- Dec 2017
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Course Materials - Though I have posted them all at once here, I would post them by lesson/lecture during the course and then leave them up so students would have access to them. I believe that using various types of media to enhance the discussion and help break my lectures into smaller chunks is helpful for keeping attention and getting the students to stop and think about what we are discussing. I would also add materials here that would be useful and relevant for online discussions and in-class activities.
Discussion Forum - I believe using a technology like the discussion forum allows for students to expand on their thinking and interaction. I know I often think of things I wish I had said after class; students tell me the same thing. This forum allows for students to respond in their own time and ponder what they want to say. It provides a more equal platform, as some students may be reluctant to speak in class and others just process things for a longer period before responding and may rarely speak in class. Some of our class discussions in ENG101 would take the place of an online discussion assignment later in the week. Many weeks, these discussion questions would be generated from what we discussed, or didn't have time to discuss, in class, as well as concerns I see with skills or that the students have with assignments. This is why only a few weeks have been posted as examples.
Lectures - For the most part, my lectures will center on materials to explain, support and offer inspiration for the upcoming assignments. I have included some examples of what they would look like, but they would vary by week according to what was covered previously, where we are in the readings, how well students are grasping the concepts we discuss, and even how many students are in the class.