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- Sep 2024
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- Dec 2023
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Auch klassische Didaktik!
- Jul 2023
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- Jun 2023
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Zum Glück ist die vorbei!
- Jun 2022
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To work effectively, she says, hybrid teaching requires a lot of support, such as having teaching assistants help manage the complexities of working simultaneously with two different audiences. Otherwise it risks becoming a “lecture-centric, passive consumption view of learning.” That goes against years of hard work faculty members have been doing to make their classrooms more inclusive, active, and engaged.“If we’re not going to at least acknowledge that,” she says, “it’s going to fall apart and fall apart fast.”
going against years of hard work
Elliott prides himself on his lively approach, moving around his classroom as students work at tables or whiteboards. “I cannot teach a course with half of the students in a socially distanced classroom and half in a Zoom room simultaneously,” he wrote one day on Twitter, after trying to think through how HyFlex would work for him. “People think I’m being a crank.”His comment received more than 46,000 likes. Others pushed back on his post, which suggested to him that many people think teaching is simply lecturing.
It's not simply lecturing!
- May 2022
blog.hslu.ch blog.hslu.ch
Für das ZLLF ist zudem klar, dass ein umfassender Hybridunterricht (Level 3) nur dann möglich ist, wenn dafür entsprechende Räume mit hochwertiger technischer Installation zur Verfügung stehen, wenn die Lehrenden mit dem Setting technisch und didaktisch vertraut sind und wenn ihnen während des Unterrichts ein Classroom Assistant zur Seite steht, der technisch und kommunikativ eine Schnittstelle zu den Remote-Studierenden sicherstellt.
Assistenz benötigt bei hybrid teaching
zacwoolfitt.blogspot.com zacwoolfitt.blogspot.com
A virtual tour of four advanced hybrid learning spaces