- Feb 2019
conservancy.umn.edu conservancy.umn.edu
but more often, youth move back and forth between the layers of identity,awareness, and navigation as they develop a collection of attitudes and skills.
Makes me think back to the retreat with our strength results. I remember Grace asking those who took that one or something similar before; and to compare those results to each other and saw if anything change. So I wonder if changes with age or will always go back forward?
write that answering basic developmental questions such as “who am I?” is essential to youths’ ability to understand and navigate social, emotional, and cognitive development.
I'm wondering when y'all read the term "basic developmental question" would you consider the phrase what do you want to be when you get older as one?
Idk reading this just made me feel some type of way
casel.org casel.org
The realistic evaluation of consequences of various actions,
This makes me feel some type of way tbh. I think of the scenario where you are being honest with yourself or the situation but everyone wants to see the positive side, when in reality, that's a no go.
Recognizing strengths
In relationship to the graph to the right, how are we acknowledging and challenging students about their strengths with SEL?