- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Mary E. Rudin: "Set theory and General Topology" by [[UM-Milwaukee Department of Mathematical Sciences]]
- Feb 2024
andymatuschak.org andymatuschak.org
Books and lectures are transmissionism (I'd say for historical reasons mostly). Engagement (different forms) is needed, but what form of medium would drive such engagement and do it flexibly is the hard question. (Seeing lecture as warm-up to engagement is a rationalisation afterwards, textbooks already do more but lack emotional and social scaffolding.) This is the research question behind his [[Timeful Texts 20201124070427]]. There's also a connection to my [[Boeken schrijven is flauwekul 20210930172532]] because the distrust in author's motives is that they don't even aim for transmissionism. Just the pretension of it.
Edit #2024/02/28 : Saw [[Chris Aldrich]] mention elsewhere that lectures started out as oral comments on a source text, sharing interpretation and sensemaking as it were. The word deriving from L lectio, reading.
Local file Local file
the reading-out of commentaries (a format with a now-familiar name: the lecture)
Link between the commentaries of the early middle ages and modern lectures
- Jan 2024
peculiargenres.commons.msu.edu peculiargenres.commons.msu.edu
- Nov 2023
kfitz.info kfitz.info
Midway between a sermon and a bedtime story, the lecture is knowledge's dramatic form. —Mary Cappello, Lecture
via https://kfitz.info/mary-cappello-lecture/ on 2023-11-29
- Dec 2022
projects.iq.harvard.edu projects.iq.harvard.eduHandouts1
I came here to get the handout for Markov chains mentions in Lecture 31: Markov chains | Statistics 110. Lectures give a great intuition behind the equations, their motivation, and their limitations.
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Sarah Mojarad. (2020, October 23). What are some of the positive consequences of social media? Would love to hear your stories! [Tweet]. @Sarah_Mojarad. https://twitter.com/Sarah_Mojarad/status/1319722197766733825
- resources
- pandemic
- share views
- collaboration
- is:twitter
- networking
- reports
- nursing
- lectures
- positive consequences
- webinars
- lang:en
- scientific projects
- communications professionals
- information dissemination
- social media
- new data
- development
- journalist investigations
- support
- opportunities
- mental health
- information
- motivational speaker
- connections
- learning
We also have good studies of reporta-tiones, or the notes taken from oral events, such as sermons or lectures.25
- Feb 2022
linear.axler.net linear.axler.net
I've seen Gilbert Strang's excellent lecture series. I'm curious how these rank in relation.
Local file Local file
If you now think: “That’s ridiculous. Who would want to read andpretend to learn just for the illusion of learning and understanding?”please look up the statistics: The majority of students chooses everyday not to test themselves in any way. Instead, they apply the verymethod research has shown again (Karpicke, Butler, and Roediger2009) and again (Brown 2014, ch. 1) to be almost completelyuseless: rereading and underlining sentences for later rereading.And most of them choose that method, even if they are taught thatthey don’t work.
Even when taught that some methods of learning don't work, students will still actively use and focus on them.
Are those using social annotation purposely helping students to steer clear of these methods? is there evidence that the social part of some of these related annotation or conversational practices with both the text and one's colleagues helpful? Do they need to be taken out of the text and done in a more explicit manner in a lecture/discussion section or in a book club like setting similar to that of Dan Allossso's or even within a shared space like the Obsidian book club to have more value?
- Jun 2021
Kuepper-Tetzel, C. E., & Nordmann, E. (2021). Watch Party Lectures: Synchronous Delivery of Asynchronous Material [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ys4jn
- Mar 2021
secure.virginiahistory.org secure.virginiahistory.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Dr. Jamie L.H. Goodall</span> in Dr. Jamie L.H. Goodall on Twitter: "Want to talk pirate myths and reality as well as pirates on the Chesapeake Bay in the colonial era? I'll be giving a FREE talk for the Virginia Museum of History & Culture on May 11th at 7pm EST. Find details and register here: https://t.co/fTSpyUzrO9 https://t.co/7mJhPDq3Vd" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>03/25/2021 11:30:56</time>)</cite></small>
- Feb 2021
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
I thought my posts would mainly be a useful resource for my students. Things I did not have time to say or elaborate on in lectures
Blog posts as an addendum to your lectures.
tannerlectures.utah.edu tannerlectures.utah.edu
- Sep 2020
scolaire.loupbrun.ca scolaire.loupbrun.ca
we assert a hierarchy based on an arbitrary judgment of what is “real” or “good” or “right” code
Comme on l'a déjà fait par le passé (et même encore aujourd'hui) en littérature, finalement. C'est peut-être aussi par là que les critical code studies rejoignent les études littéraires. En laissant de côté une évaluation subjective de la qualité du code, on peut s'intéresser plus spécifiquement à son sens, à son imbrication dans un contexte, à son statut dans un espace culturel, etc.
Code was literally becoming the means of debate, used as evidence in arguments for and against the scientific valid-ity of climate change.
Intéressant parallèle à faire entre ce traitement du code et celui des publications scientifiques en médecine... Le manque d'informations dont dispose le public pour comprendre et contextualiser les études scientifiques de beaucoup de domaines peut ici se comparer à celui qui est fait de ce code, brandi comme argument mais fallacieux parce que mal interprété, mal contextualisé, etc.
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
a course of lectures upon natural philosophy
Far more than printed books, attendance at lectures on natural philosophy instructed thousands of eighteenth-century students of the sciences. Mary Shelley indirectly refers the reader to the vastly popular London lectures on the sciences to which audiences had been flocking since Humphry Davy's inaugural lecture in 1802. Anne Mellor has persuasively argued that Davy was a partial model for the character of Victor in this novel. [Anne Mellor, Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction, Her Monsters (Routledge, 1989) pp. 91-103)]
- Mar 2019
www.thiagi.com www.thiagi.com
This page is associated with Thiagi's interactive lectures, which are characterized in a book that is available via this site. This particular page involves links to types of interaction, such as games, puzzles, and so forth. It would be better to read or review the book, but since that option is not available, I will provide a link here. rating 2/5
- Dec 2017
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Lectures - For the most part, my lectures will center on materials to explain, support and offer inspiration for the upcoming assignments. I have included some examples of what they would look like, but they would vary by week according to what was covered previously, where we are in the readings, how well students are grasping the concepts we discuss, and even how many students are in the class.
- Nov 2017
halfanhour.blogspot.com halfanhour.blogspot.com
On this model, students are responsible for their own education, often forming communities or societies to collaborate. Professors typically worked one-on-one with students, but from time to time would be enlisted to offer a series - or 'course' - of lectures on a given topic. The lectures could be (and often were) public, and were frequently attended by other professors in the same field.
Reminds me of @KevinCarey1 describe the original university of Bologna, in his End of College. Don’t have the quote handy (one of many cases where #OpenAccess would allow for more thoughtful discussion), but the gist of that paragraph sounds similar to what @Downes is describing here
- Oct 2016
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
References in this video
- 33:44 Rashi
- 34:43 Chofetz Chaim
- 34:52 Mishnah Berurah
- 39:57 Albert Camus . (The quote is from Notebooks.)
- Jan 2016
status451.com status451.com
I want to get less wrong
Compare with the phenomenon of (not) interrupting the university lecturer when one does not understand the lecture.
- Nov 2015
Local file Local file
- May 2015
dspace.mit.edu dspace.mit.edu
Solved Exams and Problems in advanced classical mechanics. Great Source!
users.physics.harvard.edu users.physics.harvard.edu
Nice set of sildes for Classical Mechanics