25 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. Ya-honk he says, and sounds it down to me like an invitation,The pert may suppose it meaningless, but I listening close,

      Certainly a recognizable city sound.

    2. Sounds of the city and sounds out of the city, sounds of the day and night,Talkative young ones to those that like them, the loud laugh of work-people at their meals,The angry base of disjointed friendship, the faint tones of the sick,The judge with hands tight to the desk, his pallid lips pronoun-cing a death-sentence,The heave'e'yo of stevedores unlading ships by the wharves, the refrain of the anchor-lifters,The ring of alarm-bells, the cry of fire, the whirr of swift-streak-ing engines and hose-carts with premonitory tinkles and color'd lights,The steam-whistle, the solid roll of the train of approaching cars,The slow march play'd at the head of the association marching two and two,

      Various sounds of the city.

    3. People I meet, the effect upon me of my early life or the ward and city I live in, or the nation,

      First time he mentions city.

    1. Theconsequentmustagreewiththegroundingeneraltypesoastopreservedefiniteness,butitmustcontrastwithitinrespecttocontraryinstancessoastoobtainvividnessandquality.Inthephysicaljvorld,thisprincipleofcontrastunderanidentityexpressesitselfinthephysicallawthatvibrationentersintotheultimatenatureofatomicorganisms.(Vibrationis the recurrenceofcontrastwithinidentityoftype.Thewhole possibilityof'measurementinthephysicalworlddependsonthisprinciple!Tomeasureistocountvibrations-----Thusphysicalquantitiesareaggregatesofphysicalvibrations,andphysicalvibrationsaretheexpressionamongtheabstractionsofphysicalscienceofthefundamentalprincipleofaestheticexperience.

      sound reliant on physical world.

    2. YetBergsonisthinkingofvibrationinaverydifferentmanner.InMatterandMemory,hefactoredinmolecularvibrationasthatwhichprovidescontinuousmovementtothat whichappearsasstaticordiscreteobjects.AsBergsonnotes,matter“resolvesitselfintonimiberlessvibrations,aRlinkedtogetherinuninterruptedcontinuity,allboundupwitheachother,andtravelinginevery.directionlikeshiversthroughanimmenseb'ody”'^


    3. Lefebvre’ssenseofrhythmisfoundedonatem-P^alphilosophynf-Tmomeats,”“instants.”,or“rri.<;p.<;"r’riK-ialjytAfehyresuggested.thatrhythmfterbansjresupposes“aunityoftimeandspace:analliance.”’


    4. particle/wavecompositionofmatter/energy.


    5. Thisontologyisconcernedprimarilywiththetexturhythmsofmatter,thepatternedphysicalityofamusicalbeatorpulse,sometimesimperceptible,sometimes,ascymaticsshows,insomesensitivemedia,suchaswaterorsand,visible.Whileitcanbeapproachedfromanarrayofdirections,theontologyofvibrationalforcewillbeexploredherebythreedisciplinarydetours:philosophy,physics,andtheaestheticsofdigitalsound.

      Outlining the major keys to the study of sound. Interesting that Philosophy is included as a means through which we can study sound.

  2. Jan 2016
    1. Soundstudiesworkisconsciousofitsown historicity.Soundstudentsareawarethattheyarepartofanongoingconversationaboutsoundthatspanseras,traditions,places,anddisciplines;theyarealsoawareofthespecifichistoriesofinquiringaboutand-writingaboutsoundintheirhomedisciplines

      Seems a little optimistic.

    1. Wblewemay havenumerousphotographstakenatdifferenttimes,andbeforethemdrawmgsandmapstoshowushowascenechangedovertheages,we must makeinferencesastothechangesofthesoundscape.Wemayknowexactlyhowmanynew buildmgswentupmagivenareamadecadeorhowthepopulationhasrisen,butwedonotknowbyhowmanydecibels theambientnoiselevelmayhaverisenfor acomparableperiod oftime

      Studying soundscapes is considerably harder due to the inability of people recording it at the time.

    2. However,itislesseasytoformulate anexactimpression ofasoundscapethanofalandscape.Thereisnothmgm sonographycorrespondingtothemstantaneousimpressionwbchphotographycancreate.

      Interesting comparison.

  3. Sep 2015
  4. isites.harvard.edu isites.harvard.edu
    1. Paper is just an object that [some] information has been sprayed onto in the past... —Ted Nelson

      Begins with quotes.

    1. "Quicker," he gasped, "I am dying - but we touch, we talk, not through the Machine."

      Yay for progress.

    2. As for Vashti, her life went peacefully forward until the final disaster. She made her room dark and slept; she awoke and made the room light. She lectured and attended lectures.

      Business as usual.

    3. Here his story ended. Discussion of it was impossible, and Vashti turned to go.

      Example of the mechanical nature of the people in this time period.

    4. It is not the proper thing, it is not mechanical


    5. uneasy slumber, she was disturbed by an unfamiliar glow, which was the dawn.

      Glimpse into the lives of these people.

    6. The man in front dropped his Book - no great matter, but it disquieted them all. In the rooms, if the Book was dropped, the floor raised it mechanically

      Almost shocked them all but the Machine soothed them.

    7. "Because, any moment, something tremendous many happen."

      Seemingly paranoid.

    8. Then she fed, talked to many friends, had a bath, talked again, and summoned her bed.

      Shows what the norm is in this time period.

    9. "No ideas here," murmured Vashti, and hid the Caucasus behind a metal blind.

      Referencing how we hide behind our technology.

    10. "You must excuse my common way of speaking. I have got into the habit of calling places over which I pass by their unmechanical names."

      The world has changed even in name because of The Machine.

    11. "O Machine!" she murmured, and caressed her Book, and was comforted.

      Machine=used for comfort. We kind of do the same thing with our technology.

    12. his visits to her-visits which stopped when the Machine had assigned him a room on the other side of the earth. "Parents, duties of," said the book of the Machine," cease at the moment of birth. P.422327483."

      There is a system in place to separate parents from their children. Page 422327483. Many many pages.

    13. "Oh, hush!" said his mother, vaguely shocked. "You mustn"t say anything against the Machine."

      Their relationship is almost like one between God and mortal. You can't say anything against The Machine or you face consequences.