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  1. Sep 2016
    1. In the design of our future media and systems, we shouldnot shrink from this emotional aspect as a legitimate part ofour fantic (see p. 317) design

      Interesting to consider

    2. The computer is not a limitlesspartner, but it is deeply versatile; to work with it we mustunderstand what it can do, the options and the costs

      Such a wonderful tool to approach many ends. I would love to take the fear away from more people.

    3. Computers are not everything, theyare just an aspectof everything, and not to know this iscomputer illiteracy, a silly and dangerous ignorance.

      This is interesting for me to consider as I've worked with populations - such as those with low income, ESL students, and people with disabilities - who have limited access to technology and are even quite scared of it. I know people who get upset when they see homeless people with smartphones - as if they're then not truly in need, but it's become a basic necessity at this point and truly should be afforded to more people.

    1. he attempted to divine who could help the company move from volunteerism to profitability.

      A common startup challenge :)

    1. Research has shown that regular exposure to someone generally increases the comfort and pleasure of interaction.

      Sounds like this could be an argument against the movement towards remote and work-from-home positions. How can this be alleviated - maybe through Skype etc?

    1. Schools thus produce shortages of skilled persons

      Interesting. In The Incredibles, they talk about how if everyone is a super hero, then no one is a super hero. Same with the value system here - if everyone has a college degree, then no one has a college degree. They have to find a way of constructing value to keep the system propped up.

    2. What makes skills scarce on the present educational market is the institutional requirement that those who can demonstrate them may not do so unless they are given public trust, through a certificate.

      Again why MOOCs, with the same information, are not often considered in the same realm that makes one "skilled'.

    3. A truly public kind of ownership might begin to emerge if private or corporate control over the educational aspect of "things" were brought to the vanishing point.

      This is being attempted with things like MOOCs. Interesting that even if it's the same information, at this point in time, the current system is considered to have "real world" value while alternatives do not.

    4. This type of design tends to reinforce a noninventive society in which the experts find it progressively easier to hide behind their expertise and beyond evaluation.

      This is very interesting - we are also taught that whatever pre-composed for us comes packaged with ease of use, that we're better off buying than making. I always find it fascinating that when I venture to learn how to make things on my own (examples: pickling, brewing, etc) people always react with shock from believing the process was unapproachable - in fact, they'd never even considered trying them. What seems insurmountable is often quite easy, but we don't even see the process as an option.

    5. Elders can be consultants on which skill to learn, which method to use, what company to seek at a given moment.

      I definitely use my father in particular as a sounding board, someone to clarify my own thoughts, and a guide to show me even my own path.

    6. It would provide opportunity for free expression: literate and illiterate alike could record, preserve, disseminate, and repeat their opinions. The present investment in TV, instead, provides bureaucrats, whether politicians or educators, with the power to sprinkle the continent with institutionally produced programs which they-or their sponsors--decide are good for or in demand by the people.

      Allocation of resources - becomes an issue of power and a separation of the haves and have nots, which is perpetuated. TV keeps the realm of power in a bubble (false spread), whereas the tape recorders would allow the spread of information and give a voice to any and all. Perhaps the TV could reach a wider audience than an individual recorder would, but regardless of quality or reach, the recorder would provide a sense of value to the user that is desperately lacking in the current world. For example - community radio in many communities throughout Africa accomplishes a variety of purposes, even allowing the women a place outside of the home and empowering them (it does not matter who is listening, as long as they have a space to share).

    7. He finds peers who challenge him to argue, to compete, to cooperate, and to understand; and if the child is lucky, he is exposed to confrontation or criticism by an experienced elder who really cares. Things, models, peers, and elders are four resources each of which requires a different type of arrangement to ensure that everybody has ample access to it.

      Learning through networks - we can't learn in a vacuum. School facilitates network, but so does everyday life.

    8. Schools are designed on the assumption that there is a secret to everything in life; that the quality of life depends on knowing that secret; that secrets can be known only in orderly successions; and that only teachers can properly reveal these secrets.

      Interesting that schools claim to teach us the tools to "free thinking" etc, but the perception here (and perhaps often the reality?) is that we are told to freely think only through the means and in the manner that they teach us

    9. creation of a new style of educational relationship between man and his environment

      School of life!