67 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
    1. incopatibilies


    2. During the time between becoming a DisCONaut and full (legal) membership, it's assumed that the DisCONaut is there for the long run. The new DisCOnaut has become part of an established collective with its unique group culture and, while new members will change that culture, all changes have to fit in well with what has already been built. If no major or unsolved issues arise, the nine-month mark means that the new DisCONaut becomes a full member and the appropriate legal and/or contractual procedures are undertaken.

      I feel like this paragraph addresses my earlier concern about not being able to be paid during that period! Maybe surface this way earlier. I'd say, always lead with the care! It's what brought me in at least :)

    3. marriage

      I do wince a bit at this "marriage" metaphor, I guess also because it immediately brings monogamy to top of mind for me, but I do like the idea of positioning this (this love and commitment to the other people in the coop) in opposition to the super icky "baby" startup metaphor.

    4. In DisCO.coop we recommend that full membership is only awarded after nine continued months of working and being in the collective. This means nine months from the moment the new DisCONaut started dating, independent of their timeline options.

      I understand and agree with the sentiment of putting in the time to grow relationships to the point where everyone feels comfortable. I also think that it is important when we talk about growing communities to move "at the speed of trust."

      But at the same time, I do worry about the feasibility of a 9 month mostly unpaid work period for much of the world's work force. Being able to work for 9 months without getting compensated isn't a luxury most can take (and thats in addition to having likely been a contributor for an amount of time), and will require many to either work a second job while doing this or come from a background that gives them enough of a financial cushion to ride on during this period.

      I guess my suggestion would be that we should think about how this dating process can happen simultaneously to the earlier contributor stages so that certain lessons or learnings can be gleaned without extending the process out too long.

    5. extra

      Extra what?

    6. DIsCOlars


    7. TBoth

      They both

    8. begins to be paid down on a monthly basis at a 50% rate, those credits may still be used towards Quarterly Love Credit quotas.

      Does this mean people are paid out at a 1/2 rate? What (if anything) incentivizes people to "cash out" here? Or is the purpose to get people to keep their shares in the org?

    9. Stage 1

      Should establish consistent use of "One" vs "1"

    10. Stage

      Stage One

    11. Minimum Viable Rhythm

      Love this idea

    12. DisCO:NP
    13. mentor

      Has been capitalized under most other uses

    14. high of

      high level of

    15. withing


    16. Into the Dating Phase! click to enlarge and animate

      Formatting is kind of weird here and some text appears next to the image.

    17. The Commitment Statement

      Vibe with this idea, but wondering if it could be taken a step further to make it like a recommitment process. Like, resigning the document comes after some calls with other members where we talk through things and adjust the document to fit how needs/commitment has changed, rather than default to renewing the already established statement. Just a thought.

    18. A focus on continued learning, teaching and helping other member's self-development

      I love this! Feels super in line with bell hooks' All About Love

    19. It is also important to have a second, more thorough interview prior to signing the Commitment Statement.

      There are a few places in this document where I can't quite tell if the text is bolded or if I'm just seeing things. Something to keep in mind! We should probably test if DisCO sites in general meet web accessibility standards.

    20. need

      feels a little harsh, not particularly consent drive, maybe "are asked"

    21. Clarity that vibe trumps all other considerations, meaning, if there's a bad fit evident from things like poor or indirect communication, or evident discomfort with the style and rhythms of the existing group, that usually signals a weird vibe. Weird vibe = no DisCO Dating [39].

      I don't think this needs to be elucidated in this doc, but I think it might be a good idea to create a "dating pool" where folks that are interested in working with a DisCO are added and shared (as they're comfortable) with the DisCO community at large. One person may not vibe with a specific DisCO or meet the conditions needed at that time, but may be a great fit for another DisCO.

    22. co-dependent

      I feel like codependency has a bad rap and may raise some eyebrows. Interdependent?

    23. proespective


    24. private entities can sponsor the work needed to design and carry out the DisCOlarship.

      With this kind of sponsorship, do you envision that some of the funds will go towards creating infrastructure or being piped into the DisCOs account to pay out other folks that aren't directly involved in the training process?

    25. The three scenarios are:

      what if someone walks away from the process and has no desire to continue working with DisCOs?

    26. A DisCO Ley Line is, basically, an agreed-on transfer of invested credits between one DisCO and another.

      This concept is brought up many times before here, but this is the first time we have it explained direct and succinctly. I would move this up higher in the doc.

      Also important to note here, if this is a wiki that is hosted on multiple pages, you're probably going to want to repeat certain phrases/sentences so that people reading individual pages can get the gist without having to hunt through.

      Finally, the "basically" here feels a little casual in a way that I think makes the tone inconsistent.

    27. unlike value tracking for contributors, it's not expected to be either latent or unfulfilled.

      I think this sentence helps convince people that are interested in DisCOlarships, but may disuade people interested in contributing. the "expectation" for the credits to be unfulfilled. Question that pops to mind, why track my hours if there is an expectation that nothing will ever come of it?

    28. Similarly, this work is initially considered to be Invested Lovework. You can read more about those terms in this section. For now "invested" means "unpaid" and "Lovework" means "voluntary work".

      This particular phrasing makes this paragraph sound like doublespeak.

    29. DisCO NP
    30. Whether it's a DisCO worker-coop, DisCO.NP or any other type of DisCO application, DisCOlarships are announced by the hosting DisCO through its social media channels, newsletters or community calls. Before entering into DisCOlarship, the hosting DisCO needs to ensure it has the human and conceptual capacity.

      One of the places where it feels like we need to explicitly address audience: is this a tool for other DisCOs to learn how to define their relationships, or for people interested in working within the existing DisCO ecosystem. If the former, this feels too prescriptive.

    31. DisCOlarships are one way to advanced from a Casual to Committed DisCO relation. As such, they are considered a Casual Relationship leaning towards committed relationships with DisCOs in general (if not to the particular DisCO hosting the DisCOlarship).

      Idk what it is, but I get a weird feeling about how explicit the lines are being drawn around casual and committed relationships. I think it's related to the earlier comment about feeling like the text is overemphasizing the DisCOs agency in defining the relationship.

      I think part of it is also the fact that the casualization of labor is a really sore point for a lot of workers right now, as we emerge as a new "precariat" class. While its understandable that a lot of this work may be considered volunteer work and thus unpaid, continually noting that this is a casual relationship with no obligation for pay definitely makes me recall toxic work relationships in my past and I imagine will do the same for other workers.

    32. A DisCOlarship involves regular "visits" to a DisCO to learn its practices and get to know DisCONauts in the real world.

      How necessary is this "in the real world" part of the training? If it feels like an absolute must, it could be helpful to elucidate why.

    33. apractical

      a practical

    34. In other DisCOs, contributors can help with whatever productive work is taken by the particular DisCO. So, for example, in a worker-owned DisCO community garden, contributors could drop in to help with the gardening when convenient and that value will be tracked for future inclusion, should they want to become dating members and, eventually, committed. In a DisCO.NP dedicated to creating mesh networks for community WiFi, the contributors can help set up the infrastructure for their own Internet connections and, having learned in the process, can apply that knowledge (and attendant credits) toward future work in that particular DisCO.NP.

      In this section, we have three examples of potential "contributor relationships." While I think exploring different possibilities is important, this is quite a lengthy document and I think we need prioritize word efficiency.

      This isn't to say "don't include these examples," it's to say: if we're including all these examples, we should make it immediately clear to the reader why that example is being given and why that use case is so different from the others provided that it deserves to be included


      I think we need at least a baseline in this section to explain what a "share" is, if the work has no monetary payout.

    36. Why do we track the value of casual contributions?

      I definitely agree in the reasoning behind tracking casual contributions, but when you get to the part about DisCO Ley Lines, I think and underlying problem becomes way more salient:

      value tracking, especially in the case of tracking for the purposes of some sort of recognition by a large third party is a sure fire way of "abstracting" an individuals labor. How do we address this feeling of "heaven is high, emperor is far away" when talking about value tracking, especially in relation to DisCOs unrelated to the DisCO Mothership? That line in particular makes this document less transferrable as a tool for teaching people interested in starting their own DisCOs because it is specifically addressing people's labor in relation to the Mothership.

      TL;DR maybe remove the Ley Lines bullet

    37. (these terms are further explained in this section: Ways to Account for Work).

      I think it's important to provide at least a quick summation of what people will find in that section here so that people don't feel obligated to hunt and peck at sections to understand what you mean.

    38. it is much easier to record contributions according to grade and measure. If you're not familiar with those terms, it basically means "quantity and quality".

      why not just say "quantity and quality" here?

    39. The DisCO.NP may contract services when lacking the capacity - See Undercapacity and contracting outside the DisCO.NP. The DisCO.NP may also choose to engange with other DisCOs in work relationships and value transactions - see DisCOverses and Intra-DisCO Value Flows.

      On this read, I'm putting myself in the shoes of someone that is interested in working as a contributor. These sentences feel way more relevant to the DisCO itself. Not to say this doesn't belong in this page, but I think we may need to work on shaping the tone of this document to more clearly delineate who. the audience is at each point of the text.

    40. Contributors must know that they don't have priority over Committed or Dating members of the DisCO.NP, and that they won't be compensated (whether immediately or ever) for any of their contributions.

      This paragraph paired with the above paragraphs about DisCO.NPs not having any obligation to use the contributions of the contributors feels like we may be going a little too hard in emphasizing the casualness of the relationship, and the current framing makes it feel like the DisCO has way more say in the relationship than the contributor. Frankly, these paragraphs read a little bit like a contract saying "the DisCO is under no obligation to x, y, or z" which I don't think is the tone that you want to strike. Obviously, we don't want to mislead people into thinking "ah, I'm interested in working with this org, so I'm entitled to x, y, and z" but I think a balance can be struck that shows people that they indeed have agency within this relationship, but that the DisCO also reserves the same amount of agency. I think the "Applying the dating metaphor..." paragraph does this really well, so maybe it's about taking these "precautionary" sections and bundling them down lower in the page and working hard to strike a caring town within that section.

    41. they are value tracked.

      I think this needs more elaboration.

    42. The DisCO.NP, however, is not in any way obliged to accept the contribution. Using two of the examples above, if the contributed artwork or code isn't up to standard, the DisCO.NP will not use it. Quality Control and Post-Hoc evaluation is very important in DisCO — if we are to provide viable alternatives to the mainstream economy, we need to ensure we do stuff right, according to the individual criteria of each DisCO LAB.[24] Applying the dating metaphor, if "we’re really not made for each other", we'll move on with no hard feelings. Casual relationships are consent-based and depend on clear communication. A casual contributor doesn't really have to do anything for the DisCO.NP, in terms of building our support structure and using the DisCO's workflow tools, for instance. Contributors can get in touch whenever they feel like it and vice versa. The bulk of the care work for the collective, including all admin and project management tasks, is undertaken by the DisCONauts.

      I would move this final paragraph to be the second paragraph as it feels more directly related to the first, where as the other two feel like they touch on a very specific facet of the contributor-NP relationship.

    43. Artwork


    44. DisCO NP
    45. for paid consultancy work

      Did you mean: for profit or paid for?

    46. DisCO:NP
    47. This one possible DisCO Journey. In others people may remain in one circle, or go through a DisCOlarship and start their own separate DisCO, etc.

      I think that the fact that there is no "one true way" for this process to go makes it hard to visualize this with a single graphic and including this, may give people the wrong impression if they're just scrolling through. At the same time, visualizing infinite paths will definitely confuse people.

      Maybe something less representational/more abstract rather than "informative."

    48. To recap: We have distinguished two main states: Casual and Committed. "Casual" means little responsibility. These are no-strings-attached relationships for mutual benefit. There are two types of Casual Relationship: Supporters (Very casual interactions) and Contributors (More active interactions and actual contributions to the DisCO.NP and its mission). "Committed" signifies a stated commitment of responsibility to the DisCO.NP and its members. Those wanting to progress from Casual to Committed have two options: DisCOLarships (practical DisCO training with no firm expectation of joining the DisCO). DisCO Dating: Intense mentoring program for applicants to join the DisCO in which they are being mentored.

      High level, I think it may make more sense to lead with "TL;DR"s rather then ending with them so that as people are browsing through the wiki, they can quickly decide if they're on the right page or not.

    49. DisCOLarships

      Why is the L capitalized and not the rest of the word?

    50. 1 DisCOLarships: Where individuals regularly "visit" the DisCO.NP to learn about DisCO culture and structure in the real world, get to know the people, etc. There are minimal responsibilities and the DisCOLar is free to start their own DisCO afterward or join the same DisCO they have trained in. 2 The DisCO Dating Phase: Where potential members make a firm commitment to go through the DisCO.NP's mentoring and training program in order to become committed members or DisCONauts. There are considerable, consented-upon responsibilities on the part of the DisCO Dating Member and the DisCO-NP itself during this process.

      The difference between these two options is not immediately clear.

      Is it that the DisCOLar path is oriented towards creating new DisCOs and the dating is oriented towards joining the mothership?

    51. Beyond Contributors, there is another type of casual relationship with a lesser level of responsibility: Supporters.

      This sentence feels too specific in a section that is talking about "casual relationships" in a more general sense.

    52. There are two additional "bridging states" between the Casual/Committed poles, which we will also discuss.

      I don't know that this sentence is necessary, as all of the types of relationships will fall on this spectrum.

    53. within a DisCO Non-Profit

      I feel like this may be too prescriptive. IMO, these roles and responsibilities feel like they'd apply to basically any DisCO.

    54. The DisCO Applications Program includes DisCO Governance Model templates for:

      Do these templates already exist? Do we have orgs that we can pilot these templates with?

    55. On the downside, DisCOs are also more complex in the initial stages, although once their learning curve has been overcome, we'd argue that they function more smoothly and are more resilient organizations.

      I don't know that this is inherent to DisCOs as individual organizations! I think that this might appear to be the case given that we're still building out the core of the philosophy while also trying to create organizations that work by these ideals while existing as an explicitly counter-hegemonic endeavor. All that to say, I think you may be selling DisCOs short by including this in there, but understand why it's included right now. My main reason for bringing it up is, we don't want to give people the impression that this is the hardest path possible because it will likely result in slower adoption of these principles.

    56. Our research and pilot program. The DisCO FLOOR and DisCO DECK will be developed based on the experiences, data and input of real cooperatives. The resulting case studies plus the mentorship that these pilots will receive make up the immersive DisCO EXPERIENCE.

      I think this could be a cool way of collaborating on the gather.town stuff we talked about on the last call.

      e.g. How can we create digital spaces that showcase our ideals in an engaging way, while also giving people the space to engage with these topics together?

    57. first, as a description of a legal entity that holds the ability to maintain tangible functions like contracts and agreements, and more intangible ones like commonly held values. Secondly, “trust” is used in the sense of the ability for team members to operate with a specific relationship to one another, according to defined principles and common goals.

      Personally, given your mission, I think it would make more sense to flip these two. You all are human/community first, tech+contractual obligation second and I think this sentence could better reflect that.

    58. Other organizations wanting to become a LAB

      Are these organizations that have reached out to DisCO Mothership, or are these orgs that y'all feel would be good DisCOs?

    59. mirror balls

      What is a mirror ball?

  2. May 2020
    1. Of course, there were plenty of disputes and scandals, and learning how to navigate that world of trust was essential to survive. Players would disagree on the outcome of a bet or on the details of its conditions, and often you’d turn to the community for arbitration. There were also scandals involving players cheating or outright stealing, but they were relatively uncommon and the volume of money lost in this way was a drop in the ocean when compared to the total amount of money changing hands. The same could not be said of the platforms.

      I think this is a really important point. You don't build community or trust without some broken eggs along the way. But those lows don't have to define the community.

  3. parsejournal.com parsejournal.com
    1. Reading Marx’s formulation of the relationship between concrete labour (making things and doing things) and abstract labour (producing value), Heinrich states emphatically that “not all labor has a twofold character but rather only commodity-producing labor”. 81 This has been stated before, but it takes on new meaning in the context of postcapitalism, in which every act of labour―considered under the general heading of “work”―appears to produce value or is considered to be identical with or only contingently differentiated from wage labour.

      I would be interested in exploring how the capturing, analysis, and monetization of our data en masse (while working or in leisure) alienates us in the sphere of idleness just as much as pre-platform capitalism alienated us from our work.

    2. In my reading, therefore, Mason’s Postcapitalism and Srnicek and Williams’s Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work (2015), are best understood as reclamations of the term postcapitalism for Marxism.

      I can totally see this. I was thinking about this from pretty early on in the article.

    3. The contemporary political tendency of postcapitalism, therefore, I will argue here, typically does not make a case for the supersession of capitalism. Close enough to the so-called “traditional left” to set it a new agenda, the new political imaginaries of postcapitalism have substituted the “new commons” for communism and proposed “changing the world without taking power” in place of revolution.

      This feels like the core of what makes post-capitalism (traditional left) and postcapitalism different. Traditional leftists sought to seize political power and wield it to change the system, meaning electing communists and setting about on revolutionary projects that install communists in positions of power.

      In contrast, postcapitalists seek to "change the world without taking power," a more ground up approach.

  4. Mar 2020
    1. Atlanta's Leonce works it into club music on "Vesper." Texas duo Santa Muerte place it in a reggaeton context on "Ritmo De Selva." In London, Scratcha DVA and Lady Lykez fed it into a UK rap EP called Muhammad Ali, whose fierce and funky title track is dance floor gold.

      Gqom Influenced

    2. Rudeboyz, AudioBoyz, Da Soul Boyz and DJ Lag.

      Gqom - Artists

    3. Gqom Oh!

      Gqom - Album

    4. Destruction Boyz

      Gqom - Artists