42 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. I like collecting examples of these

      these are neat!! is the collection public?

  2. Dec 2023
    1. Map out problems using logic trees.

      thinking of next career moves

  3. Nov 2023
    1. Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou

      What a wild ride!

    1. Murata also makes us see how the family members who find her love of the store's rituals strange are themselves trapped within a set of rules - dress this way, don't talk like that, get married and have kids.

      quote from the book

      In other words, you play the part of the fictitious creature called ‘an ordinary person’ that everyone has in them. Just like everyone in the convenience store is playing the part of the fictitious creature called ‘a store worker.’

    1. fulfillment, nor does she spend too much time contemplating what it might mean to find transcendence in such work.

      i don't think it was this deep. my read was this was someone who struggled to fit and here is a role she can play to perfection. perhaps too good. her essence became being a convenience store worker. for Keiko, essence preceeds existence - she is first and foremost a storeworker, her existance is in service of this.

    2. employee-store romance

      forgot about the whole dialogue and 'sex' scene with the store

    3. misogynist who gets fired from the Smile Mart because he refuses to carry out any of his tasks.

      when questioned by Keiko on what his deal is about, he mentions how he is there to find a wife. He is a bit too carried with the gender roles in the stone age although he is a contradiction of his theories

    4. a kind of grim post-capitalist reverie


    5. anti-Bartleby

      a person who is hired for a job, shows up to work every day, but refuses to actually do the job.

    6. she is, at least, choosing a different kind of conformity than the rest of society, which insists that she marry and pursue a conventional career path.

      can we say she is choosing? she lacks agency. she stumbled into the world of convenience strore and stayed because she knew exactly what was expected of her there

    1. beards

      definition: a person who carries out a transaction, typically a bet, for someone else in order to conceal the other's identity.

    2. Clearly she longs for an authoritarian hand on her shoulder; she wants to know, at all times, what to do.

      a strong awareness of the blankness of her experience. she thrives at the store primarily because there is a model for being and she is able to execute that to perfection. in other aspects of life: she mimics others sense of dress and speech, she asks her sister about what to say exactly when interacting with others and she ends up letting another social misfit live with her to check off a requirement by society

  4. Aug 2023
    1. I don't have a very good answer for this

      gotta love how Simon has a good view of things he is yet to find a way to articulate clearly.

    1. Our focus becomes fatigued after sustained use and needs a rest period to recover, just like a bodybuilder resting between sets at the gym.

      really need to get this part right for my running

    2. Ask for help in our chat:

      Here's what I'm struggling with, here's what I've tried, here's what is still puzzling me.

    3. Teaching what you know to others is a great way to solidify what you have learned and can often reveal holes in your knowledge that you wouldn’t have identified otherwise.


    1. The strongest assets you can have as a student are a desire to build, a problem-solving mind, and persistence in the face of setbacks.

      Should have a sticky of this next to where I study

    1. To navigate through the man pages, you may use ↑ and ↓ to move line-by-line, or try B and Spacebar to skip up and down by a full page. To search for a character or word in the man pages, use / followed by the character or word you are searching for. Sometimes a search will result in multiple hits. If so, you can move between hits using N (for moving forward) and Shift+N (for moving backward). To quit the man pages, press Q.

      quite helpful!

  5. Jun 2023
    1. An individual’s life can continue with an inertia that will lead them on to the next year or decade.


  6. Mar 2023
    1. but it is distributed across the U.S. banking sector.

      What's the distribution?

    2. At least one bank which failed last week was not a Problem Bank three weeks ago. Reader, that should not ever happen.

      How to ascertain it was not in the PBL as of 3 weeks ago?

      Next paragraph:

      “How do you know this if the Problem Bank List is a state secret?” Because they report the aggregate total of the assets of all banks on the list and publicly available data plus math a 4th grader can do in their head suffices to prove this claim.

    3. (


    1. Constraints on supply have made houses into scarce assets

      From a loss aversion perspective, doesn't this incentivize those who have already 'invested' to fight hard and make sure their houses do not turn into non-scarce assets?

      In the US at least, the notion of housing as an investment seems to be a priority for those who own rather than rent.

  7. Feb 2023
    1. log, which computes the natural logarithm

      I don't have an intuitive understanding of logs, I should spend sometime revisiting this.

    1. many avian influenza experts told me they don’t think the networks are functioning well enough given the threat level.

      What are some signs that the surveillance has failed? Might it be the case that we now know about it is a success of the surveillance?

  8. Jan 2023
    1. It’s like hanging out with a group of basketball players and listening to them talk about basketball. You might enjoy it, and feel as though you’re learning about basketball. But unless you actually spend a lot of time playing, you’re never going to learn to play basketball.

      helpful analogy

  9. Nov 2022
    1. To date, recipients report relatively low levels of tension related to the transfers: 5% report arguments within their communities and 1% report violence or crime.
      • What's this in absolute numbers? In the about page, "we’ve delivered $580M+ in cash directly into the hands of over 1.37 million people living in poverty". This translates to about 13700 experiencing violence and up to 68500 experiencing issues with their community. Most likely the numbers are only for the Africa-based programs
      • Does GD do anything to assist the affected recipients?
      • If not, what % is a threshold for concern?
    2. (a) manipulation of the list of eligible recipients and (b) diversion of transfers sent to eligible recipients

      Does (b) include potential kickbacks to field staff? Seems like the answer is yes but the number is so small. "It’s worth noting that less than a quarter of a percent of our 2021 losses ($504) came from cases involving our own staff or operational partners."

    3. Do transfers create conflict or tension between recipients and non-recipients, or within households?

      Great question!

    4. If you aren’t sure whether a message from or piece of information about GiveDirectly is valid, you can ask us for verification by emailing info@givedirectly.org.

      Assuming this is not for recipients as most living in extreme poverty do not have an email. Is there a way for them to confirm legitimacy? Does GD experience scam where the recipients are duped into providing some initial cash to facilitate the large transfers?

    5. We also find that GiveDirectly tends to make voters happy.

      Have any local politicians claimed credit for this? What happens if this is the case?

    6. We send transfers using electronic payments services, such as M-Pesa (operated by Safaricom) in Kenya, MTN mobile money in Uganda, and MTN in Rwanda.

      What happens in cases where those in need are outside the coverage of the major networks?

    7. Households need at least a SIM card to participate, and we give SIM cards to households that do not already have one

      Does GD facilitate the registration of the SIM card? In Kenya there has been a recent requirement to have every subscriber registered. Sometimes this can be challenging if the recipient does not have the IDs "we either collect account information from recipients (if they are already enrolled) or walk them through the process of opening accounts, which may include obtaining appropriate identification documents."

    8. lonely quotation mark

    9. one-time large grant programs, we typically send each recipient household roughly US$1,000
      • Is this usually in one installment? "In our default program, we provide a one-time transfer paid in multiple installments. "
      • Are there other non "one-time large grant programs"?
    1. this is not a 9-5 job

      What does this translate to about the work expectation while at GD?

  10. autotranslucence.wordpress.com autotranslucence.wordpress.com
    1. code-phrase for ‘please attune with me’ in intimate partnerships

      what are some other code-phrases to pay attention to?

  11. May 2022
    1. To execute a program, run it in the terminal with the python command. For example, in command-line Unix:

      While using Ubuntu, the command python command defaults to either python2 or python3. If only using one version of Python, you can use a package to change this.

      $ sudo apt-get install python-is-python3 -y


  12. Apr 2022
    1. How to move around in code is an essential skill

      Try out a few tools, settle on one and try to understand it well.

  13. Nov 2021
    1. New York

      Thank you Paul for this, very helpful!

    1. For certain populations, such as the elderly and immunocompromised, the levels of protection may be decreased following both vaccination and infection.

      How to interpret this? That the elderly and immunocompromised should not be vaccinated?