5 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Writing can give you what having a baby can giveyou: it can get you to start paying attention, can help yousoften, can wake you up

      Yes, but there’s a little bit of different with writing and a baby. For example, you can rewrite the essay but you can’t rebirth a baby.

    2. It is a matter ofpersistence ~nd faith and hard work. So you might as welljust go ahead and get starteq

      Yes, and I think the most difficult part is to start doing a thing.

    3. Don't worry if what you write is no good,because no one is going to see it.

      9/30 Interesting: Since I first starting writing, my teacher always wants me to present the best content I can.

    4. n, I couldn't think of a single restaurantwhere I'd ever actually eate

      9/30 Surprising: I thought it’s command to remember the restaurant I’ve been to, until I read this sentence and find out that I can’t even remembered which restaurant I’ve been to yesterday.

    5. "I don't even know where to start,

      9/30 Troubling: It’s hard for me to start writing an essay, and I think the beginning is the most difficult thing for me.