98 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2022
    1. In the immediate aftermath of the hijackings, the Caracas city council debated the merits of residents’ tactics.

      In what ways is this a common part of the ritual of political protest - the debate over the "appropriateness" of the tactics?

    2. To sustain the protest over time, neighbors relied on an intricate system of task sharing drawn from the 23 de Enero’s multiple orga-nizing traditions.

      really collective organizing

    3. alter public order.’

      not revolutionary, demanding instead that the system work as it promises.

    4. They proposed instead to take the piled-up trash and burn it on the streets, but Earles recalls saying, “we’ve tried that crap forever and it’s always the same, we’re the ones who end up picking up the trash, people from the community ended up picking up our mess.” Others proposed another familiar tactic, like climbing up the rooftops to throw rocks and yell chants

      Tactics that had failed to work

    5. he neighborhood was not peripheral. Its residents were deeply implicated in a national imaginary that upheld their spatial and symbolic centrality, turning local issues into national issues through spectacular displays of constituent power. The case of the 23 de Enero and its 1981 – 82 hijackings suggests that physical and political exclusion need not inform insurgent forms of citizenship. Instead, the process may also apply to the resignification of urban space during times of structural transition

      "spectacular displays of constituent power"

    6. Daniel James’s account of October 17 and 18, 1945, in Buenos Aires revealed how an “implicit contest over . . . spatial hierarchy and territorial proprieties” turned the spectacle of thousands of workers from peripheral areas crowding the city center in support of Juan Perón into a form of constituent power that would eventually translate victory at the polls into a mandate for radical reform.1

      Mass mobilization pushing electoral movement - also connects with the logic behind the poor people's campaign, occupy the mall while lobbying for legislation, be visible, be massive, directly represent the people.

    7. Residents combined long-standing support for representative democracy with tactics forged in the fray of contentious protest to pursue basic principles of liberal citizenship: participation, accountabilit y, and the power of elections to shape new horizons and opportunities

      Protest and disobedience as democratic practice

    8. sprawling public housing proj-ect, Venezuela’s larges
    9. d in 1958 on Januar y 23 — the neighborhood’s namesake — residents from Monte Piedad took to the streets to lend popular legitimacy to the coup that inaug urated a decades-long period of liberal democratic ru
    1. It bears some further thinking, how spaces get appropriated for purposes which are not intended

      A key question: how spaces get appropriated for purposes which are not intended?

    2. Our approach was classic modernist city planning. Because the site was long and narrow, we organized the residential areas into clusters like neighborhoods and communal services along a spine so that they were accessible to a

      So modernist city planning not inherently exclusionary by form?

    3. So, this was seen as a way of diffusing tension by saying ' Come in an organized way into the very center of power? TL Right. Well also some symbolism because King had given his speech at the Lincoln Memorial. But I think it was like, partly it was isolated a bit, very few people actually go to that side of the Mall.

      Ambiguous compromises

  2. Mar 2022
    1. very person killed,

      Every US soldier

    2. Mikhail Bakhtin’s

      20th century Russian philosopher and literary critic - famous for theorizing about carnival, monstrosity, making strange/ostronemi, and more in literary arts particularly.

    3. carnival refers to celebrations of great abandon, social inversion, public excess, sen-suality, and the temporary establishment of an alternate society, one free of or even in opposition to the norm

      A heterotopia in Foucault's language - outside of normal time/space

    1. A resistant community with a vision for the future outlasted the officials who had planned disruptive urban renewal, leaving their homes and blocks intact

      Until maybe today.. :/

    2. rais-ing juxtapositions all the more interesting for their comparison of highly planned modern-ist new towns with the unplanned settlements on their margins.


    3. focus on authenticity that participants discerned in the vernacu-lar culture of economically impoverished African American communitie

      Interesting - much to unpack in terms of authenticity and vernacular

    4. The Black Arts Movement is radically opposed to any concept of the artist that alienates him from his community,

      Think of Theaster Gate's practice which as he says brings his whole family his whole self along into museums and art in his immediate neighborhood

    5. Bond moved frequently, as his father, J. Max Bond Sr., manned academic posts at Dillard University and Tuskegee Institute, an educational post for the U.S. government in Haiti, and the presidency of the University of Liberi

      father was cosmopolitan intellectual and or colonial managerial class a la Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities?

    6. in 1965, his objective was “to turn the consumers of architectural goods—the poor—into clients.” arch staff would “de-velop their ideas into physical plans and concrete proposals for social action.” Ar

      The consumers would be clients and their ideas matter more than government funding priorities. --This idea of the poor as clients is revived by Cameron Sinclair of Architecture for Humanity in the 2000s

    7. e War on Poverty fueled experiments in participatory democracy and new campaigns for local autonomy not only by residents of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds but also by outsiders such as Hatch, who sought to organize communities that had suffered without self-determination.

      Quite different from the outcomes of the "War on Drugs" and "War on Terror"

    1. if black placemak-ing is as fun, as witty, as soulful, as smart, as biting, and as rejuvenating asthe Chicago examples we have featured here, imagine what it – whatwe–could be in a more just and equitable city and world.


    2. While television and print media focus inces-santly on street violence in Chicago’s black neighborhoods as supposedevidence of the disintegration of community bonds and the devaluationof human life, the wholesale evisceration of the apartments, streets, play-grounds, corners, hallways, and community centers where thousands ofblack families once lived is state-perpetrated violence dressed in the lan-guage of social welfare policy.

      The portrayal of interpersonal violence versus structural violence.

    3. mphasize an intersectional perspective (Collins,1990; Crenshaw, 1991) that captures the attitudes and actions of awide range of black Chicagoans – men and women, old and young,gay and not gay, poor and not poor, digitally connected and in the‘real world’.

      Thoughtful and intersectional sampling!

    4. urban commons (

      Think how urban commons then gets take up by Moten & Harvey in the undercommons

    5. placemaking is the simple idea thatpeople ‘transform the places in which we find ourselves into places in4Theory, Culture & Society 0(0) by guest on March 28, 2016tcs.sagepub.comDownloaded from

      Placemaking Definition

    6. they are also subjects that fashion places by inscribingthem with their own interpretations, meanings, and cultural significance.This enterprise, which is not the dominant narrative in the social scienceresearch on black communities, is what we call black placemaking

      Black placemaking definition

    7. Black placemaking refers to the ability of residents to shift otherwiseoppressive geographies of a city to provide sites of play, pleasure, cele-bration, and politics.

      Black placemaking definition

    8. social science scholarship on black urbancommunities (not to mention mass media portrayals) so rarely capturesthe life that happens within them, and thus the matter of black people’shumanity

      The hegemonic narrative that erases or frames as abject

    9. A spot in the universe’, writes sociologist Thomas Gieryn, ‘becomesa place only when it ensconces history or utopia, danger or security,identity or memory

      A location is not automatically a place. Places a related to history/utopia, danger/security, identity/memory

    10. his article puts forth a notion of black placemaking thatprivileges the creative, celebratory, playful, pleasurable, and poeticexperiences of being black and being around other black people in thecity.

      This is counter-narrative.

    1. Such spatial forms were explicitly contrasted with the thatched huts and crowded yards of the poor black peasantry and the squalid living conditions of the urban black population.

      Architecture as signal of literal/social position

    2. A Government that sows the wind must expect to reap the whirlwind.”27

      "A Government that sows the wind must expect to reap the whirlwind"

  3. Feb 2022
    1. oten and Harney call the‘undercommons’(Moten & Harney,2004),that is, the practice of using our institutional positions to open up spacesfor contestation and horizontal solidarity across and beyond the academy.

      From last week's reading

    1. Isthe garret a continuous assertion of black politics, conceptually and expe-rientially reframed as the margin?

      The garret - different from the margin - central but unthought of, a loophole, a supplement in section. Historically a place for holding crops...

    2. “a publicgenealogy of resistance”: histories, names and places of blackpain, language, and opposition, which are “spoken with the whole body”and present to the world, to our geography, other rhythms, other times,other spaces.35

      Examples of resistance.

    3. The poetics of landscape allow blackwomen to critique the boundaries of transatlantic slavery, rewrite nationalnarratives, respatialize feminism, and develop new pathways across tradi-tional geographic arrangements; they also offer several reconceptualiza-tions of space and place, positioning black women as geographic subjectswho provide spatial clues as to how more humanly workable geographiesmight be imagined.

      Alt diagram sentence

    4. Theclaim to place should not be naturally followed by material ownership andblack repossession but rather by a grammar of liberation, through whichethicalhuman-geographies can be recognized and expresse

      Imagining what this looks like is urgent - more than inclusion in colonial property systems.

    5. aming place is also an act of naming the selfand self-histories

      the power of a name

    6. Wynter’s termi-nology, “Man’s” g

      Sylvia Wynter's philosophy includes extended analysis and critique of the concept of "man" and the proposal of a differentiated term for humans outside of "Man"

    7. “our landscape is our only monument: its meaningcan only be traced on the underside


    8. saying, theorizing, feeling, knowing, writing, and imag-ining space and place


    9. the ideaof “belonging” in and to place—whether it be a particular nation, aspecific community, real/imagined Africa, homelands—is incomplete, prem-ised on a struggle toward some kind of sociospatial liberation

      A thorny topic for discussion - where do people belong after this violent upheaval. Return is not liberation (and not unproblematic based on historical examples in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Ghana)

    10. I amnot suggesting that the violence of transatlantic slavery is an ongoing,unchanging, unopposed practice, but rather that it is a legacy that carrieswith it—for black and nonblack peoples—“living effects, seething andlingering, of what seemsover and done with.”16

      Legacy - a useful way of understanding the ongoing impact of a dis-activated practice

    11. four interrelated processes that identify the socialproduction of space: the naturalization of identity and place, discussedabove; the ways in which geographic enslavement is developed throughthe constructs of black womanhood and femininity; the spatial practicesblack women employ across and beyond domination; and the ways inwhich geography, although seemingly static, is an alterable terrain.
      1. The naturalization of identity and place
      2. the ways in which geographic enslavement is developed through the constructs of black womanhood and femininity
      3. the spatial practices black women employ across and beyond domination
      4. the ways in which geography, although seemingly static, is an alterable terrain.
    12. it is not a natural system, but rather a working system that managesthe social world

      something maintained and re-produced

    13. production of space

      implied Lefebvre reference?

    14. material and metaphoricalspace

      I hope this part of what we're doing in this course considering sites that have material, architectural features and sites that are ephemeral or conceptual.

    15. space “just is


    16. eography as space, place, andlocation in their physical materiality and imaginative configuration

      a definition

    17. I explore the inter-play between geographies of domination (such as transatlantic slavery andracial-sexual displacement) and black women’s geographies (such as theirknowledges, negotiations, and experiences).

      Juxtaposition of geographies of domination and black women's geographies

    18. existing carto-graphic rules unjustly organize human hierarchies in placeand reify unevengeographies in familiar, seemingly natural ways

      naturalizes particular (and hierarchically privilege) forms of organization

    19. she reminds me that the earth is alsoskin and that a young girl can legitimately take possession of a street, oran entire city, albeit on different terms than we may be familiar with

      McKittrick reminds me to wonder what is geography? (Going to present at American Assc of Geographers this weekend): per Merriam Webster:

      Definition of geography

      1 : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface 2 : the geographic features of an area 3 : a treatise on geography 4a : a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements : configuration the philosophers … have tried to construct geographies of human reason — Times Literary Supplement b : makeup sense 1 her emotional geography

    1. extensive wooded patches and waterways

      Sim to praise houses and hush harbors

    2. Santana’s public obsession with rooting out Candomblé has proven to be a trea-sure trove for researchers

      Oppressive tactics resulting in archival records of semi-hidden practices - wayward practices

    1. hen the French appeared, the Native Americans had already died off.

      Something to be questioned

    1. the observer notices a sense both of that which is to be seen, marked by sharp focus, and that which is to remain unseen, marked by shadow and haze

      The seen and the unseen

    2. Frantz Fanon, in Th e Wretched of the Earth

      Fanon, a Martinique born writer, trained in France, lived in Algiers and was part of revolutionary movement.

      The Wretched of the Earth (French: Les Damnés de la Terre) is a 1961 book by the psychiatrist Frantz Fanon, in which the author provides a psychological and psychiatric analysis of the dehumanizing effects of colonization upon the individual and the nation, and discusses the broader social, cultural, and political implications of establishing a social movement for the decolonization of a person and of a people. The French-language title derives from the opening lyrics of "The Internationale".

    3. Without ownership there is no slavery, and so in that moment, the believer briefl y enjoys freedom

      I wonder about this framing that seems to put the freedom of ecstatic worship in opposition to daily life when people were held captive. Does seem to underline ritual as practicing freedom, doesn't seem to clearly believe that in everyday people also resisted the system that called them commodities? Is this perspective coming out of the historical accounts?

    4. Quicksand, Nella Larsen describes the experience of Helga Crane

      This narrator is not comfortable in the praise house.. why? Wiki:(1927) Nella Larsen introduces the educated mixed-race protagonist, Helga Crane who struggles to find her identity in a world of racialized crisis in the 1920s. The novel begins with Helga teaching at a southern black school in Naxos which is meant to be a fictional mirroring of the Tuskegee Institute. Helga is the Daughter of a Danish mother who died when she was an adolescent and a West Indian father who is absent. Her early years were spent with her Danish mother and White step-father who loathed her and there began her torn relationship with her split identity. The novel gives us a glimpse into the dichotomy of being mixed raced and the divergence into two vastly different worlds as the protagonist travels through uniquely different cultural spaces from the 1920s Jazz Age Harlem to Copenhagen, Denmark

    5. In dancing the ring shout, with its slow, sedimented steps inscribed around an ever-revolving circle, slaves marked off an autonomous sphere of spiritual practice

      The performance inscribes a form of space and vibrates the building

    6. It was a small one-roomed cabin that looked weirdly alive as you approached it through the darkness.


    7. estles beneath a great oak half-hidden by a screen of cassina bushes such as only time can ere

      the landscape architecture?

    8. Th e back rail they found to seriously impede this exercise

      from spiritual practice to furniture design

    9. By overlooking these structures, most whites completely missed the spiritual practices that took place inside

      Being unremarkable as a form of protection/avoiding interest

    10. construction of the buildings in spiritually specifi c spaces—connected both to cemeteries and the spirits generally resident in outlying areas—al-lowed slaves to establish praise houses as loci of power and communication between this world and the next

      Site: proximity to liminal places between spirit and human world; hidden from view - free to not be seen/surveyed

    11. Harriet Jacobs

      She will make another appearance in the McKittrick reading in a couple of weeks.

    12. impasi

      A Kongo association of secret societies that performed ceremonies to resolve issues between spirits and community.

    13. While whites laid their primary religious loyalties with the church, slaves experienced religion in the praise house

      Does this contrast between a "church" and a "praise house" have architectural outcomes?

    14. Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ,

      A way of holding the contradiction between scripture and behavior

  4. Jan 2022
    1. Christophe built Sans Souci, the palace, a few yards away from-if not exactly-where he killed Sans Souci, the man. Co-incidence and inadvertence seem quite improbable. More likely, the king was engaged in a transformative ritual to absorb his old enemy.39

      Common European assumptions of irrationality of racialized people silences causality

    1. here is how we look,untethered to the gaze or the white spectator, not pleading before the court,not trying to convince the world of anything

      the external objectifying gaze is not total

    2. Quashie’s reading ofWayward Livesfocuses on the interface of history andliterature, analysis and speculation, theory and poetry. The anecdotes and frag-ments are assembled as a part of the larger narrative“suspend[ed] between thereal and the literary.”Quashie poses a series of questions about the formalconstituents of a wayward poetics, and the role of intimacy and affect in creat-ing and transforming one’s critical position? How is it, he wonders, that I amable to look at the girl at the center of“A Minor Figure”and dare reproduce thiscompelled image? Isn’t the mere appearance of this photograph at odds withthe injunction that opensScenes of Subjectionregarding the reproduction andcirculation of scenes of the violated body and the dangers entailed—reinforc-ing the spectacular character of Black suffering.9There I ask,“What does theexposure of the violated body yield? Proof of Black sentience or the inhumanityof the peculiar institution’”? Implicit is the question: for whom does one ex-pose the body and as explicit is its rejection of a politics of recognition. There isthe clear refusal to offer Black suffering as the raw material of white pedagogy.

      Note this exchange of a reader's questions about her text and her response with further questions - some rhetorical, some perhaps not?

    3. master’stools

      reference to : Audre Lorde's The Master's Tools will never dismantle the master's house PDF

    4. anecdote and fragment, and narrative strategies (of the sub-junctive, fabulation and“romance,”) as a way of refusing the enclosure of disci-plinarity and the hierarchy of high theory and everyday life

      refusing to cohere - embracing the partial, fragmented, displaced....

    5. Narrative is radical, creating us at the very moment it is being created.

      Radical - at or of roots. Narrative then is the origin of us, we are our stories?

    6. If history is a chronicle of changeover time, then how does one tell a historical story for those who endure thelongue duréeof dispossession and the seemingly interminable and unalleviatedcondition of fungibility?

      Indeed what is history? Is it this "a chronicle of change over time"?

    7. . The matters of time and his-tory are especially vexed for those whose existence challenges the prevailingperiodization,

      Yes - who is "not supposed to be there" at given points in dominant historical narratives.

    8. formal means of inhabitingthe space of the tenement with those captured in the frame.

      An act here of critical fabulation in the narrating or translation of visual into verbal but in (imagined) conversation with the people present and absent at the time the image was created.

    9. iconic visual stills of urban poorwomen and Black interior spaces, venturing beyond reformers and intellectu-als’one-dimensional frames and captions.”

      For example Jacob Riis' photography of the tenements of New York which sensationalized poverty

    10. The point is that everydaypractice troubled stark distinctions between secular and sacred beliefs and obli-gations

      thinking about how few if any institutions are monolothic or just one thing.

    11. A fugitive text, awayward method, a Black feminist poetics is not a plea for recognition, but a planfor abolition

      Fugitive, wayward, Black feminist... plans or techniques for abolition of what? "Imperialist, white-supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy" in the words of bell hooks?

    12. respectable ladies

      Respectability politics in the late 20th century/early 21st was racial uplift and the talented tenth in the late 19th/early 20th. Essentially, Black people being expected to be perfect to "earn" inclusion as full citizens and people.

    13. thismoreis a legitimate subject of history and scholarly writing.

      The legitimation of the "excess" is critical and contested

    14. Venus in Two Acts

      A very famous article that Hartman wrote early in her career: Hartman, Saidiya. “Venus in Two Acts.” Small Axe, no. 26 (2008): 1–14.

    15. If Mattie or Estherdidsay the things that were re-ported, how would they have expressed it and what would they have meant byit? How could I convey the force and intensity or the edge of withholding

      Reading against the grain, between the lines

    16. creatively disorderthe institutionalfic-tions and the violent abstractions authorized as fact and truth.

      the institutional archive is also fictional but not loving letters, rather violent abstractions

    17. It also was an attempt to collapse the subject-object divide, topple the hierarchy of reason, and enact other ways of knowingand doing. I strived for the language ofjust us, the brilliance of the circle.

      She describes an intimate conversation between her and the subjects. In fabulation/imagined dialogue she comes to know about their lives.

    18. f scholars and writers sitting at their desk,scrawling copious notes, endlessly revising drafts, and rifling through docu-ments might be described as a studio practice,

      Especially as an architecture scholar I recognize and love the writing as studio practice concept here

    1. monoculture

      singularity of plants and of points of view...

    2. Hispaniola

      Now Haiti and Dominican Republic (Quisqueya in the indigenous Taino)

    3. masters begrudged a certain amount of uncontrolled move-ment among their workers. In the Caribbean, masters resorted to a p~o~sion oflocal laws and international treaties to keep this mobility within the narrowest of possible limits

      The idea of restricting mobility and the freedom to move (and stay) is very interesting here as part of unfreedom

    4. The steady rise in sugar prices on the world market after about 1740 favored the expansion of plantation mono-culture into areas where cattle and pigs had grazed

      Sweetness and Power, Mintz is a classic book on the economics of the sugar industry and colonization

    5. West Indies

      "The West Indies are a subregion of North America, surrounded by the North Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea that includes 13 independent island countries and 18 dependencies and other territories in three major archipelagos: the Greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles, and the Lucayan Archipelago.[4]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Indies

    6. w


    1. questions and notes will be uploaded to the course website

      Email day before or morning of.

    2. speak and write about the built environment, architecture, and spatial practices of the Black diaspora in the Americas.

      Part of this includes practicing with care and respect how to talk about violent and traumatic experiences. Accept that one's words can have negative impacts regardless of one's intentions. We will cultivate a culture of assuming the best intentions but also addressing harm as it arises. In writing about slavery in particular there are thoughtful resources available including: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A4TEdDgYslX-hlKezLodMIM71My3KTN0zxRv0IQTOQs/mobilebasic