37 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
  2. Feb 2021
  3. Nov 2019
  4. Oct 2019
  5. localhost:3000 localhost:3000
    1. AUM
    2. Many landowners are interested in purchasing horses and other livestock to graze their property.


    1. fter the forage is dry, weigh the bag and forage in grams and record the weight. Empty the forage and weigh the bag to get the net forage weight in grams. Postage scales may be adequate for weighing the forage, but the weights must be converted from ounces to grams (1 ounce = 28.3 g). Forage production in lbs./acre is determined by mul-tiplying the net forage weight (from the 10 hoops) by 10. If the forage from 10 hoop placements (10 x .96 sq. ft. = 9.6 sq. ft.) was 50 grams, total forage production would be 500 lbs. / acre.


  6. Sep 2019
  7. grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
    1. A preponderance of evidence approach is used todetermine which of the five departure categories areselected as best fits by the evaluator(s) for each at-tribute. This decision is based in part on where themajority of the indicators for each attribute fall underthe five categories at the top of the worksheet.

      Annotation in the app

  8. grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
    1. Forage production
    2. forage production
    3. he first step is to determine the forage production of your pasture, or the number of AUMs in the pasture. The second step is to determine the number of animals allowed to graze and/or the grazing time. How are these AUMs going to be used? Forage production is usually referred to in lbs. of forage per acre or AUMs per acre.
    1. These measurements are related to wind and water erosion, water infiltra-tion, and the ability of the site to resist and recover from disturbance.

      This is an outdated method. Lorem ipsum.

    1. that is affected by wind-scoured (including blowout) areas 8 and/or depositional areas in the comment section on page 2 of the evaluation sheet (Appendix 9 5). Table 12 provides generic descriptors of the five departure categories in the evaluation 10 matrix for wind-scoured and


    1. The methods described in the Core Methodsvolume are part of Step 8 in implementing a moni-toring program (Figure 3). Describing the anticipat-ed data analysis and interpretation of the monitoring data will also inform the characteristics of the moni-toring program design.

      Testing the API

    1. Cow (1000 lb.) = 1.0 AUE • Horse = 1.3 AUE • yearling cattle = 0.7 AUE • sheep = 0.2 AUE • goat = 0.2 AUE

      Testing from API

    1. Wind erodes unprotected soil resulting in dust and poor air quality. Water also erodes unprotected soil and increases sediment load in watersheds and decreases water quality. Poor grazing management can adversely affect neighboring landowners.

      Testing annotation with API

  9. grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com grazing-lands-files-dev.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com
    1. Before collecting field monitoring measurements (Figure 2) it is important to specify why, where, how, at what frequency, and at what intensity you will monitor. The methods described in the Core Methodsvolume are part of Step 8 in implementing a moni-toring program (Figure 3). Describing the anticipat-ed data analysis and interpretation of the monitoring data will also inform the characteristics of the moni-toring program design. Volume II of this manual provides detailed guidance on monitoring program design, data analysis and interpretation. In some cases, you may need to refer to Volume II (see ques-tions below) before continuing to read the rest of the Core Methods volume.

      Testing from app!