- Sep 2024
drive.google.com drive.google.com
brain data,” said Glenn Bruns
Who is Glenn and can he tell us more about brain data?
- Sep 2020
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
change our minds as scientists learn more
We don't have to agree politically, but as scholars we should examine the research and be willing to adjust when more is revealed.
Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris Social Psychologists
Social psychologists—on point for a lower division social science class to discuss!
kidspiritonline.com kidspiritonline.com
eye contact
Eye contact in the Zoom era is difficult because so many of us aren't on video. Even if webcams are on, we are often looking off at an angle...
www2.calstate.edu www2.calstate.edu
campus housing
Every campus seems to handle this differently. CSUMB, for example, has no students in dorms but does have people in its East Campus housing.
- Jun 2020
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
John F. Kennedy
Always poignant for me to see a JFK reference
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
prioritize technology, for example, as these are easier elements to hook onto
In my campus's summer professional development, prep for next term's "remote learning," many colleagues are seeing this limitation. Tech is the sparkly thing, easy to focus on. We say "pedagogy before technology," but many are really focused on what tech to use, how to preserve as much of last year's f2f as possible, etc. Most of which isn't helping plan for fall classes.
- Apr 2019
evidence of a racial transfer gap for historically underrepresented minority students
Is this "racial transfer gap" on top of the phenomenon of "transfer shock"?
- Feb 2019
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
“the true benefit of the academy is the interaction, the accessto the debate, to the negotiation of knowledge—not to the stale cataloging of content
Once this particular light goes on in one's head, it may be impossible to turn it off. Yet we still need the so-called "stale" cataloging of content. We need foundational knowledge. Perhaps the academy has just made its function (again) more visible under connectivism? And we are in a creative tension of sorts with knowledge cataloging as an end in itself?
The kind of participatory connected learning experiences that we are advocating for arenot easily described
What are some ways we who seem to "grok" participatory connected learning (or think we do) can make this concept more accessible to colleagues who lament the failure of "sit-and-get" faculty development/PD, but don't know what to do next? I was reminded of this a few days ago in a "mixed" meeting of faculty, staff, and administrators. We all meant well, but could have done better in planning some upcoming sessions that (we hope) will become a Community of Practice. I think a way to describe participatory culture in a room full of people who don't already know Henry Jenkins and Mimi Ito would help.
have enough agency to find that support elsewhere
Why can't the university, with all its supposed resources, support PLN development among its faculty and staff?
So much of faculty development is one-size-fits-all andarranged according to preset schedules and locations - and by doing so, will consist-ently fail to meet the needs of those whose interests are marginal or different from themajority. Moreover, the understanding of“network”in the institutional sense fails toaccount for the individual level of the Personal Learning Network (PLN) where educa-tors can build connections and relationships that advance their ongoing learning out-side of institutional structures and boundaries
One-size-fits-all is the perennial challenge of PD (professional development, faculty development)—the demand that faculty as learners must conform to the instruction, rather than bringing their full selves. There have been days, weeks, and even semesters when I felt marginalized (even as campus entities insisted that I wasn’t). The only way through this was the PLN (“my” PLN) that welcomed my whole self into another type of PD.
- Nov 2018
logicmag.io logicmag.io
how does misrepresentative information make it to the top of the search result pile—and what is missing in the current culture of software design and programming that got us here?
Two core questions in one? As to "how" bad info bubbles to the top of our search results, we know that the algorithms are proprietary—but the humans who design them bring their biases. As to "what is missing," Safiya Noble suggests here and elsewhere that the engineers in Silicon Valley could use a good dose of the humanities and social sciences in their decision-making. Is she right?
- Sep 2018
mashable.com mashable.com
Snapchat's politically active Gen-Z and young millennial user base.
How are "Gen-Z" and "millennial" defined? Most people in casual conversation just mean "young people" but are not very clear about it. Pew Research thinks it should be about specific year groups.
politicians looking for issues to drum up with have made a whipping boy out of the social networks
Here, I think the author is just saying that Facebook and Twitter have taken a lot of heat from politicians about the 2016 election, Russian interference, etc. This year, the tech companies are showing that they are "good citizens" by having better security and helping young people register to vote.
blog.rescuetime.com blog.rescuetime.com
an illusion of superiority
build regular feedback loops
Once you realize that you have a bias, you can try one of the suggested methods to counteract it. In this case, to get a realistic view of our progress towards goals, the suggestion is to build feedback loops into our routine.
- Aug 2018
www.cybersociology.com www.cybersociology.com
when enough people bump into each other often enough in cyberspace
What is "often enough" to form a virtual community?
- Jul 2018
www.nea.org www.nea.org
How many things can you do at once? Short 4-min video on multitasking
Our hipper, more progressive (and perhaps younger) colleagues brag about their prowess
I don't think there is an upper or lower age limit to bragging about how well we can multitask.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
What happened in 1948 that changed the military?
- Aug 2016
berkeleyjournal.org berkeleyjournal.org
Gunnar Myrdal
True Confessions: I've never read Myrdal even though his work was of great influence. These days, I read people who cite him. For example, Roberts and Klibanoff start Chapter 1 of their great 2006 book, The Race Beat, immediately talking about Myrdal in depth. Sampler is here at Amazon:
When I need insight into Myrdal, I know where to go first, thanks to this book.
chronicle.com chronicle.com
the value of a residential, liberal-arts college lies in the continuous slate of opportunities that students receive to start and restart their lives over the course of their college years.
Is the liberal arts missing a chance to connect better with students by likening the college experience to video games?
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
The LMS reflects a content-driven concept of education that encourages learners to master what the university thinks they should know. Blogs, wikis and social media, on the other hand, are distributed across networks. These technologies encourage more self-driven, open-ended exploration—skills that Siemens says are increasingly important for humans to function in their careers and society.
The LMS is a great example because it's ubiquitous across higher ed. And no one actually likes using an LMS. (There are things it's good for, as Lisa M. Lane has explained, but it's a hindrance in so many other ways.)
- Jun 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
it was generated not by pre-existing factionalism but by specific public statements and responses made online
I question this one. Our institutional (hierarchical) roles mask our pre-existing factionalism. Smile, or else. Be glad you've got a job. I often say "I'm just a lecturer" though sometimes it's with irony. The medium (Twitter in this case) may have given a sense that it was all right to speak out.
It also allows for bodies marked by race, gender, class, queerness, disability, and intersections of these and other identity facets to publicly resist being made to stand in the gap.
Back to the old New Yorker cartoon, "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog." Now, not only do you know it, we insist that you know it, and deal with it. Even with that, there are still sub-spaces that have "porous boundaries" such as Black Twitter.
- Jan 2016
www.faculty.rsu.edu www.faculty.rsu.edu
a truly bad book
I'm arguing with some colleagues/friends about Sherry Turkle's book, Reclaiming Conversation. They pretty much don't like her take on social media, how we use our devices, etc.
Well, I keep a file but it's not just one file. I have a Facebook & Twitter & Google+ presence and even Diigo... Put them together for my file.
- Dec 2015
www.bloombergview.com www.bloombergview.com
I've found this to be OH, SO TRUE.
- Aug 2015
tressiemc.com tressiemc.com
"Digitally passive aggressive" is a wonderful and real term I plan to keep. I've done the muting of posts and hiding of relatives whose beliefs aren't quite aligned, ha ha, with mine. But now I have to reconsider. "To make a person seen and not heard..." I don't want to be on the receiving end of this. Rather, I see Facebook's algorithm as a force of the universe that keeps people from seeing all each other's posts. But I'm not sure it's my most authentic move to play along with this practice.
One temporal (as in time-related) note as it relates to "Black Twitter": This post was from Feb. 2013, after Trayvon Martin was killed but before George Zimmerman was acquitted in July 2013. Since #blacklivesmatter's ascendance this year, there is a main-stream media pseudo-awareness (external lens) on what they believe to be Black Twitter.