- Jun 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
As always in these writings, alchemical symbols are susceptible71 tomultiple interpretations—sun and moon can represent dual powers in thesoul, soul and spirit, creativity and receptivity, and so on. But therepresentation of the mystic marriage in the ancient text is also overtlysexual, depicted in recurrent fanciful and mysterious images of sexualunion. As Mark Haeffner observes in A Dictionary of Alchemy, “Graphicimages of Coniunctio72 in alchemy books are frank portrayals of sexualintercourse by a crowned couple. No mere chemical combination but anarchetypal copulation of the reigning principles of nature at that time ...Sol is the masculine sun: fiery, active, fixed, symbol of sulfur. Luna is thevolatile, feminine, liquid principle of the moon.”
This makes a lot of sense if I think about it like this: Base notes are often warm, like the sun, sometimes leathery, often masculine, and floral heart notes, intoxicating, like the moon is said to be.
When I am creating a custom perfume, I tend to use base notes as alitmus test of a person’s sensual depths. The timid always choose vanilla;the daring sometimes go for costus or blond tobacco or black spruceabsolute. But the perfumer must learn to embrace them all, bearing inmind the words of the great perfumer Jean Carles, a.k.a. Mr. Nose (his wasinsured for one million dollars) and founder of an important perfumeryschool in Grasse:
The same Jean Carles who wrote "A method of creation and perfumery" in December 1961 :)
docdrop.org docdrop.orgPerfume3
Setting up the game.
sounds super fun
Out of the hundreds of candidates who apply every year,each school selects no more than twenty students. And out of all the schools, lessthan a dozen students will become perfumers. e others will nd jobs ascosmeticians, evaluators, marketing assistants, quality controllers, productionmanagers, and the like.
wow that's tough. But also, this was written in 2011. Now it's 2024. Hear Billie Eilish as a contrast: https://youtu.be/NgxN5KJ9QAw?si=gwKfU3EDRZjgnbwZ
Dragoco Report to theperfumer Edmond Roudnitska. e subject was: e young perfume composer andodors. Although dated 1962,
searched for this Report, but only found this blog post about Perfumery as Design: https://frompyrgos.blogspot.com/2012/04/perfumery-is-design.html which was also interesting :)
- May 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I came to this one not because it's in my profile but because I was looking for a hexagram that corresponds to my favourite fragrance: The Vetiver Orange blend. Because the 8th hexagram represents water above earth, I thought it's a good match with citrus on top of vetiver.
when the first atoms of forgiveness finally travel back tothe very beginning of time, as they already have, the world we know will beginto dissolve. When all is forgiven, then forgiveness itself no longer exists, onlyTruth. The final destiny of the 4th Siddhi is to rupture the connection between thepast and the future, between the black and the white, between the yin and theyang — to finally bring an end to the logical fabric of spacetime itself. Trueforgiveness is merciless because it returns everything to its source and is a forceof pure annihilation. The ultimate goal of forgiveness is in fact to bring an end tothe world of form itself.
The end of the world of form itself, isn't that what the devil, the fallen angel, wants?
- Nov 2023
Theopposite of past life regression is post life progression, which enables some subjects to see snatches of thefuture as incomplete scenes. For instance, some have told me Earth’s population will be greatly reducedby the end of the twentysecond century, partially due to adverse soil and atmospheric changes. Theyalso see people living in odd-looking domed buildings
That sounds surprisingly realistic...
- Apr 2023
fractalenlightenment.com fractalenlightenment.com
Infinite lovers are hopeless romantics, and thus always enchanted.
This is a new way of seeing the word "hopeless romantic".
- Mar 2023
www.google.com www.google.com
start annotating.
Welcome :)
www.themarginalian.org www.themarginalian.org
All real living hurts as well as fulfils. Happiness comes when we have lived and have a respite for sheer forgetting. Happiness, in the vulgar sense, is just a holiday experience. The life-long happiness lies in being used by life; hurt by life, driven and goaded by life, replenished and overjoyed with life, fighting for life’s sake. That is real happiness. In the undergoing, a large part of it is pain.
It's the tickle in the nose when something really hurts or really gives joy. I wonder what comes after the tickle in the nose except for tears.
the mental pole the pole of the mind is the future pole the physical pole the body pole is the past Pole
never thought of it like that, never read that far into Whitehead - thank you Rupert!
it's important for us humans to have all this information because in the future 00:32:41 we are the ones that are going to be populating the galaxy
ooh I kind of love this idea, a bit Star Trek like, giving a purpose to humanity's survival on planet Erde
33 vertebrae from our spine
correct, humans have 33 vertebrae
that's why we have around 33 blood types in this planet
again a very far leap, have to first understand how the five platonic bodies put together create 32 portals and how they relate to blood types
so 11 11 11 00:27:51 are the codes in which we could realize that is the path towards enlightenment and recognize the whole consciousness in the three stages of the universe that's 00:28:05 why when we see this number 11 11 11 is the code that makes us know that we are ready to put all the patterns together and to work for the divine
wow that was fast with the fractal trinities leading up to 11 11 11
it was not just monkeys going around and suddenly a species from the heavens came and modified them
no I see him talking about Telos, the universal pull of evolution and development of consciousness
which one of the species were more prepared to hold all that information
mh I understand better now I think, whales might have been the first to understand a lot about the universe
the best being to hold all that information and to be wise about it was the whale
this is where my BS-meter goes full alarm again, saying: wait, a moment ago we were talking about the origin of life on earth and now we're talking about whales, which evolved from some carnivorous mammals not tooo long ago
so what they had to do is to see which cells of this body with what we call Earth were able to evolve and to 00:20:12 hold information from outside
this is a very interesting take on the "extra-terrestrial origin of life" hypothesis, which usually goes like "yeah some asteroids fell onto earth and brought DNA snippets with it" - which always sounded like utter BS to me
water has the whole information to create life to express 00:17:59 the realities in different ways but those ways need to be experienced so earth minerals has to shape it so along the whole history and evolution of the 00:18:14 galaxy minerals were conditioning water to shape it in different in different ways so it could be holding some information
but this goes along quite well with research into the origins of life on earth - apparently minerals gave structure to the first molecules of life
we are the living proof that we always are we're 00:17:45 and will be water but we are only changing the shapes
here it sounds a lot like an "ingenious" insight on a psychedelic trip
experimentation became to be the reproduction
yeah I like this experimentation
expression was to be born
lol literally being ex-pressed, pressed out xD
4.6 billion years ago when the 00:12:53 moon crashes with her
I'm not sure but I thought the moon crashed into the earth earlier than 4.6 billion years ago
creating the first living beings like blue aliens and other beings that are so enlighted itself in other dimensions that they they could hold the spirit of 00:12:26 fire and also living in the water
I don't like how they are depicted as biped humanoids - doesn't seem very fitting - who made these visuals? Makes it harder for me to take it serious
like an egg in the womb of the mother so it starts to split in different thousands and thousands of cells so each one of us comes from one Elohim
I love this metaphor and I imagine that this is very much how the universe started - splitting into more and more cells with more and more complexity
- Dec 2022
write.as write.as
Then you take the love you made
I think it's true: love is something that we make Only in its most simple and fundamental sense is love also something that's fundamentally existing. All the different forms are results of evolution in different realms (biological, psychological, cultural, spiritual)
Until their dying breath
No breath = Nir vana I'm still a bit hopeful that maybe this is what waits for me after my death: no breath, but also no thing, literally nothing
And everyone must breathe
Holding the breath and generally becoming conscious of breath can be very pleasant
Pumping someone else's heart
This is a funny image when taken literal: https://tiny.write.as/elias/the-heart Manually pumping someone's heart literally means saving someone's life, but at the same time they're definitely not having a good time and are probably not conscious.
docdrop.org docdrop.orgLighter13
he pervasiveness of dissatisfactionthat humans feel is due to craving, but it’s possible for all of us to fully eradicatecraving and thus be fully liberated.
Maybe a bit extreme? Why not keep it but just come to terms with it? Find something better that makes it faint a bit. Or is this what is meant?
Take note of behavior patterns that show uprepeatedly in your life.
Literally: take notes
How has a lack of self-love affected your relationships in the past?
Ähem.. projecting unwanted parts of myself onto others, or parts that I didn't want to take credit for. Didn't feel worthy of contact with others, probably attracted similar people, projected unworthiness onto them, just made everything needlessly a bit more negative.
Can you be honestwith yourself when your mind is full of tension?
No, sometimes not, but once the tension leaves I usually see more clearly.
What is your relationship to honesty these days?
It's amazing to reduce friction (internally and externally)
Has understanding yourself helped you see them more clearly?
Has building your self-love helped you have more compassion forothers?
I hope so.
s there a way touse boundaries to support yourself in the cultivation of the new you?
A boundary between me and my mind.
What positive habits are you working on developing?
What part of yourself do you have trouble accepting? Is this a criticalpart of your story?
Disagreement with parts of myself and other people. How do I choose the "right" perspective? How can I stop over-thinking?
How do you want yourself-love to evolve, and what do you want it to feel like a year from now?
Just like this right now but more intense and radiant.
What does self-love look like for you right now?
Focusing on my energetic body and trying to keep it as alive and pleasant as possible. Trying to see myself as realistic as possible while trying to act as pragmatic as possible.
Real love is exible—like water, it can sit in stillness or ow with tremendous power.
This is an amazingly simple reconciliation of the seeming opposition of Love and Power
- Oct 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
When she runs into a difficulty,she stops and gives herself to it
This behaviour seems familiar to me...
The great Way is easy,yet people prefer the side paths
Maybe otherwise things would be a bit too boring for the Tao?
To find the origin,trace back to the manifestations.When you recognize the childrenand find the mother,you will be free of sorrow.
I don't understand this, but it seems somehow important.
- Feb 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
ich kann mir gut vorstellen welche fragen sie sich heute abend stellen hier geht es da nicht anders die lage ist sehr ernst gerade erleben wir den beginn eines krieges wie wir in europa so seit mehr
i can well imagine the questions you are asking yourself this evening. there is no other way around here, the situation is very serious. we are currently experiencing the beginning of a war like we haven't been seeing in europe for a while now
Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, welche Fragen sie sich heute Abend stellen, es gibt nichts anderes, die Situation ist sehr ernst, wir fangen gerade an, einen Krieg zu erleben, wie wir es in Europa sind, also mehr
I can well imagine what questions they are asking themselves tonight, there is nothing else there the situation is very serious we are just starting to experience a war like we are in europe so for more
liebe mitbürgerinnen und mitbürger heute ist ein furchtbarer tag für die ukraine und ein düsterer tag für europa wir alle sorgen und zum den frieden
dear fellow citizens. today is a terrible day for ukraine and a gloomy day for europe. we all care and for peace
docdrop.org docdrop.org
In contrast to those presented in most other developmental models, thestages of life portrayed here are essentially independent of chronological age,biological development, cognitive ability, and social role.
Please don't overthrow all other developmental models :/ I'm kinda hooked on Wilber's summary on developmental stages and lines, but I'm willing to read further into this.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Chesterton’s fence
Only change if you understand why something was done the way it was done. If something seems stupid to you, keep the hell away from it. Only remove a fence if you know why it was there.
- Nov 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
mtDNA has a high mutation rate, and de novo mtDNA mutations create a mixture of mutant and normal mtDNAs in cells, a state known as heteroplasmy. As the proportion of mutant mtDNAs increases, the energy output capacity of the cell declines until there is insufficient energy to sustain cellular function, termed the bioenergetic threshold. Mitochondria also constantly undergo fusion and fission, which permits complementation of mtDNAs in trans
docdrop.org docdrop.org
boriquagato.substack.com boriquagato.substack.com
the enemies of free speech and human agency are making a serious mistake, and as sun-tzu advises us, we should not interrupt them.
"what you resist will persist" or what?
advertising and information scraping will die as a business model in the age of seamless, low-friction micropayments and blockers for malicious content and data intrusion. you will be free to chart your own course, pick your own friends, and decide in the most granular of fashions which trade-offs suit you.
sounds pretty damn good to me
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Ein Computer kann eine Feder nicht als Belohnung für indianische Tapferkeit "erkennen", weil diese Information nicht in der Feder enthalten ist.
Weil ihm diese Information nicht bekannt ist.
we agreed that the last man alive is the winner
That picture
- Sep 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Focus fully on whatever fascinates you now.
This is basically how I lived most of my life
Pain’s power relies on surprise.If you expect it, it’s weaker.If you choose it, it’s gone.
For physical pain, for example through injury, that's totally not true.
Therefore, the way to live is to steer towards the pain.Use it as your compass.Always take the harder option.Always push into discomfort.Ignore your instincts
This only makes sense because people will automatically never do that 100% xD
If you avoid pain, you avoid what you really want
Like a massage that is a bit painful but relaxes really good.
Resist the urge to branch out into something new.
I'm branching back into old important things and try to braid things together. Is that okay?
The more you take on, the less you’ll achieve.
This whole chapter reminds a lot of the book Essentialism. Funniest reviews on goodreads.com:
Could have been a 100 pages shorter without losing anything essential
It must be tough to write a book about Essentialism because people will be watching like a hawk to see whether you stick to your own advice – and sadly I’m not sure that he did.
Most people fail in life not by aiming too high, but by aimingtoo low.
I always forget because I don't want to disappoint myself. But it's actually more fun to aim high. A reminder to play The Game-Changing Game in real life.
Take tiny breaks when working, to go longer than most
Reminds me of the Pomodoro method. 25 min of work, 5 min of break (real break) Found an Android App yesterday that looked quite cool, but I've never tried the method so far. Usually I'll take breaks naturally.
Goals only improve your present actions.A good goal makes you take action immediately.
This is a genius definition, and one that allows to test a goal immediately instead of wondering forever if it's the right goal.
flow of fascinating work
Reference to Mihaly Csikszentihalyi's "Flow"
ausschimpfen, schelten
Stop all the thinking and doing.
this links really closely to the Tao The Ching
Or have no home at all.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
This is a truly stunning vision, a profound integration of Ego and Eco, of Spirit descending into even the lowest state and ascending back to itself, with Spirit nonetheless fully present at each and every stage as the process of its own self-realization and self-actualization, its own self-unfolding and self-enfolding development, a divine play of Spirit present in every single movement of the Kosmos, yet finding more and more of itself as its own Play proceeds, dancing fully and divine in every gesture of the universe, never really lost and never really found, but present from the start and all along, a wink and a nod from the radiant Abyss.
This is a truly stunning vision, a profound integration of Ego and Eco, of Spirit descending into even the lowest state and ascending back to itself, with Spirit nonetheless fully present at each and every stage as the process of its own self-realization and self-actualization, its own self-unfolding and self-enfolding development, a divine play of Spirit present in every single movement of the Kosmos, yet finding more and more of itself as its own Play proceeds, dancing fully and divine in every gesture of the universe, never really lost and never really found, but present from the start and all along, a wink and a nod from the radiant Abyss.
Schelling's brilliant synthesis and integration of the Ego and the Eco stand in sharp contrast to the plethora of today's approaches to the environment, which still typically pursue either the Egoic-rational calculative adventure ("reform environmentalism"), or fall into various forms of regressive Eco-Romantic "reechantment." Indeed, the Eco-Romantic advocates of the "reenchantment of the world" are still very much with us, and still heavily committed to a vast reinterpretation and recommendation of ontological shallowness, often by simply renaming it "deep." Virtually all of the "new paradigm" schools of thought betray a profound allegiance to the flatland interlocking order (the fundamental Enlightenment paradigm), and then within that flatland they wobble between some version of rationalistic systems theory (mostly the ecomasculinists) or nature as disclosed in sentiments (mostly the ecofeminists). To the extent that either attempts to escape the flatland interlocking order at all, they do so by regression to agrarian alchemy, magico-mythic animism, astrology, horticultural planting mythology, or foraging human-nature indissociation—all of which is based, of course, on
"In the ultimate dark Abyss of the divine Being, the primal ground or Urgrund, there is no differentiation but only pure identity."
"Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding."
Whatever else we might say, the world does hang together, and evolution does have a direction: Eros as Spirit-in-action.
Whatever else we might say, the world does hang together, and evolution does have a direction: Eros as Spirit-in-action.
The Agony of Modernity: Fichte versus Spinoza
The Agony of Modernity: Fichte versus Spinoza
it came to the same thing: how can you possibly unite Subjective Freedom with Objective Union?
it came to the same thing: how can you possibly unite Subjective Freedom with Objective Union?
Schelling began, in a sense, by reacting to the Enlightenment notion that rationality alone is the highest Ascent to which we can aspire.
Schelling began, in a sense, by reacting to the Enlightenment notion that rationality alone is the highest Ascent to which we can aspire.
reflection had, Schelling pointed out, introduced a rift or cleavage between Nature as external object and the reflecting self as subject (which also, he said, made humans objects to themselves – the retroflected monological gaze, as we earlier put it).
reflecting self as subject (which also, he said, made humans objects to themselves – the retroflected monological gaze, as we earlier put it).
holoscope.info holoscope.info
bound, restricted
the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.
“wicked problems”
“Dialog Mapping”
Global Sensemaking
And also online, after the event, by using Debategraph.
I’ve often wondered if we, humans, are only inanimate matter, which somehow got infected by the desire to survive…
an intriguing thought.. I always believed that "the desire to survive" is something that "evolved" naturally through "selection" - only the molecules that had the ability to survive survived
A hologram has the property that the whole picture can be reproduced from any of its parts – because the whole is coded and hence present in its parts.
Deutsch: Schändung, Entweihung, Verunreinigung
- Aug 2021
- Apr 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
She doesn’t give even a moment’sthought to right or wrong.
Reminds of Gon in the Anime "Hunter x Hunter"
Since before time and space were,
This is 2600 years old..
Stop thinking, and end your problems.
Write that onto a bridge :D
Throw away holiness and wisdom,and people will be a hundred times happier.
Adam and Eve?
Do you have the patience to waittill your mud settles and the water is clear?
Patience is not necessarily one of my strengths
Just realize where you come from
Biology and evolution helps to understand that
The Master leadsby emptying people’s minds andfilling their cores, by weakening their ambitionand toughening their resolve.
Doesn't sound too nice.. does it?
That is why it lasts forever
I don't get it
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
You’ve been compared to Carl Sagan in your ability to convey complex science in an accessible form.
And Carl Sagan, in turn, was married to Lynn Margulis, another great scientist!
docdrop.org docdrop.org
T IS FLAT-OUT strange that something—that anything—is happening at all. There was nothing, then a Big Bang, then here we all are. This is extremely weird.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao
Ok but what do you think you're doing here?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Ok but what do you think you're doing here?
Kann das gutgehen?
gute Frage
10 Millionen auf zuletzt rund 415 Millionen Euro
schon ganz nice
docdrop.org docdrop.org
For a million years, people looked at the moon and wanted to walk on it. . . .
love that
new knowledge comes when you simply bear in mind what you need to know. Keep holding the problem in mind, and it will yield.
so true