- Apr 2023
blog.readwise.io blog.readwise.io
ny action in Reader enabling you to move quickly without fear of making mistakes. This undo ha
- Dec 2022
thequibbler.zhubai.love thequibbler.zhubai.love
这个市场/地区对于crypto 的接受程度,比如直接看coinmarketcap 的高流量国家
- Oct 2022
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
在 Solana 公链方面,用户在 CyberConnect 上的所有连接会自动在 Solana 生态系统中的不同DApps中共享
相当于一个数据联盟?通过合约实现,其实有点像 web2 网盟的隐私政策了
懂了,其实是把用户数据摊开到一张公共的表里,将web2 三维的数据孤岛摊平成一张 graph 图表
CyberConnect 的解决办法是使用编解码器强制执行数据签名。为了查询某个用户的社交图谱,CyberConnect 首先通过用户的区块链地址查询该用户的钥匙链,并通过钥匙链的公钥来查询用户表(user table)。
没看懂,所以是 调取用户 public address,然后用 public address -> key_id?
社交网络数据层 layer
- Aug 2022
0xminerva.substack.com 0xminerva.substack.com
The back running trades are made on-chain and emit an event ‘SushiGuard’, meaning users can track how much the router has made from them, which would also enable Sushi to do account-specific reimbursements.
enable to do account-specific reimbursement which is really significant for their business model imo
Maximal (formerly “Miner”) Extractable Value (MEV) is the value that can be extracted by changing the order of transactions within a block. In PoW chains, this power lies with miners — In PoS chains (soon to be ETH) with validators. These miners and validators have autonomy in deciding which transactions from the mempool—an off-chain space where pending transactions await confirmation - they’ll include in the blocks they mine.
MEV introduction
blog.dodoex.io blog.dodoex.io
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
Layer 2 没有区块的概念其实,也没有节点,也不需要共识机制,所以在 Layer2 方案的区块浏览器上,其实看不到区块的。现在去看 Arbitrum 的浏览器,还有一个 Bk,Block,仔细看看每个区块其实就是每个交易,具体请看截图。Layer 2 的运营者只负责把交易排个顺序然后拿去处理。而区块链的关键之处就在于对交易的排序工作。
- Jul 2022
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
随着深度造假技术的进步,通过人工和算法的直接检视,将越来越难以对真实性进行检测。虽然区块链包罗万象,使我们能追踪特定作品的制作时间,但 SBT 将使我们能追踪其社会源头,为我们提供发布该作品的灵魂背后的丰富社会背景,他们的成员身份、归属关系、资历证明之林林总总,以及他们与事件主体的社会距离。 “深度赝品”很容易被识别,如果该制品的生产时间和社会背景对不上的话;⽽知名摄影师的验证则可确认可信制品(如照片)。尽管目前的技术可以移除文化产品(如图片)的背景,使它们易受肆意妄为的病毒攻击而被剥夺社会背景,但 SBT 可对此类物品进行背景重建,使灵魂能够利用社区中已存信任关系,对声誉提供有益的保护网。
wtf, 那相当于还是中心化的token
blog.logseq.com blog.logseq.com
This plugin is a must-have if you've used Notion in the past and liked its page banners. With it, you can add any image as a top banner to any page:
Searching your notes is getting easier each week because of Logseq's plugins. The newest addition is this graph analysis tool, which lets you "learn more about the relationships between your notes using network analysis algorithms."
- Apr 2022
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
insightful, 解决问题的人
what is 单边主义
onchainwizard.substack.com onchainwizard.substack.com
Because if you are following a longer term (3 months+) investor, if you have no conviction in the project that you followed them into it, you will be much more likely to bail when your investment falls 30%+, and likely sell the bottom.
什么周期的play 更重要,你知道了🐳的行为,但没有🐳的thesis,你需要自己dig into it
onchainwizard.substack.com onchainwizard.substack.com
Another key skill, is on position maintenance. Let's say you bought a position that you think will have success because the tokenomics + unlocks are not aggressive on dumping, and you think they are building a business with a future moat. What I like to do is take ~30mins to an hour and build out a "Key Holders List" of what wallets (1) bought early (2) look to be seed investors or (3) appear to be team wallets. And then aggregate what their activity has been like each week or month. I'm more of a longer time frame trader (months or more), so I look for long, sustained moves in my key holder analysis.
build thesis之后,建立早期investor list => 保持关注这些人的链上活动 => 总结来verify你的thesis => 决定exit liq时机
A good rule of thumb is to take at least your principal out of a trade after it has a meteoric rise, rather than waiting for another 2x (being greedy).
never feel sorry with tp
Take a look at the market caps of SHIB, DOGE, ADA, XRP and you will see its more powerful than even having a working product
lmao cult community
For most tokens and NFTs, you are usually being shilled to be somebody else's exit liquidity. And this is a function of incentives. If you watch early investor + team + insider wallets, it can help you get a sense of what is going on, and where the project builder's true incentives lie. On TIME, you could clearly see the team taking a multimillion dollar salary, and dumping it on the open market aggressively, yet it was still being shilled to the masses.
观察早期参与者 和 团队的链上行为,总是会为你的决策提供有用信息
Now did I get lucky? Of course, but all big winners like that come with some aspect of luck. If you find yourself in a situation where you are buying a clearly unsustainable token, you have to be asking yourself "am I so early this won't matter" and "what facts do I need to see to know to sell". These types of tokens are trades, and trades only, not something to "HODL".
always have a plan ab buying and selling
- Mar 2022
coke.do coke.do
书本的效率更高,书本不是唯一学习管道,YouTube 和有声书,或者是 blog,推文,都一样。最终是要看你如何从噪音中找到最高的信号(价值)。
wrongalot.substack.com wrongalot.substack.com
They had too many options.
Take an example of a “Layer 1” blockchain with smart contract functionality. It’s probably a genius idea that to get off the ground did not require that much capital in 2013 relative to today.
only similar people quarrel and the bitterest wars are over the slightest variations of purpose or belief
The great ideas - the monopolies are usually quiet about their advantage.
The pioneers are rarely gloriously window-dressed.
“pay-as-you-go method of conquest and trade”.
感觉像是 专门for征收税,获得收入的航海之旅
The struggle itself becomes the main attraction. This romanticized idea of the struggle is perhaps the origin of the myth that competition leads to innovation.
This propagates the value created from the vertical innovation throughout the economic engine.
www.leonlin21.com www.leonlin21.com
有规律地回顾 [[Daily note]] 里的临时笔记或文献笔记,梳理笔记和笔记(block 和 block)之间的关系和脉络,然后开始为它们建立永久笔记,也就是新建一个主题 Page,然后点开这页 Page,将你梳理好的内容写在 Page 里,语言需要精炼和精确,如果有必要的话保留笔记的语境和出处。
www.leonlin21.com www.leonlin21.com
你可以为你最常访问、或者确定有长期记录需求的内容建立一个目录,如下图所示。然后其实「目录」也是一个 Page,你可以在 Logseq 中搜索 Contents 以进入这个 Page,这样能更好地编辑它。如果是那些你觉得还没必要为它建立目录的内容,你不妨先在日志中随手记着,先不用担心它会被你遗忘,有的是办法能重新找到它。
如果这个任务是未来某天需要完成的,你可以通过/唤出 date picker 命令来添加时间,例如 10 月 31 号。
你可以把它当成是一个打开即写的 Inbox,不用等待网络加载,不用纠结这次的记录该放在哪个文件夹,不用担心诸如灵感、吐槽、或者心情记录会搅乱这个 inbox,也不会发生备忘会被真的遗忘的情况。
首先从 减少「写作开始前的顾虑」开始,通过日记的方式,除去脑中思考的 排版、分类、标签等和「写作」本身毫无关系的杂绪
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
- Feb 2022
www.paulgraham.com www.paulgraham.com
the more rewarding some kind of work is, the cheaper people will do it.
www.decentralizedcitadel.com www.decentralizedcitadel.com
NFT市場紅紅火火,BAYC突破70 ETH大關,NeoTokyo, Deadfellaz等後起之秀也急起直追,地板越來越高。然而缺乏金融基建的NFT市場不僅流動性偏低,地板(意指系列中最便宜的)價偏高令小户不得其門而入,同時資本效率低也令投資者無法像Defi投資般利用NFT加槓桿。
theknower.substack.com theknower.substack.com
detection means certain death at the hands of advanced predators.
Watch your back - we’re about to enter the dark forest.
I’m talking about the searchers. The ones who go out of their way to spend 24 hours a day trying to save out on milliseconds of time just so they can send a transaction in before some neckbeard incel who’s worth 9 figures of ETH and hasn’t left his home in 2 years. The searchers who can do things with blockchains that most of us will never understand. The ones coming up with philly cheesesteak sandwich attacks and liquidating undercollateralized loans the moment they see the opportunity.
send transaction before traders
The ones whose time frames can’t be viewed on the one minute chart, time frames so small they’re only visible through code or other forms of sorcery. I think we all know who I’m referring to here.
1min K线上没法看到这些博弈行为
www.thevisiontherapycenter.com www.thevisiontherapycenter.com
Vision therapy. Vision therapy is a series of exercises and activities that help a person improve their visual skills. In the case of amblyopia, vision therapy helps develop a person’s binocular vision. This is the most effective treatment as it addresses the root cause of amblyopia.
根本性解决弱视问题,vision therapy
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
眼球的专注 => 带来高水平的表现
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
一个有趣的细节是:虽然口罩是现今世界的绝佳隐喻,但在六年前 Cryptopunks 这1w个头像诞生的时候,世界上还没有新冠病毒疫情。
有意思,相当于预测到了 下一个文化趋势,世界潮流
tokeninsight.com tokeninsight.com
在玩家拥有以下权利后,过去 Free-to-play 经济设计将承受巨大冲击,同时我们认为行业拥抱此新范式过程不可逆
「区块链代码不可逆」的底层设计,在这之上,能够衍生出无穷多的「不可逆」创新;一个不成熟的想法,时间不可逆 = 区块链交易不可逆,而时间上层演化出的东西叫做「历史」,范式演进如同历史车轮,滚滚而来
er addres
- Aug 2021
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
Mark 徐皓峰
thesephist.com thesephist.com
Incremental note-taking
Mark note-taking
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Pin the Hypothesis extension in Chrome (1 and 2), then activate the sidebar by clicking the button in the location bar (3).