27 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2018
    1. Sauruman, it easily represents bullies, drugs, gangs, violence, abuse, prejudice, or any of the obstacles placed before our young, modem-day heroes.

      For different age groups of students, different difficult topics could be introduced. For example, it may not be appropriate to talk about drugs with 1st graders, but using a fantasy book to discuss bullying in a first grade classroom could be extremely beneficial.

    2. ulf. We speak in metaphor when we don't have better poetry, and fantasy liter- ature, over time, has evolved as a metaphor for hu- man experienc

      Fantasy can be used to teach about metaphors, relating the fantasy stories to real life.

    1. s. Why must we be aware of our myths? Because we are so strongly, often unconsciously, af- fected by them. In fact, the development of an in- dividual's lifestyle is based on the psychological development provided through my

      I think it is important to talk about myths in school, because many students may not even be aware of what myths are even though they are impacting their everyday lives.

    1. hat Oedipus has failed to see is that the riddle has two answers. The three stages of human life correspond to Oedipus' own past, present, and future. He was the baby abandoned on the mountainside; he is now the self made monarch standing at the pinnacle of worldly success; he will soon be an outcast from the human com

      Oedipus could be taught in high school. It relates to the 9th grade standard CCLS - ELA: RL.9-10.2Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

  2. Mar 2018
    1. When children know the “story” behind that Math concept

      This can really help students who are struggling with math

    2. Nonfiction picture books, similarly, tie complex ideas and vocabulary to illustrations.

      I agree with this. Also, if a child had to go back and reference the book for a project or assignment, they will might be able to identify what they are looking for more quickly because they have the pictures to pair the information with. Jus looking at the picture may help them recall the information.

    3. After students settle down in their Social Studies class, for example, the teacher reads aloud the picture book The Honest to Goodness Truth by Patricia McKissack.

      Its important to use picture books for other subjects other than just literature/ English classes. Social Studies/ History is usually a subject students don't like as much, so incorporating picture books can also help to engage them.

    4. Picture Books Across the CurriculumPage 2 of 27 klschoch@aol.comreading experience in more easily digestible portions. For that reason, content-rich picture books should be offered at all grade levels.A student seeking background on the Sioux tribe, for example, could attempt to wade through a difficult nonfiction text, encyclopedia entry, or web site meant for more mature readers.

      I think as long as students are reading at their reading level it is important that they are reading in general. It shouldn't matter what type of book it is. It is a challenge to get certain students to read in the first place, so as long as they are reading something they are benefiting.

  3. Feb 2018
    1. Figure 4 Samples of Mary's writing August l,f.< /yp.- FH.Rf.X.fo.UOUQP ?eg Ih lsc<,t i*f?*k w 2: (J IVm Aj/^C./VfrH iJOt.hp.r do? it's U L?a. Or' tU MW. Ak-A?<C Ub r?e. IJnCA&s tki UothaP dog. February 0t She \???K, pun T) unoc: "tf\*rrs u>alK. October 1 (L? pWilJ/} With Hy%~m ff?lfh m? T

      I think the improvement over the months is amazing, and it goes to show that the mini lessons, and this teachers teaching is very effective.

    2. turn on a CD of classical background music. Then I circulate among the children

      I like that this teacher plays classical music while they write, because not only is it beneficial to increase brain activity, but it makes writing block more of an experience rather than a chore

    3. e children often talk about their drawings while they draw, sometimes with peers, or to themselves. In either case, it is productive because many times the talk leads to inclusion of de tails in their drawings about which they will later write. All of the children use a special type of paper for their journal entries: The upper half of the sheet has a large block of space for an illustration. Each child's drawings and writing are eventually collected in individual deco rated journal folder

      This is interesting because I would have never thought to have kids illustrate a story before they write it, but this way, they will be able to visualize how they want their story to be and it will serve as almost like a roadmap for their story.

    4. previously introduced in mini lessons as they talk with one another about their writing

      This is good, because it means that the teacher has been giving mini lessons that the students have found meaningful to them.

    5. hese elements include focus?staying on topic and excluding unrelated information; organization of ideas; and support?the inclusion of de tails or other means of elaboration. Even beginning writers can make deci sions that affect the clarity and power of their message w

      This is important, because even now in college when I am writing I sometimes get disorganized, or go off topic and have to refocus myself. Teachers can not underestimate the importance of sayin on topic and clarity of writing

    1. ter each poem, the rest of the class had to give the author a compliment.

      I think this is important because not only does it build the authors self confidence, but it also helps the rest of the class learn how to be respectful, and helps them to replace what negative comments they would have said with positive comments

    2. or example, one group had a very domi nant member and this activity really forced her to think before she spoke, which gave the other students a chance to participate when they normally had to vie for a turn. Another group reflected upon their unequal stacks of poker chips at the end of the discussion and used this reflection to establish new ground rules for taking turns.

      I think this is important especially for students who aren't motivated to participate. The student will be motivated by their chips.

    3. his raises another issue of how to create a community of learners in a setting where the students are switching classrooms and receiving instructional styles that dra matically differ.

      I think in this case, the teachers who work together in that grade need to work together to figure out what is best for their students and what the students need. They should all come up with a plan so that there can be a more effective transition from class to class.

    4. ennifer complained of her limit ed teaching time as a result of constant interruptions that worked against building consistency and routines.

      It is hard for many teachers to find time to fit everything in, but there is even more pressure when teachers are working with students who are behind and need extra support.

    5. ne difficulty was the "revolving door" of students who entered and exited her classroom. According to my field notes, by December the class had six new students, some who had been switched from another classroom as well as a couple from other schools.

      I work in a preschool classroom in new haven, and this is an issue that my students face as well. There are constantly students leaving and coming in. It makes it ver inconstant for the students, and the teachers often feel like they have to work extra hard to get to know their students.

    6. of literature circles is to promote trust and respect for multiple voices and opinions, one of its significant foundations is providing a supportive and safe environment.

      I think this is a great way to not only teach literature skills, but to teach social-emotional skills as well.

    7. tudents who talk about what they read are more likely to engage in reading"

      I believe that this is because when they start talking about what they read, they feel like there was a purpose for reading it, and the conversation serves as motivation. Students won't look at reading as something they have to do because the teacher said so.

    8. iterature circles provide for great discussions about books and get students to want to read."

      I agree with this, and I believe that it gives students a deeper understanding about the book. It gives students a purpose for reading as well, instead of the students just reading because they have to and forgetting all about it.

    9. rcles work, students still struggled with appropriating the basic skills of positive social interac tion.

      If positive social interaction is happening in literature circles, it is probably also happening other times throughout the school day such as PE, recess, and lunch. I think that if this is happening the teacher should facilitate a meaningful lesson on how to interact positively with peers and why it is important. I think that the teacher should also model what a literacy circle looks like and reinforce positive social skills when they come about.

    10. y/ The teacher and I thought we had given the stu S dents the skills to productively discuss a text, but as soon as we pulled away to let them lead the group on their own instances like the previous example became far too frequent. For example, in another group that I was videotaping, what started as a civil discussion about the book rapidly declined into chaos when one boy called a girl "retarded." In turn, the girl responded, "Shut up! You boy don't know even how to dress your self." This conversation never got back on track as com ments such as "Rahsean really stinks right now, but like I was saying..." permeated the rest of the group's discus sion. In another group, two students continued kick ing each other throughout the meeting, which caused both students to miss questions asked by other mem bers and impeded their ability to engage with the text, not to mention disrupted other members.

      I think that if kids are fighting in these groups, then there is a bigger problem than just behavior. There may be issues such as students not understanding the material, or finding it boring causing them to get off track.

    1. y the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

      Students will have to understand the differences between stories, dramas, and poetry. If students are going to be able to comprehend and understand these different pieces of literature they have to become familiar with different literary elements that is specific to each type of writing.

    2. Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.

      A way to encourage students to meet this standard is for the teacher to read picture books, and short stories during snack time or a short break in the day. If the teacher doesn't have time to get to the whole story, he/she can ask the students to recap what has been read so far. This will help comprehension. It is important for students to develop comprehension before they can apply any other literary skills according to the reading Teaching Literary Analysis.

    3. Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures.

      Not only is this a skill to be able to compare and contrast two Stories, but social studies becomes integrated with language arts. The student will be able to learn about a different culture at the same time as improving the skill to compare and contrast.

  4. Jan 2018
    1. combined oral, aural, andwritten traditions through an exchange of words, sounds, and movements that privileged a Blackaesthetic.

      Not only does this demonstrate culture, but it also demonstrates that literacy is not just reading. Literacy is also about interpretation and can be interpreted through not just words but also movements, and sounds.