8 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2018
    1. Teach distant reading alongside close reading

      Why is this a problem/challenge?

    2. One of my students, for instance, used a Tumblr to analyze fandom communities on Tumblr

      What are the strengths/weaknesses of using tools like these?

    3. poly­math

      Definition (via dictionary.com): a person of great learning in several fields of study; polyhistor.

    4. impugn

      Definiton (via dictionary.com): to challenge as false (another's statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon.

    5. I actually suspect “digital” signifies in ways quite opposite to our intentions.

      I disagree because the word digital would interest undergrads more than another class might because college students now-a-days are using technology more and more so it might be easier for them to learn that way.

    6. We shouldn’t forget, of course, that “humanities”

      I agree with him because sometimes there can be a bigger focus on the digital aspect (before the historical, political, etc. aspects).

    7. accelerated growth of undergraduate classes that explicitly engage with digital humanities methods.

      This is important! I think that many classes are starting to use digital tools to asses and accelerate learning in their classrooms and it would be important to take a class in digital humanities in order to get a background into the different tools/methods presented.

    8. developing, revising, and re-revising

      These are steps that are necessary in order to be successful with anything. If it does not end up working the first time, you have to keep trying to make that thing better and fix it. I think it is important to ask for student feedback when trying to make a course better so I like that he included their suggestions when revising.