- Mar 2020
www.creativecommons.ru www.creativecommons.ru
The site of the President of the Russian Federation has become available on the terms of CC Attribution 4.0 International
Russian society is closed to much of the rest of the world. And political papers are even harder to find. Journalists all over Russia are jailed for releasing information that can be seen as inimical to the Russian Federation. This is an interesting site that shows how Creative Commons licenses are used in governmental freedom of information. This page must be translated to be useful but the provided translation tool works well.
libguides.wits.ac.za libguides.wits.ac.za
Copyright and Related Issues: CC Licences
This LibGuide is put together by University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. It would create a great case study to compare how Creative Commons licences are used in South Africa and how they are different than those used in the United States. There will many commonalities but there will also be some differences in presentation and possible even for how they are used.
www.eupati.eu www.eupati.eu
The European Patients’ Academy (EUPATI) is a pan-European project implemented as a public-private partnership by a collaborative multi-stakeholder consortium from the pharmaceutical industry, academia, not-for-profit, and patient organisations. The Academy was started, developed and implemented as a flagship project of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (http://www.imi.europa.eu/), and continues to be led by the European Patients’ Forum. EUPATI has already trained 96 patient experts on medicines development, clinical trials, medicines regulations, health technology assessment. Additionally, EUPATI offers and maintains the Toolbox on Medicine Development, and coordinates a network of national platforms for patient advocates.
This site provides medical journals and information across Europe to help educate patients in their own care and to help the public to understand patient care as well. This is a valuable resource as uses Creative Commons licensing so patients can what they learn with the people in their lives including family and caregivers.
But what makes this resource good for this course it that is a live use of Creative Commons licensing and not just a resource to show "how" CC licensing works.
This is the link that expalins how EUPATI uses the licenses. https://www.eupati.eu/creative-commons/
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Librarians are masters at finding material and checking copyright. This is what we do and what we've done for years but most of us really don't have an understanding of what is OER and how it can be used. As librarians continue to be in forefront of this movement, we need to be educated with language we understand so we can interpret it to those we serve. This source gives an indepth interpretation in librarian-understandable language
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Best practices are always good, especially as more time is spent working with materials. Best practices keep us all on the same page and keep us working towards the same goal in the the same way. Creative Commons licensing is still the "wild west" for faculty who try to use it and best practices in this area make sure that we all understand how licenses can be mixed and thus misunderstood.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
Do Creative Commons licenses affect exceptions and limitations to copyright, such as fair dealing and fair use?
This question is such a common one. I don't think most people understand that Creative Commons doesn't replace copyright. At my institution most people seem to think that it's either one or the other and if it is licensed under creative commons, that it is always free to use with no copyright restrictions. This does a nice job of clarifying that.
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Quick Start Guide for Students
This quick start guide is a great place to start for those who are not yet familiar with this valuable resource. Online annotation can take the place of emailed links and hand-written notes.
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
his is a creative educational fair-use mashup which ironically makes use of clips from Disney films as it explains how copyright works. The discussion of fair use begins around the 6-minute 30-second mark in the video:
The value of this resource is it's ability to take a very serious topic, copyright, and make it humorous enough to keep the watcher interested. It would also make an interesting video for discussion since most of the images should be recognizable to most students.