200 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. May 2024
  3. Feb 2024
    1. fake Bitcoin offline wallets

      The post warns about a scam involving fake Bitcoin offline wallets being left on the streets in Vienna. Where fraudsters claim that they contain thousands of euros in Bitcoin and ask for a fee to transfer the funds. But victims never receive any Bitcoin.

    2. fake Bitcoin offline wallets
      • Who: Fraudsters, dishonest finders, police.
      • What: Fake Bitcoin offline wallets being dropped on the streets of Vienna.
      • Where: Vienna, Austria
      • Why: Fraudsters are attempting to scam people into paying a fee to claim the wallets, but the Bitcoin is never received.
      • When: The warning about the scam is currently circulating in the Austrian media.
      • How: Fraudsters leave the fake wallets on the streets, waiting for dishonest finders to claim them and pay a fee.
  4. Jan 2024
    1. What is Avalanche Robinhood?

      Search results suggest this post as a good answer to the question, "what is Avalanche Robinhood?" However, I find that it doesn't even begin to answer that question. Because it is about a very specific part of the Robinhood app that is about Avalanche. And it offers no description of the Avalanche-Robinhood relationship.

      Also, I can't understand why there are no images in the original post. OK, it was never originally intended to answer the question that search engines have suggested. But it would have been very easy to take a screenshot of each question that the Original Poster provides answers for.

      So, I'm asking you to research the question properly. And include links to base information sources.

      By "base information sources", I mean original information. Not search results pages, or curation articles such as forums or encyclopedias. Because it is OK to use those services to find original sources. But in my opinion, it is very poor form to quote from them as if they have any authority.

      Your Avalanche Robinhood Research Rewards

      If you present your research as a post on the Hive blockchain, you become eligible for rewards from Shrewdies. Including extra payments during Hive Rewards Week. In addition to your usual rewards in the Hive Afterweek. Subject to my competition rules, below.

      To claim Hive Week Rewards, you must reply to this note with the link to your post on Shrewdies.com, on the day that you published your post. You will then gain an immediate boost of 1 HSBI. If more than 1 person claims this reward, I will start a competition that runs for 28 days from the first response. The prize for the competition will depend on the number of entrants.

      Your Avalanche Robinhood Competition Strategy

      This section is not part of the competition rules. Just my opinions about how you might approach the competition.

      Firstly, remember that everything in the Hive Afterweek depends on the quality of your content. So: - Write with a clear purpose - Structure your research findings logically - Check your writing with LanguageTool or similar. - Read your post aloud before publishing it. Or better still, get someone to read it to you.

      Strategically, you might consider encouraging other people to enter this competition first. But don't let them get too far ahead!

      I will be working hard to promote all competition entries to search engines. You can help yourself by posting links to your Shrewdies.com competition entry on social media and wherever else you can. You can also link to it in your other posts on Hive (old and new).

      Avalanche Robinhood Competition Rules

      Avalanche Robinhood Competition Entries

      • Your post title must include "What is Avalanche Robinhood". But you can include other words. E.g., "What is Avalanche Robinhood to Me" or "Why it's important to ask 'What is Avalanche Robinhood'".
      • You must include a link to this Hypothesis Annotation.
      • This is an English language competition. However, you can provide additional translations. As long as the English version is presented first.
      • Minimum of 250 words (as measured by LanguageTool Editor). I will only measure the main English article - ignoring translations, navigation links, signatures, etc.
      • Reply to this annotation with a link to your post on Shrewdies.com. Note that Shrewdies.com is a read-only portal to the Hive blockchain. So you can use Ecency, PeakD, or whichever Hive frontend you prefer. But the link to your post must be in the form shrewdies.com/post/yourname/yoururl. I strongly recommend that you visit your post on Shrewdies.com, then copy and paste the address from your browser.
      • You are allowed to edit your entry at any time. But the edited post must continue to meet the rules to remain eligible for rewards.

      Avalanche Robinhood Competition Rewards

      • Each entry will get a reward of 1 HSBI to be paid 1 week after posting.
      • The competition will run for 28 days. Starting on the day after publication of the second competition entry.
      • The competition prize will be based on the number of entrants. Being 1 HSBI per entrant. So if 10 people apply, the prize will be 10 HSBI.
      • The winner will be determined by the highest number of impressions recorded by Google Search Console during the 28-day competition period. I aim to post interim weekly numbers as replies here. But any such interim numbers are for information only. So the results depend entirely on the 28-day impression count.
      • I will only include genuine search queries. And any attempt to search for your own competition entry will be penalized.
      • I will pay the competition prize as soon as I assess the 28-day search query analysis.
    2. Robinhood - Avalanche answers

      The post provides answers to a quiz about Robinhood's launch and learn program. Specifically regarding the Avalanche blockchain platform and its native token AVAX.

    3. Robinhood - Avalanche answers
      • Who: The author of the post, potta, is sharing their answers to the Robinhood's first launch and learn program.
      • What: The author is sharing the answers to the questions in the quiz.
      • Why: The author wants to provide helpful information to anyone who needs the answers to the Robinhood's launch and learn program.
      • When: The post does not provide a specific time frame for when the quiz took place or when the answers were shared.
      • How: The author answered the questions correctly in their first attempt and decided to share their answers with others. The answers are provided in the form of brief explanations.
  5. Dec 2023
      • for: futures - neo-Venetian crypto-networks, Global Chinese Commons, GCC, cosmolocal, coordiNation, somewheres, everywheres, nowheres, Global System One, Global System Two, Global System Three, contributory accounting, fourth sector, protocol cooperative, mutual coordination economics

      • summary

      • learned something new
        • I learned a number of new ideas from reading Michel's article. He gives a brief meta-history of our political-socio-economic system, using Peter Pogany's framework of Global System One, Two and Three and within this argues for why a marriage of blockchain systems and cosmolocal production systems could create a "fourth sector" for the transition to Global System Three.
        • He cites evidence of existing trends already pointing in this direction, drawing from his research in P2P Foundation
  6. Nov 2023
    1. Why do Direct Leaders decentralize when they issue a token? Decentralization imposes costs on an organization — decisions are made more slowly by lower context people who are not held accountable for bad decisions — this is why companies don’t operate this way. These costs are being felt across the industry. Kevin Owocki, who left as Direct Leader of Gitcoin to later return, described a broader trend of “founders boomeranging” back into leadership to solve the organizational dysfunction caused by decentralization. As the impetus for governance changes, Rune Christensen wrote of MakerDAO in 2022, “The governance processes and political dynamics… fundamentally aren’t compatible with the reality of effectively processing complicated real-world financial deals.”

      Just keep relearning the lessons of a 1000 years of governance experiments.

      People have been trying decentralized governance for a really long time and it's really hard. Progress does not depend on structural innovation, duh! It depends mostly on ontological/cultural innovation (e.g. "god is watching" aka the internalized morality of e.g. late christian religion) with some amount of increased monitoring and transparency ...

    1. iMeta Crypto Exchange Script

      This is the whitelabel crypto exchange solutions developed by iMeta Technologies. The software comes with a perpetual license and is provided with source code. The backend logic, front end UI and trading engine API all come under the package. You can easily build the crypto/digital asset exchange with little customization as you want. You can operate the scalable digital asset exchange platforms like Crypto trading, marketplaces, OTC desk and brokerages.

  7. Oct 2023
  8. Sep 2023
  9. Aug 2023
    1. History of Blockchain Technology

      Explore the evolution of blockchain technology in our comprehensive guide. Learn its history and impact. Stay updated in 2023. >> History of Blockchain Technology

  10. Jul 2023
    1. UNISWAP PROTOCOL Swap, earn, and build on the leading decentralized crypto trading protocol.




    1. Fundamentals for crypto Token Terminal is a platform that aggregates financial data on the leading blockchains and decentralized applications.

  11. Jun 2023
    1. there are historical cases of “pseudo-commodities” that, like crypto, have no intrinsic value and which are sold as collectibles, and where market liquidity arises out of more complicated social phenomena.
    2. It’s the only defensible position once one dives into the underlying ecaonomics of the products being sold, which are all contingent on fraud and misrepresentation
  12. May 2023
  13. Apr 2023
  14. Mar 2023
    1. Small Collision Probabilities

      How probable is for some git hash-ids (some chars, not the full length) to collide:

      • for a small project with ~100 commits:

        • 8 digits (32bits): 1/million
        • 7 digits (28bits): 1/54,000
        • 6 digits (24bits): 1/3,400
      • for a big project: with ~10.000 commits:

        • 8 digits: 1/100
        • 7 digits: 1/6
        • 6 digits: ~1

      As confirmed with the vecto repo, with these ipython commands: ```ipython

      !git rev-list --all --count 14042 def collissions(k,N): ...: return 1 - e((-k(k-1)/(2N)))

      collissions(14042, 16**6) 0.9971938358691735 !git rev-list --all | cut -c -6 | sort | uniq -cd 2 5af40d 2 6a6c62 2 914c24 2 d83979 2 e8060f

      collissions(14042, 16**7) 0.3073608000674162 !git rev-list --all | cut -c -7 | sort | uniq -cd 2 e8060f9

      collissions(14042, 16**8) 0.022691464724788335 !git rev-list --all | cut -c -8 | sort | uniq -cd <nothing> ```

  15. Feb 2023
  16. Jan 2023
    1. We need to read the Signature header, split it into its parts (keyId, headers and signature), fetch the public key linked from keyId, create a comparison string from the plaintext headers we got in the same order as was given in the signature header, and then verify that string using the public key and the original signature.

      ```ruby require 'json' require 'http'

      post '/inbox' do signature_header = request.headers['Signature'].split(',').map do |pair| pair.split('=').map do |value| value.gsub(/\A"/, '').gsub(/"\z/, '') # "foo" -> foo end end.to_h

      key_id = signature_header['keyId'] headers = signature_header['headers'] signature = Base64.decode64(signature_header['signature'])

      actor = JSON.parse(HTTP.get(key_id).to_s) key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(actor['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'])

      comparison_string = headers.split(' ').map do |signed_header_name| if signed_header_name == '(request-target)' '(request-target): post /inbox' else "#{signed_header_name}: #{request.headers[signed_header_name.capitalize]}" end end

      if key.verify(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new, signature, comparison_string) request.body.rewind INBOX << request.body.read [200, 'OK'] else [401, 'Request signature could not be verified'] end end ```

    1. I have come to view cryptocurrencies not simply as exotic assets but as a manifestation of a magical thinking that had come to infect part of the generation who grew up in the aftermath of the Great Recession — and American capitalism, more broadly.


  17. Dec 2022
  18. Nov 2022
    1. In his videos, Mr. de Hek treats all of these and other twists in the Hyper plot with a light touch, one befitting a farce. That’s especially true when the topic is Mr. H, a figure who now appears on HyperNation videos as some kind of spokesman, wearing a gold mask and a black hoodie and uttering slogans — “HyperNation will be an equal, fair and transparent platform that can solve the pain points of today’s society” — in a variety of slick studio settings. It’s like getting lectured about utopia from a character in “Squid Game.”

      this use of the utopian twist is what is so fascinating.

    2. “Everyone in the Jehovah’s Witnesses loves other members, and it’s that sense of community that is the most precious thing to them,” he said. “Everyone in those HyperNation Zoom chats keeps talking about how much they love each other. And in both cases, there is no talking anyone out of their faith. For the Witnesses, it’s faith in the Bible and in end times. For HyperNation, it’s faith in the blockchain.”

      Cult like aspect of crypto.

  19. Sep 2022
  20. Aug 2022
    1. Broadly, OFAC has expanded its ability to sanction crypto actors and has rapidly increased the speed and bore with which it designates wallet addresses, but it has not hit that many wallet addresses overall. The office, while it wields theoretically broad powers, has limited resources. Consequently, each hit bears major significance for the Treasury’s subsequent policy direction. 

      this leaves out some of the most important guidance from treasury lol

  21. Jul 2022
    1. Dorsey co-founded Square in 2009 with a focus on in-person payments and its namesake card reader, which let people accept credit card payments on a smartphone. San Francisco-based Square has since added a peer-to-peer digital banking app and small business lending, received a bank charter and begun offering crypto and stock trading. The company has acquired buy-now-pay-later provider Afterpay and Jay-Z’s music streaming service Tidal. It’s also doubling down on bitcoin with a crypto-focused business called TBD.
  22. Jun 2022
    1. Creating GUID/UUID in Javascript using ES6 Crypto APIWe can use JavaScript ES6’s crypto API to generate GUID/UUID at the client side.crypto API comes up with a method called getRandomValues() which is used to generate a Universally Unique IDentifier as shown below

      js function CreateUUID() { return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ) }

  23. May 2022
    1. While the traditional web-based architectures that have predominated in the first decades of the 21st century are built upon pre-existing societal and economic structures, cryptocurrencies and the blockchain represent an entirely new ecosystem of human transaction.

      These bold claims are made with no substantiation e.g. "blockchain represent an entirely new ecosystem ..."

      Note, that i would argue that it was the internet (and its costless copying) that was by far the more substantive transformation.

  24. Apr 2022
    1. Elad Gil 在这篇小短文里揭露了很多现实中的问题. 自从 2013 年 Crypto 进入行业视野中以后, 大银行就是这么对待区块链的:

      1. 成立一个区块链团队.
      2. 让区块链团队做一条私有链, 并且始终处于做 Demo 阶段.
      3. 让 CEO 能够大夸特夸区块链团队, 说 “我们是有那个区块链啥的东西, 有团队专门在做”.

      Elad 也说, 大银行为了满足客户的需求, 开始利用 Crypto 来开发比如 ETF, 代币托管, 对冲基金, 衍生品交易所的产品. 他总结到银行和其他中介对 Crypto 的采用速度会越来越快.

      Elad 在最后也调侃了这些大机构, 他说这些全球银行的董事会会议总是以马丁尼酒结束, 并且说纽约的马丁尼比旧金山的好很多, 而且波士顿的特别好. 他还说这些董事会成员都穿着西装带着单片眼镜, 有点像玩大富翁 (其实他就是想说这些机构的垄断). 最后他认真地说, 区块链和智能合约会改变 Crypto 以外的金融体系, 但是需要很长时间.

    1. Nick Tomaino 在这篇文章中阐述了一个观点, 就是以比特币为首的一些项目其实也推出了开源分散组织的概念 (比如 DAO 以及开源开发组织). 在颠覆金融系统之外, 中本聪所创造的比特币也会颠覆公司的形式.

      经济学家通常认为, 公司的存在有两个主要原因: 尽量减少交易成本以及汇总资本和人员. 公司在几十年以来都是人们协作首选的形式, 但是比特币在没有公司的情况下蓬勃发展, 背后没有公司, 没有中央组织支持, 而是通过代码 (组织规则) 和激励措施 (代币) 将包括矿工、开发人员、用户的参与者聚集到一起, 共同创造价值.

      比特币是具有公司的优点 (最小化交易成本、汇总资本和共享资本以及为贡献者提供工作保障) 的组织结构的第一个例子, 并结合去中心化的所有权, 不受控制的数据以及受到制衡的决策权的优点. 比特币在全球范围内提供给人们赚钱机会, 并且建立明确的激励机制, 创造了公司无法实现的去中心化的新产品 (无法被 censor 的数字货币).

      然而, 这种分散式组织架构的缺点也很明显: 分散决策很难很慢, 很难衡量参与者真正的贡献, 权力下放导致了很多滥用...

      Nick Tomaino 最后总结说 2017 年是分散式组织的早期, 未来这种协作形式会渗透到主流, 越来越多新的分散组织会建立起来, 传统的公司也会在未来慢慢转型过渡到 Crypto 化的分散组织.

    1. 在上一篇文章发布十几天后, Chris Dixon 又表达了自己为什么对比特币产生兴趣的原因. 有些人认为比特币火热单纯是因为自由主义者的支持, Chris Dixon 赞同了很多比特币的早期支持者都是自由主义者, 同时很多重要的计算机领域的运动都是因为意识形态而受到支持.

      他不认为比特币的终极目的是替代美联储. 他觉得如果想用科技改变金融, 那么就不仅仅要在现有的基础上建立新增的服务, 而是要彻底重新构建一个新系统和新秩序.

      他最初认为比特币是一个投机泡沫以及互联网黄金. 但是他突然意识到比特币正在重建整个支付行业. 他非常看好小额支付的应用.

      他最后强调, 科技改善金融的唯一方式就是重建一个不依赖其他现有设施的新服务. 比特币是一个非常有效的改善方式, 是一个值得运行的实验.

      2013 年是 Crypto 的早期基础设施和认知建设的一年, 这一年 Coinbase 拿到了 a16z 的投资. 随着大众对比特币的关注提升, 两种对立的声音开始产生, 一部分人坚定认为 Crypto 是个 scam, 而远见者对比特币的认知开始逐渐清晰, 开始思考 Crypto 的未来.

    1. Fred Wilson 在这篇文章中提到了对比特币的概念的赞同, 认为比特币作为一种货币基于对算法和网络的信心的理念非常好.

      他说在他和他在 USV 的同事看来, 一种公平且透明的网络构建的替代货币是一个即将实现的想法. 他认为比特币值得观察, 但是货币与政府真正脱钩会产生重大影响, 所以还是要谨慎, 但是依旧是一个非常有趣的投资机会.

      对于当时比特币的币价, 他点评到, 可以说比特币失败了 (居然从 29 美元归零到了 13 美元), 也可以说我们刚刚经过了膨胀期望期, 价格回归到了比特币真正的价值. 有趣的是, 目前比特币的价格在三万美元以上.

      这篇文章的评论区也极其精彩, 我们可以看看 2011 年的人对比特币是有哪些思考, 质疑, 和辩论的.

      2011 年是远见者对 Crypto 探索的一年, 比特币开始逐渐吸引开拓者的目光, 而他们认为 Crypto 的主要作用会是一种替代掉央行的替代货币.

    1. The basic structure of the trade is (1) Ponzi, (2) acceptance, (3) diversification, (4) permanence. I feel very dumb typing that! But I guess it works.

      This is a very good summary of the steel-man version of this thesis.

      The history of foreign-currency runs makes me dubious of success on many of these.