- Apr 2022
blog.scrintal.com blog.scrintal.com
make the internet a place for knowledge
beter still
a place for mutual learning symmathesy
make knowledge building easier, more accessible, and open to the world.
the future of knowledge building and sharing
The future of building and sharing knowledge — Enter Scrintal
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
However, in my research and in Scrintal I’ve been after the same thing: creating connected, accessible, and open knowledge.
connected accessible knowledge
I spent one whole year creating the first ever dataset on what global actors do for climate change adaptation. What is more frustrating is sharing this knowledge.
climate change adaptation
a new operating system for knowledge building.
new operating system for knowledge
connecting ideas and sources through notes
and annotations
want to make internet a place for knowledge.
internet place for knowledge
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Contributors' Meetup #14 - April 20, 2022
Web3 substack
"web3 Substack"
Hey TrailMarks!Welcome to the Official Unlock Discord! Join our member channels by typing !unlock. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1itOc5ALzVs Need help? check this doc.___Pick the xDAI option if gas is too high! It works even if you don't have xDAI, you can get it "airdropped" to your wallet! If you need some xDAI to get started, there is a faucet that will drop you xDAI here: https://www.gimlu.com/faucet
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Try headline https://viaheadline.xyz/ which uses ceramic for storage, unlock for payment and membership, ipfs for pinning, and a bunch of other protocols for decentralisation.I can walk you through some of the useful stuff going on if you want to have a chat.Offer valid for anyone else. reply chrononaut 3 hours ago | root | parent | next [–] > HEADLINE is a decentralized publishing platform where a creator’s content is always their own. There’s no service fee, no long form privacy agreement and your unpublished and token gated content is encrypted, enabling access control.> Publish web content and send out newsletters. Build meaningful connections with your community and followers. Feel confident that the publishing platform you’re using respects what you create and who you create it for. Our excellence is in our collaborations.> Powered by Unlock Protocol and built by Raid Guild, with integrations of Ceramic, Lit Protocol & IPFS, HEADLINE is truly multi-player, built and maintained by collaboration.> HEADLINE operates as a DAO, decentralized autonomous organization. That means that we are run by collective efforts and innovation. Join us as we build together.Who exactly is this being positioned to? If I passed this along to the marketing team at my job they will probably just reply back with a bunch of question marks attempting to understand that language. Is that even the right audience?
decentralized publishing platform
this is great,I understand it is local first, and Personal first How about making it People centered by being able to act as their own hub in their owned network of connections forming interpersonal network connecting people ideas and communities in an emregent network of netwroks?
Like anything blockchain there is no real solution for how to handle records becoming stale over time without a central authority
with BlockChain perhaps not. But web 3 and the Cryptocosm has eveything needed to solve this problem
Records can go stale if you keep them that way.
reply to this annotation if you wish to learn more
In due course I'll add a link to a permenent address to a description which will be ever green by architecture never stale and everuthing can be shared in afuture proof way
hypothesis.zoom.us hypothesis.zoom.us
Social annotation makes reading active, visible, and social.
An awesome Logseq plugin to jumpstart your digital garden 🌱!
Download Anatomy Of Lisp - Allen
How can my users upload files directly to Web3.Storage without them needing to create their own account?Currently the best way to upload to Web3.Storage from the browser is to relay data through an endpoint that you control that has access to the API token. Providing the API token in your front-end will allow anyone to upload files to your account and list already uploaded files. However, we are actively working on ways end-users can upload data directly to Web3.Storage without needing an intermediary!
consider alternatives
One major advantage of using Web3.Storage is its use of IPFS, making it easy to move to an alternative storage provider. All of your data is accessible via IPFS, and you can simply export all of your CIDs and ask a pinning service to pin them without need to download or upload any data. You have this option even if you use Web3.Storage today and just want another redundant copy of your data persisted. And you don't need to change the URLs that your application is pointing to, since IPFS URLs are content addressable.
easy to move to alternative storage provider
fission.codes fission.codes
The inventoried self?
inventoried self
bafkreiapf66brqat4svxnm7iftufgtkf5bpblyp27qec5rehlstuw2snta.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreiapf66brqat4svxnm7iftufgtkf5bpblyp27qec5rehlstuw2snta.ipfs.dweb.link
Wiki-like organi-zation
Wiki like organization
emergence of concepts as visual networks trace interpersonal knowledgetrails
visual networks
interpersonal trails
hence TrailMarks
graph based visual structures
visual structures
networkedlearning environment
networked learning environments
Graph based visual structure
visual structures
tacit knowledge
tacit knowledge
visual tools
visual tools
Augmenting Knowing with WikiNizer™ Research
augmenting knowing
onezero.medium.com onezero.medium.com
register our intentions?
register intentions
Yearning for ProofThe real incentive for blockchains
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
"I’ve made no secret of my skepticism about the blockchain as a solution for our economic woes. Yes, the economy is tilted, corrupt, and easily gamed — but the solution is likely social, not technological. While national, debt-based central currencies create terrible incentives, abstractions, and growth mandates, moving our transactions to a decentralized ledger maintained by wealthy hackers may not truly be any better. And most people know this, deep down."
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we can't scale and have central control
Can't Scale
and have Central Control =
everything is like this
Everything is
like this
when was the last time your child or you were rewarded for finding a problem you found 00:24:07 a new problem we've got too many already
rewarded for finding a problem = or asking a question =
somebody had to 00:03:49 invent the higher-level languages that were good for a few years unfortunately we're still using them ones basically from the 60s things have to be reinvented over and over again
need to reinvent over and over
most people are rewarded in school for solving problems when was the last time your child or you were rewarded for finding a problem you found 00:24:07 a new problem we've got too many already hi where's in fact finding what the real problem is is the big deal and people fight you every step of the 00:24:20 way they'll fight your kids in school every step of the way if they're a problem find your type don't let the teachers hurt them most problems are bogus because they come out of the 00:24:33 current context
rewarded for finding a problem finding what the real problem is the big deal Asking the right question that is. most problems are bogus
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled21
The use of abstract data structures andabstract LISP programs shows the intent of structured programming andstep-wise refinement.
abstract data structures
intent of structured programming =
expressing our ideas as data structure manipulations rather than asnumerical relationships.
express ideas
rather than
numerical relationships =
Clearly, the closer you can write theprogram to your intuition, the fess chance there is for error. This was one ofthe reasons for developing high-level languages. The original motivation forsuch languages was a convenient notation for expressing numerical problems.
closer you can write
to your intuition
4 TrailMarks
The current problems in programming are not those of efficiency; theyare problems of correctness. That is, we have a better grasp of techniques forimproving efficiency of programs than we do of techniques for guiding theconstruction of programs which work.
not efficiency
but correctness = guide = the construction of programs that work =
We have to recognize when a procedure is capable of producing ob jectsof the desired type. We therefore index these data base procedures by apattern which tells what the procedure accomplishes. That pattern is calledthe procedure’s goal and the invocation of such a procedure is againpattern-directed, but has an added connotation of being goal-oriented.
We might carry out the "list-to-dotted-pair” transformationsimplicitly, but a machine which evaluates LISP expressions will have to havean explict transformation mechanism. So a necessary part of ourrepresentation of sequences is the specification of transformations betweenthe abstract data structure notation and the notation of the underlyingrepresentation.
list-t-doted-pair transformation
underlying representation
The question ofrepresentation is so important and will occur so frequently that we introducenotation for a representational mapping, #.
question of representation
representational mapping
S-notation is that it explicitlyshows the means of construction.
shows the means of construction
Only later, after we had convinced ourselves of the correct encodingof our intention
correct encoding = of our intention =
recasting a particularly intransigent problem in a moregeneral setting.
in more general setting
Abstraction has often been used in other disciplines asa means for controlling complexity.
controlling complexity
Much of the current work in mathematical theories ofcomputation is based on LISP-like languages. Thus LISP is a formalism fordescribing algorithms, for writing programs, and for proving properties ofalgorithms.
formalism for
proving properties of programs
The high-level notation for algorithms is beneficial in explaining
high level notation explain understand = complex algorithms =
The currentalternative seems to be to give a few introductory courses in programmingand machine organization followed by relatively specialized courses in moretechnical areas. The difficulty with this approach is that much of thetechnical material never gets related.
technical material never get related =
The close relationship between LISP evaluators and denotational modelsis encouraging.
LISP evaluators denotational model =
What we need is a representation of an “equation-solver” which willtake such an equation and will return a function which satisfies thatequation. In particular we would like the best solution in the sense that itimposes the minimal structure on the function. 23 This request for minimalitytranslates to finding the function which satisfies the equation, but isleast-defined on other elements of the domain. This discussion of “feast”brings in the recent work of D. Scott and the intuition behind this studyagain illuminates the distinction between mathematical meaning(denotational) and manipulative meaning (operational).
athematical meaning denotational = manipulative meaning operational =
assoc{x,;l] = l[x] is another instance of a operational-denotationalrelationship.
discussednotational conventions for writing sequences;
notational conventions
for sequences
allows us to think andrepresent our algorithms in mathematical terms rather than in terms of themachine.
not represent but present = not just mathematical but intelligible =
the advantage of a high-level language isnotational rather than computational.
the advantage
high level languages
our LISP-likelanguage primarily as a notational convenience rather than a computationaldevice.
notational rather than computational
medium.com medium.com
kickstart a network-based business
networked based business
The purpose of an Initial Community Offering is not just to raise funds, but to build the community for network effects to grow.
0 Intitial community offering
Initial Community Offerings are the futureLeadership & Org Update 04
hera.so hera.so
The next generation of Calendars is hereBuilt by and for remote workers and distributed teams
every.to every.to
You can only respond to what you notice Awareness has a variable shape and size—and learning to control it is a powerful skill by Michael Ashcroft
gizmodo.com gizmodo.com
Read the Facebook Papers for YourselfHundreds of internal documents formed the basis of dozen of news stories. They have not been made public. Until now.
www.francismiller.com www.francismiller.com
1Organising knowledge with multi-level content:Making knowledge easier to understand,remember and communicate
www.callapple.org www.callapple.org
Reverse Engineering Ted Nelson
4 zigzag
ipkg.fission.app ipkg.fission.app
Articulate coherent
and annotate here
medium.com medium.com
of course, there’s the backchannel
houseofstrauss.substack.com houseofstrauss.substack.com
The Group Chat is the evolutionary Back Channel, the social-pressure release valve
www.softpedia.com www.softpedia.com
Ewe Virtual Machine
geneosophy.com geneosophy.com
'Ye must have faith.' It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with.
Faith indeed
at least inm our punny capacities
one does not feel the need to take a leap of faith when embarking in the scientific enterprise.
fiduciary roots of science
he temple of comprehensions and comprehending.
'The sensation of conscious self is not understandable, but comprehensible as an expression of a multitude'.
geneosophy.com geneosophy.com
Meqatphors we live by
but not the Lakoff understood it
The title as intent was great though
(outside the conceptual place of understanding).
outside the conceptual space of understaning
sounds like tacit = personal knowledge =
Michaek Polanyi
to me
expression of our understanding.
expression of our understanding
Current conceptual tools are not sufficient, they are geared towards understanding. We need new conceptual tools to express comprehensions and verify them.
Perfect statement of what I am after too
and of course fixing the internet
Consciousness, the elephant in the room
geneosophy.com geneosophy.com
10 years ago, I started a journey with the goal of fixing the Internet (Web and Apps). I took a detour into Philosophy, Neuroscience, Mathematics and Programming. And in the past 2 years, with some help as a sounding board, I ended up facing a new Worldview.
Parallel Journeys
Problems define their own solutions
geneosophy.com geneosophy.com
Beyond understanding. Formalizing comprehending
geneosophy.com geneosophy.com
my field is not definable, otherwise I would not be interested.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
𝗜𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗵 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗢𝗣𝟮𝟲… 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The more you look...The more you can see | "TRIUMPH" by Akiane
Only in this world past is deaf, present is blind and future is mute
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Piety accords with reverence. A person with reverence recognizes his total reliance on God and comes before God with humility, trust, and love.
4 Piety
Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
mythus.fandom.com mythus.fandom.com
4 piety
Beyond the Easter Bunny: The True Origins and History of Easter
twitter.com twitter.com
Text-As-Graph for Publishing
Text-As-Graph for Publishing
twitter.com twitter.com
To talk about an outliner is for me more a metaphor: in a clean text as graph writing system there is maybe no need for a separate outliner because the graph based editor/linker/annotator *is* the outliner, and the document is its own outline
- about : outliner text, text as graph
text as graph
the graph based editor/linker/annotator *is* the outliner, and the document is its own outline
- for : TrailMarks the graph based editorlinker/annotation "is" the outliner =
twitter.com twitter.com
in a clean text as graph writing system there is maybe no need for a separate outliner because the graph based editor/linker/annotator *is* the outliner, and the document is its own outline
- for : TrailMarks
clean text as graph writing system
Nicely put. But if you can Mark the Intent of each element in an outline with a "TrailMark" where every element is high resolution addressable, then documents become virtual, as narratives drawn from deep re-arrangements of transcluded content as in Xanadu https://thenewstack.io/ted-nelson-can-still-learn-xanadu/
- about : mark in, TrailMarks
twitter.com twitter.com
"parsing processors" precursors of "thought processors" TrailMarks (a mark in notation_ is for Thought Processors no "parsing" TrailMarks and Clues "capitalize on the pun" that a human understandable notation can be interpreted to actuate named, indicated intent emergent DSLs
- about : mark in
indylab1.fission.app indylab1.fission.app
conflicting. unreliable, varying
conflicting. unreliable, varying
single version of truth abandoned
single version of truth abandoned
people centered transitional modeling
people centered transitional modeling
www.utf8icons.com www.utf8icons.com
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🐬 🐭 🐮 🐯 🐰 🐱 🐲 🐳 🐴 🐵 🐶 🐷 🐸 🐹 🐺 🐻 🐼 🐽 🐾 🐿 👀 👁 👂 👃 👄 👅 👆 👇 👈 👉 👊 👋 👌 👍 👎 👏 👐 👑 👒 👓 👔 👕 👖 👗 👘 👙 👚 👛 👜 👝 👞 👟 👠 👡 👢 👣 👤 👥 👦 👧 👨 👩 👪 👫 👬 👭 👮 👯 👰 👱 👲 👳 👴 👵 👶 👷 👸 👹 👺 👻 👼 👽 👾 👿 💀 💁 💂 💃 💄 💅 💆 💇 💈 💉 💊 💋 💌 💍 💎 💏
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Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs unicode subset
🏈 🏉 🏊 🏋 🏌 🏍 🏎 🏏 🏐 🏑 🏒 🏓 🏔 🏕 🏖 🏗 🏘 🏙 🏚 🏛 🏜 🏝 🏞 🏟 🏠 🏡 🏢 🏣 🏤 🏥 🏦 🏧 🏨 🏩 🏪 🏫 🏬 🏭 🏮 🏯 🏰 🏱 🏲 🏳 🏴 🏵 🏶 🏷 🏸 🏹 🏺 🏻 🏼 🏽 🏾 🏿 🐀 🐁 🐂 🐃 🐄 🐅 🐆 🐇 🐈 🐉 🐊 🐋 🐌 🐍 🐎 🐏 🐐 🐑 🐒 🐓 🐔 🐕 🐖 🐗 🐘 🐙 🐚 🐛 🐜 🐝 🐞 🐟 🐠 🐡 🐢 🐣 🐤 🐥 🐦 🐧 🐨 🐩 🐪 🐫
anagora.org anagora.org
You can have ever green annotations as every page is ever green and from there you can acces the past as well as the future
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
for our own generation, like the previous generation had the dotcom.”
ah well
“We see the metaverse as a natural evolution, not a revolution.
not a revolution
too bad
dark sides such as regulatory uncertainty, money laundering, counterfeit NFTs and trading scams – not to mention the high volatility of most cryptocurrencies.
dark sides
universe takes in cryptocurrencies, interactive digital experiences, mixed realty technologies and artificial intelligence.
crypto currencies
interactive digital experiences
mixed reality technologies
but delisted in 2020, kicked off in part for regulatory pressure over use of crypto tokens
Outblaze, a pioneer in cloud computing services, and steered it through the dotcom bubble.
“I felt like I was selling fridges to Eskimos because everyone really didn’t know why they needed this. The experience in being really early taught me something about business grit,
selling fridges to eskimos
bunsiness grit
social platforms
Facebook’s name change to Meta is seen as “aspirational, and doesn’t mean at all that Facebook will win,” said Jackson.
name change aspirational
It’s a lucky, scrappy bunch from Hong Kong that’s not been afraid to take a bet on unproven business models and teams, and got in at the right time,”
bet on unproven business model
Animoca’s subsidiary Sandbox was popularized when rapper Snoop Dog set up a mansion on its virtual land but grew out of an acquisition. The firm has made 200 deals in all and completed 24 metaverse VC deals, making it one of the top VC players in the space over the past nine quarters, according to PitchBook.
Marc Andreesssen,
“What Yat and Animoca Brands are doing in blockchain games is trail-blazing,
new blockchain-based games with play-to-earn features and in-game tokens, such as those from Animoca Brands.
play-to-earn feature
bnoopy.typepad.com bnoopy.typepad.com
The Long Tail of Software
a handful of extraordinarily common queries and millions of far less popular queries.
handful of commong queries
nillions of far less poplular
utf8-icons.com utf8-icons.com
⏍ (SQUARE FOOT) utf-8 character icon SQUARE FOOT is one of the 256 characters in the Miscellaneous Technical Unicode subset.
- for - reveal
utf8-icons.com utf8-icons.com
Miscellaneous Technical unicode subset Here is the list of 256 utf-8 characters in Miscellaneous Technical subsets.
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
War Is Not Part of Human Nature
api.jquery.com api.jquery.com
indraadnan.global indraadnan.global
To get somewhere, we will need to seize on the new language…build new systems and structures. But we will also need new ontologies, new ways of being and feeling that help us put new markers down at every stage of the journey.”
new ways of being indeed
Indra Adnan
- from : eco civilization Indra Adnan
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Politics of Being - video trailer EN
politicsofbeing.com politicsofbeing.com
"Thomas Legrand is a thought leader whose time in the development field allowed him insights into how development needs to evolve toward more consciousness. This book is vital and pioneering to help us all start thinking through how this critical journey can happen. I encourage all development practitioners to read it to help
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Welcome! Mr. Joel Hodroff, a Social Entrepreneur, Inventor, and an Economic Futurist to say the least. He has been a Visa Innovation Provocateur and a Twin Cities Finance and Commerce Magazine Innovator of the Year in his professional journey. He was awarded the first US patent for his dual currency pricing, accounting, and transaction settlement system for rapid, inclusive, and sustainable local-to-global economic development. His work in rapid economic recovery during pandemic reveals extensive untapped social and economic resources that can be immediately monetized and mobilized as a solution. For nearly three decades, his work in money innovation and sustainable commerce has focused on the transition from our outdated paradigm of scarcity, win-lose competition, and growth to a Circular Economy where everyone enjoys economic security and an ever-rising quality of life. He believes that continuous improvements in both technology and human skills, knowledge and creativity can usher in a new era of sustainable prosperity and human solidarity. In his article, “Creative Community Wealth Building”, he speaks about how we can match the untapped social, economic and cultural wealth of communities with the under-utilized capacity of businesses to unmet the needs of individuals and families. Designation: Inventor and Social Entrepreneur Company: Dual Currency Explorations Country: United States of America Bespoke Diaries - Unexplored Potential and Opportunities... Follow us on: LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/g5HkveE Instagram: https://lnkd.in/g6xFrmk Facebook: https://lnkd.in/gv-jeeZ Twitter: https://lnkd.in/gwftmzm YouTube: https://lnkd.in/eXCU4Wu Podcast: https://lnkd.in/g-gxvgF Website: www.thebespokediaries.com Email: contact@thebespokediaries.com #BespokeDiaries #bd #JoelHodroff #LessonLearned #Inventor #SocialEntrepreneur #CommunityWealthBuilding
Creative Community Wealth Building
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Sebastian Reiter 2nd degree connection 2nd Part of TheWorldPuzzle We wanna give everyone the same chances for a good life :) We upgrade your positive Impact with direct benefits for society(customers, users, employees, partners)
transitiontogether.org.uk transitiontogether.org.uk
We can’t do much in isolation, but together, we can. Together, we can rise to these challenges we face. Together we can find and activate our hope and power. Together we can, and will, build a better future.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Joel Hodroff (he/him) 2nd degree connection 2nd Inventor, Paradigm Shifter, Social Entrepreneur, Economic Futurist Dual Currency Explorations-- an evolving experiment in money innovation and social entrepreneurship St Paul, Minnesota, United States Contact info
www.scrintal.com www.scrintal.com
Ece KuralHas a PhD so she academically owns anyone. Holds the team together like a strong glue.Read Scrintal's storyfrom Ece.
We’re not building a second brain! We’re empowering your one and only brain with steroids – with no side effects.
www.scrintal.com www.scrintal.com
Too many people struggle with visualising how their thoughts connect to each other. Scrintal is a web app that combines mind mapping with the power of networked note-taking. So you get crystal clear in your thinking, write creatively and share your findings easily.
Feel more joyThat’s what happens when using a single, well-organized tool for your research.
Jump right inNo user manual & zero learning curve means you’ll be productive from the start. It’s that intuitive.
Keep your flowTask-and-brain switching is a part of research. Scrintal makes it easy to keep your focus—at all times.
Show your thinkingIt’s one thing to state your mind. It’s another to back it up with solid reasoning for your conclusions.
Be more creativeWe made mundane parts of writing quick & easy. So you can focus more on being creative and clear.
Make. Thinking & Writing. Visual.
Be more organizedHave a place to quickly put any-and-every-thing. Then, easily find & make sense of it later.
alex-hanna.medium.com alex-hanna.medium.com
On Racialized Tech Organizations and Complaint: A Goodbye to Google
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
CrowdSec is a free, open-source, and collaborative IPS (Intrusion Prevention System). We'll show you how to install CrowdSec and how to add the Traefik bouncer with Authelia and Vaultwarden collections for a hardened and secure network. We'll also show you how to enroll and access the CrowdSec Console (Dashboard) to monitor it all from anywhere in the world!
twitter.com twitter.com
CrowdSec@Crowd_SecurityCheck out this great video by @IBRACORP_IO on how to install and use CrowdSec and add the #Traefik bouncer with #Authelia and #Vaultwarden collections for a secure network! See also how to monitor all your alerts with CrowdSec Console! https://youtube.com/watch?v=dgQvvMhbn8I… #OpenSource
twitter.com twitter.com
The modern daily thinking tool for busy professionals. Get 1% better every day Take back your productivity Our mascots: @thunkjulian @thunknigelthunknotes.comJoined March 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Jessica Kaufman@JessicaJKaufmanMy 75yo father in law in Sydney just tested positive. He's got a cow heart valve, 1.5 lungs and 1 kidney. His GP said because his symptoms aren't too bad right now, he 'doesn't need antivirals.' This seems...wrong?? What's the right thing to do here? Any tips, clinical folks?
www.nps.org.au www.nps.org.au
Molnupiravir (Lagevrio) for mild-to-moderate COVID-19
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
🆕 webinar: 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐎𝐏𝟐𝟔… 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰? 𝘞𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘥𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘴.
twitter.com twitter.com
Try to think through the intent behind your tweet in an alternative Cosmology for Software where there are no more files and hierarchies but ∀ is content/intent/meaning addressable with human readable names, and people are their own(ed) Hub experiencing their (Meta/Youni)verse
0 Alternative Cosmology Software
Local file Local file
We are in the pro cess of moving the knowledgeof external proto cols from Hyp er-G clients to the Hyp er-G server, in order tomake clients simpler and enable caching of external do cuments
IndyHub as well.
Hyp er-G clients talk to a single Hyp er-Gserver for the entire session
talk to one server
The architecture of Hyp er-G
Clients are kept simple. An ecient, connection-oriented proto col can b e used. Remote information can b e cached in the lo cal server. User accounts and access rights have only to b e maintained in the lo calserver (the user has to identify to one server only). Statistics and user pro le information can b e gathered on a p er-sessionbasis
User identifies to one server only
Four user identi cation mo des: from anonymous to fully identi ed. Supp ort for user groups. Access rights p er user group for do cuments and collections
This is IndyLab
The scop e of a searchmay b e as narrow as one collection on a single server or as wide as all col-lections on all Hyp er-G servers worldwide
search all servers autnomously decentralized from the outset
Hyp erlinks from a source anchor within one do cument to either a destina-tion anchor within another do cument, an entire do cument, or a collection.Links are not stored within do cuments (as in WWW) but in a separatedatabase, which has the advantage that they are bidirectional and may b eadded to read-only do cuments
The smoking gun
pp ort for automatic structuring and maintenance of adynamically changing b o dy of information.
automatic structuring
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Frank Kappe and Hermann Maurer. Hyper-G: a large universal hypermedia system and some spin-offs. ACM Computer Graphics, experimental special online issue ,May 1993. Available by anonymous ftp from siggraph.org in directory publications/May_93_online/Kappe.Maurer. Google Scholar Frank Kappe, Hermann Maurer, and Nick Sherbakov. Hyper-G a universal hypermedia system. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia ,2(l):39–66, 1993.
www.lri.fr www.lri.fr
a universal hypermedia system, which has continued to grow dramatically untilnow. In order to get a picture of the size of the WWW, we can mention that Google indexes over 3 billionWeb pages today.
Hyper-G. a universal hypermedia system
4 universal hypermedia
www.ics.uci.edu www.ics.uci.edu
Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures DISSERTATION submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Information and Computer Science by Roy Thomas Fielding 2000
4 universal hypermedia
heinzwittenbrink.github.io heinzwittenbrink.github.io
Distributed hypermedia allows the presentation and control information to be stored at remote locations. (Fielding, 2000)
distributed hypermedia
Hypermedia is defined by the presence of application control information embedded within, or as a layer above, the presentation of information. (Fielding, 2000)
application control information
embedded within or as a layer
presentation of information
A very short history of hypermedia Heinz Wittenbrink
4 universal hypermedia
www.jucs.org www.jucs.org
[Kappe, Maurer and Sherbakov 1993] Kappe F., Maurer H., Sherbakov N.: "Hyper-G - A Universal Hypermedia System"; Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 2, 1 (1993), 39 -66.
slideplayer.com slideplayer.com
Hypermedia is a term created by Ted Nelson, and used in his 1965 article Complex information processing: a file structure for the complex, the changing.
4 universal hypermedia
file structure
for the complex = the changing =
slideplayer.com slideplayer.com
First Truly Universal HypermediaHypercard: Application program from Apple Inc. before WWW! combined database capabilities with a graphical, flexible, user-modifiable approach. Included HyperTalk, a programming language to manipulate data and user interface. Concept similar to stacks of index cards; metaphor: rolodex Before PowerPoint, used as general presentation tool Also, used in games, educational teaching aids, off-line wiki (Britannica CD and Encarta CD version)
Figure 6: Client screen for searching
Figure 5: Current container is Hypermedia Data Models
Figure 4: Current container is Multimedia, Hypertext and Hypermedia
Contained Hypermedia
4 universal hypermedia
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
information retrieval and maintenance; connectivity; computer aided instruction; communication; computer supported collaborative work; navigation problems; database integrity; user modes; and problems in multilingual environments
topics include
Hyper-G: A Universal Hypermedia System.
indylab1.fission.app indylab1.fission.app
I'm going to give you an overview of what came before the demo in fact I think of it as the real demo it was what Doug himself 00:00:21 called the public debut of a dream and you would think oh well that's got to be the demo that was public but no it was a 1962 research report as is often the case with what Doug leaves us we think 00:00:35 we understand public debut of a dream dream demo no it's this 1962 report and he wrote those words the public debut of a dream and a letter to one of his 00:00:47 intellectual heroes than Eva Bush what he meant was the dream was a conceptual framework completed as a project report for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Scrintal: A beautifully designed visual note taking and mind mapping app for visual learners
blog.scrintal.com blog.scrintal.com
You could already create boards in Scrintal. Now you can share them publicly! Anyone with the link (without needing a Scrintal account) will be able to interact with the boards as a viewer – open cards, resize them, go to focus mode, watch the videos, etc.
www.wsj.com www.wsj.com
How AI and Humans Can Best Collaborate at Work Who decides who does what? And how can humans learn to trust AI? Research offers some answers.
dl.acm.org dl.acm.org
On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? 🦜
spectrum.ieee.org spectrum.ieee.org
Timnit Gebru Is Building a Slow AI Movement Her new organization, DAIR, aims to show a more thoughtful mode of AI research
paul.kinlan.me paul.kinlan.me
don't connect our apps together to build richer experiences.
connect apps
for richer experiences =
The Share API solves one use case for interconnecting sites and apps
4 share api
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to launch a custom Android application using Ionic Web Intents
4 web intents
www.improvingcommunications.com www.improvingcommunications.com
Choosing the Right Word
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
idea revolves around creating a collection of verbs (calls to action). I want to do a workshop, explaining the Web Intents concept and then ask the following questions:How do we define 'the right words'?How do you sort services into collections under a word?How do you come up with calls to action that work with the broadest audience?
how do we define 'the right words'?
Chrome and Mozilla are working on a new concept called Web Intents/Actions. It extends the hyperlink idea, allowing sites to share features and functionality.
allowing sites to share features and functionality =
www.omgchrome.com www.omgchrome.com
WebActivities, although in my opinion their approach isn’t as good as Chrome’s implementation.
Find image — select a photo from Google Drive Edit image — pass it to Pixlr Share image — send it to twitter
- select photo
- edit
- share
The current state of web app integration means it takes far too many steps and clicks just to edit and share a photo online. You would have to download the image, upload it to the image editor, download the new version and upload it again to share it. With web intents, the flow would be far smoother:
many steps and clicks
‘Web Intents’ is a powerful new W3 standard, seamlessly bridging the gaps between web apps. Apps can tell Chrome of their capabilities, much like a real app on your computer. No longer does a web app programmer need to develop and include all necessary functionality — they can simply tell their app how to connect to other apps.
tell their app how to connect to other apps
wiki.mozilla.org wiki.mozilla.org
Handling activities will be done trough System Message Handler. An ActivityRequestHandler will be passed in the Message.
APP A wants to delegate an activity to APP B.
delegate activity
Web Activities is a counter-proposal to Web Intents.
counter proposal
www.morebooks.de www.morebooks.de
Web Intents is an upcoming framework for web-based inter-application communication and service discovery.Web Intents consists of a discovery mechanism and a very light-weight RPC system between web applications, modeled after the Intents system in Android. In the context of the framework an Intent equals an action to be performed by a provider. Web Intents allow two web applications to communicate with each other, without either of them having to actually know what the other one is.There are some Web Intents Proxy pages that make available some real services that don't yet support intents.
0 Web Intents
www.smartjava.org www.smartjava.org
Deep dive into chrome web intents
cryptodaily.co.uk cryptodaily.co.uk
Web3 will allow people to interact using open, permissionless, and trustless networks without the need for any intermediaries or third parties.
Web 3 is much broader
twitter.com twitter.com
A thread on knowledge weaving