23 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2022
    1. Alice uses an ethereum wallet to create publish access control policies to the ethereum blockchain, and a set of related keys derived from a “nucypher keystore”.

      alice shiyong qukuail wallet kaishi

  2. Feb 2022
    1. capsule, which is simply an encrypted symmetric key

      capsule 其实就是加密后的对称秘钥文本

  3. Jan 2022
    1. needs to include channels for Alice and Bob to discover each other’s public keys

      for example ,by blockchain. alice an use did on blockchain, bob buy alice's secret with smart contract can also supply his public key

    2. Along with the transport of ciphertexts

      for example transport with https on web.

  4. Dec 2020
    1. d events related to provenance ofgranting permissions in a trusted, secure, immutable, auditable,and decentralized manner. Moreover, for sharing data, proxy re-encryption algorithms are often used to give secur


    2. dows 95 using


    3. their Inter


  5. Aug 2018
    1. One way that some teachers havefound success in managing emotions in the classroom is through the conscious up-regulating of positive emotions and down-regulating of negative emotions (Sutton, et. al, 2009).

      One way that some teachers havefound success in managing emotions in the classroom is through the conscious up-regulating of positive emotions and down-regulating of negative emotions (Sutton, et. al, 2009).

    2. t is important for a teacher to learn to regulate and to exhibit greater control over his or her own emotions so that they can have a greater impact on creating a positive, nurturing classroom environment

      t is important for a teacher to learn to regulate and to exhibit greater control over his or her own emotions so that they can have a greater impact on creating a positive, nurturing classroom environment

    3. Teachers have an especially challenging responsibility in this area, as our emotional responses help to set the tone and atmosphere for classroom learning

      Schunk, et. al, 2008。教师的情绪管理非常重要。因为他们的情绪反应直接影响到课堂氛围。

    4. . Thus, aggression becomes a sort of defense mechanism, and the aggressive student now has an acceptable excuse for why they are not passing their classes


    5. In fact, there were a few times in class that Cory did participate in the discussion, and I was always surprised that these were insightful comments.


    6. In many cases, a student who is struggling may be doing so not so much because they are having trouble with the material, but rather because they have set up their own mental blocks they prohibit themselves from evenputting forth the effort to try to succeed


    7. This is the main idea behind attribution theory, which examines the reasons students give, or attribute, for the outcome of a situation

      main idea of attribution theory

    8. to learn how to better understand students like Cory and how to use that understanding to both connect with the student in the classroom as well as how to better address behavioral issues, and to also learn how to better control my emotions as a teacher so that I can both address situations with a clear mind, as well as go home


  6. Jul 2018
  7. Sep 2017
    1. In practice it is often more convenient when working with the natural logarithm of the likelihood function, called the log-likelihood: ln ⁡ L ( θ ; x 1 , … , x n ) = ∑ i = 1 n ln ⁡ f ( x i ∣ θ ) , {\displaystyle \ln {\mathcal {L}}(\theta \,;\,x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n})=\sum _{i=1}^{n}\ln f(x_{i}\mid \theta ),} or the average log-likelihood: ℓ ^ = 1 n ln ⁡ L . {\displaystyle {\hat {\ell }}={\frac {1}{n}}\ln {\mathcal {L}}.}


  8. Jul 2017
    1. Writing a Research Proposal The purpose of a research proposal is to provide an outline of a research project to prospective advisors or supervisors. As such, the outline should mirror the structure of a thesis. Your proposal should be approximately 3-4 paragraphs of 200 to 250 words each (800 - 1000 words in total), plus a bibliography of the prominent research in the field. The four paragraphs should cover:  Background (situation or literature review): Describe the focus (field or topic) of your proposed research by drawing on prominent literature to sketch the 'situation'. In other words, 'situate' your research in a field of inquiry by describing the problem area and what is already known about the topic and not particularly controversial. Author A said this, Author B suggests that... Provide a short historical account of the literature in your field of inquiry.  Complication: If your topic area is well known and there is nothing controversial about it, then to research the area would be futile (a waste of time). So, something has happened to raise your interest to research this topic (something has complicated the situation to raise its importance). Describe what has occurred that raises the importance for researching this topic (e.g., researching a new mouse trap is not particularly important, but researching the cause of a disease that has killed a lot of people over the last year is important).  Hypotheses formulation: To conduct research is to have a question that needs answering and a proposition (proposed solution) to the question. Your hypothesis should emerge logically from the literature and complication you have presented.  Example research question: To what degree does the environment impact X? Example proposition or hypothesis (an answer to the research question): Three environmental factors (list them) cause X. A proposition is claim about the problem (A causes B) that you will test (research).  Methodological approach: Research involves collecting data to test your hypothesis and seeing if your proposed solution (A causes B) is correct. Therefore you need to identify the means (method) by which you will collect data and any challenges that might be involved. For example, data can be collected via interview, from a survey, by case studies, from existing databases. Describe how you intend to collect data to test your hypothesis. Also, data collection can have a range of problems. For example, access to relevant subjects (people who will do the survey), time to collect the data (needs to be within the timeframe of the research project), bias (how do you avoid bias in the data you collect).    See Also PREP your paragraphs Writing a structured paragraph   Bibliography Minto, B (1987) The Pyramid Principle: logic in writing and thinking, Pitman Publishing: London.


  9. May 2017
  10. Apr 2017
    1. Getting Started With TensorFlow


      首先你需要安装TensorFlow,参考地址 ,开始本向导要求读者具备如下知识:

      • 知道如何使用Python编程
      • 一点点数组的知识
      • 最哈哦有一点机器学习的背景知识。

      TensorFlow有两层API,一层是TensorFlow-core ,这层是比较底层的,提供给机器学习研究者和其他对于模型控制要求较高的人员使用。 另一层是Higher level API,这一层提供非常方便的机器学习调用api,任何人都可以快速的使用它构建机器学习应用。<br> 这个向导从TensorFlow Core API开始。因为了解了Core API后,有利于你对整个流程建立较好的理解。