14 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2016
    1. Since Amy becomes a mirror to Sheldon, she must be intelligent, but her showings of this intelligence can be awkward.

      Is a female being intelligent not normal and make people uncomfortable?

    2. According to Sherri Inness, “Lisa Simpson of The Simpsons is one of the most influential smart female characters on television, but she is not depicted entirely posi-tively, being too studious and serious when compared with her brother Bart”

      being smart means you can't be 'normal' or 'relaxed'?

    3. For Bernadette, the roles of caretaker and mother offer little to no appeal.
    4. Sheldon remains awkward and unclear in its trajectory. Amy desires a more traditional relationship than what Sheldon currently offers, but Sheldon remains avoidant or clueless about those conventions
    5. and even families

      all independent women want families?

    6. the classic plot situa-tion of the boyfriend trying to find a way to make up his poor behavior to his girl

      lost me here. became very picky about any situation portrayed. Seems like it's saying woman shouldn't get their feelings hurt because that stereotypical and woman are better than that now. Can be vice versa too.

    7. t the end of season 4, Berna-dette announces that she successfully defended her dissertation and earned her Ph.D., and she then announces being recruited by a pharmaceutical company and getting paid a “buttload” of money. This announcement becomes an oppor-tunity to deride Howard (yet again) for his lack of Ph.D. and his less-significant career.

      is that a bad thing? '(yet again)' making it out like she's a horrible person for being something better than her significant other.

    8. She visits Leonard’s lab to learn more about his experiment

      woman should be more interested in men's research and achievements.

    9. Bernadette misses a key event because she remains under quarantine for possible yellow fe-ver because of drinking out of contami-nated petri dishes.

      'typical' woman mistake and the consequences from being so careless.

    10. This reinforcing of dominant values, however, becomes more compli-cated with The Big Bang Theory through representations of Bernadette and Amy. In particular, these nuances appear through their discussions of their areas of expertise and their careers, their per-formances of their work, and their exter-nal recognitions for their achievements.
    11. Roles for female characters in early sitcoms were domestic ones, such as housekeeper and child care-taker as in I Love Lucy (1951–1957), The Brady Bunch (1969–1974), and Leave It to Beaver (1957–1963).

      are these older expectations still something people expect from modern shows? since it's so normal and what an average show should include maybe

    12. The Big Bang Theoryseems progressive in that it represents female scientists alongside male scien-tists in ways that value their intelligence and professional achievements.

      counter argument for positive representation, at least more than most shows.

    13. These main male charac-ters appear in both work and domestic settings throughout the show. The three main female characters do appear in the work situations at different times, but their locations remain primarily in the domestic ones.

      general over view of where the woman are portrayed. Not taken into account that they also work and are scientists as much as the men.

    14. Children’s programming further features scientists, such as Bill Nye The Science Guy. Steinke et. al ex-amined middle-schoolers’ responses to the scientists in these and other shows using traits such as “intelligence, domi-nance, alone, and respected” (172) and found the overall response favorable.

      Do audiences prefer male presence for these types of roles?