- May 2020
htmx.org htmx.org
Pretty cool stuff
- Feb 2020
justpy.io justpy.io
This could be quite useful.
- Sep 2019
www.electiondataarchive.org www.electiondataarchive.org
great resource!
jstobigdata.com jstobigdata.com
some good stuff here
- Jul 2019
bellard.org bellard.org
This seems amazing!
- Jun 2019
github.com github.com
Maybe I should try to use this?
github.com github.com
why didn't I find this before?
- May 2019
www.sable.mcgill.ca www.sable.mcgill.caMcLab2
grunt && grunt test
fails on Linux with node v10.15.3
why isn't this on github/gitlab?
relift-html.js.org relift-html.js.org
Looks Good!
zeroserver.io zeroserver.io
I might want to use this
WOW. this is AWESOME.
- Apr 2019
output.jsbin.com output.jsbin.comJS Bin1
how cool
themes.gohugo.io themes.gohugo.io
This is one good looking theme
yourbasic.org yourbasic.org
Algorithms to Go: a very nice article collection
tio.run tio.run
looks like fun
hplgit.github.io hplgit.github.iobook.pdf1
This book gets lots of praise
discoverthreejs.com discoverthreejs.com
wish I had the time to learn some of this cool stuff
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Without mobile support, I can't see this catching on in this day and age. But I intend to use it, as long as it's alive, for myself, as a sort of enhanced bookmarks.
ifconfig.co ifconfig.co
I keep forgetting the TLD of this very useful site.
tqdev.com tqdev.com
I think I'll use this.
www.lexaloffle.com www.lexaloffle.com
Looks like fun :)
pugjs.org pugjs.org
So pug is actually more than just templating, it's also a simplified syntax for writing html -- but it differs from markdown etc. in that you need to specify html elements explicitly. Templating, ie. interpolation, looping and so on comes on top of that.
casual-effects.com casual-effects.comMarkdeep1
Cool stuff.