3,788 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. Payment Button ID

      As per the new TW guidelines, we should also be showing a screenshot of the report.

    2. oll down to the transaction details section. Here the list of all payments made using the button is displayed.

      The screenshot should be present after point 4 as the Download Report button is being discussed there.

  2. Sep 2020
    1. report downloads a

      The downloaded report has the following columns:

    2. Hover over the mouse pointer on the Download Report, and click any of the Excel format.

      Hover the mouse pointer on Download Report, and select one of the formats.

    3. Click the required button. The button details view appears.

      Can we add screenshots please?

    4. steps below

      Follow these steps to download the report:

    5. wing excel formats

      in the following formats:

    1. The account code feature reduces the integration time for large enterprises in security and broking industries that depend on in-house hosting.

      how does this reduce integration time? not clear.

    2. nsfer.processed event is effected with the account co

      The account_code parameter appears in the transfer.processed event payload.

    3. Dashboard Changes

      Create a separate Dashboard page and move this content there

    4. Only Transfers API endpoints are effected with the introduction of account code feature.

      The account_code parameter must be passed only in Transfers API.

    5. ebhook Changes#

      Move this under APIs

    6. The Account Code text box is added.

      Is this needed?

    7. account": "acc_CPRsN1LkFccllA", //Pass either account or account_code. Do not pass both the params. "account_code": "GoodWill_Traders-1."

      Don't show both. Show only account_code. Other wise people will try to use both. Btw, what happens if both parameters are passed?

    8. An alternative unique identifier of the linked account ID.

      An alternative to the linked account ID.

      • Minimum character length is 3 and maximum is 20.
      • Alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), periods (.), dashes(-) and underscores(_). Alphabets are case-sensitive
    9. Postman Collection for the Transfers API# We have a Postman collection to make the integration quicker a

      The Postman Collection contains create and fetch APIs as well. Please remove those

    10. API Changes

      Create a new page called API and add this content there.

    11. For all other topics, other than the below mentioned, refer to the following documentation:

      Can this be a new heading called related information, provided at the end of the doc?

    12. This feature is not available by default and should be enabled on request. Raise a request on our Support Portal to get this feature enabled.

      This feature is not available by default. Raise a request on our Support Portal to get this feature enabled.

    13. As an alternative to the linked account ID, you can use account_code parameter to create direct transfers, transfers via order or payment.

      Can remove as it would be covered in the new intro proposed above

    14. Account Code example

      An example of an account code is, ...

    15. Duplicates are not allowed, so Account Code must be unique for each linked account.

      Each linked account must have a unique account code.

    16. The Account Code feature is an additional layer built on top of the existing Route platform. It reduces the integration time for large enterprises in security and broking industries that depend on in-house hosting.

      This does not immediately tell me how the feature will help merchants. The introduction needs to be a little more informative. My suggestion is given below:

      When a linked account is created, a unique identifier is generated for it. This account value needs to be passed in all APIs. However, this can be a cumbersome task for businesses to map these account IDs to their internal reference values in the database. Also, this affects the integration time for large enterprises that depend on in-house hosting.

      Using the Account Code feature on Route, you can now provide aliases during account onboarding on the Razorpay Dashboard. Therefore, in addition to the linked account IDs, you can alternatively use aliases to create transfers via order or payment APIs.

      Suppose you have a linked account called Acme Corp North, with an account_id acc_CNo3jSI8OkFJJJ. You can use the account code feature to create an alias called Acme_Corp_North and use it in the APIs.

  3. Aug 2020
    1. when a bulk upload file is picked up for processing

      must be picked up for processing

    2. is feature only available on the

      is only

  4. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. e: Create contacts in bulk.

      Create payouts in bulk

    2. Create contacts using APIs.

      Create payouts using APIs.

    3. failed st

      why not queued?

    4. scheduled

      this is missing in the diagram. intentional?

    1. multiple vendors

      , each

    2. Some frequently asked questions (FAQs).

      Need to update this link

    3. ide to create vendor payments.

      If you are showing this section and not omitting it, do change the link

    4. cannot an invoice onc

      You cannot cancel an invoice

    5. tate

      Invoice State.

    6. ● P

      Need to fix the appearance of the bullets

    1. Disable Auto Close

      Click Disable Auto Close option..

    2. ave.

      This screenshot should appear after point b

    3. f Authorised Accounts.

      While we are describing as HDFC and Kotak Accounts, in the next few screenshots we are adding SBI and Axis accounts. This needs to be corrected.

    4. The Prefix Value must be unique and can be modified. For example, acmecorp.

      The merchant identifier, acmecorp can be modified using the click here link. This opens a small modal where you can enter a new identifier. However, this is an on-demand feature. Raise a request with our support team.

    5. Create custom UPI ID - You can enter the prefix and descriptor, that is, the unique identifier of the customer, in the UPI ID field. It can be a combination of letters and numbers. For example, gauravkumar1. If left blank, the UPI ID will be auto-generated.

      You can enter a custom descriptor, that is, a unique identifier for the customer in the UPI ID field. It can be a combination of letters and numbers, with a length of 12 characters. For example, gauravkumar1. If left bank, the UPI ID is auto-generated. However, this is an on-demand feature. Raise a request with our support team.

    6. Disable Auto Close o

      Select the Disable Auto Close option

    7. Prefix

      The merchant identifier, acmecorp can be modified using the click here link. This opens a small modal where you can enter a new identifier. However, this is an on-demand feature. Raise a request with our support team.

    8. You can enter the prefix and descriptor, that is, the unique identifier of the customer, in the UPI ID field. It can be a combination of letters and numbers. For example, gauravkumar1. If left blank, the UPI ID will be auto-generated.

      You can enter a custom descriptor, that is, a unique identifier for the customer in the UPI ID field. It can be a combination of letters and numbers, with a length of 12 characters. For example, gauravkumar1. If left bank, the UPI ID is auto-generated. However, this is an on-demand feature. Raise a request with our support team.

    9. later.

      The screenshot belongs to step 3 as it shows entry of a username for the UPI ID handle.

    10. ater.

      The screenshot belongs to step 3 as it shows entry of a username for the UPI ID handle.

  5. Jul 2020
    1. There is no limit on the number of manual repayments you make or the frequency at which you make these manual repayments.

      There is no limit on the number of repayments or the frequency at which you make these repayments.

    2. withdraw


    3. utomatically dedu

      is automatically deducted

    4. date you wa

      date on which you want to repay the loan.

    5. pup-up


    6. Your request was approved, but the transfer failed due to some error at the processing bank.

      In this case, what is the next step? The customer needs to reapply?

    7. and submit your application.

      , and submit the application.

    8. Due Repayments

      Is this the same as Amount Due?

    9. Total Withdrawable Balance

      We should explain this term first. Available withdrawable balance will come after this?

    10. withdraws


    11. ou can withdraw an amount of your choice from this line of credit as per your needs and is converted to a short-term loan.

      The amount you withdraw from this line of credit is converted to a short-term loan, and you have the flexibility to select the repayment date.

  6. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. n offer within 3 working days from the time of application.

      or it can get rejected?

    2. A working capital loan is a short term business loan, typically 3 to 12 months, that can be used for day-to-day operations, purchasing inventory, paying salaries, rent or vendors, maintaining essential services and so on.

      I think this is a very long sentence. can be broken down

  7. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
  8. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Having a CRM to power payouts provides businesses with better visibility and control over their expenses.

      this seems out of the place

    2. o be made Add a fund account for the contact

      full stop

    1. Note


    2. hat you w

      link to this API?

    3. Method

      do we need this column?

    4. Settings

      link? or screenshot?

    5. Method

      do we need this column?

    6. Dashboa


    7. Note: Currentl


    8. Note: You can only update a subscription authorized using cards. Currently, you cannot update subscriptions authorized via UPI.


    9. What payment methods do Subscripti

      What are the payment methods supported for Subscriptions?

    1. However, you can only cancel the UPI mandate.

      However, you can cancel..

    2. ashboard or using APIs.


    3. Cards

      do we need method column?

    4. Method

      do we need method column?

    5. hod Bank TAT Guidelines Emandate All Banks via NPCI Real-time Emandate via ICICI and Axis Real-time Eman

      do we need method column?

    6. or APIs.

      webhooks as well?

    1. Settings

      We must add diagrams?

    2. Payments that are not authorized or captured

      Payments that are not captured ?

    3. Click Save & Close

      Numbering issue

    4. Click Save &

      Numbering issue

    5. atically capture all payments authorized

      automatically capture all payments.

  9. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. The refund amount provided is greater than the unrefunded amount.

      than the unrefunded amount?

      refund amount can be greater than unrefunded amount in case of partial refunds. payment is 100. partial refund amount is 80. unrefunded amount will be 20.

    2. n an hours.

      an hour

    3. Download the Batch Refund Report to check the status of each individual data row. To download

      Download the Batch Refund Report to check the status of each individual data row. To download:

    4. Click Cancel agains

      numbering issue

    5. you cancel the upload while it is in the processing state.

      if the upload was cancelled while being processed

    6. A batch file can have one of three states:

      A batch file can assume any of these states:

  10. betasite.razorpay.com betasite.razorpay.com
    1. if given addr

      true. false

    2. VPA’s.


    3. 13.1. Annexure

      Need to add relevant link

    4. s INR

      full stop

    5. Values required for this can be got as a response

      Values can be fetched as a response from

    6. If error at bank SDK this value with error description.

      something wrong with this sentence

    7. f error at bank SDK this value with error code.

      something wrong with this sentence

    8. NR

      full stop

    9. e id..


    1. e a concern against transaction.

      why will a concern be used? any use case or example?

    2. In request payload if isBlocked is true, it blocks beneficiary. If isSpammed() is true it will block the beneficiary and marks it as spam. Along with the transaction object, new parameters are introduced in this method, these a

      this seems repetitive

    3. the reject tr

      This method

    4. return


    5. mode will be intent and parameter will intent url.

      mode will be intent and parameter will intent url.

    6. This method allows the client to initiate a pay transaction, the method will accept the mode of transaction.

      This method allows the client to initiate a pay transaction. The method will accept the mode of transaction.

    7. Pay Tran

      Can reduce the width of this image

    1. Vpa Returns VPA object

      need to add ``

    2. Vpa Returns VPA object.

      need to add ``

    3. VPA’s


    4. VPA’s th


    5. Empty Returns Empty object.

      need to add ``

    6. Empty

      need to add ``

    7. section 6.3 for m

      must add link to relevant section

    8. If a user tries to register again, all VPA’s of that user are retrieved.

      If a user tries to re-register, all of their existing VPAs are retrieved.

    9. for 8.3 for m

      need to add link to relevant section

    10. Name of the vpa (

      any rules? special chars?

    1. Note : Yo


    2. or not using the bankAccount.getAccountCred().isUpiPinSet() method.

      is set or not, using the

    3. hange the UPI PIN using existing PIN.

      change the existing UPI PIN

    4. ised

      used to

    1. void save

      noob ques. should this be void create instead of void save?

      because in create vpa, we are using void create - https://betasite.razorpay.com/docs/upi-psp-sdk/upi-psp-sdk/#vpa

    2. Set UPI PIN`

      is this supposed to be shown in next row?

    3. Razorpay can help your business get faster certification and go-to-market with its expertise in fulfilling certification requirements.

      Since we are not giving the SDK download link it the doc, we need to have a contact support note?

    4. The app must also handle creating, changing and resetting the password by itself.

      The app must also handle password creation, change and reset.

  11. May 2020
  12. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. within the time by the customer.

      in time by the customer

    2. Integration


      For consistency

    3. different bank's card o

      a different card or method

    4. mount value.

      unsupported currency?

    5. test mode keys

      test mode API keys

    6. This is also seen while creating a payment with incorrect parameter values on the Dashboard

      This sentence makes me believe that the payment was created on the Dashboard.

  13. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Narrow down and understand if cause of the failure.

      Narrow down and understand the cause of failure

  14. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. tep 1. Create a Plan

      We can list this under Workflow folder? By creating a custom heading? Or is this intentionally placed as a separate topic to catch user eye?

  15. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Invoice#

      Send Subscription Invoice.

      Just to have each heading starting with an action word?

    2. Step 3. Authorization Transaction

      Collect Authorization Amount

    3. the Update Subscriptions section for
    4. e Add-ons section f
    5. Using the Razorpay Standard Checkout.

      Subscription can be created via API or Dashboard right? You can collect the auth payment via Checkout or Link.

    6. iagrammatic overview o

      In this diagram, we must demarcate who are the actors for each step?

      Create a Plan, Create a Subscription are actions undertaken by merchant.

      Pay via Checkout, Pay Via Link are actions undertaken by customer.

      So, I think, we should write all the steps from the merchant's perspective.

      1. Create a Plan.
      2. Create a Subscription.
      3. Collect Authorization Payment

        a. Via Checkout

        b. Via Link

  16. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Razorpay Subscriptions supports three different billing models:

      Should we give examples for these models so that users can grasp it better?

  17. Apr 2020
  18. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. What to do if a user loses their mobile device

      Missing ?

    2. All team members: As an owner of a Razorpay account, you can enforce 2FA for all users (team members) linked to your account. Your account only: A

      Can you please check these links once?

  19. Mar 2020
  20. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. Create a Refund#

      Can we merge both the sample codes for Create a Refund? Don't think a separate sample code is needed for partial refund.

    2. Refund Entity

      Entity sample code is not shown.

  21. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. An unique identifier of the entity.

      A unique identifier

    2. credit_response


    3. credit_request


    4. Razorpay creates a payment id and a intent URL for the intent flow of UPI

      Razorpay creates a Payment ID and an intent URL...

    5. Note: reason and metadata are two newly added parameters. field parameter is obsolete.

      Should this note appear before this Old Error Response section?

    6. Specifies the specific point of failure

      Specifies the specific....

      exact point of failure?

    7. details

      that detail the reason...

  22. betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com betasite.razorpay.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. create

      create a new purpose

    2. pending

      pending and rejected statuses appear only when Approvals Workflow feature has been enabled.

    3. ID

      identifier of the fund account

    4. The unique contact ID for which payouts are to be fetched. For example,

      The unique identifier of the contact for which payouts are to be fetched.

    5. create

      create a new purpose

    6. ID


    7. create

      create a new purpose

    8. IMPS


  23. Jan 2020
    1. 10000

      payment amount should be equal to the order amount.

    2. 10000

      amount due should be 0 at this stage since the order is in created state and no payment attempts have been made.

    3. "discount": 0

      can remove the duplicate discount parameter

    4. 15000

      amount should be 150000

    5. autocapture

      auto capture

    6. such that ₹200

      such that a discount of ₹200 is applicable on all transactions...

    7. 10000

      can change the amount to 1000000.

    8. 10000

      Can change the amount to 1000000.