far beyond the posting of hot takes and memes (as fun as this can be).
      • paid administrators
      • cultivating intimate more conscious experience
      • beyond posting hot takes and memes
    3. If we could gather the few thousand people in the Liminal network together on a new kind of blockchain based social media platform that protected everyones privacy and data, then I believe much magic could ensue.

      blockchain based social media platform privacy

    4. small pockets of coherence

      pockets of coherence

    5. Online Liminal Community - I think there is potential for a much more cohesive online Liminal Web experience. Right there now there are small pockets of coherence to be found in various Discord groups, Email lists, Facebook groups and in private groups on platforms such as Mighty Networks and Circles.

      Online Liminal Community

    6. series of residential hubs

      residential hubs

    7. Denizen (formerly Dent) which first grew out of Clubhouse and is now evolving into a media platform


    8. The Stoa has also attracted a loose ecology of people around its sessions and some of its founding members are currently experimenting with the process of forming Digital Gangs, there are also plans afoot to open a philosophical coffee-house for The Stoa to call home in Toronto.
      • Stoa loose ecology of people
      • forming Digital Gangs
    9. Rebel Wisdom have also followed along a similar trajectory. Along side building a strong following around their films they have developed an ecosystem of online and in person discussions, workshops and courses that can allow people to become more fully engaged.

      Rebel Wisdom

    10. Future Thinkers which started out as a podcast, grew into a fully fledged online community and is now developing their own Smart Village

      future thinkers

      Wmart Village

    11. Attract and cultivate an online community around this content

      online community

    12. Liminal media (podcasts, interviews, films etc.).

      Liminal media

    13. The Sensemaking Collectives

      sensemaking collectives

    14. not even three thousand spectra could ever truly do justice to the exquisite nuance of your mercurial perspectives

      mercurial perpectives

    15. Terrence Mckenna, Aldous Huxley, Carl Jung and Alan Watts.

      Alan Watts

    16. The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets

    1. Momenul AhmadSEO Consultant at Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (2010–present) · Feb 8 · Coder made, audience eat😇

    1. Managing Your AccountThe Fission CLI account management commands

      fission account managemnt from cli

    2. The registration process will also create a Fission Drive for you automatically at the URL USERNAME.fission.name using your Fission username.

      creating fission user

    1. 🔥 Fire Emoji Meaning A flame, as produced when something is on fire. Depicted as a red, orange, and yellow flickering flame

      emoji - fire

    1. 🦊 Fox Emoji Meaning A friendly, cartoon-styled faced of a fox, the cunning canine, looking straight ahead. Depicted as an orange fox  face with a black nose, pointed ears, and shaggy, white cheeks.

      emoji - fox

    1. Tested URL https://dylab0.fission.app/ Test completed Mon, Feb 21, 2022 3:47 PM Eastern Time (GMT -5) Results URL https://www.whynopadlock.com/results/dae97b77‑adbc‑4908‑9272‑e44af7c5eaf2 Copy

    1. i had to stop using the word Web3 because the word has been completely co-opted by the crypto, DeFi and NFTs. To me it's about content addressing, decentralizing the hub and spoke data monopoly nodes and local first Internet architecture. On the product side this means DID, private user state and thin backends
    1. rel boxes - see for example w:c:sca21:Climate change#Related.

      for - SRG

    2. Inter-wiki Collaboration

      about - Inter-wiki collaboration

  6. wiki-social.fandom.com wiki-social.fandom.com
    1. Enable Inter-wiki Collaboration - We want to be a central area for social groups in other wikia as well as encourage users to edit pages on more than one wiki

      for - inter-wiki collaboration

    1. Control your own DNSUse a custom domain with Fission and keep control of your DNS


    1. A blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is resistant to modification of its data. This is because once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without alteration of all subsequent blocks.

      narrow definition

    1. PNS-Link Gateway Access dynamic and static websites exposed using IPNS

      IPNS-Link Gateway



    1. About IPNS-LinkIPNS-Link leverages IPFS, a decentralized HTTP replacement, to it's full potential...NAT traversal and decentralised relays allow your services to be reached from nearly anywhere, even if they're behind NATs with dynamic ip-addresses.IPNS-Link Gateways act like a CDN and will resolve IPFS and IPNS URLs, offloading work from you to the IPFS network.Your ip-addresses are hidden from third-parties behind encryption, only IPNS-Link Gateways you decide to trust can access your service.IPNS-Link is simple to deploy and easy to relocate to new devices.IPNS-Link is simple to setup and start using. If you're interested, read more in our about page.


    1. Crucially, DHT network traffic is unencrypted, and the entire database is public anyways

      It is a permanent memory for humanity

    2. How a Hypercore P2P innovation could bring more privacy to IPFS

    1. IPFS companies provide distributed systems for storing and accessing files, websites, applications, and data. It helps connect with different blockchains just the same way the internet connects all the websites. The benefits of IPFS services are revolutionizing the current technology sector, causing large companies to implement it in their processes. Netflix, Opera or Chrome are some companies that rely on this technology.

      Netflix Opera and Chrome

    2. Top Blockchain IPFS Development Companies

    1. As the blockchain is immutable, it must maintain a continuously growing list of blocks.

      immutable continuously growing list of blocks

    2. There are various blockchains with different goals, but these are the common elements:

      Relicated ledged



      P2P networking

    3. Blockchain and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)

    1. A modular network stack. Run your network applications free from runtime and address services, independently of their location.

    1. DNSLink is a very simple protocol to link content and services directly from DNS.



    1. In addition to the single-source-of-truth benefits offered by LikeCoin's blockchain-based registry

      single source of truth benefit

    2. LikeCoin (opens new window) is an open-source framework for constructing a decentralized, censorship-resistant, blockchain-based publishing infrastructure for content creators and consumers alike.

      blockchain based