131 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. We do not publish small-scale evaluations of specific software/systems in specialist domains or particular courses in individual institutions (unless the findings have broader relevance that is explicitly drawn out in the paper).

      To be considered

    1. In order for a paper to fall within the scope of ACM TOCE, it must clearly address some aspect of  the teaching and learning of computing. Simply using computing students to study a general educational phenomenon is generally not enough. 

      To take into account

    1. 7. Submit final paper to Paper Submission and Review Site and Pay the Paper Production Fee to Paper Submission and Review Site

      paper fee

  2. May 2020
    1. Commenting
    2. AnnotationServer
    3. If selected, web annotation client will support text annotation in HTML documents.
    4. WebAnnotationClient
    5. This feature groups how annotations are read out of context but are not part of a third-party service on the web.
    6. annotation server
    7. DOI
    8. Codebook
    9. representations
    10. An annotation server is a web server that makes available (stores)
    11. Assessing
    12. Classifying
    13. Source
    14. TXT
    15. AnnotationPurpose
    16. AnnotationList

      This feature takes annotations from annotation server, so depending on the annotation server, the list must be displayed in different ways.

    17. Web Browser extension
    18. Format
    19. URL
    20. UserFilter
    21. Target
    22. URN
    23. This is a mandatory feature that lets users to right-click on an annotation and delete it. It is possible to delete annotations only if the user is the creator of the annotation.
    24. Hierarchy
    25. This feature allows users to modify a created annotation
    26. Selector
    27. If selected, web annotation client will support text annotation in PDF documents.
    28. AnnotationOperation
    29. This is a mandatory feature that allows users to create annotations.
    30. AnnotationPurpose
    31. third-party service
    32. visualization
    33. This feature groups all the read operations that can be done for annotations.
    34. Replying
    35. consume the codebook from
    36. visualizations
    37. visualization
    38. Shows the codebook in the sidebar as buttons in different colors.
    39. visualization
    40. This feature groups mechanisms for visualization of web annotations in a third-party service on the web. Here, it provides no rendering but resort to API-calls to export annotations to third-parties. This requires the existance of a mapping from W3C JSON-LD format (WACline export format) to some API parameter structure.
    41. This feature groups how annotations are read in context or when the user is placed over the target document.
  3. Apr 2020
    1. Table 4. Corrective maintenance for WACline: 60 main bugs were detected in a three-year period.

      Esta tabla se mantiene?

    2. How could A be considered


    3. For these incomplete developments, “feature toggles” can be used(author?)[53].

      However they also introduce technical debt and additional maintenance for developers.

    4. . The Hypothes.is initiative is promoting Web Annotation as a means for making peer reviewa truly collaborative experience (...).
    5. Hypothes.is comments created through Mark&Go are rendered in Moodle evaluation page.

      La Figura 9 en la sección 6 ilustra esto


      De las configuraciones que permite el feature model definido, lo calcula PV

    7. Fig. ... depicts the configuration model forHighlight&Go

      Realmente merece la pena poner la configuración aquí?

    8. . Highlight&Go uses Hypothes.is

      Can be used Hypothes.is or Neo4J

    9. B): cells kept Hypothes.is annotation URLs. Click on the cell tomove stright to the highlighted paragraph that sustain the code

      Esta feature tiene una figura en la sección 6 si no me equivoco



    1. selectors
    2. scopes
    3. Rendering

      Rendering vs retrieval, son 2 dimensiones:

      • Retrieval es de donde provienen las anotaciones: intra-document, inter-document
      • Rendering es cómo se visualizan las anotaciones: canvas, spreadsheet, report, mindmap
    4. Unsituatedrendering (i.e. annotations are detachedfrom targets),Situatedrendering (i.e. annotations are inlayed as part as the target rendering), and,Outsourcedrendering (i.e. annotation rendering is deletegated to a third-party tool).

      Se pueden llamar intraDocument a interDocument, en lugar de inSource y outSource

      Habría que cambiar el annotation list de intra a inter

    5. forChrome

      Browser storage. Porque las extensiones no son solo para chrome, es para los que soportan extensiones basadas en chromium. En todos los navegadores permite almacenar datos en el browser, de la misma manera

    6. Repository

      Repository es Annotation server en el estandar, de qué sirve poner la terminología en un mapa conceptual basandose en evidencias si luego no se usa

    7. Purpose

      Falta replying y "assessing" está dentro de commenting

    8. Qualifying

      Qualifying es parte de commenting? Yo creo que ahí no ayuda a comentar en ningún momento, de hecho por esa misma regla de 3, calificar también es dar un comentario con un texto en concreto.

    9. Commenting

      Falta el previous assignments en el commenting

    10. Look-up,

      Look-up no dice nada de lo que hace, no describe su funcionalidad. Lo más similar sería "lookup literature"

    11. WACline supports shallowCreate12and deepCreat

      Operation -> deepCreate ¿?

    12. Classification

      No le veo sentido a este nuevo metodo de classificación, en general

    13. . WACline provides three options for code ordering:Alphabetical,by creationDate,and ordered byNumber

      Ordering es parte de presentation, no de operation, Y operation ahora qué es?

    14. Rendering

      Read vale, rendering? En el w3c hablan de retrieval. O dejamos Read o ponemos retrieval

      Entiendo que esto iría en el feature model dentro de "Read"

    15. In addition, it also account forImportandExport

      Import/Export son operaciones también? En qué se diferencian de create y read? Que son bulk

    16. arget.WACline provides the following options for the description of the object to be annotated:URLandURNforSource;TXT, HTMLorPDFforFormat; andFragment or PageNoteforSelecto

      Creo que queda demasiado simplificado no queda claro qué es URL y URN sin ninguna explicación (además falta DOI). TXT, HTML o PDF? Se puede anotar, recoge qué tipo de objeto es anotable o qué?

      Lo de dividir en el selector en 2 features "page notes" y "fragment" lo veo bien

    17. byPaper

      no tendría sentido el bypaper: inter-intra ya lo resuelve

    18. As for query facilities, WACline support both intra-document scope and inter-document scope. For intra-document,selectors include .... For inter-document, selectors include

      Las features pueden clasificarse por intra-inter, podrían clasificarse por tecnología (situated, unsituated, outsource) o por tipo de resultado (hoja de calculo, canvas, informe textual)

    19. outsourced rendering, where annotation rendering is delegated to a third-party tool (see Fig. ....)

      Añadir figura Google Sheet


  4. Dec 2019
  5. Nov 2019
    1. Cuando el importe obtenido como consecuencia del reembolso o transmisión de participaciones o acciones en instituciones de inversión colectiva se destine, de acuerdo con el procedimiento que reglamentariamente se establezca, a la adquisición o suscripción de otras acciones o participaciones en instituciones de inversión colectiva, no procederá computar la ganancia o pérdida patrimonial, y las nuevas acciones o participaciones suscritas conservarán el valor y la fecha de adquisición de las acciones o participaciones transmitidas o reembolsadas, en los siguientes casos:
  6. Sep 2019
    1. it is anticipated that the quality of discussion will be improved through integrating more closely the context of learning directly into content design.

      Moderating purpose?

  7. Jun 2019
    1. We introduce Mark&Go, aWeb browser extension for Web Annotating students’ digital assign-ments, i.e. highlight, mark and comment are conducted throughcolour-coding highlighting where codes stand for Moodle rubrics


    2. ort dissatisfaction with the received feedback.Good feedback is reckoned to be timely (i.e. provided in time toimprove the next assignment), contextualised (i.e. framed w.r.t theassessment criteria) and personal (i.e. refe



    1. URIs are split on characters `#+/:=?.-` into their keywords.

      split chars used for uri.parts parameter

  8. Mar 2019
    1. a oa:TextPositionSelector

      example of prov-o and oa

    2. edescribe the design and implementation of this extended conversion process, which takesadvantage of ontologies adopted by the scientific community, namely W3C PROV-O [48],Web Annotation Data Model3, and Research Object ontology. These ontologies supportthe semantics of the traceability of thescript-to-workflowprocess.

      prov-o & oa

  9. Feb 2019
    1. Exploring the usage of the CASE software through various research and development funded initiatives, is an on‐going process with the results informing the development process of the system. Future directions in the context of CASE software design include: automatic “mind‐map” diagrams; user defined highlighting and layout preferences; user special‐interest groups; automated and peer‐reviewed scoring of annotations for display; automated abuse filtering; intelligent grouping of learners; and middleware applications to support improved integration with on‐line learning environments.
    1. A los inversores no acreditados la Ley limita su tope de inversión a un máximo de 3.000€ en un mismo proyecto de inversión y en una misma plataforma y siendo el límite anual global de 10.000€ sea en una plataforma o en varias, es decir,  se pueden invertir en tres proyectos diferentes de 1.000€ en una misma plataforma o en diez proyectos de 1.000 en una misma plataforma, también puede invertir durante el año 3.000 € en un mismo proyecto de inversión, más adelante otros 3.000€ en otro proyecto  y más adelante otros 3.000€ en otro proyecto y antes de que acabe el año aún podría invertir otros 1,000 € en otro proyecto hasta completar los 10.000 € anuales, lo que no se puede invertir es más de 3.000 euros en el mismo proyecto publicado por una misma plataforma, pero si se puede invertir en esa misma plataforma varías veces sin superar ese límite máximo de 3.000€ por proyecto y de 10.000€ anuales en el conjunto de proyectos y plataformas, tal y como he indicado más arriba en los ejemplos.

      Límite 10000€ crowdlending inversor no acreditado.

  10. Jan 2019
    1. The paper is limited to a maximum of 6 pages + 1 page for references and must adhere to ACM’s publication guidelines: Formatting requirements, MS Word template, and LaTeX template.

      7 pages then

  11. Nov 2018
    1. The Beatles

      The Beatles


      Grupo británico de música rock y pop, el más admirado y popular de la década de 1960 y uno de los más influyentes en la historia de la música moderna. Si el gran Elvis Presley dominó los años 50 como rey del rock and roll, correspondió a The Beatles, un grupo también rockero en sus raíces, ejercer la hegemonía en la década siguiente con una acertadísima y sofisticada amalgama de estilos que llevaría la música pop a todos los públicos y preludió géneros posteriores.

      Imagen del grupo


      En tanto que referencia de la juventud de los 60, de cuya rebeldía fueron manifestaciones fenómenos como el movimiento hippie o mayo del 68, y también en tanto que producto de consumo en una década de modas y prosperidad, hubiera podido esperarse que el fervor suscitado por aquel riquísimo vendaval musical se desvaneciese lentamente tras la disolución del grupo. Sin embargo, medio siglo después, las mejores canciones de The Beatles siguen sin parecer «antiguas»: conservan intacta su frescura y parecen haber ingresado en una especie de patrimonio atemporal, como si su música ya no perteneciese a una época, sino a todas las generaciones.


      Sus canciones más conocidas son:

  12. Oct 2018
  13. Sep 2018
    1. Variant Description ModelThis model type is used to describe the set of features of a single productin the product line. Taking the Input Models of a Configuration Space andmaking choices where there is variability in the Input Models creates thesemodels
    2. Family ModelThis model type is used to describe how the products in a product line willbe assembled or generated from pre-specified components. Each compo-nent in a Family Model represents one or more functional elements of theproducts in the product line, for example software (in the form of classes,objects, functions or variables) or documentation. Family models are de-scribed in more detail in Section 5.4, “Family Models”.
    3. Feature ModelThis model type is used to describe the products of a product line in termsof the features that are common to those products and the features that varybetween those products. Each feature in a Feature Model represents a prop-erty of a product that will be visible to the user of that product. These mod-els also specify relationships between features, for example, choices be-tween alternative features. Feature Models are described in more detail inSection 5.3, “Feature Models”.
    4. An important and difficult issue in the creation of feature models is deciding which problem space features torepresent.
    5. We'll first look at modelling the problem space - what is common to, and what differs between, thedifferent product variants. Then we'll consider one possible approach for realising product variants in the solutionspace using C++ as an example. Finally we'll look at how Application Engineering is performed by using theproblem and solution space models to create a product variant.
    6. In reality, this linear flow is rarely found in practice.Product Lines usually evolve continuously, even after the first product variants have been defined and deliveredto customers.
  14. www.dropbox.com www.dropbox.com
    1. products, or services can be exchanged.Besides enabling new business models, data science can be used to do thingsmore ecient of faster. Moreover, data science plays a pivotal role in CustomerRelationship M


  15. May 2018
    1. Background, Aims, Method, Results, and Conclusions

      Structured abstract

  16. Jan 2018
  17. Nov 2017
    1. however only one user can open and work with the project at any point in time.

      One user for each asset/resource at a time

  18. Sep 2017
    1. a reading group is a common activity amongresearch labs. The purpose of a reading group is to stay on topof newly published research in a specific field. In most formats,one student is selected to present a research paper to the restof the group. Most reading group formats meet weekly from30 minutes to an hour.
  19. Jul 2017
    1. References[edit] Jump up ^
    2. References

      Section: XML Specification and Origin

      Wikipage: http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/XML

      Position: After

      ItemType: Section

      Triggering: onClickingButton

      Rendering: EmbedNote

    3. References
    4. Mhkay
    5. References

      XML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language, or SGML (ISO8879-1986). XML's specification first emerged in 1996 through the efforts of the XML Special Interest Group and the SGML Editorial Review Board, chaired by John Bosak of Sun Microsystems. The group, also known as the XML Working Group, laid out the following set of guidelines or design goals for XML

    6. References

      extractSection("http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/XML", "XML Specification and Origin")

  20. May 2017
    1. Theoverallresearchques-tionsfollow:RQ1:Whattypesofresearchhavebeenreported,towhatex-tent,andhowiscoverageevolving?RQ2:Whichproduct-derivationapproachreceivedmostcover-age,andhowiscoverageevolving?RQ3:WhichkindofSPLassetreceivedmoreattention,andhowisattentionevolving?RQ4:Whichactivitiesoftheevolutionlife-cyclereceivedmostcoverage,andhowisthiscoverageevolving?


  21. Apr 2017