- Oct 2022
www.canlii.org www.canlii.org
Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106
See also Federal Courts Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection Rules, SOR/93-22, https://canlii.ca/t/554bm
- Sep 2022
Kang v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration), 2022 FC 1296 (CanLII), <https://canlii.ca/t/jrzb8>
H&C with past misrepresentation must consider context of past misrepresentation
1.9 Title: DFAT Country Information Report: Sri Lanka Source: Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Date of Document: 23 December 2021 URL: https://www.dfat.gov.au/sites/default/files/country-information-report-sri-lanka.pdf Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
1.8 Title: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including on detention conditions, access to justice and socio-economic conditions in major cities (2019–May 2021) Code: LKA200596.E Source: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Date of Document: 7 May 2021 URL: https://irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/country-information/rir/Pages/index.aspx?doc=458345 Accessed Date: 26 May 2021
1.7 Title: Présentation de Sri Lanka Source: France. Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. Date of Document: 18 February 2021 URL: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/sri-lanka/presentation-du-sri-lanka/ Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
NEW FOR 2022
1.5 Title: Sri Lanka Development Update: Economic and Poverty Impact of COVID-19 Source: The World Bank Date of Document: June 2021 URL: https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/15b8de0edd4f39cc7a82b7aff8430576-0310062021/original/SriLanka-DevUpd-Apr9.pdf Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
NEW FOR 2022
1.4 Title: Sri Lanka. BTI 2022 Country Report. Source: Bertelsmann Stiftung Date of Document: February 2022 URL: https://bti-project.org/en/reports/country-report/LKA Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
1.2 Title: Sri Lanka. The World Factbook. Source: United States. Central Intelligence Agency Date of Document: 10 May 2022
UPDATED Not available as this is a constantly-updated page and no archived version of 10 May 2022 seems to exist - 24 May 2022 is closest: https://web.archive.org/web/20220526114553/https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/sri-lanka/
2.4 Title: Sri Lanka. World Report 2022: Events of 2021. Source: Human Rights Watch Date of Document: January 2022 URL: https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2022/country-chapters/sri-lanka Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
2.3 Title: Sri Lanka. Freedom in the World 2022. Source: Freedom House Date of Document: 2022 URL: https://freedomhouse.org/country/sri-lanka/freedom-world/2022 Accessed Date: 16 May 2022
UPDATED According to ECOI was published 3 March 2022. ECOI link: https://www.ecoi.net/en/document/2046539.html
- Aug 2022
Item 10.6, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 11.4, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 12.15, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 12.10, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
Item 6.3, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 12.16, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 1.9, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.4, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.13, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.3, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31, 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.2, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
Item 2.1, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 4.8, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 2.26, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31, 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 12.20, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31, 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 9.11, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 5.4, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 1.12, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 9.13, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31 2022
www.ecoi.net www.ecoi.net
Item 14.7, IRB RPD Sri Lanka NDP May 31, 2022
- Oct 2021
BTI 2020 Country Report — India
Actual report is at https://bti-project.org/en/reports/country-report/IND
www.canlii.org www.canlii.org
Guideline on Procedures with Respect to Vulnerable Persons Appearing Before the IRB
- Sep 2021
www.canlii.org www.canlii.org
2015, c. 3, s. 110
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014, SC 2015, c 3, https://canlii.ca/t/52m35, s. 110, amends IRPA s. 63(2) and (3) to read:
Right to appeal — visa and removal order
(2) A foreign national who holds a permanent resident visa may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision to make a removal order against them made under subsection 44(2) or made at an admissibility hearing.
Right to appeal removal order
(3) A permanent resident or a protected person may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision to make a removal order against them made under subsection 44(2) or made at an admissibility hearing.
Previously they had read:
Right to appeal — visa and removal order
(2) A foreign national who holds a permanent resident visa may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision at an examination or admissibility hearing to make a removal order against them.
Right to appeal — removal order
(3) A permanent resident or a protected person may appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division against a decision at an examination or admissibility hearing to make a removal order against them.
2015, c. 3, s. 109(E)
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014, SC 2015, c 3, https://canlii.ca/t/52m35, s. 109(E) amends the English version of IRPA s. 37(1)(b) to read:
(b) engaging, in the context of transnational crime, in activities such as people smuggling, trafficking in persons or laundering of money or other proceeds of crime.
Previously it had read:
(b) engaging, in the context of transnational crime, in activities such as people smuggling, trafficking in persons or money laundering.
2015, c. 36, s. 172
Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1, SC 2015, c 36, https://canlii.ca/t/52m2b, s. 172, amends IRPA s. 32(d.5) to say:
(d.5) the requirement for an employer to provide a prescribed person with prescribed information in relation to a foreign national’s authorization to work in Canada for the employer;
Previously it had said:
(d.5) the requirement for an employer to provide a prescribed person with prescribed information in relation to a foreign national’s authorization to work in Canada for the employer, the electronic system by which that information must be provided, the circumstances in which that information may be provided by other means and those other means;
2015, c. 3, s. 108(E)
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014, SC 2015, c 3, https://canlii.ca/t/52m35, s. 108(E) amends the English version of IRPA s. 16(3) to read:
Evidence relating to identity (3) An officer may require or obtain from a permanent resident or a foreign national who is arrested, detained, subject to an examination or subject to a removal order, any evidence — photographic, fingerprint or otherwise — that may be used to establish their identity or compliance with this Act.
Previously it had read:
Evidence relating to identity (3) An officer may require or obtain from a permanent resident or a foreign national who is arrested, detained or subject to a removal order, any evidence — photographic, fingerprint or otherwise — that may be used to establish their identity or compliance with this Act.
2015, c. 36, s. 171
Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1, SC 2015, c 36, https://canlii.ca/t/52m2b, s. 171(1) repealed IRPA s. 14(3), which had said: "(3) For the purposes of subsection 11(1.01), the regulations may include provisions respecting the circumstances in which an application may be made by other means and respecting those other means."
Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1, SC 2015, c 36, https://canlii.ca/t/52m2b, s. 171(2) repealed IRPA s. 14(4), which had said:
(4) The regulations may provide for any matter relating to the application of section 11.1, including (a) the circumstances in which a foreign national is exempt from the requirement to follow the procedures prescribed under that section; (b) the circumstances in which a foreign national is not required to provide certain biometric information; and (c) the processing of the collected biometric information, including creating biometric templates or converting the information into digital biometric formats.
Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1, SC 2015, c 36, https://canlii.ca/t/52m2b, s. 171(3) repealed IRPA s. 14(5), which had said:
(5) The regulations may require foreign nationals who make an application for a visa or other document under subsection 11(1) and foreign nationals who were issued an invitation under Division 0.1 to apply for permanent residence to make those applications by means of an electronic system and may include provisions respecting that system, respecting the circumstances in which those applications may be made by other means and respecting those other means.
2015, c. 36, s. 170
Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1, SC 2015, c 36, https://canlii.ca/t/52m2b, s. 170, repealed s. 11.1, which until that point read:
11.1 A prescribed foreign national who makes an application for a temporary resident visa, study permit or work permit must follow the prescribed procedures for the collection of prescribed biometric information.
2012, c. 17, s. 2
Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act, SC 2012, c 17, s. 2: added
“designated foreign national” has the meaning assigned by subsection 20.1(2).
c. 19, s. 700
Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act, SC 2012, c 19, s. 700:
- removed the previous s. 2(2)
- replaced it with: "(2) Unless otherwise indicated, references in this Act to “this Act” include regulations made under it and instructions given under subsection 14.1(1)."
2019, c. 29, s. 301
Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1, SC 2019, c 29, https://canlii.ca/t/5430b, s. 301, added to the "Objectives" section at s. 3(1): "(f.1) to maintain, through the establishment of fair and efficient procedures, the integrity of the Canadian immigration system;"
2015, c. 36, s. 169
Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1, SC 2015, c 36, https://canlii.ca/t/52m2b, s. 169(1), adds a new s. 11(1.01):
(1.01) Despite subsection (1), a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply for an electronic travel authorization required by the regulations by means of an electronic system, unless the regulations provide that the application may be made by other means. The application may be examined by an officer and, if the officer determines that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of this Act, the authorization may be issued by the officer.
The section previously read:
(1.01) Despite subsection (1), a foreign national must, before entering Canada, apply for an electronic travel authorization required by the regulations by means of an electronic system, unless the regulations provide that the application may be made by other means. The application may be examined by the system or by an officer and, if the system or officer determines that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of this Act, the authorization may be issued by the system or officer.
Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1, SC 2015, c 36, https://canlii.ca/t/52m2b, s. 169(2), adds a new subsection: "(1.02) Subject to the regulations, a foreign national who has temporary resident status may apply for a visa or other document during their stay in Canada."
- evidence
- Economic Action Plan 2015 Act, No. 1
- identity
- appeal rights
- eTA
- objectives of act
- inadmisibility
- organized criminality
- ministerial instructions
- evidence of identity
- amendments
- integrity
- Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act]
- employer compliance
- electronic applications
- Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act
- application formats
- designated foreign national
- Budget Implementation Act, 2019
- Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014
- biometrics
SOR/2010-208, s. 1
Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Bad faith) 2010-10-13 Canada Gazette Part II, Vol. 144, No. 21, p. 138 (https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2010/2010-10-13/pdf/g2-14421.pdf) s. 1. "Section 4 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations is replaced by the following" i.e. completely re-writes section.
Previously read: Bad faith
- For the purposes of these Regulations, a foreign national shall not be considered a spouse, a common-law partner, a conjugal partner or an adopted child of a person if the marriage, common-law partnership, conjugal partnership or adoption is not genuine and was entered into primarily for the purpose of acquiring any status or privilege under the Act. (see https://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/regu/sor-2002-227/92047/sor-2002-227.html)
SOR/2018-251, s. 1(F)
Regulations Amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Miscellaneous Program): SOR/2018-251, https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2018/2018-12-12/html/sor-dors251-eng.html - THERE IS NO s. 1(F)!!