43 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
    1. As part of ongoing security improvements, Content Security Policy (CSP) response headers are now present on all browser requests. This will impact Customizations and Integrations that load content from third-party/external sites outside of the main PowerSchool SIS address.A new {{cdn_request}} plugin.xml attribute has been added for Customizations and Integrations that require content from third-party sites to define external servers that the customization and/or integration will access. This attribute is present in PowerSchool SIS and greater, which is the minimum supported version starting August 15th.Customizations and/or Integrations that utilize external content inside PowerSchool SIS will need to be updated by the issuer.Documentation for the cdn_request attribute can be found on the PowerSchool Developer site. The previous link may return a blank page if you are not currently logged into PowerSource. 

      New Security Policy

  2. Aug 2022
    1. The Microsoft OneDrive LTI app integrates with your LMS to bring Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft 365 directly into your most important workflows that include: Attaching resources and organizing content. Starting collaborative documents. Creating and grading assignments.

      Options for LTI

  3. Apr 2022
    1. Create a Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Assignment Cloud assignments are templated assignments. All students get their own copy of the assignment and can edit their own copy. 

      The automatic distribution of files to students is one of the Google Classroom features that create migration barriers when promoting Brightspace usage.

    1. The short answer is that these are probably OK, too, but it depends on how you use them. The longer answer? An exemption to the U.S. Copyright Law permits the use of streaming services and other performance displays in the course of face-to-face teaching activities in a nonprofit educational institution, classroom, or similar place devoted to instruction. In other words, you can show your students a movie in your classroom as long as it has an educational purpose. What you can't do is, say, show a movie from a streaming service in your gym or cafeteria and charge for admittance. That's a no-no.

      American copyright law. Is it different in Canada?

    1. When a student had an assignment standard score but no standard final grade, the Standards Grades Report with the By Assignment parameter would be blank.

      Standards Grades Report Issue

  4. Jun 2021
    1. but not in assessment, evaluation, or reporting.

      Interesting pivot in secondary, where SEL skills are addressed but not reported on.

  5. Apr 2021
    1. The purposes of the achievement chart are to:• provide a common framework that encompasses all curriculum expectations for allsubjects/courses across grades;• guide the development of high-quality assessment tasks and tools (including rubrics);• help teachers to plan instruction for learning;• provide a basis for consistent and meaningful feedback to students in relation to provincial content and performance standards;• establish categories and criteria with which to assess and evaluate students’ learning.

      That last bullet makes it seem as if the four sections of the achievement chart should be used as categories like what we see in a traditional grading program, but those programs treat those categories as separate and discreet, while further down we are reminded that those categories "should be considered as interrelated, reflecting the wholeness and interconnectedness of learning" which should be seen as justification for not separating them out in a gradebook as separate weighted categories.

    2. The achievement chart for eachsubject/discipline is a standard province-wide guide and is to be used by all teachers as a frameworkwithin which to assess and evaluate student achievement of the expectations in the particular subjector discipline.

      The achievement chart is not what we are assessing, it is a framework/guide we use to help evaluate achievement of the expectations: it is the expectations that we are evaluating.

    3. The document is intended to ensure that policy is clear, consistent, and well aligned across panelsand across school boards and schools, and that every student in the system benefits from the samehigh-quality process for assessing, evaluating, and reporting achievement.

      Eleven years into the emergence of this document, this consistency is still something we seem to struggle with across the province.

  6. Dec 2020
    1. SharePoint Home site in TeamsThe new home site app brings the power of the SharePoint home site and an organization’s intranet directly into Teams to give employees a gateway to their organization’s intranet, with customizable naming, branding and multi-level navigation to teams, communities and resources. Coming later this year, the app name and icon match the brand for the users organization and can be pinned to the app bar in Teams, providing quick access to search and a personalized view of news and important sites.


  7. Oct 2020
    1. Currently, private channels support connectors and tabs (except Stream, Planner, and Forms). We're working on full apps support for private channels, including messaging extensions and bots.

      I can't seem to locate a timeline on this work, or mention of it in the Microsoft Roadmap.

    1. ion bar now spans the entire width of the screen. Previously, it was restricted to 1230 px.   Figure: 

      This would fix some of the issues we are seeing on smaller screens and tablets.

  8. Sep 2020
    1. synchronous learning will be provided for large and small groups of students each day, in a manner similar to in-person classroom teaching. Synchronous learning time may include students working independently and in small groups while engaged in a virtual classroom with the teacher overseeing their learning and available for questions.

      One of the key components of this statement is that synchronous learning includes students working independently, with teachers overseeing the learning and being available for questions. This matches how a face-to-face classroom operates: students can be working in small groups, or independently, and the teacher is available when questions arise, or additional support is required.

    1. For example, user enrollments will now be automatically synchronized between the two platforms.

      This could potentially offer a solution to the inability to merge SDS created Teams together. Merge in Brightspace, and sync the classlist in Brightspace over to a Team.


  9. May 2020
    1. Meetings Chat policy - with this change, the new policy will allow students to chat ONLY in the meeting and not before or after  – coming in early May

      Are there benefits to allowing students to chat privately in Teams?

  10. Apr 2020
    1. Will I get mid-term marks or final report ​cards? On March 31, 2020, the Ministry of Education sent the following information to school boards:  “A priority will be placed on students scheduled to graduate this year and any student on track to graduate will be supported to graduate.  Teachers of graduating students will be expected to provide marks for graduating students by April 23rd on work completed by that time, in order to meet admission requirements for post-secondary education.  Final report cards with marks will also be issued. Discussions are being held with colleges and universities about the adaptations required to support the admission process for students applying for post-secondary education, and further information will be provided. School boards should issue final report cards, including the Kindergarten Communication of Learning, for all students.  The requirement to issue mid-year report cards for non-graduating secondary students is suspended for this school year.”

      Midterm Grades in Secondary

  11. Jan 2020
    1. For Grades 9 to 12, a final grade (percentage mark) is recorded for every course. The final grade willbe determined as follows:• Seventy per cent of the grade will be based on evaluation conducted throughout the course. Thisportion of the grade should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement throughoutthe course, although special consideration should be given to more recent evidence of achievement.• Thirty per cent of the grade will be based on a final evaluation administered at or towards theend of the course. This evaluation will be based on evidence from one or a combination of thefollowing: an examination, a performance, an essay, and/or another method of evaluation suitableto the course content. The final evaluation allows the student an opportunity to demonstratecomprehensive achievement of the overall expectations for the course.

      Bookmark for Secondary Final Evaluations.

  12. Oct 2019
    1. Because locally developed courses are intendedto meet needs that are not met by coursesprovided in the curriculum policy documents,locally developed courses must not duplicatethe provincial curriculum. A small degree ofoverlap between locally developed andprovincial courses may be unavoidable, butlocally developed courses that contain a sig-nificant number of expectations that alreadyexist in a provincial course will not beapproved.

      This is counter to the idea I've come across that an L level course is an approximation of a P course, with some modifications. There seems to be inconsistency across the board and province around how these course codes are being used and taught.

    2. School boards are encouraged to use thestrands provided in the provincial curriculumpolicy document for the discipline, unlessthose strands are not appropriate for the con-tent of the course. If new strands are used,the strand titles should represent logical divi-sions of the course content.

      The existing L level courses, written as a CODE project with a consortium of school boards, were created in 2005. Should a new writing project be convened to attend to the changing use of the L level course codes now that focus courses and IDC course codes have eliminated much of the need to develop courses locally beyond meeting the needs of students who's needs might not be met in P level courses.

    3. Locally developed compulsory creditcourses must prepare students for further studyin courses from the curriculum policy documentsfor these disciplines.

      So L level courses should be stepping stones towards the student moving into a P level course. In circumstances where the P level course may still not meet the student's needs, what is the pathway?

    4. Inorder to provide students with the opportunityto upgrade their knowledge and skills, a schoolboard may develop locally one course in English,one course in mathematics, and one course inscience that can be counted as meeting a com-pulsory credit requirement in that discipline.These courses may review and reinforce the ele-mentary curriculum expectations essential to thedevelopment of a stronger foundation in theknowledge and skills necessary for further studyin the disciplines at the secondary level. Uponsuccessful completion of a Grade 9 locally devel-oped compulsory credit course, some studentsmay proceed to a Grade 9 academic or appliedcourse. Others may proceed to a Grade l0locally developed optional credit course, whichwould provide a “stepping stone” from theGrade 9 locally developed compulsory creditcourse to the Grade 11 workplace preparationcourse in that discipline.

      If locally developed courses are being created at a school board level, rather than the school level, wouldn't the compromises made to attend to various student needs across the district result in a course that could potentially be written provincially?

    1. It is expected that teachers and early childhood educators will collaborate in observing, monitoring, and assessing the development of the children in Kindergarten and in communicating with families, and that the teacher will ensure that the appropriate Kindergarten Communication of Learning templates are fully and properly completed and processed.

      In my mind, the plural in teachers would indicate responsibility for all three Communication of Learning reports resides with all of the teachers who teach the students, and not exclusively to the Homeroom/Main K educator and ECE.

    1. It is worth noting, right from the start, that assessment is a human process,conducted by and with human beings, and subject inevitably to the frailties of human judgement. However crisp and objective we might try to make it, and however neatly quantifiable may be our “results”, assessment is closer to an art than a science. It is, after all, an exercise in human communication.(Sutton, p. 2)

      A program that calculates grades will always fall short when the time comes to exercise human judgement. It's important to know going in that the calculator will only take you so far, and the rest you will need to do on your own.

  13. Aug 2019
    1. How do teachers determine my child’s grades?Teachers look at assignments, tests, exams, demonstrations and projects for evidence that your child is learning the curriculum. This learning means more than just knowing the facts. Students must also show an understanding of what they are studying by communicating and applying what they have learned. They must also demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.All work is reviewed with special attention given to the quality of work at the end of a unit of study, term or semester. Teachers do not simply calculate averages. As well as looking at tests or assignments, they also talk to and observe your child in the classroom to gather as much information as possible before making a decision on the final grade.

      The key point here is that "teachers do not simply calculate averages".

  14. Mar 2019
    1. Individual boards will work collaboratively with their school communities to determine the lowerlimitof the range of percentage marks below 50 per cent that teachers may record on the reportcards of students in Grades 9 to 12. It is important that a consistent approach is adopted among allthe schools of a board.

      The Hamilton Wentworth District School Board has established lower limits in its AER Policy: https://hyp.is/r1ARdkmUEemMVAfA8WFPiw/www.hwdsb.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Determining-Report-Card-Grades-Procedure.pdf

    1. ReportCodes:CodePercentageMarkRangeSignificanceReportCardUses“R”Lessthan50Expectationsnotmet,focusonrevision,remediation,completion,or“re‐doing”Replacewhenexpectationsmet.Grades7and8only“I”NomarkNoopportunitytodemonstrateachievementofoverallexpectationsforevaluation.ReplacewhenexpectationsmetGrades7–10only4040to49Additionallearningrequired.Focusonrevision,remediation,completion,or“re‐doing”.CreditRescue,CreditRecovery,SummerSchool.Grades9–12300to39Significantadditionallearningrequired.Mayrequireadditionalsupports,interventionsorchangestoprogram.CreditRescueorCreditRecoveryinsomecircumstancesGrades9–1225NomarkNoopportunitytodemonstrateachievementofoverallexpectationsforevaluation.ReplacewhenexpectationsmetGrades11–12only0ZeroNoevidenceoflearningthroughobservationsconversationsorproductsGrades9–12*Explanationsofthesecodesareinthesectionsbelow.

      HWDSB Lower Limits 9-12 Policy Info

  15. Jan 2019
    1. In addition, the teacher will consider that some evidence carries greaterweight than other evidence; for example, some performance tasks are richer and reveal more aboutstudents’ skills and knowledge than others. Teachers will weigh all evidence of student achievementin light of these considerations and will use their professional judgement to determine the student’sreport card grade.

      This statement has been our guiding principle on considering the tension between creating consistency across the board when considering the weights configured in an online gradebook for Overall Expectations, and Strands, and provisioning the ability for teachers to apply their professional judgement in the weighting of performance tasks.

      If strands are equally weighted, does this infringe upon a teacher's ability to adequately "put their finger on the scale" for performance tasks within that strand?

      When curriculum is written, does the writing team consider some strands as being more important, and worthy of greater "weight" than others? Consider newer curriculum documents -- like Physical Education or Social Sciences and Humanities -- where strand A is meant to be evaluated throughout the course, embedded within the instruction of other strands. Does this translate technologically to a greater weight requirement on the first strand, or just a professional recognition of importance when the report card grade is being determined.

      Where do we traverse the line between what technology can assist with, and where the calculator fails in deference to pure professional judgement?

  16. Oct 2018
  17. Jun 2018
    1. monitor their ownprogress towards achieving theirlearning goals (

      Can Assessment as Learning be gathered in a teacher's assessment tools? How do we collect this information on the student's behalf to model what it looks like to collect and reflect on past learning?

    2. For Grades 1 to 12, all curriculum expectations must be accounted for in instruction and assessment,but evaluation focuses on students’ achievement of the overall expectations. A student’s achievementof the overall expectations is evaluated on the basis of his or her achievement of related specificexpectations. The overall expectations are broad in nature, and the specific expectations define the particular content or scope of the knowledge and skills referred to in the overall expectations.Teachers will use their professional judgement to determine which specific expectations should beused to evaluate achievement of the overall expectations, and which ones will be accounted for ininstruction and assessment but not necessarily evaluated

      Important paragraph when addressing assessment based on Overall expectations, and the role of the specifics in that equation. "Teachers will use their professional judgement to determine which specific expectations will be used to evaluate achievement of the overall expectations"

    3. GRADES 1 TO 6

      Grade Scales for Evaluation

  18. Apr 2018
    1. An additional challenge with the ATLC model was that it employed selection in the acceptance of students. Only students identified as learning disabled were considered; students receiving services but without this classification were not included. Also, in the opinion of one teacher, the ATLCs were only able to support students who “need the most help” due to the limitation of the size of the program.134At the same time, the program also excluded students with disabilities considered to be too severe, including those currently taught in a contained classroom.Candidates were also evaluated and admitted based on levels of parental support and of support from students’ home schools. Paradoxically, the ATLCs’ limitations on participation were somewhat non-inclusive even though the program was aiming to support classroom inclusion. As one teacher expressed it:
    2. “When the whole class feels comfortable in using laptops and assistive technology on a daily basis then it is more likely that students who attended the Center, will feel comfortable in advocating for their use as well.”131They are “able to participate more fully in the day-to-day curriculum with confidence.”132Where this was not the case, andthe regular classroom teacher used little or no new technology, then as learning disabled students needing special devices, these students “stuck out like a sore thumb” and quickly abandoned the very tools and strategies that could help them.

      Success depends on the classroom teacher's comfort with technology use.

    3. One board did not invest enough in a coherent professional development plan and did not provide sufficient computer practice time for teachers. This led to frustration among teachers who were “not versed in technology, (were) frequently forgotten in training sessions (and felt they did) not have the expertise to help (students) with problems.”127
    4. In this instance, the use of the assistive technology faded as initial enthusiasm waned and there was no support to revive or sustain it.

      Sustained PD is key, along with a Teachers-First stance. Teaching the students in isolation is problematic.

    5. Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs) played a central role in taking the lead on how to use assistive technologies in the classroom. Their value was reinforced by shared professional development strategies that included SERTs with regular classroom teachers.

      Important to note the shared leadership of Spec Ed and Classroom teacher in effective implementation.

    6. Education for Allemphasized that assistive technology has the potential to support the learning needs of all students and that, through the use of universal design, teachers can ensure that every student has equal access to the curriculum. Assistive technology, it argued, has the ability to build on individual student strengths, increase student engagement and motivation, promote student independence, and raise student achievement. In addition, it argued, although assistive technology may be directed at supporting special education students, manyof its features “turn out to be advantageous for a broad range of individuals, not just those with special needs”

      The ability to attend to the needs of all students, not just those with special needs, is an important argument for ensuring support in the use of AT is inclusive, rather than focused merely on students with LDs.

    1. Assistive technologies have been used most successfully when they are placed in the service of the primary learning goals of the school system. Their greatest impact has been when they have been integrated into classroom teachers’ practice with all students rather than just providing a form of separate (and sometimes stigmatized) source of support for individual students with identified special needs.
    2. Compared to imposed threshold targets on standardized tests, diagnostic assessments and growth or progress measures of student achievement tend to have a more positive impact on teaching and learning;

      This is important to note, as EQAO data tends to be a popular gauge of success, and as previously indicated a few paragraphs up, standardized testing can be an ill-fitting measure of success for students with learning disabilities.

  19. Nov 2017
  20. Aug 2017
    1. If Donald Trump deploys the big bomb during upcoming NAFTA negotiations, and threatens to blow up the continental trade agreement, a unit within the office of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be assigned to try disarming it.

      Interesting metaphor choice in this opening paragraph. Speaks to the violence we attribute to actions by the current US president.

  21. Mar 2016
    1. The goal of these changes is to prepare students to solve messy, complex problems – including problems we don’t yet know about – associated with living in a competitive, globally connected, and technologically intensive world

      This is a great measure for what we do in schools. Replace the words "these changes" with "schools".

      "The goal of schools is to prepare students to solve messy, complex problems – including problems we don’t yet know about – associated with living in a competitive, globally connected, and technologically intensive world."