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  1. Sep 2015
    1. I thought that I could almost point and shew them the straight way to heaven by Jesus Christ

      The way he's putting so much emphasis on everything, it sounds fake to me.

    1. Therefore we need not be uneasy that the English Settle upon our Lands as by that means they can more easily Supply our wants.

      Oh, the irony.

    1. they would be glad to see any Man, that dare exert a British Act of Parliament here.

      It sounds as if he's more afraid for the Lower people being exploited more than anything.

    1. wives asserted more control over their own bodies.

      It's been 300 years+ and women still have to do this.

    2. That couples would turn to newspapers as a source of expression illustrates the importance of what historians call print culture

      Doesn't this sound like the birth of tabloids?

    1. as being a woman not fit for our society

      I wonder who in modern time would even be able to fit in the mold of a woman fit for their society.

    1. Bacon’s Declaration challenged the economic and political privileges of the governor’s circle of favorites

      If only someone were around to do this to congress today.

    1. The English Revolution of the 1640s forced settlers in America to reconsider their place within the empire

      Where our country slowly was starting to become one of it’s own.

    2. In 1688, members of the Society of Friends in Germantown, outside of Philadelphia, signed a petition protesting the institution of slavery among fellow Quakers.

      It’s refreshing to see protesting for the rights of other people is present in this time period.

    3. n English courts as much as the flintlock rifles and ammunition traders offered them for slaves and animal skins.

      Here is another example of history repeating itself. America selling ammo/guns during a war to make profit happens a few more times in modern history.

    1. Opechcanough was captured and shot and the survivors of Powhatan's confederacy, now reduced to just 2,000, agreed to submit to English rule.

      It's kind of sad that our country was built upon the blood of the Natives.

    2. the English began to acquire new lands along the James River, encroaching on Indian hunting grounds.

      History repeats is obvious here. Fighting over resources is a reoccurring theme in history.

    1. Winthrop was implicitly criticizing disruptive social and economic changes that were rapidly transforming English society. As a result of the enclosure of traditional common lands, which were increasingly used to raise sheep, many rural laborers were thrown off the land, producing a vast floating population.

      Probably one of the few moves that saved the colonies.

    1. The colonists were unable to find any profitable commodities and they still depended upon the Indians and sporadic shipments from England for food.

      They didn't repay them that well in the future.

    2. The skyrocketing cost of land coincided with plummeting farming income. Rents and prices rose but wages stagnated

      This sounds like the Bay Area in a nutshell.

    3. Many cited spiritual concerns and argued that colonization would glorify God, England, and Protestantism by Christianizing the New World’s pagan peoples.

      Which caused genocide of the native people.

    4. Relations with the Indians deteriorated and the colonists fought a kind of slow-burning guerrilla war with the Powhatan.

      To think on how history would've changed if the Powhatan won

    5. tobacco as a “noxious weed, … loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs,

      Still true to this day

  2. Aug 2015
    1. Because she was with child, her belly was very and her balance was very awkward and so as she leaned over and peered to see deep in the hole, she lost her balance. Pretty soon, she began to fall. As she fell, she tried to scramble quickly and grab the roots to hold on. That didn’t work; she only got a handful of dirt.

      This almost sounds like where Alice and Wonderland came from.

    1. When Orunmila heard the news he climbed down the golden chain to the earth, and cast many spells which caused the flood waters to retreat and the dry African land reappear.

      I wonder if this just Saharan Africa, which is typically dry, or if it's for Sub-Saharan which a little more wet.

    1. And God said, Let us make man in our image, 1 Cor. 11.7 after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth

      According to this, God put humans at the top of the food chain

    1. Portuguese established forts along the Atlantic coast of Africa during the fifteenth century, inaugurating centuries of European colonization there.

      The Portuguese empire was just has important as Spain and other European powers in this time.

    2. They established limited colonies in Iceland and Greenland and, around the year 1000, Leif Erikson reached New Foundland in present-day Canada. But the Norse colony failed.

      History could've serious be different if the Scandinavian colonies were successful.

    3. The Mississippians developed the largest and most advanced native civilization north of modern-day Mexico. Roughly one-thousand years ago, the largest Mississippian settlement, Cahokia, located just east of modern-day St. Louis, peaked at a population of between 10,000-30,000.

      We are always taught that Native Americans were a more primitive people and lived in huts around a fire, this debunks that myth.