- Mar 2022
gabygoldberg.notion.site gabygoldberg.notion.site
An illustrative analogy is the rivalry in the 2000s between Wikipedia and its centralized competitors like Encarta. If you compared the two products in the early 2000s, Encarta was a far better product, with better topic coverage and higher accuracy. But Wikipedia improved at a much faster rate, because it had an active community of volunteer contributors who were attracted to its decentralized, community-governed ethos. By 2005, Wikipedia was the most popular reference site on the internet. Encarta was shut down in 2009.
Goed voorbeeld
Software is simply the encoding of human thought, and as such has an almost unbounded design space
filecoin.io filecoin.io
Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.
Opslaan van digitaal erfgoed
www.nrc.nl www.nrc.nl
Worstelen met Web3
daostack.io daostack.ioDAOstack1
DAOstack is an open source project advancing the technology and adoption of decentralized governance.
Tip om een dao te bouwen
llama.community llama.community
Llama A hub for crypto community treasuries
Soort van accounting
www.guggenheim.org www.guggenheim.org
And for the 2021 exhibition Vasily Kandinsky: Around the Circle, the museum commissioned New York–based musician Zane Rodulfo to create an abstract jazz composition would encourage visitors to “hear” the artworks, similar to how Kandinsky, a synesthete, might have.
Inhoud is aangepast op het werk
“The best audio guide that I ever took as a visitor was [designed as] a mindfulness experience where you do a guided meditation while looking at the art,” Wilson recalled. “It was just meditating by having you look at the piece. And I learned from the piece without learning the background.”
Over the past several years, the Guggenheim has embraced fresh ways of engaging with visitors. Exhibition guides have featured multiple voices and perspectives, and the museum continues to try new ways of using audio to connect with specific audiences, including college students and families.
wel meerstemming!
Like many other museums at the time, the Guggenheim presented a singular, institutional approach on the collection, giving little room for alternate perspectives.
- Oct 2021
www.lrb.co.uk www.lrb.co.uk
When he asked for identification, he was shot in the back (and died the next day). Three men fled; one was caught later with the help of passers-by, while 12 anti-tank grenades and a remote-control device were found in the pots.
[[Jeff Koons]] Aanslag door Catalanen
- Sep 2021
www.participatorymuseum.org www.participatorymuseum.org
Going Social
Participation Thrives on Constraints
How Does Participation Work?
Creating Quality Outcomes for Audiences
If you think of yourself as creative, you will be fulfilled by the opportunity to contribute a self-portrait to a crowdsourced exhibition. If you see yourself as someone with valuable stories to share, you will be fulfilled by the chance to record your own recollections related to content on display. If you perceive yourself as helpful, you will be fulfilled by the opportunity to pitch in on tasks that clearly support a larger goal.
Meer marketing gerelateerd denken, maar waardevol.
Meeting Participants’ Needs
Outcomes for Participants and Audiences
Who’s Involved in Participation?
The second problem with focusing on creators is that open-ended self-expression requires self-directed creativity.
Blank Canvas syndrome
This is a problem for two reasons. First, exhibits that invite self-expression appeal to a tiny percentage of museum audiences.
Not only the 'extraverts'
Participation at its Best
And there will increasingly be visitors—perhaps new ones—who enjoy the opportunity to add their own voices to ongoing discussions about the knowledge presented.
Dit is de postmoderne aap uit de mouw.
Making Participation Physical and Scalable
- Mar 2021
Het bedrag dat de overheid per student uitgeeft, is gestaag gedaald, van zo’n 20.000 in 2000 naar minder dan 14.000 euro nu. Daartegenover is het budget voor de zorg geëxplodeerd!
Is het een uitgavenprobleem?
- Dec 2020
www.nrc.nl www.nrc.nl
Bij bijvoorbeeld Theater Zuidplein in Rotterdam en Bijlmerpark en de Meervaart in Amsterdam
Best Practices
EY wast echter de handen in onschuld: in een reactie van EY Duitsland spreekt het bedrijf over een ‘uitgebreide en verfijnde fraude’, waar sprake was van ‘moedwillige misleiding’.
Verweer is dat fraude alleen hoeft worden ontdekt wanneer deze flagrant en vooral zichtbaar is; dat is een contradictie.
En ook bij Noble was EY de controlerend accountant. Als gevolg van de fraude leed Noble in 2016 een megaverlies van 1,7 miljard dollar.
Bizar dat er tijdens een M&A procedure zoiets niet aan het licht komt.
- Nov 2020
news.artnet.com news.artnet.com
From a market perspective, the fact that there is so much clarity gives [collectors] confidence,” Engelen. “The more clarity, the stronger the market.”
- Oct 2020
www.theliteraryreview.org www.theliteraryreview.org
Memory…often strikes me as a kind of dumbness. It makes one’s head heavy and giddy, as if one were not looking back down the receding perspectives of time but rather down on the earth from a great height, from one of the towers whose tops are lost to view in the clouds.
Wat is inderdaad de rol van de herinnering?
ig.ft.com ig.ft.com
With less than one-twentieth of the world’s population, the US accounts for one in five deaths officially attributed to Covid-19
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
This concentration of power in the hands of the old is an American phenomenon, Derek Thompson recently wrote in The Atlantic, noting that our leaders are getting older as European leaders get younger.
Amerikaanse leiders zijn notoir oud
- Sep 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
From my many years as a university literature teacher I do know that it takes all the rigour one can muster over the course of a semester to get even the best undergraduates to read precisely the fiction at hand, with all their intelligence, without habitual moralising, ingenious interpretation, biographical speculation and, too, to beware of the awful spectre of the steamrolling generalisation. Is such protracted rigour the hallmark of book clubs?"
www.dewitteraaf.be www.dewitteraaf.be
Wanneer Cornelis van Haarlem in 1594 een zwarte bediende van Batsheba presenteert, is dat een grijsblauw ingekleurde Europese vrouwenfiguur. Pas wanneer kunstenaars naar levend model tekenen, zoals Rubens deed bij de weergave van de drie koningen, vallen er specifiek Afrikaanse gezichtstrekken te zien, zoals volle lippen en een brede neus, en is de huidskleur werkelijkheidsgetrouwer afgebeeld, ook in prenten.
Zwarte personages vrorgen om een nieuwe schildertechnische benadering
Er bestond wel degelijk in de zeventiende eeuw een discussie over de toelaatbaarheid van slavernij, met name onder gereformeerden; het werd gezien als een typische wandaad van papisten zoals Portugezen en Spanjaarden
Eigentijdse verontwaardiging over [[slavernij]]
- Aug 2020
newcriterion.com newcriterion.com
Modernism is not naturally local—it’s international. Nor is it human in scale—it favors the big, the spectacular, the mass-produced.
Modulor is een menselijke maat, wel die van een universeel mens.
Doric temple such as the Parthenon expressed the same building principles as a hut made from tree trunks; a more sophisticated society had substituted marble for wood, but vestigial traces of the timber origins could still be seen. But one only has to look at the broadly contemporary Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae, on its Arcadian hilltop, to realize that such rationalist explanations do not suffice. At Bassae, the interior Ionic order is attached to spurs or fins set at an angle to the walls of the cella, the focus of which is the earliest known use of the Corinthian order.
Abt Laugier rationele benadering k ook my niet overeen met andere voorbeelden
- Jul 2020
www.groene.nl www.groene.nl
Ik heb me wel eens afgevraagd waarom het meeste werk dat als art brut of gestoorde kunst getoond wordt de toeschouwer dwingt er met z'n neus op te gaan staan. Omdat het zo ook gemaakt is, zonder afstand, alsof de maker erin is gekropen
Mooie observatie
'Bij de keuzen en ontdekkingen van het museum neemt een oriëntatie op de makers en de wijze waarop zij werken, na de kennismaking met hun producten, de belangrijkste plaats in.’
Dus de maker, niet het werk...
www.vulture.com www.vulture.com
Bill Traylor, that would easily compare with any Picasso from the same period
Altijd fijn zo'n quote!
- May 2020
www.artforum.com www.artforum.com
The European colonial enterprise had just begun; the disease, in a way, launched the colonial destruction and racial politics to come. The English called it the “French disease,” the French said it was the “Neapolitan disease,” and the Neapolitans said it came from America; it was thought to have been brought by the colonizers who had been infected by the “Indians.” It was rather the opposite. The exchange of pathogens was massively asymmetrical; European germs devastated the New World.
positionswebsite.org positionswebsite.org
The argument for the rarity of politics is one that suggests something quite different from the thesis of ubiquity. Here instead, politics would be conceived as a specific, concrete, historical and practical figure, something with specific moments of institution, something that emerges in and through a specific conjuncture, rather than an immanent and universally accessible field that is presupposed
argument: politiek is afhankelijk van instituties en invloed kan veel moeilijker worden uitgeoefend dan zich laat aannemen aan de hand van het marxistische idee dat ‘alles politiek’ is. De effecten van politiek mogen dan overal doordesemen, het is daarmee nog niet noodzakelijk tweerichtingsverkeer.
In this sense, the xenophobia of the right-wing ‘coronavirus’ and the fetish-talisman of ‘correct ideas’ that is the centre-left ‘coronavirus’ both insist on arrogating to this medical crisis an expository character of Revelation: now that coronavirus has suspended ‘normality’, we can truly see at last what the problem is
Marxistische manier van ontmaskeren, structuur wordt zichtbaar
to the extent that we now face an essential bifurcation of the question into an epidemiological phenomenon (COVID-19, its spread, treatment, and pathology) and another, more slippery phenomenon: the ideological system of signification anchored by the emblem ‘coronavirus’, and perhaps our perverse enjoyment of it, at least in the sense that it now serves as a shared locus of meaning for a vast multiplication of sociopolitical fantasies.
Coronavirus / Covid-19 als een slag’woord’ waarachter socio politieke fantasieen schuilgaan. Pandemie als modicum
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
So rather than perceiving the object as green or square, the subject whose faculties are in free play responds to it perceptually with a state of mind which is non-conceptual, and specifically a feeling of disinterested pleasure. It is this kind of pleasure which is the basis for a judgment of taste.
In aesthetic ekphrasis it is therefore necessary to describe the impression, not the concepts which govern the appearance
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
the task of consuming them. Through mass production, everything becomes homogenized and whatever diversity remains is constituted of small trivialities. Everything becomes compressed through a process of the imposition of schemas under the premise that what's best is to mirror physical reality as closely as possible. Psychological drives become stoked to the point where sublimation is no longer possible
Identiteitspolitiek; kleine verschil