10 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. Every child writes about something personally meaningful.

      I have to stop assigning and teaching formula-driven analysis writing. I need to allow students to enter conversations through argument what they are reading.

    2. eading connected text for meaning.

      Emphasis on connected text. So many curricula, especially English, move from novel to novel or article to article and do not find ways to connect the content of a text so that students experience growth in understanding.

    3. Perhaps more important, they are likely to understand what they read—and, as a result, to enjoy reading.

      Understanding leads to enjoyment.

    4. participate

      We must find ways for students to participate.

    5. Every child a reader"


  2. Feb 2016
    1. They will write for audiences with real-world needs, attitudes, and knowledge. They will write in forms that require them to make meaning, rather than regurgitate the ideas of others.

      This is great. I'd like examples though. Here's an example of something I've done to give students an authentic audience, teach academic writing, and writing for the web: https://medium.com/millennial-mentality

    2. Why should they believe otherwise about a first-year writing course? Much of the writing they’ve been asked to do is divorced from any areas of interest or relevance, a series of “close reading”[3] exercises that have little purpose other that to prove you can complete a close reading exercise.

      Is this still the landscape of freshman composition courses?

  3. Jan 2016
      1. What is wrong with the way that "patterns of immigration is described in the image"?
      2. Have you experienced any issues with the way history is taught in your own studies?
    1. What experience for the reader does Vi Khi Nao create and how does she use language (diction, rhythm, syntax, etc.) to accomplish this?