334 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. Project status at a glance Don't feel like opening up a project to see the status? Neither do we. You can quickly view whether a project is cancelled, confirmed, or not yet confirmed in various places in the  table_chart Projects module. This can help you decide which (sub)projects need immediate attention and which can wait. Status indicators Actual Status Status Group From within the project List / Per day view Timeline / Calendar view Cancelled Cancelled Project name ApplicationConceptPending Unconfirmed Project name ConfirmedPreppedOn LocationReturned Confirmed Project name  From within the project From within the project, traffic light symbols are used to indicate subproject status. You can easily see at the top of the page what the status of the active subproject is (in the below image, New York has a red dot, as it is cancelled). By hovering over any dot, a text will pop up explaining exactly what the the status is for that (sub)project (in the below image, we see that for the World Tour, the "status varies per subproject"). List / Per day view Timeline / Calendar In the calendar or timeline view of projects, the color of the project is determined by the project type. This is not to be confused with the project status. In the image below, we can see that we have one cancelled project (struck through), two confirmed projects (normal), and one project not yet confirmed (italicized).  

      and screenshots

  2. Aug 2020
    1. unknown

      heads up, sneaky screenshot below, it's different

    2. Red


    3. Green


    4. Fill in the date and times.


    5. Fill in the date and times.


    6. Rentman Web

      changed browser to Rentman web

    7. In the Filters dropdown list, you can filter the view further.

      tightened up and removed "every project day"

    8. By selecting this box, you can see the days in which a planned project meets one of the following conditions:

      tightened up the phrase

    9. verview

      screenshot below

    10. select

      screenshot below

    11. functions

      changed from appointment to function

    12. ou can filter your view for appointments


    13. colleagues


    14. The my schedule module

      screenshots throughout

    15. On the right, above the calendar, you can filter the calendar view with the following buttons:

      changed and screenshot

    16. The current day is marked by a vertical blue stripe.

      new and screenshot

    1. If you decided to keep your demo data after activating your account to practice a bit more, you can always decide to delete it later.


    2. Note: Emptying your database is irreversible. We can't restore your data after you've deleted the database.

      moved up

    3. You can now decide if you would like to

      new + screenshot

    4. Welcome to Rentman! You have now successfully activated your Account. 

      new !!!

    5. Read


    6. Click


    7. Read and agree authorization disclaimer. 


    8. The VAT number field should include your company's identification number for value added tax purposes (this can also be a GST number). If you do not have a VAT number, please check  the box below the input field.

      moved and screenshot

    9.  Fill in your invoice details and payment information. 


    10. If you have tested a higher number of power users than the one you are activating, you will have to reduce the number of power users after activating.If you want to activate a Lite or Classic license after a Pro/Classic trial, Rentman will ask you to edit some settings.


    11. Click on your username in the top right corner and choose star Activate Rentman, or click on the  button in the bar at the top of your screen.


    1. UPDATE

      bad title, but will change later

    2. Adding, deleting, and defining power users

      add screenshots from rmii, quite a bit changed because it's a merge

    3. table_chart Projects

      styled these things here

    4. Frequently asked questions

      faq's combined, changed into accordions, and removed unnecessary one about adding / deleting power users

    5. Decrease number of power users

      steps condensed

    6. Continue the process until your license details have successfully been changed.


    7. Input the desired amount of additional power users.


    8. Upgrade


    9. Navigate to Login information > User role, select a non-power user role, and save your changes


    10. assign the power user role

      update link

    11. Input the amount of desired additional power users.

      changed and screenshot removed

    12. Upgrade


    13. Increase number of power users

      first section from add or delete

    14. In this example, 3 power user roles are currently assigned. If your license covers 11 powers user roles in total, you still have 8 power user roles left to assign. 

      update numbers

    15. In the Power users section, you can see how many and to whom the power user roles are assigned to.


    16. A Rentman account always includes 1 power user by default. In this example, we also have 10 extra power users. Therefore, this license covers 11 power users in total.

      update numbers

    17. How many power users does my license cover?

      third section from add or delete power users

    18. information.

      end of what is a power user

    19. add or delete a power user

      removed link

    20. Frequently Asked Questions 

      link to section

    21. In this article we provide general information about power users, as well as how to add and delete them.


    1. My schedule module

      screenshots throughout ! not marked

    2. unknown

      heads up, sneaky screenshot below. it's different

    3. Green


    4. Fill in the information.


    5. Fill in the date and times.


    6. Rentman Web

      changed browser to Rentman web

    7. In the Filters dropdown list, you can filter the view further.

      tightened up and removed "every project day"

    8. By selecting this box, you can see the days in which a planned project meets one of the following conditions:

      tightened up

    9. functions

      changed from appointments to functoins

    10. you can filter your view for appointments


    11. On the right, above the calendar, you can filter the calendar view with the following buttons:

      changed and screenshot added

    12. The current day is marked by a vertical blue stripe.


  3. Jul 2020
    1. UPDATE

      Version 3 updates - GIF updpated, decide for yourself if it's worth it. It's only slightly different from the old interface. Look for parkiepants comment

    2. Move the entire function Click and drag the function in the overview Change the time frameDrag the beginning or the end of a function
    3. follows

      Replace screenshot below

    1. Project progress icons

      CHanged this section a bit, added a screenshot because this is really important in the new interface !

    2. horizontally


    3. Projects names are written in different colors so you can better distinguish what their status is: Blue: Application - Concept - Pending Black: Confirmed - Prepped - On location - Returned Gray: Cancelled

      Changed and added bullets

    1. With the Warehouse module If you want to book your equipment in the Warehouse module: Go to the Equipment tab of the project. Double-click on the equipment group to edit it. Assign the group a planning period, so it will be shown in the Warehouse module. Go to the group_work Warehouse module and click on "Book". Click "Everything to location". In the pop-up window, change the project status to "Returned", then save.

      Updated and consolidated

    2. After your quote is signed and the project is confirmed, you can either book your equipment in the Warehouse module or manually adjust the stock quantity of your sale items.

      Consolidated, deleted an unnecessary section

    3. Book with or without the Warehouse module


    1. This is the level at which you would like to replenish this item, in order to avoid running out completely. You have the option of filter_list filtering for all items that have reached their critical stock level in the category Equipment module. You can also display this information in a personalized dashboard in the dashboard Dashboard module.


  4. Jun 2020
    1. the status of a project can be changed by clicking on "Done" in the project tile.

      changed plus screenshot

    1. In the Crew member rate dropdown field, select the rate to apply


    2. timeline


    3. In the Action dropdown field, select "Invite" (Optional) Add additional days/times to the invitation Select the Invitation type Set the due date (deadline for the crew member, to respond to the invitation) (Optional) Add additional crew members Add a message (optional: create/apply a template) Click  Invite

      all pretty new and changed

    4. this


    5. At the top of the left column, click the dropdown menu to select "Crew members" or "Vehicles" Select your desired crew member(s) or vehicle(s) and click watch_later to open the lower timeline In the timeline, you will see their availability for the selected time period Click and drag your cursor in the timeline (on the same level as the crew member's name) to select a time period In the Action dropdown field select "Mark as reserved" Click Select

      all pretty new and changed

    6. Select the appropriate time period (and unfold) your project

      added to

    7. Double-click on one or multiple crew member(s) or vehicle(s) to plan them on the selected function


    8. At the top of the left column, click the dropdown menu to select "Crew members" or "Vehicles".


    9. crew or transport


    10. Select the appropriate time period and find (and unfold) your project.

      added to

    11. video


    12. crew

      deleted hypen

    1. Select an action in the Action dropdown field.


    2. in


    3. (on the same level as the crew member's name)

      added for clarity

    4. In the example above this crew member is unavailable on Wednesday, available on Thursday, and on Friday their availability is unknown. the 3rd and the 4th.

      updated and replaced screenshot

    5. indicated by colors


    6. In either the Crew scheduling tab of a project or the account_circle Crew planner module, select a function to see which crew members are available

      added to and styled

    1. Green function: visible for all crew members planned on a function   Orange function: invisible for one or more crew members planned on a function  Dark blue crew: crew member can see that he is planned on a function  Light blue crew: crew member can NOT see that he is planned on a function 

      changed and screenshots

    2. Click "Make planning visible to crew members" (all crew planned on that function) or "Switch visibility for crew member" (just one crew member)

      styling changed and expanded upon

    3. In the timeline, right-click on a planned crew function (to switch visibility for all crew planned on that function) or a planned crew member (to switch visibility for just one crew member).

      expanded upon and screenshot

    4. Select  a crew member planned under a function.


    5. visibility


    6. visibility


    1. Request availability for times of function: the crew member will receive an email with the question "Are you available for this period?". If the crew member chooses "Yes", the crew member is shown as available. If "No" is chosen, the crew member is shown as not available. No project or function details are shown. After confirmation directly visibly planned on function: the crew member will receive an email with the question "Are you available for this position?". If the crew member chooses "Yes", the crew member is immediately scheduled for the position. After confirmation invisibly planned on function: the crew member will receive an email with the question "Are you available for this function?". If the crew member chooses "Yes", the crew member is planned invisibly for the function.

      Bulleted, bolded, and copy/pasted content from the little info boxes in the browser

    2. Invitation types


    3. Invite for a function


    4. Good to know: The invitation will be sent within 15 minutes. Multiple invitations within 15 minutes will be combined into one email with multiple options. Invitations can also be received and answered in the Rentman Mobile app. Click on "Invitations" in the app and you will see an overview of all outstanding invitations. Push notifications can be sent to the app for new invitations. Make sure Rentman Mobile has the rights to send push notifications in the app settings and the notifications in Rentman Web have been set up correctly.

      Condensed, rephrased, and bulleted

    5. Configure the following settings: Invitation type  Due date Add or delete crew members Add a message (optional: create/apply a template)

      totally new

    6. Click "Invite"


    7. Select  one or multiple crew functions and select  one or multiple crew members

      added the crew member part

    8. The account_circle Crew planner module The Crew Scheduling tab in a project

      bullet points and styling added, terminology changed

    9. Invitations in Rentman can be sent from:

      heading 4 applied

    10. Rentman Mobile app

      correct name given

    11. email

      spelling fixed

    12. tutorial video

      update video

    1. contact_phone Contacts module

      adjusted hyperlink

    2. Check the preview of your data one last time and click Import  

      New, plus screenshot and CSS

    3.  folder structure.

      deleted screenshot below

    4. root folder


    5. Indicate if you want to import import contact persons associated with your contacts. Upload a contacts file in accordance with the "Terms" listed. Indicate if your file contains a header (column titles) in the first row and match the Rentman columns with the columns in your file.  

      Totally new, plus screenshot

    6. Select the type of import you want to do: "Import all rows as new item" - your contact database is empty and this is your first import "Update existing items with new data" - you have contacts already imported and want to update their details "Add new items and skip existing ones" - you have contacts already imported and want to add more contacts

      Totally new

    7. Click on More options more_vert next to + Add contact and choose Import.

      Changed, along with screeenshot

    8. contact persons


    1. Click on "Notes" to view or add project notes.


    2. More options - Click more_vert to "Create a document" or "Open project"

      totally changed

    3. start 

      some words left out

    4. Project tiles


    5. On location - This is the equipment of projects that are taking place. You can toggle between: All projects on location  Only projects expected back that day 

      reworded and screenshots added

    6. Planned


    7. Transports


    1. planned your periodic inspections

      different wording, plus new link

    2. planning a periodic inspection

      new wording, plus new link

    3. Periodic inspections first need to be configured in the settings Configuration module. Here you will determine how often each inspection will take place, and what exactly needs to be checked.

      new-ish and adopted from a paragraph deleted in original article

    4. UPDATE - Periodic inspections

      A lot has changed in this article. Merged and sections re-ordered. Some new content

    5. when their inspection date is

      deleted question below as it is the next section now

    6. List of equipment to inspect

      first section of original article reordered

    7. Check  or uncheck the box under "Active".

      rephrased, added screenshot

    8. Active or inactive inspection

      Back to merged article

    9. In Serial numbers, click "+ Add copies", search for an equipment item, and choose the serial numbers you want to inspect.

      rephrased + new content

    10. Inspections overview, fill in the Periodic inspection field (previously set up in the settings Configuration module - paragraph above).

      rephrased + new content

    11. Plan periodic inspections

      Back to original article and rephrased

    12. Configure inspection types


    13. For example: A rigging inspection is normally done every 6 months. During a rigging inspection, all hoists, chains and other accessories need to be visually examined.

      taken from merged article

    14. Setting up periodic inspections

      section taken from merged article

    1. .

      deleted widget box above

    2. Repair period


    3. choose a repair slip template and desired settings.


    4. You can always find your repair slip when you select the included equipment items in the build Maintenance or category Equipment modules and click "Details".


    5. Fill in the Serial number field, if applicable.


    1. "Book", in the (sub)project tile.

      I made this regular size and screenshot below

    2. tiles


    3. You brought 5 jugs of fog juice to an event, but only 3 jugs were used. When booking equipment back, type "2" in the field next to  .

      Changed !!

    4. this

      removed screenshot below

    5. In the "Return to warehouse" status, you can mark items either defect or lost by clicking on the More options more_vert button.

      added this

    6. price of 0.

      removed screenshot below

    7. Click on Book alternative.


    8. Click the More options more_vert button and select "Plan alternative".


    9. Click on the "Activate scanner" button

      Slightly changed, plus screenshot below

    10. close


    11. If you planned sale items (i.e. consumables) on a project, when returning your equipment to the warehouse, you must leave the ones you used on location. When moving equipment from "On location" to "Brought back", you can enter the unused (remaining) quantity of your sales item and press . The quantity that comes back will be accounted for in the stock level of the item.

      Changed and condensed this section, screenshots. Pretty sure either this was written wrong, or the behavior was flipped.

    12. sound button  

      pew pew

    13. Connect

      Removed unnecessary bolding in this section

    14. You have two options for manually booking equipment (without scanning): Click on    or  to book one piece of equipment at a time. Click "Everything to..." to book everything at once.

      Completely replaced this section with this

    15. Grouping

      Removed screenshot above

    16. Return to warehouse

      Made this normal size

    17. Click expand_more to expand the kit.

      Changed and CSS

    18. Here you can see basic information about the item such as the name, the quantity of the item planned (5), the amount that still needs to be booked out (3), assigned serial numbers, and more. You can view equipment notes or add a new note. Click on the More options more_vert button of equipment in the warehouse to view the equipment image (added in the category Equipment module), split items, or plan alternative items.

      This is all completely new and replaced the old table that was here

    1. Bulk edit

      Merged article !!! Check source code for proper linking and heading

    2. templates.

      deleted text box below this

    3. refresh 


    4. (optional) Click bookmark Make default to make this your "Default contact person".

      added step and removed "default contact person" from data tab section

    1. Manage your Rentman profile and workspaces (company accounts)

      small changes made in "move from a (one) workspace to another"

    2. one

      changed from "a" to "one"

    3. exit_to_app Return to workspaces

      CSS styling and terminology changed

    4. Click on your (crew member's) name in the top-right corner of the screen.

      crew member placed in (parantheses)

  5. May 2020
    1. "Update settings".

      styling changed

    2. Copy the link of the stream(s) you want to import.

      screenshot above changed, as well as screenshot of copy button